Deceived 5 - New Beginnings (4 page)

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Nina chimed in. “So do I.”


All eyes at the table turned back to Nina, who seemed delighted by all the attention.


She picked up the glass of white wine the waiter had just poured. “Well, are we going to toast to the start of a beautiful new relationship or what?”


Ricky’s ears turned red and I knew I wasn’t the only one who’d caught Nina’s double meaning. Still, we all held up our glasses – mine full of
Sparkling Apple Cider – and echoed Nina’s toast to new beginnings.


As the glasses clinked and sips were downed, Patrick and Ricky fell into more business talk and Elyse leaned closer to Ricky to take in every word. While the others were occupied, Nina turned to me and asked, “How far along are you? If you don’t mind me asking.”


I smiled and blushed a little. I still wasn’t used to the attention a pregnant woman got from virtual or total strangers. “Six months.” I put my hand on my belly. “It’s a girl.”


“That’s great,” Nina said. “Have you named her yet?”


“Yes, Victoria.”


“That’s a lovely name.” A wistful smile crossed her face. “It was my grandmother’s name and she was the most special person in my life.”


I smiled. Nina seemed to be just as sweet and charming as her cousin. I wondered if it ran in their family.


“I don’t know if Ricky has told you or Elyse what I do for a living,” she continued. “I have a line of clothing stores and one of them is maternity clothes. Of course, all the stores I own are all in Miami.” She swept her long hair over her shoulder, crossed her legs and leaned in to talk. “I actually came to New York to scout out the competition and explore the potential for opening stores here.” Her face lit up with an idea. “Why don’t you and I go together and spy on the stores? It’ll be fun. I’ll help you pick out some great maternity clothes. They have such cute styles now. It’s not like years ago when our moms wore those big, billowing tops. Maternity clothes were so unstylish back then.” She waved her hand in the air like she was pushing the old styles out of our sight.


I definitely liked her enthusiasm and I knew Elyse would love the chance to get to
know Ricky’s cousin. “Oh, I know what you mean. I’ve been putting off getting some, but I’ve been feeling awful lately in what I have. I look


Nina sat up straight and pulled her chin in and spoke in a stern voice. “Chloe. You do not look
. You look absolutely wonderful. Trust me, I spend a lot of time in my stores with women who really are huge. There was this one woman I felt positively awful for. She was going to have triplets and when she said she felt like a whale, all I could do was tell her how amazing it was that she could even walk with three babies.” She put a friendly hand on my arm.


“Yeah, well, I was telling Patrick that the other day, that I’m getting as big as a whale.”


“No way, Chloe, not you. Listen to me, I know these things.” She smiled a genuine smile and I felt better about my ballooning stomach. Maybe if I could find some outfits that were as flattering as clothes could be on a pregnant woman, I’d be able to make it through these last three months with fewer breakdowns.


I returned Nina’s smile and said, “Tomorrow is Saturday and I’m off work. I sure could use some help. Elyse was going to come with me, but,” I glanced over at where she and Ricky were sitting with their heads close together, “I have a feeling she’s going to be busy.” I looked down at my dress, the only one stretchy enough to still fit. “I’ve been putting off shopping for more maternity clothes. I’ve basically just been wearing all of the loose-fitting tops and elastic waistbands I have.” I glanced down at my protruding stomach and laid a hand on it. “I’ve been stretching out all my skirts. I wear them with the waistband unbuttoned under a loose blouse and around the house, it’s nothing but sweat pants.” I glanced over at my husband. “I’d really like some more flattering things for Patrick.”


“Tomorrow is perfect. Since all I have on my calendar is ‘spy on the competition,’ this will work great.” Her eyes gleamed. “Let’s meet for lunch and then go check out the stores. We’ll find you some stylish maternity clothes. And if Elyse isn’t spending time with Ricky, bring her, too. I’d love to get to know her.”


I relaxed back in my chair and scanned all the people sitting at the table. From this vantage point, my life was looking pretty amazing right now as I took stock of the day’s events. Everything was coming together. Elyse was on the verge of finding a good boyfriend, Patrick just made a new business deal and it looked like I made a new friend tonight. I pondered the chain of events that had occurred leading up to this dinner and I concluded that the old adage was true: we don’t meet people by accident. They’re meant to cross our path for a reason.

Chapter 6

Despite having had a long day, there was still one thing on my mind as Patrick and I slid into the back seat of our cab home. I wanted to finish what I’d started with him earlier in the day. Nina’s reassurances about how I looked had done wonders for my self-confidence.


The moment I felt his hand on my knee, I knew he was thinking along the same lines as I was. His hand slid up my thigh under the hem of my dress and I shivered at the touch of his palm on my bare skin. He leaned in and spoke in a low voice, “Are you feeling adventurous tonight?”


My lips twitched in a smile. “Adventurous is a poor choice of a word for describing sex with a pregnant woman. Like rock-climbing or something? Thanks a lot, hon.”


I gave him a moment to think I was serious and then grabbed the back of his neck with one hand and pulled him in until our mouths met. My other hand slid down to his crotch. He gasped into my mouth as I gave him a light squeeze and I seized the opportunity to slide my tongue inside. I moaned as his teeth gently scraped it, then flushed as I remembered we were in a cab. I reluctantly pulled back.


His eyes were dark with desire. “I guess that’s a yes for adventure tonight.”


Screw the cab driver. I covered his mouth again and pushed my tongue past his lips. I didn’t want a conversation right now. I wanted to taste his kisses.


The cab driver was chuckling as we paid and hurried as fast as we could towards the doors. I would’ve been embarrassed if I hadn’t been so turned on. Adrenaline and need raced through my body as we stumbled through the door to our apartment. We threw off our coats and I flung my purse to the floor, not caring where it landed. All I could think about was getting Patrick into the bedroom and getting him out of those clothes. I wanted to see his body, feel his skin next to mine and know the ecstasy of having him bring me to orgasm with him inside of me.


“Chloe.” He breathed my name as he dropped his hands and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me as tight against him as my belly allowed. His tongue plundered my mouth, exploring every inch of it as I clung to him. He kissed me as if he meant to devour me, fanning the flame inside me. When my lungs were burning for air, he drew back, his own breath coming in pants. “We have on entirely too many clothes.”


I nodded as I grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him down the hall to our bedroom, giggling and kicking off my shoes as we went. Once we were inside, he spun me around, giving me a quick, but firm, kiss before he started peeling off his clothes, his shirt and tie the first to go.


I didn’t care that he hadn’t finished undressing; I couldn’t wait. My hands were itching to touch him, to feel his skin, so soft over those hard muscles. I slid my hands up his chest and then around his neck so that I could bury my fingers in the soft hair at the base of his skull. His arms moved around me and his mouth came down on mine. I sucked his tongue into my mouth, imagining it was another, harder, part of him. He made noise in the back of his throat and I felt him swell against my hip.


I broke away and walked backwards toward the bed. A slow smile curved on Patrick’s lips as he started to walk with me. My pulse began to race even faster than it already had been. That look in his eyes meant only one thing, and I liked that look.


Patrick practically growled as he tightened his arms around me and laid me back onto the bed, our mouths still moving together. He propped himself up on his elbows, careful even in his passion not to hurt me or the baby. My legs hung over the edge of the bed, the slit in my dress giving me enough space to open my legs and make it easier for Patrick to balance. His hands ran up my legs, palms leaving trails of heat across my skin. As his fingers made it up to my thighs, I tried to reach for the buckle on his black dress pants. Then I realized that I was basically trying to do a sit-up while holding a basketball on my lap. That wasn’t going to happen. I sighed.


“Honey, I can’t reach. You better take off the pants yourself.”


His eyes danced with humor and desire as he pushed himself upright. He grinned at me, his tone playful as he spoke. “
, baby, I love it when you tell me to get naked. Is that the game we’re playing tonight?”


He took his pants and boxer briefs down in one swift motion, drawing a noise of pure want from me as I saw how thick and hard he was. For me. His cock stood at attention, begging for me to touch it, take it in my mouth.


He shook his head as he looked down at me. “Now, this isn’t fair. You’re still in your dress. I want to see some skin.”


I smiled up at him and ran my gaze over his magnificent body. I could never get tired of looking at him. “You’re just going to have to unwrap me. It’s more fun that way. Don’t you think?” I dropped a wink.


His eyes blazed and he held out his hand to help me sit up. Once I was up, he reached out to the straps of my dress. He kept our gazes locked as he hooked a finger under each strap. Slowly, he lowered them until they were hanging halfway to my elbows. The front of the dress fell open, exposing my black lace bra. He lightly traced his fingers across my breasts, outlining the lace edge, then reached around back and unhooked the bra. In one swift motion, it went flying across the room.


He made a noise low in his throat that sent electricity dancing across my skin, as if the sound itself had substance. He knelt in front of me to put himself at eye level. His gaze fell to my breasts as he reached for them, feeling their heavy weight. “They’re so full. So big, baby.” His thumbs brushed over my sensitive nipples and it was my turn to moan.


He licked his lips and then started at my jaw. I tipped my head back as he began to feather kisses down my neck, each one building the heat inside me. The kisses were light brushes of his lips against my skin and I wanted to beg him for more, for something harder. He paused as he reached the crest of my swollen breasts, as if savoring the moment. When his tongue flicked across my nipple, my back arched and he chuckled, new flames igniting with the vibration of his mouth against my flesh. He teased at my nipple with teeth and lips on one side, fingers on the other, giving me the extra pressure I’d craved. He switched back and forth, sucking and tugging until my nipples were hard and extended, throbbing. I moaned as his touch sent tingles of pleasure rocketing down to the spot between my legs.


Without removing his mouth from my breast, he reached beneath my dress and hooked his fingers under the thin elastic of my panties. I shifted my weight to assist him in the removal of my already wet panties, careful not to jar his lips loose. Each pull of his mouth was sending me spiraling higher. In one quick pull, just like with the bra, the panties were off and lost in the mess of the rest of the discarded clothing.


“You’re really good at that, you know.” I gasped out the words. He raised his head and the cool air on my wet flesh made me shiver.


“Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet, babe,” he teased with a wink. Then he spread my legs further apart and gripped my hips with his hands. I moaned as I lay back on the bed. I wanted to stay propped up on my elbows to watch. Seeing Patrick’s head moving between my legs always made shivers run up my spine but some positioning of my body was pretty much impossible, so I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the ride.


My muscles started to tremble even before he’d completed the first circle with his tongue. He knew exactly where to dip his tongue in my folds to start me on that wonderful climb to my release. When he finally touched my clit, I gave a little cry, my hips jerking. I felt his lips curve into a smile as he held me in place, his tongue working over me until I was whimpering for more. Only when I didn’t think I could take any more did he finally slide a finger into my tight, wet channel. My fingers scrabbled against the bedspread as he added a second, moving them in and out before curling them, stroking my g-spot and turning the sounds coming from me into full-fledged cries. I was panting, my breasts heaving as my body hovered on the edge of release. More, just a little more and I’d go over.


Almost as if he’d read my mind, he took that little bundle of nerves between his lips and began to suck, pulling on it with the most delicious suction. My eyes rolled back in my head and I cried out his name. I came, twisting and writhing on the bed, pulling a fistful of bedspread into my hand as wave after wave crashed over me.


When I finally had enough strength to open my eyes, Patrick was standing over me, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He wore that smug look that guys get when they’ve given their woman a massive orgasm.


“Was that good?” He asked the question even though I knew he already knew the answer.


I nodded my head. “And from the size of that thing, I can see you liked it, too.”


He chuckled, a low, satisfied sound, and climbed up over me onto the bed being careful not to put any weight on my stomach. His lips pressed against mine as he helped me up onto my knees. About a month-and-a-half ago, we’d realized that standard missionary just wasn’t going to cut it. We’d tried other positions, and me on top was the one we both had liked the best. He didn’t have to worry about being too rough or fucking me too hard, and he got a view he enjoyed very much. It wore me out, but I always told myself that the doctor had encouraged me to exercise.


I straddled him with his thick, swollen shaft pointing to the ceiling. I ran my hand over it, loving the way he moaned as my fingers played over the firm flesh. As I moved up to take him inside, I let my slippery folds glide over him, coating him and putting just the right amount of friction on my clit so that I was throbbing and ready for him by the time I was hovering above him. I bit my lip in anticipation of what was to come.


His eyes were blazing with lust and love as he put his hand over mine. Our entwined fingers wrapped around his shaft, stroking it, moving it back and forth, flicking it across my clit until my legs were shaking. We couldn’t wait any longer. His breathing was coming hard as our joined hands maneuvered his cock to my opening. Our eyes met as I lowered myself slowly, inch by inch, enjoying every one as he filled me.


I gasped, and he immediately stopped. Holding my hips with his hands, he asked anxiously, “Did I hurt you?”


“No, baby, it feels really good. Keep going.” The words were heavy in my mouth. I couldn’t stop this even if I wanted. My orgasm was nearly there and my body was aching to finish. And not just for my own release. I wanted—no, I needed—him
to come, too.


“You move your hips as deep as you need.”


His voice was strained and I loved him all the more for the knowledge of how much he was holding back. I knew he wanted to pound into me, take us both over that edge hard and fast, and I couldn’t wait until that would be possible again, but in the here and now, him putting my needs above his own was the most amazing thing I’d ever experienced.


“I’ll let you take control and make me come.” The teasing note his voice took on drew my eyes to him. “You can pretend my hands are tied to the bed.”


A thrill went through me as I let myself slide down the last couple inches until he was all the way inside me. My body shuddered at the sensation of being so full. “Does that excite you?” I asked breathlessly. “Being tied up, not able to do anything about your own release. Dependent fully on me to get you there?” I slowly rocked my hips and we both moaned.


“Yes.” The word rolled slowly off his tongue. “I like it when you take control. When you talk dirty and tell me what you are going to do to me.”


“Shut up then and let me fuck you, baby.” I was smiling when I said it, though his eyes were already closed. He’d put his hands above his head, and it was so easy to imagine that they were tied there.


I ground my hips down against him, needing the friction, needing more of him. I leaned forward, placing my palms flat on his chest to brace myself, my long hair falling down around us. He opened his eyes as the strands brushed over his skin, his gaze staying on my face as I rode him, my muscles clenching and releasing as I moved up and down, back and forth. Our breathing quickened and I knew we were both getting close. I wanted us to come together. My nails scraped against his chest and he let out a hiss.

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