December Heat (14 page)

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Authors: Joanie MacNeil

BOOK: December Heat
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eased her away and studied her expression. “We need to cool off. We’ve probably had to much champagne,” he said, knowing he’d barely had anything much to drink at all. He wasn’t so sure about Nic. Just sure enough to know that her actions with him were entirely out of the character he perceived her to be. He valued her friendship and didn’t want to risk destroying that precious alliance.

swim would be nice,” she said softly, her gaze focused on him. In the darkness it was hard to read her expression, to know whether she was disappointed, or not, with his suggestion.

made the trip home in silence. Her hand resting on his thigh burned his skin through the cloth of his chinos.

took Nicolette’s key from her and unlocked the door. “That was some party,” he said, switching on the light.

can say that again. I’m so hot and sticky, I’m ready for that swim. Care to join me?” she said provocatively.

like nothing better,” he said. His heart flipped at the smile she threw him.

you in the pool then,” and she turned and headed for her room.

better get in that pool quick or he wouldn’t be able to fit into his Speedos. He was heating way too fast and already the water would sizzle on contact with his body.

arrived at the pool at the same time as Nic. The site of her in the fluorescent pink bikini fanned his heat even more. He hadn’t seen her in it since the day he’d arrived. Usually she wore something a little more conservative when they went swimming together. But tonight he sensed a recklessness that was so uncharacteristic of her. And he hoped he could keep a firm grip on his own reckless streak. At this point, his grip was slipping fast.

storms seem to be moving a bit closer,” he said, trying to take his mind off the gorgeous woman beside him, but the only way he could do that was to drown himself. He shallow dived and skimmed along the bottom of the pool before coming up for air.

entered the cool water via the steps, the way she always did. She took the butterfly clips from her hair and placed them by the side of the pool, combing her delicate fingers through the honey brown strands, the silky texture framing her face.

lowered the rest of her body into the water. “Ah, that’s better,” she sighed.

watched her steady strokes as she sliced through the water to the other end then back toward him.

fingertips on his stomach gave him a start. She surfaced directly in front of him, almost close enough to slide upwards against his body. His own reacted and he pulled her against his arousal before he even had time to think about his actions.

play with me, Nic, not unless you mean to see it through,” he growled, his body wanting her, his mouth aching to taste hers. He slid his hand into her hair and held her firm as his mouth lowered to meet hers.

held nothing back from her kisses, gave them freely and he took all she offered. Her warm breath against his mouth stirred him so deeply that he moaned her name over and over. Just when he thought she’d reached her limit, the tip of her tongue invited his into her mouth, teasing him beyond his own limits.

you know what you’re doing to me,” he breathed, unable to drag his mouth away from the taste of her skin.

have a pretty good idea,” she replied, arms resting on his shoulders, her fingers lightly stroking the back of his neck.

felt so good. And so did her slick wet skin as his fingertips skimmed the curves of her body, his hands cupping her bottom. He adjusted his stance and lifted her to fit intimately between his thighs.

softness of her cheek rested against his naked chest and his breath caught when she turned her head slightly and circled his nipple with the tip of her tongue. Urged on by his response, her cheek slid across his chest and she applied the same tantalizing treatment to the other nipple.

groaned as he eased her away, the coolness of the water slapped him where her warm body had been. He didn’t keep them separated for long. She was just far enough away to allow him to lower his head until his mouth sought her breast through the pink triangles barely covering them.

arched against him, her sweet heat, her willingness to share herself with him, drove him to be so bold with this woman he’d treated as an untouchable and unattainable precious treasure.

moaned his name as his mouth encircled her nipples, first one, then the other. His hand moved lower, cupping her feminine place, his finger gently stroking at the fabric which kept him from the heart of her warmth.

water lapped around them, heightening his awareness of how little clothing separated them and the feel of their water-slicked skin as they melded together. His hand eased aside the fabric of her bikini bottoms and his longest finger slipped inside her. She was velvet. Soft. Her gasp was lost as his mouth closed over hers.

easy it would be to take her here in the pool, but somehow it didn’t seem right. He wanted more for Nic than that. She was special, fragile, and before he knew it, he was thinking of Nic and Mark.

had to ask himself. Was he really ready for this? Suddenly he didn’t know and for the first time in a very long time, Jake realized he was unusually unsure of himself.

had taken him by surprise this evening, shaken him.

thoughts coincided with a loud clap of thunder, and hit him with about the same force. His hands moved to grasp her upper arms.

what’s wrong?” Nic’s puzzled voice finally got through to him. He was breathing hard, but then so was she, as affected by the power of their liaison as much as he had been.

storm,” he breathed heavily. “The lightning. We’d better get inside. It’s pretty close.”

face fell. Her expression tugged at him.

it’s for the best Nic, Divine Intervention and all that.”

was bitterly disappointed, he knew, though she did her best to remain calm and in control. He could feel her tremble and knew it wasn’t from the cool water lapping around them.

sorry Nic,” he said. “I shouldn’t have let that happen.” Reluctantly, he let her go.

not sorry, Jake. But I wouldn’t want to force you into something you didn’t want to do.” With that she stormed out of the pool and headed into the house.

shook his head and realized he trembled too.

next set of thunder and lightning brought back memories of faraway places and the bone-chilling sounds of artillery, sending him scrambling for cover.


Chapter Eleven



storm raged. In his bed, Jake tossed and turned, restless, unsettled, not asleep, yet not fully awake. Images and dreams raged like the storm.

image flitted into his troubled thoughts.

Jake love her and leave her? Walk away in a fortnight or so? One troubled thought led to another, with no clear answer in sight. Deep in his heart he new Nicolette wasn’t the type of woman a man would find easy to leave.

he had commitments with his work and a hazy plan for his next step in life. It didn’t include settling down in one place or with a permanent partner, no matter how tempting the thought.

His own scream frightened him awake.

must have dozed off, he realized, waking to find himself tangled in the sheets. It took him a moment to realize where he was. Thunder had penetrated his dream and translated to the sounds of battle, awash with the strained faces of terrified people. Tortured images. Fear. Fire. Screaming interspersed with the thundering of guns and heavy vehicles.

lay there, stunned, soaked. Damp sheets entwined around him, his breath hard and fast. It had been some time since he’d had that dream, the one where Mark had rolled into the path of a tank to get the particular shot he sought. He’d been a hair’s breath from being crushed by the heavy vehicle.

groaned just as his door burst open. Nicolette stood there, the moonlight highlighted her white night gown. She looked like an angel in the darkness. An angel he’d prayed would rescue him from the depths of his dark, nightmarish dreams during those trying months in captivity.

what’s wrong? Are you all right?”

he said, his voice raspy and wavering. “I’m not.”

glided further into the room and sat beside him on the bed. She reached out a hand, hesitated, and then began to caress his cheek. The touch of her soft skin triggered thoughts he knew would be hard to rein in. His body’s response was immediate as she continued her tender assault.

is becoming a coming to my rescue in the middle of the night.” He leaned into her palm. His voice was huskier now, stronger, as was the heat coursing through him.

you mind?” she asked, leaning forward slightly, her fingers drifting down, tickling the back of his neck. He felt the warmth of her hand resting on his bare shoulder and tried not to shudder at her touch. His skin tingled.

could I mind? What better way than to wake up from a bad dream to find an Angel of Mercy by my side?” In the silence of darkness, he reached out, his palm finding the softness of her cheek. He smiled, recalling the light rose that flushed her cheeks. “You’re blushing,” he said tenderly.

did you know?”

know you.”

urged her closer and her body lost some of its tension and relaxed toward him. He lifted himself, supported by his left arm and slid his other hand to curl around her neck.

bodies eased closer, and he could tell her eyes were wide, watching him. The last thing he remembered a moment before his lips met hers, was that her eyelids fluttered closed and her lips parted, accepting his kiss.

mouth was velvet, her lips pliable as they molded to his. Her initial hesitancy disappeared the more he tasted her, until she was clinging to him and kissing him back. He was losing his cool, his blood heating through his veins. Again her fingertips played with the ends of his hair where it fell against his neck. Her touch intensified the pleasure and passion that spiraled through him.

you sure you want this?” he forced himself to ask, almost afraid of what her answer would be. He knew he didn’t want to share her with anyone, not even his memories, but was he strong enough to deny the need that filled him?

your loyalties divided, Nic? What about Mark?”

sliced through him. He was afraid she still harbored a love for Mark. It wasn’t fair to either of them if that was the case.

night vision had well and truly kicked in now and he could see she was taken aback by his bluntness. Though he’d tried to sound tactful, years of reporting had given his voice that cool-edged tone.

watched him carefully, taking her time to reply. “My loyalties aren’t divided.” Her voice was whisper-soft, husky, and feathered over him like the most delicate, transparent cloth. “I feel like I’ve finally put Mark’s death behind me now. I’m ready to move on.”

breath shot out into the warm night air. Only then he realized he’d been holding it in anticipation of her response. The relief that filled him now also increased his desire for her.

took a deep calming breath.

it had little effect.

Danny?” His voice was a gravely whisper.

know there’s nothing between Danny and me. He’s a very happily married man and I’ve no intention of becoming the other woman.” Nic’s whispered words curled around him. A slight pressure at the nape of her neck brought her mouth closer to his.

wouldn’t be here with you if I didn’t want to be.” Between kisses, her mouth barely left his long enough to get the words out.

she tried to rain more kisses on him, he eased her away, his fingers caressing her cheek. His gaze held hers. “Then why didn’t you tell me...about Danny that first day?”

wasn’t sure how I felt about you, only that I felt too much too soon. Initially having you think Danny and I were involved provided a kind of protective barrier. Something to hide behind. Bought me some time to work out how I really feel about you.”

how do you feel about me now?”

still not sure. All I know is that I want to be with you. More than anything.” She place a finger over his lips to prevent him interrupting. “I know what I’m doing. Don’t think I don’t. I’m ready to move on, Jake.”

raised the sheet and looked at her expectantly. Silence filled the air between them.

rose from the bed. A smile teased at her lips as she tugged at the folds of her nightie before dragging it over her head.

almost dropped the sheet in surprise. His breath caught as she stood before him, naked in the pale moonlight. A hundred emotions coursed through him, fighting for control.

storm outside had subsided now, but the storm in his heart still raged. Nic slid into bed beside him and he let the sheet flutter over their bodies.

the touch of her body against his, Jake hauled her to lay on top of him, flesh to flesh, heat to heat, softness to hardness. His hands framed her face as his tongue began tasting her mouth.

can do anything you like to me,” he whispered, trying not to let his imagination run too far ahead of him.

supposed to be my line,” she said provocatively.

a deep groan he flipped her over onto her back and pinned her to the sheets. Before he could say another word, she kissed him with a hunger that echoed his own.

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