Dante (Stone Society Book 3) (5 page)

BOOK: Dante (Stone Society Book 3)
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didn’t move; he continued holding onto the saw, staring at the body on the
table in front of him. “Are you okay?” Dante asked, thinking Trevor would be
happy someone had asked him out, even if it wasn’t a date as Jasper had stated.

you tell him to ask me out?” Trevor’s voice was still low, his eyes still
focused on the body he was working on.

I assure you, I do not meddle in the affairs of others. Jasper is his own man
who happens to like the same music as you, if you can call that noise music. He
is new to town and probably hasn’t made many friends yet. The two of you have
something in common. He knows you from the crime scenes, and you are a friendly
face to him. If I’m not mistaken, he also likes video games, something else you
have in common. You might want to reach out to him, you know, as a friend.”

hoped like hell Trevor didn’t ask how he knew Jasper was into video games. He
wasn’t ready to spill all the Clan’s secrets. Not yet. Soon, though. He had a
feeling it wouldn’t be long before he confided in his assistant as to the
Gargoyles. He just needed to run it by Rafael first.

lowered the clear shield back down over his face. “I’ll give it some thought.”
The saw came to life. Obviously, the discussion was over. Dante left him to the
cadaver on the slab. His mind returned to his mate and the way he left her
earlier. It had taken everything within him to walk away. Obviously she had
been expecting more, or she wouldn’t have invited him in. Was it too late to go
back? See what would happen between them? His mind was warring with his libido.
He had promised to take things slow, but his body wanted anything but slow. The
beast inside was urging him to take her, make her his own. Heading out of the
hospital, Dante had a decision to make.









away,” Isabelle mumbled in her sleep. Someone was knocking on her door in the
middle of the night. The pounding got louder, so she sat up and yelled, “Hold
on, I’m coming.” Who the heck would be visiting so late? She slid her feet in
her slippers and padded to the living room. Peeking through the peep hole, her
breath hitched. She unlocked the door and pulled it open. Before she could say
anything, Dante grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder.

what are you doing?” Isabelle was mortified. Not because he had come back, but because
she was in her flannel sleep pants and a ratty t-shirt.

I should have done hours ago, I’m claiming you.” He strode to the Aston and
placed her on her feet, spinning her around. “Lean over the car.” Dante’s hand
pressed between her shoulder blades, pushing her forward. He ripped her pants
down the back, tossing the shredded material to the ground. The sound of a
zipper being lowered filled the air. “Spread your legs for me,” he commanded her
from behind. When Isabelle complied, Dante’s hard length was between her legs,
rocking back and forth. He was using her slickness as lube. Without warning, he
pushed himself into her heat. The hand that was on her back slid into her hair,
grabbing a fistful. The other hand held onto her hip, pulling her body to his
with each thrust.

had Dante known this was her fantasy? “You really can read my mind,” she
whispered as her Gargoyle continued his assault. The warmth of the hood was
nothing compared to the fire burning in her core, bringing her closer to
climax. “Dante… I’m… god Dante… I’m close…” Her breathing was coming in gasps
as she tried to hold on. He tightened his grip on her side, as he leaned over
her back, his breath now in her ear.

going to mark you, Isabelle. I’m going to claim you now.” Dante grunted with
each thrust as his wings wrapped around her. She tried to reach out and touch
one, but fangs appeared in her line of sight. She knew what was coming. He was
going to bite her, seal the deal. Her core tightened around his shaft. Each
stroke had him hitting her special spot, blinding her to reality. Was he really
going to do it? Was she ready? Dante didn’t give her time to decide. When her
pussy clamped down on his cock with her release, Dante roared into the night
before sinking his teeth into her neck. The pleasure overrode the pain causing
her orgasm to intensify.

what are you doing?” Connor was standing on the other side of the car, watching
as she and Dante sealed the bond.

my god! Dante get off me… Get off me!”

sat up, yelling. Her breath was coming in gasps as she became aware of the soft
glow of the moon filtering into her bedroom. “Well, crap.” She flopped back
down onto her bed, swiping her sweaty hair off her forehead.
Of course it
was a dream, you idiot.
She lay there, replaying the scene in her mind. At
her request, they had agreed to take things slow, but if he were dominant with
her, would she give in? Her body was so revved up, sleep at this point was

got out of bed and tried to read. When she read the same page five times, she
gave up. While her coffee was brewing, she took a shower. Images of a half-naked
Dante bending her over his car ran through her mind as she skimmed her hands
along her flat stomach, reaching between her legs. Fingering herself wasn’t
nearly as satisfying as his cock would be, but she needed the release.

short while later, Isabelle arrived at the Pen, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
Not. While her appearance might be normal, her mood was somber. She started her
day at work as she did every day, with a visit to see Vincent. Deacon had made
it clear she was never to go to the lower levels unescorted. During the last few
weeks, the two of them had gotten into a routine. She would put her purse in
her office, and Deacon would take her to see Vincent. The first couple of days,
Isabelle had to call for Deacon. On the third day he appeared at her door and
asked if she was ready. She enjoyed his company. For a badass Gargoyle, Deacon
was really sweet. It didn’t hurt that he was absolutely gorgeous, too. He
wasn’t handsome like Dante. Deacon was cute like the boy next door.

said good morning and made their way to the lower level. Isabelle was working
on getting Gregor to let Vincent outside at least once a week. Rarely did the
shifter speak to her except to ask for a cigarette. She had prescribed a pill
to help with his addiction, but so far it wasn’t helping. There had been no
more outbursts from him since the day she interviewed him, trying to find out
the whereabouts of Gordon Flanagan.

stayed out of sight. Vincent grew agitated when the guards were around
Isabelle. Today, she was going to try something different. She knew he was
aware of her as soon as she reached his door. Most days he ignored her. Today,
she was going to poke the bear. “Good morning, Vincent.” He didn’t move, just
continued to lie on his back, staring at the ceiling. She tried again. “It’s
me, Izzy.”

Vincent turned his head toward the door, eyes boring into hers. Doing an ab
curl, he sat up and swung his legs over the side of his cot. Isabelle waited,
said nothing else. “Izzy?” Vincent stood and made his way to the door, placing
his hand on the window. Isabelle mirrored the gesture, her smaller hand pressed
against the glass.

Vincent had called her Izzy during her interview, she’d had a flashback to when
she was a toddler. At least it felt like a flashback. She wasn’t prone to
visions or random memories, but his nickname for her had taken her back to
another lifetime. Isabelle had dreamed of an older boy holding her. She wanted
to know if she was actually remembering being a toddler. She could ask her
mother, but she’d rather not. The look of confusion on Vincent’s face bothered
Isabelle. She wanted to help the shifter. Yes, he had killed a lot of people
and had attempted to murder Kaya, Rafael’s mate, now Queen. Obviously he was
troubled, and Isabelle wanted to help him.

tell me about Izzy.” If she was remembering a time long ago, she wanted to know
if he was the same man holding her.

Vincent, Gabriel.” He removed his hand and stepped away from the door.

is Gabriel?” Damn, that name sounded familiar.

took Izzy, took Rebekah.” Vincent went back to his bed and lay down. Isabelle
didn’t bother trying to get him to talk further. The name Gabriel was bothering
her. She needed to talk to Tessa and find out if she recognized the name. It
was time Isabelle became familiar with all things Gargoyle. She turned away
from the door, and she and Deacon headed back upstairs.



sipped his coffee while he waited for the other Gargoyles to join the video
chat. The Clan met on Sundays at Rafe’s for what the King had dubbed as Family
Day, but that was more casual, less business. The Goyles ate a huge breakfast
prepared by Priscilla before spending the rest of the day shooting pool,
playing video games, or just hanging out. Family Day wasn’t mandatory, but most
of the Clan joined in unless they were busy. The video chats were mandatory,
off-premises meetings to bring everyone up to speed on any business needing to
be discussed.

his swim the night before, Dante had trouble getting to sleep. Between thinking
he had royally fucked up with Isabelle and worrying about Trevor, he pretty
much just stared at the ceiling all night. Now he was trying to get a jolt from
the strong java in his cup.

morning, my brothers. Thank you for joining a call so early. I have decided to
meet with the Clan heads. I will begin traveling next week to inform everyone
of human mating possibilities, as well as the ramifications of such. It has
been a long time since we had to think about a war, but now that we’re at risk,
I feel we need to polish up on our sword techniques. Frey offered to close the
dojo early, but that would be too public. We don’t know who is watching. I
suggest we train at Dante’s, if he has no objection.”

have none.” Dante knew his property was the most conducive to outdoor training
as it had the most open land.

you, Brother. We will train in shifts, in case anyone is watching. We want to
appear as though we are going about our daily affairs. Frey and Urijah will
gather the necessary equipment from the armory, and Frey will set up a

has been keeping Julian informed regarding his quest to locate Sophia. As of
now, he has had no luck in locating his mate. Even though Nikolas has not asked
for assistance, I believe it is time we got involved. Given the fact Tessa has
already planned on going after her cousin, it makes sense Gregor be the one to
aid in the search. Tessa’s injuries have healed, and they will be leaving in
the next few days. Deacon, Gregor assures me you can handle the Pen. Just know
we are all here to assist in any way you need.”

wasn’t surprised at the news of Gregor and Tessa traveling. He and his brother
still talked nightly, even if Tessa was now fully entrenched in his brother’s
life. He and Gregor had a bond that couldn’t be broken by anything or anyone. Theirs
was a closeness much like Rafael and Sinclair had. Those two were more like
twins than even Tessa and Tamian with their clone bond.

is getting closer to the identity of Bartholomew Cromwell. Jules, I’ll let you

yesterday, there was no digital footprint I could follow. I set up algorithms
in a program that would constantly monitor the I.P. address. It finally got a
hit, and that hit came from New Atlanta, not Greece. In my gut, I believe we
are being watched by Alistair, and he’s using someone close by to do it. I will
not stop until I know for certain.” Dante could sense the unease in his cousin.
Julian had to be missing Nikolas. They were two peas in a pod, and now that pod
was split open with one of the peas on the other side of the globe. Dante would
feel the same way when Gregor left for Egypt.

have one more announcement, but it will have to wait until Sunday when we are
all together. Normally Family Day isn’t mandatory, but this week it is. Please
make arrangements to be there. Is there anything else?” When no one else had
business to discuss, Rafael ended the call. “Be well, my brothers.”

you, our King.” The automatic chorus of deep voices was getting louder with the
addition of Dane Abbott. Kaya’s lead detective was the newest member of their
Clan. He was also the first half-blood. Rafael had a chat with Dane when he
first transitioned, welcoming him to the family. Rafe made it clear he didn’t
care if Dane was full-blood or not. He was a Brother.

the meeting out of the way, Dante could focus on the task at hand: Isabelle. He
had confided in Gregor about the previous night. Gregor, knowing Dante’s passive
tendencies, suggested another date. If Isabelle was frustrated at Dante’s lack
of aggression, she would readily accept another night out. If she turned him
down, he would have to keep trying. Gregor suggested having her over for dinner
so there would be no room for interruptions. Dante wanted the night to be
perfect, and since he didn’t trust Tessa’s judgment when it came to a romantic
evening, Dante reached out to the one woman he did trust: his Queen.

phoned the manor, hoping Kaya hadn’t left for the precinct. Before Rafael met
Kaya, he conducted his video chats from the office. Now that Kaya was in his
life, he lingered at home as long as he could. Kaya was keeping later home
hours herself. Jonathan, Rafael’s right hand man and Priscilla’s brother,
answered the phone, “Stone Manor.”

tone of his voice was less than his usual chipper self. Dante reached out with
his senses as he spoke to the older man. “Good morning, Jonathan. Dante here. How
are you?”

well, Dante. How may I help you this morning?” Jonathan’s voice was strained,
as if he were in pain.

am calling to speak with Kaya, if she’s available.” Dante would not jump to
conclusions, but he would speak to Rafael. If his senses were correct, Jonathan
was sick. Very sick.

are in luck; our Queen is in the kitchen with Priscilla. Hold please.” Dante
listened as Jonathan made his way to take the phone to Kaya.

Dante.” Kaya sounded surprised. She more than likely thought he was calling on
official police business.

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