Dangerous (4 page)

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Authors: RGAlexander

BOOK: Dangerous
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Ken coated his fingers and reached around behind him, his lips parting on a mute gasp.

“You kinky fucking bastard. What are you up to?”

But Brady knew what was happening. Ken was pushing his fingers into his own ass, stretching it, craving something Brady wanted to give him. If they’d given in to each other last night, he could walk over there right now and take it. Lose himself. Lose control.

It’s tight isn’t it? That’s right, lean against the glass so you can go deeper. Get it ready for me. Get that ass ready.

Ken’s forehead and free hand were pressed against the wet glass as he rocked back into his fingers. Brady licked his lips and flicked his thumb over the tip of his shaft, shuddering. “Damn, I wish you would turn around and do that.”

Once again, as if responding to his demands, Ken slipped his fingers out and turned his back to the camera. Brady was so enthralled by his bitable cheeks he didn’t notice what was stuck to the bench until Ken approached it and drenched it with lube. He’d never been jealous of a dildo before, but when Ken got in position and lowered his ass onto it, when he closed his eyes and an expression of pure ecstasy transformed his face, Brady gritted his teeth and nearly bruised his cock with his white-knuckled grip.

That’s mine

His thoughts were primitive. Aggressive. They didn’t make sense. He’d turned Ken away more than once and vowed never to give in to his desires. But that didn’t stop him from wanting to claim him. In some dark, hidden place in his mind, he already had.

When Ken held onto the bench with one hand, his erection with the other, and started to move, Brady lifted his hips off the couch, imagining his was the cock being ridden. “Oh yeah. Oh, that’s good. Give me that ass, Tanaka. Ride

He couldn’t stop the commands from escaping his lips. It was his fantasy, and in it, he wanted Tanaka to hear him. Wanted him to do as he said. Brady was so turned on he could hardly breathe, but it wasn’t enough. Not for this need inside him. A need Ken had put there with his casual comments this morning.

“You want more than a quick ride too, don’t you? You want
. What if I gave you your damn noncon?” he growled at the monitor. “What if I ripped you off that fake dick and forced you to take every inch of me instead?”

He could see it playing out in his head in graphic detail. The camera catching everything as he surprised Ken in the shower. The shock, the struggle to get him to

the floor with one arm pinned behind his back and his ass in the air like an offering.

This was no gentle daydream. Nothing he would admit to without shame. It was animalistic and vulgar and hot as hell. And because it wasn’t real he didn’t go slow. Didn’t take the time for his lover to adjust. He was too far gone for that. Ken
been begging for it, and Brady would make him take it. Love it.

“That’s what you said, isn’t it? Make you love it when I fuck you into the floor until you can’t move. When I pound your ass until you scream. You want it. Look at how greedy you are. You want me fucking you so hard.

Brady watched Ken’s strong body pump up and down on the dildo as his hand stroked his cock. He was close. Brady was too, his body on fire, but he wanted them to come together. Needed it in a way he couldn’t explain.

He saw Ken’s mouth open on a silent shout and then he was with him. Lightning sparred with the live wires sizzling along his spine and his body stiffened. Jets of hot semen spurted on his stomach and chest and he heard himself mumbling Ken’s name with each shuddering wave of his release.

It took him a minute or two to get his breathing back under control. To remember where he was. When he did, all he could do was marvel at how hard he’d come. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had an orgasm that intense. He’d never imagined he could get so turned on from that kind of twisted, dark… Jesus, there was something seriously wrong with him.

Brady stood and wove dizzily from the head rush, making his way to the bathroom with his hand still shaking on his shaft. He rinsed himself off in the sink, trembling as he splashed cold water on the back of his neck.

He could barely look at himself in the mirror. The things he’d thought, the things he’d said
out loud
. Orders he couldn’t believe he’d given. He’d gotten off on the idea of taking Ken without permission. Without holding back.

Brady didn’t indulge in aggressive passion or rough sex. His size made it impossible to consider. He was a brute. A clumsy ox. He’d started sprouting up at ten-years-old and he’d learned early on to be mindful of his strength, particularly in physical situations. Fighting and then, as he got older, sex.

His ex had been a rough-and-tumble leatherneck with muscle to spare and Brady had still never been able to truly let go with him. Brady wasn’t passionate enough, the angry Marine would tell him. He didn’t want it enough.

It was an argument Brady couldn’t win and he knew it…until he’d met Tanaka.

What just happened was passionate enough and he’d wanted it too much to resist. It had been intense and out of control, and it had only been a fantasy.

That shouldn’t happen in the real world. If he did this job, if he stayed, he had to resist this thing between them. He didn’t trust himself not to lose control around Ken and, despite Tanaka’s strength, he didn’t want to risk hurting him.

He dried off, pulled his shirt over his head and re-buttoned his jeans, thinking about that dildo. He hadn’t expected that. He’d thought Ken was exclusively a top. That because of his lifestyle he would have to be in charge in every way.

Did Doms even give blowjobs?

He obviously didn’t know shit about that bondage-sado-whatever the hell it was. All he knew was that the few times things between them had gotten heated, Ken had been the one pleasuring him. And Brady had loved it.

Stop thinking about his mouth.
Brady turned off the monitors and closed the cabinet, grabbing his plate on the way back to the kitchen. He rinsed it off and was setting it on the drying rack when he saw his phone on the counter. The message light was pulsing.

It looked like it had been ringing all morning. He decided to listen to his calls as he cleaned the rest of the dishes. It was the least he could do to curb his guilt after breakfast and that shower.

He dialed his voicemail and turned on the speaker, smiling a little when he heard Owen’s voice.

New message. Today at nine a.m.

“Good morning. I have a headache and I have a feeling you do too. I just wanted to call and tell you about the long-winded,
very public
advice some drunk gave me last night at the pub. It’s a funny story. I’m already planning his payback. By the way, you’re going to get kicked out of Finn Club unless you can follow the rules. The first rule of Finn Club? You’re Irish, learn how to drink. Call me when you get this.”

New message. Today at nine-thirty-five a.m.

“Brady, it’s Owen again. I actually wanted to talk to you about what you said last night. In case you’re wondering? I’m not mad. In fact, you lit a fire under my ass and I love you for it. This morning I’ve been looking into your suggestion and I think I’ve found the answer, but I need to run it by our resident Cupid. Call me so I know you survived the Great Rumming of 2015. Oh and the second rule of Finn club is that tall is good, but too tall is just showing off. Cut it out.”

New message. Today at nine-fifty-one a.m.

“Hey Brady, Seamus here. Owen said you aren’t answering your phone. Call and I promise not to give you my lecture about sneaking behind the bar for another bottle after the bartender has cut you off. Oh, and my brother wants me to tell you that the third rule is not to talk about Finn Club, whatever that means. Help me out and call him please, he’s driving me crazy and I have to help Penny and Wes with their art projects.”

Brady laughed and shook his head, scrubbing the omelet pan.

New message. Today at ten-fifteen a.m.

“Owen again. Are you tied up right now? You went home with Tanaka so this is a legitimate question. If you are, use your safe word and when you can feel your dialing fingers, call me back. I mean it. I just bought plane tickets instead of pizza and you aren’t around to stop me. Who knows what I’ll do next?”

New message. Today at ten-forty-eight a.m.

“I’m officially worried. Call me in the next two hours or I’m dialing 911. Your brothers basically own that number, so the odds of them being the ones to catch you naked, hogtied and covered in peanut butter are pretty damn good. This is your last warning.”

Brady dried his hands and reached for the phone to text Owen, but there was one more message that had come almost immediately after Owen’s last call. He hoped his cousin hadn’t called Solomon. The last thing he needed was his older brother finding out about his drunken bar rant.

“This message is for Brady Finn from Calvin Grimes. I received an interesting email alert this morning. I’m not sure who sent it, but the subject heading was your name and the link attached led to a video of you in your family’s pub. Your speech was…stirring. And what you said made me think you might finally be ready to go on that date with me. Who wants to live like a monk, right? How about we start tonight with a drink at Tango’s and see what happens? No pressure. I’ll be waiting for your call.”

“What the fuck?” Brady frowned. He was sure he’d rejected Stephen’s persistent yes-man enough times that he’d gotten the message. How had he, of all people, gotten his hands on that link?

“That was me.”

Ken’s voice made him drop his phone in the sink. Brady swore and picked it up again, drying it off on his jeans. “Shit, sorry, I didn’t hear you come in. What was you?”

Ken’s expression was not as relaxed as it should have been for a man who’d just starred in the hottest shower scene Brady had ever witnessed. “Lover boy’s call? I did that. I sent him the link before shutting the video down. I figured he’d see it as a sign and call you.”

It was hard to concentrate when all he could see was an image of Ken’s face mid-orgasm. He’d sent Cal the link on purpose? “You
him to ask me out?”

Ken moved closer. “And I want you to call him back and say yes.”

Brady knew he looked as confused as he felt. “No way in hell.”

Ken’s smile was subtle, the relaxing of his shoulders barely visible, but Brady noticed. He liked his answer. “I’m not happy about it either, but this is the job, Finn. Calvin Grimes is the job. At least, your part of it. He’s my way in, and the only way I have to get to him is through you.”

“Hell.” Brady looked at his phone and sighed. How had he found out about Cal’s crush? Had he hacked the suggestive email messages Grimes had sent him during his time working for the senator, or had Tasha spilled the beans? “Did you tell me this last night? Because I can’t see me getting drunk enough to think this was a good idea. Cal Grimes isn’t quite right, Tanaka. He’s like a terrier. If he bites down it could be hard to shake him off.”

“I might have skipped the finer points. You were drunk, remember? But don’t worry. I want you to meet him but I’m not planning on leaving you alone with him. Not for a minute.”

Brady raised one eyebrow. “He might not appreciate the extra company. He’s very…focused.” Disturbingly fixated was more accurate.

“He’ll never know I’m there. But you will.”

That sounded intriguing. “I think I’m recovered enough for you to fill me in now. Why is Grimes my part of the job? Who are you trying to get to? Should we call in Stephen? Are we after a senator?”

“So you’re staying?”

Brady sighed, knowing it was never a question. “For the moment. With Cal involved, I make no promises.”

“Then we’ll start planning after you call Owen. I think that would be—what—the fourth rule of Finn Club?”

He’d been listening at the door. Sneaky
kinky. But then, after today Brady didn’t have room to talk. “Smartass.”

He made the call.



Chapter Three


He should be getting hazard pay or compensation for mental pain and suffering. Ken was going to owe him one for this. A big one.

When his date left their small table to find the harried waiter and order another round, Brady took advantage of the breather, rubbing his temples in an effort to both ease his tension headache and erase the images Calvin Grimes had been trying to tempt him with for the last hour.

To his credit, Cal had managed ten solid minutes of harmless small talk before he started making propositions. He told him about a timeshare he had in the Bahamas. Beautiful beaches, great weather…and wouldn’t Brady like to join him for a private weekend? No pressure. Brady had turned him down gently, reminding him of his red hair and his family’s tendency to boil like lobsters in the sun.

Cal was gracious, moving on to a molecular gastronomy event he’d been invited to in Washington. He wanted to take Brady so they could drink coffee
while eating
meatloaf with well-connected socialites. They’d have to share a suite at the hotel, of course, but Brady would have his own bed if he chose to use it. With as much calm as he could muster, Brady declined, lying about a sensitive stomach and busy schedule.

Cal’s determination to get in his pants was unsettling. It made him feel like a piece of meat, or the last task in a high stakes scavenger hunt.

Grimes was everything he’d seemed. A climber. A big talker and a status junkie. He’d been Stephen’s assistant, but in between his not-remotely-subtle advances, Brady learned he’d recently branched out into consulting. Opposition research for select political clients who were desperate for ammunition against their competitors.

It was a sleazy job but, according to Cal, it paid well. He’d made sure Brady knew
well at least twice in the conversation. But despite his attempts to impress, so far all his invitations were having the opposite effect. He should have done more research before the date.

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