Dante (Stone Society Book 3) (3 page)

BOOK: Dante (Stone Society Book 3)
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returned to their table, only to find the plates had been removed and replaced
with dessert. She obviously hadn’t taken the call, because Isabelle was smiling
at him. “I hope you like chocolate.”



Sanchez was pacing the living room of her home. Her husband was late. Enrico
was never late. The money Isabelle gave them each month to watch over her son, Connor,
was more than adequate to live off of. Rico kept his job as a welder so no one
would be suspicious of two people living a modest life with no plausible
income. Connor was sitting on the floor between the sofa and the coffee table,
drawing pictures. He was advanced intellectually for his age, and his artistic
skills were phenomenal. Most of the artwork that adorned their home had been
created by the six year old.

though she had spoken to her on the phone earlier, Maria called Isabelle, only
to have voicemail answer. She left a message, trying not to sound frantic,
especially in front of Connor. Maria had yet to hear from her. She was worried
and didn’t know who else to talk to. Each call to Rico’s phone had gone
straight to voicemail. She couldn’t call the police since he wasn’t technically
missing. She just felt in her soul something wasn’t right. Maria and Enrico had
been together since they were both fifteen years old. They were high school
sweethearts who got married the day after graduation. Rico’s welding job
provided enough money that Maria could stay home and take care of future
children. Having had several pregnancies end in miscarriages, they gave up the
hope of having children of their own.

day, Maria and Rico were contacted by an old friend of Maria’s family. Jonas
Montague had a young daughter whom he needed a home for. Someone who would
raise the girl as their own, protect her with their lives, all while keeping
his secret. Even though they had wanted a baby, they were more than happy to
take in the girl. Isabelle had been a blessing to them. They raised her and
loved her until she left for college.

kept in touch throughout college and medical school. Afterwards, when she
decided to move to Greece, Maria’s heart was broken. She had Rico, but the nest
was again empty. Then one day, with no heads up, Isabelle returned. The once
quiet, easy-going girl was now a quiet, withdrawn woman. A woman who had
suffered at the hands of a wealthy family. A woman who was pregnant with a
child whose biological grandfather vowed to raise him. After much persuasion, Maria
and Rico agreed to take in Isabelle’s child and love him as if he were their
own grandchild. In a way, he was.

visited often, with Connor knowing his mother loved him. That had been Maria’s
stipulation in taking the baby. He would know from day one his biological mother
loved him and hadn’t abandoned him. Rico had taken to the baby as if he were
truly his flesh and blood. The two of them were inseparable when Rico was home.
As Maria picked up the phone to try Rico once more, the front door opened.

Rico, I was so worried. Where have you been, Papi?” Maria covered the distance
between them quickly, smothering her husband with kisses to his face, not
giving him the chance to answer. Even after all their years together, they were
as in love now as they had been when they first met.

okay, I’m okay. I promise. Connor? Where’s Connor?” Rico looked around
frantically. Her normally calm husband was scaring Maria.

Papi.” Connor walked up, carrying a drawing in one hand. He wrapped his free
arm around his grandfather’s legs. “You are very late, Papi. Is everything
okay?” Maria and Rico could never hide anything from Connor. He was too astute,
even at six years old.

my boy. Everything is fine. I just had a little car trouble is all. Now, how
about supper? I’m starving.” Maria knew by the look in her husband’s eyes there
was more to his being late than he would talk about in front of the boy. They
would wait until after Connor was in bed to discuss it.

course. Connor, go wash up, and we’ll eat,” Maria said as she unwrapped herself
from her husband. She didn’t have to tell her grandson twice; he always did as
he was told. He placed the picture on the coffee table as he went to wash his
hands. While waiting, Maria sent Isabelle a quick text letting her know
everything was fine, and Rico was home safe. When she saw the drawing Connor
had abandoned, she sucked in a breath.

Connor returned from the bathroom, Maria asked, “Connor, who are these people
in your drawing?” Maria was holding the picture up for Rico to see as well.
Their eyes met over the boy’s head. It was evident by the skill of his artwork
that two of the people were him and Isabelle. The man however…

me, Momma, and my father. He saves us,” Connor said matter-of-factly.

you from who?” Rico asked the boy, frowning. Connor knew Alexi was dead; they
had never hidden that from him. He must have conjured an image in his mind of
what the man had looked like. Maria and Rico had never seen a photo of
Isabelle’s dead husband.

bad man. I’m hungry. May we eat now?” Connor didn’t wait for them to respond.
He sat down at his place at the kitchen table.

the dishes were washed and Connor was tucked safely in his bed, Maria and Rico
retired to their own bedroom. They went through their own nightly routine. When
they were snuggled in, Rico didn’t make his wife wait any longer. “I wasn’t
lying when I said I had car trouble. I don’t want to worry you, Querida, but I
am pretty sure my tire was slashed on purpose. To what end, I do not know. I
did not call you in case someone was close by, listening. I didn’t want to
appear suspicious. I sent a quick text to Isabelle, but when I did not hear
back from her right away, I let it go. I do not want to worry her either, but
she needs to know there is a slight chance we have been found out.”

how, Papi? We’ve been careful. This was an isolated incident, was it not?
Please, Enrico. Has something else happened I don’t know about? And what about
Con’s drawing?” Maria’s whole body was shaking, and Rico pulled her into his
arms, tucking her head under his chin.

we’ve been careful, but we have always known the danger. It may be nothing
other than a teenager pulling a prank. I just want to be cautious. As for the
drawing, it’s nothing more than a child’s vivid imagination. Now, try to put it
out of your mind.”

will try. I spoke to Isabelle earlier, and she is going to visit this weekend.
We can talk to her about this when she gets here.” Maria settled into her husband
as he began singing softly to his wife. She knew it was to ease her fears and
lull her into sleep. Normally it worked. Her husband had a voice that would put
any of the award winners to shame. This night, however, it would not work. The
fear of someone finding out about Connor, the possibility of losing him, was
forever at the back of her mind. This night, it was front and center and would
remain embedded there.



was glad to see Dante enjoying the chocolate dessert. She had no idea what he
liked, so she chose her favorite. While the soft moans emanating from his
throat were for his appreciation of the mousse, she couldn’t help but enjoy the
sinful sound. Her body was hyper aware of his, and she was ready to be alone
with him. When he excused himself earlier, Isabelle had followed him with her
mind, reached out with her new, enhanced shifter senses. As she listened to
Dante standing up to her father on her behalf, something inside cracked. Alexi
had been loyal to himself and his family, but never her. Maybe the similarities
between her former husband and her mate ended at the fancy car and extravagant
gifts. She truly hoped so, because once they were back at her house, she was
starting down a path she hoped was filled with sunshine and contentment, not
storms and trepidation.

Dante held his hand out to her, she took it and stood from the table. Instead
of letting go, Isabelle laced their fingers together. She couldn’t help but
notice the women staring at Dante. All the Gargoyles she’d met were handsome,
some more than others or in different ways. But her mate, he was beyond
handsome. Why he thought she would find him lacking was a mystery. She was
proud to be seen on his arm. Jonas must have taken Dante’s talk to heart.
Neither he nor Caroline attempted to speak to Isabelle on her way out of the

valet quickly brought the Aston Martin around, and Dante opened the passenger
door, helping her get in. Now that she wasn’t as nervous as she’d been before
dinner, she was excited to be in such an elegant car. She might not be the
adrenaline junky her cousin Tessa was, but she loved this vehicle. It reminded
her of all the old James Bond movies. Having no friends, Isabelle spent her
spare time reading romance novels and watching action flicks. She often dreamed
of being the heroine in an action movie and being rescued by the handsome hero.

Dante was seated, she admired his profile. As if sensing her staring, he looked
at her before pulling out of the parking lot. “Is something wrong?”

really wished he wouldn’t frown so often. He had the most beautiful smile. “Absolutely
nothing. Even my parents couldn’t taint such a lovely dinner. Thank you.” She
took a chance and placed her hand on Dante’s thigh. She felt the muscles bunch
under her fingers. His green eyes darkened. Good, she affected him, too.

are most welcome. I hope it was the first of many nights on the town for us.”
Dante lifted her hand from his leg and softly kissed her knuckles. The humming
she had been feeling turned into an electric zing as his lips brushed her skin.
If he felt it, he didn’t let on. He placed her hand back on his thigh and
pulled the car out onto the road.

I ask you something?” She felt really stupid, but there was no way to learn
about her mate other than to ask questions, even those less than important.

course. You may ask me anything.” Dante glanced at her when he answered.

you like James Bond? I mean you do have his car, and well… I just…” Isabelle
hated rambling, and she had a tendency to do so around Dante.

you asking because of the Aston, or because you think I look like a devilishly
handsome spy in my suit?” Dante kept his eyes on where they were going, but she
could see just a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth. Her oh-so-serious
mate might be loosening up a bit.

I’ve already told you how handsome you look, and I love the movies and this car.
This car is, as Tessa would say, the shit.”

actually laughed aloud. This was the first time she had heard the sound come
from him, and she wanted to hear much more of it. His laugh, like his voice,
was low and intoxicating. When his laughter faded to a smile, he responded, “I
do like the movies, most of them anyway. There was the one actor, that Dalton
guy, who ruined the franchise. Now, may I ask you a question?”

course. This is one of the ways we get to know one another better.” Isabelle
knew the hard questions would come up, but they had to be truthful if they were
going to build a relationship.

I picked you up, you did not appear happy with either the bracelet or the car.
Would you care to tell me why?” Dante placed his large hand on hers that was
still resting on his thigh. He laced their fingers together, something Alexi
had never done.

allowed their joined hands to give her comfort and strength. Dante knew about
Alexi, just not the sordid details. “Honestly, I was comparing you to my late
husband. I know that isn’t fair, but in the beginning of our relationship, he
would bring me gifts, trying to bribe me to marry him sooner rather than later.
I promise I will try to refrain from that in the future. You have to
understand, while I had relationships in college, they were trivial. Just
someone to pass the time with. I knew I would be going on to medical school,
and I vowed to not tie myself to anyone. I graduated college and med school in
fewer years than most.

I finished medical school, I wanted a break from the rigorous schedules I had
set for myself. I decided to take a short vacation to Greece before I started
an internship. I had seen pictures of the beautiful architecture and those
crystal blue waters. So I went. Thinking back, it’s as if Alexi targeted me
straightaway. I no sooner got off the airplane than he appeared out of nowhere.
It was like he was expecting me. He pursued me relentlessly with jewelry,
clothing, weekends on the family yacht. By the time I figured out he and his
family were only after my father’s knowledge, it was too late. I was already
married and miserable. Then the accident happened.” Isabelle paused, allowing
Dante to weigh in. She was being truthful, even if the truth wasn’t what he
wanted to hear.

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