Dark Kiss (The Two sides of me Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Dark Kiss (The Two sides of me Book 1)
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“Oh…well is there a phone in here I can use?” he asks, not waiting for me to look for his phone, I think he’s still trying to put the pieces together. I hand him mine and he pauses, looking at the keyboard and then back to me.

“I can’t remember the number.” He seems dumbfounded that he can’t remember a phone number.

“Well maybe you just use your contact list when you call familiar places?” I offer.

“No…I never forget anything, I have a photographic memory,” he replies defensively as frown lines deepen on his forehead.

“Who do you want to call, I’ll look up the number for you.”

“Dominus, I need to talk to Isaac…. now.”

Ok, ok Mr. Bossy, keep your gown on
; I hold my tongue though and Google the number for Dominus. I dial it for him and hand the phone over. It couldn’t have rang once before he’s barking into the phone. “This is Mr. Lawson, give me Isaac…. now!”

I’m acutely aware that I’m very glad I’m not an employee of his, no warm fuzzies with this man. Seconds later he’s connected with Isaac; he must have been right by the phone unless the person answering was working some serious magic.

“Isaac, I need updates… no I’m fine… you need to come here as soon as the kitchen closes, let Kimberly handle the club. I’ve been down for eight fucking days, I want to be filled in on everything; bring me my laptop and a new phone.” He disconnects without even a ‘thank you, have a nice night, glad you kept all my business going while I was in a coma’! Evan puts the boss in ‘bossy’.

He drops the phone in the bed next to him absently and looks over at me.

“What?” he asks.

“Um…you just seem a little I dunno… grouchy… bossy. You’re lucky to have staff to keep things in order during a crisis,” I answer, his outburst on the phone has me just a tiny bit intimidated, but not so much that I won’t speak my mind. He’s surprised at my comment.

“No one talks to me like that, you’d be smart to remember that.” What?! Ok, I’m all for keeping the peace but this guy is too much! “Mr. Lawson, you’d be smart to remember that you’re incapacitated and require help dong the MOST basic of things,” I challenge. Narrowing his bright green eyes and studying me for a beat, the corner of his mouth raises slightly.

“I’m going to enjoy your smart mouth, Nurse Mia.” I instantly feel the heat rising up my neck; blushing fiercely, I wonder what he means by THAT? A combination of being turned on and irritated clash in me, a quick flash of Evan and I entangled in an erotic kiss, naked bodies pressed together bursts through my mind… STOP!  He is SO cocky, but provocative; how was a man in a hospital gown with a cast on one leg able to turn me on? While my body defies my mind by internally melting down to lava low in my belly, a yearning so deep it’s almost impossible to ignore builds. I try to appear outwardly unaffected.

“Mr. Lawson, you’ve had a stressful night, I think you need some rest, even if it’s not actual sleep; close your eyes and rest…. now,” I say with my most authoritative nurse voice and narrow my crystal blue eyes at him slightly. Raising his eyebrows in surprise and then lowering back down to the pillow, he seems to acquiesce. But then, in his oh-so-irritating way, he closes his eyes and snaps,  “Wake me as soon as Isaac is here with my things, I have work to do.”

“Yea sure…” I mumble and roll my eyes. Opening one eye looking at me he gives me a look that says ‘don’t mess with me lady’ and closes it again. This guy is seriously not used to being told what to do. Whatever, I know as soon as he’s asleep there’s no way I’m waking him again, lesson learned! Leaning back in the hard chair next to his bed I attempt to get comfortable; he may be irritating but I’m not leaving him, the magnetic force between us now that he is awake is so much stronger, earthquakes and monsoons couldn’t pry me away. It’s not long when I hear soft steady breathing from Evan; sleeping, he’s my Greek God once again, still and beautiful. Isaac arrives no more than 30 min after Evans call. I usher him to the hall, keeping Evan from waking up. Isaac is looking more than a little confused. “Uh…has he gotten the nurses to change the dress code already?” He smirks. I looked down, remembering my club attire.

“Of course not, I was out with friends, he woke up asking for me and I came without changing first,” I reply.

“He was asking for you specifically?” he says, surprised.

“Yes… I’m his nurse, we met a few days ago remember?”

“Yea but you’re not his ONLY nurse, and you weren’t even here.” Isaac is obviously not used to Evan asking to see someone without a particular need in mind.

“Well he did, he was quite upset and the nurse on duty needed some help settling him down,” I downplayed the incident, not wanting his right hand man to know his boss went psychotic and tried to take on four security guards.

“Oh.. ok…well he wants his laptop and I have a new phone for him.” “I’ll take those, he’s resting, I’ll make sure he gets them when he wakes up,” I say, but Isaac is having no part of that plan. Shaking his head back and forth he says, “No, he wanted them now when he called, I can’t just leave them with you, that’s not how it works with him.” Isaac sounds a little unnerved.

“Well it’s how it’s going to work tonight; he’s been through a lot and certainly doesn’t need to start right back into work immediately, he may not even be sure what he’s doing, and we can’t know if he has any brain damage until some tests are run tomorrow.” My tone and this information have totally taken him aback. 

His jaw tightens but he hands over the laptop bag and new phone reluctantly.

“He may kill me for this, you know?” He sighs a long sigh and looks temporarily defeated.

“Tell him all his contacts, apps, appointments and notes are programed into his new phone; also there’s a file on his laptop titled ‘Updates’ that includes everything of consequence that has gone on since his accident in every Dominus location; please tell him or I’m out of the best job I’ve ever had,” he pleads.

I can only imagine what a tyrant Evan must be to strike such fear and compliance into his obviously dedicated employee.

“Of course, as soon as he wakes up I’ll make sure he gets all of it right away,” I soften my voice.

“Don’t worry about your job Isaac, I’m sure he’ll appreciate you keeping his business running while he was unable.”

“You don’t know Evan, it’s nothing to him to let me go, no matter how hard I work or ‘invaluable’ I am, someone else is always just as competent as I am and I can be replaced.” 

“I may not know him well but I will tell you this, he needs a lot of care and help right now and he won’t be up and able to work for a while, he needs you more than he knows.  I’ll explain it was my idea to let him sleep.” I attempt to relieve him of some of his anxiety, unsuccessfully.

“I think I should wait until he wakes up and give him what he asked for personally,” Isaac says and removes the laptop and phone from my hands.

“Suit yourself, there’s a chair outside the door, you can wait there. I’ll let you know when he wakes up.”

Every muscle in Isaacs’s body relaxes simultaneously, he takes another long breath and turns to sit in the chair, laptop on his lap, straight back, like a soldier arming his base camp. Returning to Evan’s bedside I readjust myself in the chair and close my eyes just for a minute….

The smell invades my senses; urine, mold, sewer, the bile sits right at the edge of my throat, threatening to empty my stomach, my wrists ache from the rope that restrains them above my head, where I’m tethered to a pipe, and my feet touch the ground but my body is so exhausted I just let myself hang slack from my wrists.

Light peeks through the edges of the window… I have no idea where I am but I do know I’ve been here too long; I try to hold as still as possible, particularly as moving just brings the reality of my injuries to the forefront of my mind. I can hear one of them walking around outside the door of the room and I stiffen, then the door begins to crack open and I ready myself for more pain…


Chapter 8

“From This Moment” by Shania Twain

I am aware of being awake but keep my eyes closed, my back aches and my right arm is numb;  my hair feels like it’s tangled in something and being tugged and my mind moves from the nightmare to reality. I’ve fallen asleep without medication for the first time in years, and I paid for it by having to relive my past in an old, familiar night terror. I open one eye and see my left hand spread wide on Evan’s lower abdomen, the sheet pulled down-  somehow he must have gotten out of his hospital gown last night because my hand is on his
skin and my head is resting on his chest. Holy shit, how did I end up moving my chair so close and sleeping practically half the way in bed with him?!! I try to raise my head but realize Evan’s hand is what’s holding me down; his fingers are twined through my long hair as he sleeps. I’m stuck!

Slowly I begin to move my left hand away from his abdomen, where it suddenly feels scorching hot, but at the slightest hint of movement in my fingers, Evan’s right hand shoots to hold my left in place. He’s awake, I was wrong. My pulse quickens and I stay still; maybe he’ll think I’m still sleeping.

“Good morning nurse Mia, you can’t believe how happy I am that you joined me in bed,” he croons. I can sense the sly grin that accompanies his arrogance. Shaking my head so that he’ll loosen the grip on my hair, I turned to face him.

“It wasn’t done intentionally, let’s get that straight,” I say, looking him in the eye and then gazing down at my restrained left hand. He immediately releases me and I sit up, still trying to untangle his fingers from my hair. I reach back to help him and feel the magnet that continues to hold us together, along with a shock of warmth flowing from his hand to mine. When I’m free, he continues to hold my hand, looking intently at me- the close proximity and those bright green eyes start the lava pooling between my legs… I can see this man could have any woman he wanted with just this one simple look- including me if I’m not careful.

“You have beautiful hair.”  Abruptly I let go and move back in my chair as he raises his head to leer at my exposed legs. “I thought you were a dream last night, when I saw you here in that outfit,” he says, looking up at me through his long eyelashes.

“Nope, no dream- are you hungry? Can get you some breakfast?” I try to change the direction of the conversation yet again; it seems like I feel the need to do that a lot with Evan.

“Hmmmm hungry…yes….for breakfast…..not so much,” he purrs. Is he serious? I swear he’s hard under that sheet, or maybe it’s just morning wood
Look away Mia, look away…. Focus on breakfast, the kind with food as an entrée, not him!

“Uh… I’ll run and get you some eggs and toast, no allergies to foods right?” I rattle and scramble out of my chair toward the door.

“No, no allergies and I eat only egg whites and no bread, with bacon.” Bossy Evan has returned.

“So bossy…” I retort.

“Yes I am the boss, the king, master- whatever it takes to get the job done, baby.”

BABY? I am NOT his baby! I control my fury, just barely; if this were a cartoon, smoke would be shooting out my ears!

“Mia…my name is Mia and you could say please, it wouldn’t kill you.”

“It might…. Mia,” he says, turning his head slightly to the side and looking at me with a strangely sad sort of expression. I turn to the door, trying to understand what that was all about.

“I’ll be right back,” I say, scooting quickly through the door before he can give me any more of those urgent “stay with me” looks. Sitting next to the door, exactly as I left him, is Isaac with Evans laptop and phone on his lap. “Isaac! Did you sit there all night? Didn’t you sleep?” I ask, incredulous.

“Yes and no, I couldn’t leave, Evan told me to bring his things, and I had to be here when he woke up. And I’m used to staying up all night, I work at Dominus, the restaurant
the club, it’s open late.”

“Oh.. I see…I’m going to get Evan some breakfast, can I get you anything?” I can’t decide whether to pity him or admire him for sitting there all night. He’s either completely loyal or seriously afraid.

“No thank you, but is it ok if I go in and give him these?” he asks. “

Yes, I suppose, he’s awake so go ahead, I’ll be right back.” As I walk down the hall, Callie grabs me by the arm.

“HEY!” I squeak. “That hurts!”

“Sorry Mia but you can’t seriously expect to walk out of
room dressed like
with no explanation, come on now!” she hisses.

“I’m sure you heard he woke up last night, I say, with a little sarcasm- the rumor mill here is ridiculous. I know she’s heard he woke up screaming for me by name.

“Yes, but why are you dressed like THAT, and why was he screaming for you specifically?” she asks incredulously.

“How am I supposed to know?  But he did and I came; I was out with some friends for drinks, hence the inappropriate attire,” I answer, waving my hand down my body exaggeratedly like Vanna White. 

“Oh…crazy…what did he want, why are you still here- is something going on between you two?” Her questions come at me with all the subtlety of rapid gunfire.  Geesh, I should introduce Callie to Lily, they’d get along famously. I should also have let Evan starve; hiding in his room seems a pretty good idea right about now. Sucking it up, I face the wrath of Callie.

“Ok Callie….” I begin, trying to be patient. “Because I know you so well and I know you’re relentless, I’ll answer all your questions as best I can. First of all,  I’m assuming he asked for me because I’ve been talking to him every day when I take care of him. Secondly, I’m still here because he asked me to stay, and third no, nothing’s going on between us. For God’s sake Callie he’s been in a coma, what could possibly be going on between us?!” I exclaim, annoyed beyond words.

“Hmmm. Ok...seems weird.”

“Yea, it
weird, but I need to get him some breakfast- may I be dismissed?” I ask sarcastically.

“Yea, yea- go ahead.” She stares now, unfocused and distracted by her own thoughts, probably trying to figure it all out. I hope she fills me in if she does. “ But why don’t you let him order from his menu?” she asks.

“I thought we were done with the questions?”

“Sorry,” she says, looking off over my shoulder at the door to Evans room, where Isaac steps out and passes us, saying, “I’ll get his breakfast, I know what he likes and he asked me to- please don’t argue, it’s what I do and he wants to see you.” Isaac breezes by on his way to the elevator before I can argue.

“Well ok then…” I say, and Callie and I look at each other in surprise, her mouth hanging open. When she recovers the questions start again, “WHO WAS THAT? He’s gorgeous; acts like Evans wife though- are they gay? Is he single?  Can you introduce us?” I had assumed she was shocked at Isaacs briskness, but of course not, it was his looks. She’s always on the hunt, and as for him being gay, well…I hadn’t even considered that, although why I don’t know, because I know nothing about him. And that
explain him not being photographed with any women. Shit, I’d better figure that one out right away, “He’s Evans assistant, right hand man, slave I’m not exactly sure what, and yes he’s good looking and again, I have no idea if he’s single or if they’re gay. I haven’t exactly asked him about his private life.” I don’t even bother asking if we’re done with this conversation, I turn away from Callie and head back into the lion’s den. I really want to shower and change into something comfortable but I can’t leave him, I told him I’d bring breakfast back and with all that magnetism, I can’t seem to deny him.

“Isaac is going to get your breakfast, apparently he knows…” I stop in my tracks;  I didn’t knock before I came in and Evan is lying in bed looking down at his cock, examining it and holding the sheet away from himself.

“What’s this?” he asks.

“Uh…. If you have to ask, you must have really hit your head hard,” I snicker. I’m a nurse after all, but I’ve taken special care not to look under the sheets because in all honesty I wasn’t sure I could keep my hands off of him. I close the door quickly.

“No, this tube coming out of my cock, what the hell is it? And get it out!” he demands with horror. I smile and move closer to him, getting a better look. I am genuinely impressed, and glad I didn’t look before!  I’ve seen lots of naked men and all their glory parts, but this guy is absolutely spectacular. He keeps his eyes on me, fear of the catheter mixing with smug pride at my obvious reaction to his exposure and size. I know there is a standing order to remove the catheter when a patient becomes conscious so I ask, “Do you want it removed? I’ll get your nurse if you do?” I’m somewhat hesitant.

“You’re my nurse, I want you to do it,” he says.

“Well actually, there’s a day nurse assigned to you right now,” I inform him, but he doesn’t let me go any further with that excuse.

“No! Only you. I don’t want anyone helping me but you…” he barks, with a deep adult  male voice and the attitude of an astonishingly spoiled child.

“I’ll take it out, but I can’t be here constantly Evan, you’ll eventually have to accept help from another nurse.” Am I really going to do this?  Retrieving a pair of gloves from the box at the bedside and a syringe out of the drawer, I see his eyes widen almost comically.

“What’s that?” He scoots away from my edge of the bed. “You’re not going to inject me with something are you!”

“No, there’s a balloon of fluid at the end of that catheter inside of you holding it in, you
want me to deflate that before I take it out, trust me,” I reassure him, and his face relaxes slightly as I turn and put my gloves on, silently wishing someone would reassure

“You look really sexy in that outfit putting your gloves on, looking at my cock,” he says crassly.

“I’m a nurse Evan, this is not my first rodeo, so try to get your mind out of the gutter,” I snap, but I’m feeling a bit like I’m in a porn flick right now, and more than a little apprehensive. I have to really touch him to do this, like touch him, touch him. But he’s awake, so at least I don’t feel like I’m assaulting him. His eyes follow my gloved, shaky hands to the catheter, I attach the syringe and let out the fluid from the balloon, and as carefully and clinically as possible I grasp his penis toward the base and ease the catheter out of him. He inhales sharply. Unbelievably he’s at half-mast, and I turn my head to look him in the eyes and remove my hands.

Before I can move to throw the catheter away and remove my gloves, he reaches up and takes my face in both hands, pulling me toward him and kissing me quickly and softly on the lips. He whispers, “That hurt.” Jerking upright and stepping back, I’m speechless. That was so inappropriate, not to mention unexpected; I was taking out his catheter for God’s sake, what a time to make a pass! And we can scratch gay off the list of questions…for sure.

“Uh…. Sorry, I guess I figured you’d know it wouldn’t be comfortable,” I say, throwing out the contents of my hands. “What was that?” I finally ask.

“A kiss Mia, I can familiarize you further with my kisses if you come back over here, I’m sure you’ve been kissed before.”

“But wh…. why…?” I stutter. 

“Because you were finally close enough to me, and with you holding my dick in your hands, it seemed as good a time as any.” He’s so cocky, pun intended. This guy is so hard to follow.

“Oh…” I’m still shocked, and the earth shifts under my feet; my lips tingle where his touched mine and my heart flutters. I have a million butterflies in my stomach. There’s a knock at the door then and I realize he’s still exposed, and aroused. I moved swiftly and protectively to his side and cover him with the sheet, blanket and comforter attempting to disguise his growing erection. He’s smiling on one side of his mouth, eyebrows up, “What’s wrong, nurse Mia, don’t want to share?”

“No.. I mean Yes…I mean oh! Just cover yourself will ya, who knows who it is?!” I sputter. He knows he’s embarrassing me and he likes it…

“Come in!” Isaac enters the room with a bag from Dominus…he went all the way to the restaurant and back already? It doesn’t seem to be a place that would be open for breakfast. I wonder who cooked for him at this early hour.

“Your usual Sir and this,” Isaac drops a white gold chain with a rather large crucifix hanging from it into Evans open palm before automatically arranging the food on Evans bedside table, for all the world like he really is his wife. The food smells exquisite; an omelet made with only egg whites, bacon and fresh squeezed orange juice. Somebody who knows his preferences must have been cooking for him. My stomach growls loudly, and both men look up at me.

“Sorry, I need to go home and shower and get something to eat,” I say, while gathering up my purse and blushing; my damn stomach did that on cue I swear it!

“No, Mia….sit. Eat with me, you can’t leave…. do you work tonight?” Evan asked, trying unsuccessfully to keep the alarm out of his voice. Isaac looks up from the food, surprised by Evans response to me leaving.

“I’ll step out,” he says, and leaves the room abruptly.

“I don’t work tonight. I’m not scheduled for two more nights,” I inform him. He starts looking around the room nervously, clutching the sheets on both sides of the bed again, and a fine layer of perspiration forms on his forehead.

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