Deliver Us (27 page)

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Authors: Lynn Kelling

BOOK: Deliver Us
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Staring up with black, lust-filled eyes, Darrek complies, breathing hard, his head resting against the soft pillow behind it.

“More...” Darrek rasps. “Please, sir.”

Smiling, Gabriel climbs off of him, pausing only to kiss Darrek’s lips in a soft, tender kiss.

Chapter 20
Feeling It

“I’m telling you right now...” Gabriel explains, yanking the miniature clips off one by one by one, as Darrek screams and fights to stay quiet all at the same time, bucking and twisting on the bed.

“...I’m not letting you come for a while. I plan to enjoy myself first, and if you behave, and are a very obedient slave for me, then
I will allow you to come. Otherwise, you’ll be forced to sleep with your erection, and believe me when I tell you that I will check the weight of your balls in the morning, and am perfectly able to tell if you have jerked off or not. Understood?”

“Yes, Master.
Goddamn it! You evil fucking son-of-a-bitch, sir...” he cries weakly as the last clip comes off, one of the two that are attached to the tip of his dick.


“Fuck yeah... it’s fantastic....”

Gabriel laughs and squirts a large amount of lube onto his hand, covered in a latex glove. He sees that Darrek is still feeling the effects of the clips, still fighting against sources of pain that are no longer there, still trying not to scream and lose control. Gabriel continues anyway and jabs two slick fingers into his asshole, fucking him roughly with them.

Darrek grunts, ass clamping down around Gabriel’s probing hand, squeezing down on it like he could possibly keep him out.

“Just relax...” Gabriel says soothingly — far too soothingly.

On the next jabbing penetration of Darrek’s baby-smooth ass, Gabriel uses the whole of his hand, fingertips tight together, hand closed in a tapered point. It does not get very far in, but he just keeps thrusting back in, forcing the hole wider, squeezing the gel of the lubricant on his own hand to slick the way more.

“What... what are you... Master? I’m... I’m...” Darrek asks fearfully.

“It’s just my hand. It’s important for you to relax right now, okay? Just listen to my voice and let go of the tension. Keep your muscles loose and it’ll be much easier for you. I’m not going to do anything your body won’t let me do.”

“Okay...” Darrek whimpers, ass burning and throbbing as Gabriel’s hand works deeper, stretches him out impossibly far.

It goes on and on. Darrek loses track of time.

Corkscrewing his hand on the next few pushes, Gabriel tries to coax Darrek’s body into letting him in. The force of Gabriel’s hand, combined with Darrek’s initial fear has caused him to shift back an inch or two on the bed, even with the restraints. He can hear Darrek whining softly back in his throat. His hand is in almost to the last knuckle and the widest part. Just a little more and the whole of his fist will be inside.

Twisting his arm, pushing in one last time, he then pulls out, watching Darrek’s reddened entrance, shiny-wet from lube, slowly closing back up. Inserting his fingers once more, this time without his thumb, the four of them go in easily so he digs in as far as he can reach.


“I’ve got you baby, stay relaxed for me. You’ve got four fingers in you right now. I’m going to try to fit my whole hand, but if you can’t do it, I’ll stop.”

Rotating his wrist, he rubs over the spongy bundle of nerves of Darrek’s prostate. Hips coming far up off the bed, Darrek cries out, voice breaking, inner muscles fluttering and convulsing at the touch. A jet of come oozes down Darrek’s shaft as Gabriel milks his prostate. Darrek seems to be in a frenzy of over-stimulation, unable to stop bucking his hips and writhing. Gabriel moves with him, tapping the bundle of nerves faster. Two more jets of come erupt from him, and Darrek’s body finally goes still, every muscle tight and tensed, the only movement being Gabriel’s hand working furiously in his ass.

“Breathe, Dare,” he says. “Keep breathing.”

He eases up on Darrek’s prostate, and resumes fucking him with the whole of his pointed hand, thrusting in as far as it will go then pushing intently at his entrance for a moment before pulling back and doing it again.

Darrek has suddenly gone limp as a noodle, the only exception being the steely length of his red dick, coated now with all of the milked-out pre-come. Listening to him breathe softly, Gabriel realizes it’s not going to happen, that he can’t quite get the widest part of his hand past the outer ring of muscle.

He gets up off the bed and pulls off the glove as Darrek moans desperately with disappointment, watching him leave.

“Gonna try something else,” Gabriel tells him. “One of my other favorites.”

Grabbing an object, he brings it back to the bed. Afraid to look or ask, Darrek waits with closed eyes, his head against the pillow, ass gaping and wide, wet with lube and now unbearably empty of Gabriel’s hand. He doesn’t have to wait long before what feels like a more than twelve-inch-long smooth object is slid into his ass.

Focusing on staying loose, he concentrates on the sensations, and the feel of Gabriel fucking him with it.

Gabriel presses the inflatable dildo in until it is completely swallowed up by Darrek’s hole. As his outer ring of muscles clear the end and close back up around the narrow tube trailing from the end of the dildo and out of his body, Darrek groans, shifting on the bed as his body automatically begins to force the object right back out. Gabriel does not let it out though, and just thrusts it back inside with two fingers on the end. He pushes at it until it is an inch inside Darrek’s hole then keeps it there with steady pressure.

“Keep it in. Hold it inside,” Gabriel tells him.

“It’s too big! It’s too goddamn big! I can’t! I can’t take it! Please, Gabe... oh

He knows it’s coming and braces for it. He’s more afraid though, when Gabriel’s hand is no longer at his ass and he, opens his eyes to see Gabriel circling his dick and balls with a length of rope. Working the ends into a knot, he pulls it tight with a tug. The rope constricts around him, biting into his body, and just when he cannot take anymore, when it is too fucking much, Gabriel pulls it even tighter. He loops the ends around him, three times around the base of his cock, and about thirteen times around his sac, forcing his testicles far away from his body, as well as keeping them in their crushing hold.

Gabriel watches Darrek’s balls and dick slowly turn from dark red to purple.

“Well, now we know you’re not going to come,” he smiles.

The end of the rope trails between his legs like a leash and Gabriel pulls on it.

“Don’t! Don’t!” he begs, knowing it is useless but unable not to.

“You know what I think?” Gabriel asks, tugging the rope steadily with one hand while his other begins to rub at the reddish-purple orbs of Darrek’s testicles. Darrek begins to cry as Gabriel says, “I think you do it, that you say my name like that on purpose. I think you want to feel this pain... that you need it, as a distraction or maybe just because you get off on it.”

He stops tugging on the rope and curls his hand around Darrek’s shaft instead, stroking it lightly, tormenting him with pleasure now that he cannot release.

“Tell me you don’t want this. Tell me I’m wrong.”

“I can’t. You know I can’t.”

“Want me to stop?”

“No, Master. Please don’t stop. Please, sir. Give me more....”

Gabriel releases him, leaves his over-filled member where it is trapped, encased in rope, and goes back to the inflatable cock inside his body.

“I see you were able to keep it inside. Good job. Now let’s see what else you can do.”

Keeping two fingers on the base of the dildo, Gabriel squeezes the bulb at the end of the tube, slowly pumping it and filling the dildo with more air. It gradually expands in Darrek’s body, and it tries to force its way back out, easier for his ass to expel the object than to stretch to fit something of its girth and thickness.

Darrek moans loud and long, his legs flexing, muscles contracting, toes curling.

It starts to slide out and Gabriel lets it, only to push it hard right back inside until it is fully engulfed by Darrek’s body. Darrek instantly comes up off the bed, crying out.

Gabriel lets it slide almost completely out by itself, only keeping the tapering end inside. Darrek’s cry turns to a groan of ecstasy as the dildo pulls free. Not giving him time enough to close back up, Gabriel pushes it back inside. At first, it won’t go, and Darrek flinches with pain. Gabriel stops then tries again. Bucking on the bed, Darrek’s back arches as it disappears inside his hole.

Beginning to fuck him very slowly with it, now that he can get it inside, Gabriel watches Darrek’s blissful expression. Gabriel’s free hand rubs gently over his constricted balls and the head of his dick.

“This is the biggest thing you’ve ever taken, my amazing, gorgeous slave. Bigger than my cock, as big as... well... as big as my fist, actually.”

Rubbing the pre-come in circles on his dick, working the black air-filled dildo in and out, so, so slowly, Gabriel’s fingers stroke over the edge of Darrek’s opening, at the pink outer ring of his asshole, stretched so widely opened, getting filled up again and again, tug and thrust, tug and thrust.

Darrek pulls on the cuffs on his wrists, head snapped so far back Gabriel is only able to see Darrek’s chin.

Just as slowly, he lets Darrek’s body force-out the dildo until it is free of him. Holding it up, Gabriel says, “Look.”

Darrek’s face comes back into view, staring open-mouthed and panting at the thing in Gabriel’s hand. It’s bigger than Gabriel’s

Slicking his hand and then his wrist with plenty of lube Darrek watches Gabriel with fascination. Moving close to Darrek, hooking his left arm over Darrek’s leg and propping it on the bed by Darrek’s side, Gabriel locks eyes with him as he begins to work his pointed hand once inside. It goes right in. His knuckles squeeze through the lip of the outer edge of Darrek’s opening. The heated muscles of his sphincter press tightly at him on all sides before he’s through and in, enclosed in the silky-soft heat of him.

Darrek’s lower lip is quivering, and Gabriel sees the words, three words, sitting there on the tip of his slave and lover’s tongue, he can see them in his eyes. It is evident that he wants so very badly to say them.

Gabriel just pushes farther in, up to his wrist, deeper and deeper.

Darrek falls back, unable to maintain contact with Gabriel’s eyes as he gives small weeping cries.

Unable to quite believe that Darrek was able to give him this, to let his body go this far, Gabriel sees himself untying the rope with his left hand even before he knows he has decided to. Once it is unknotted, he unwinds it, unwraps Darrek, loop by loop, even as his right hand and part of his forearm thrust gently in and out of his body, and then the rope is free, his fingers picking at and then undoing the last remaining knot.

Pulling his hand back until he finds Darrek’s sweet spot again, Gabriel leans down and takes Darrek’s dick between licked-moist parted lips. He lets it slide over his tongue and back into his throat. Swallowing just as he starts to stroke over the bundle of nerves in Darrek’s body, Darrek comes—soundlessly, but every single muscle in his body strung as tight as a rubber band—down Gabriel’s throat. Breathing heavily through his nose, Gabriel does not release him, but sucks and rubs for long minutes. He continues until Darrek’s prostate is milked completely and he is just pulsing dry,
orgasming, nerves still exploding and firing.

Gabriel pulls off, lets the softening cock fall from his mouth, and slides his hand free. Quickly unlocking Darrek’s ankles first, Gabriel guides his legs down to the bed before undoing his wrists as well.

Darrek is unsurprisingly out like a light. Gabriel’s sharp ears listen to him breathing regularly as he cleans him off with a warm cloth, and rubs down the muscles in his legs and arms. He checks to make sure Darrek’s opening has contracted before putting all of the gear away and shutting off the room’s lights. Changing into his soft, flannel pajama pants, Gabriel climbs in bed next to Darrek and covers them both with blankets.

Advil in hand, as well as a tall, cool glass of water, Gabriel lightly taps Darrek’s face with the back of his hand, saying, “Hey. Wake up for me, baby. Come on. Open your eyes. You had a nice little nap, but I need you to take these now. Come on, Dare. Open those beautiful eyes.”

After a moment, Darrek blinks at him, dazed but awake.

“Take these,” Gabriel says, slipping the pills into his mouth and helping him sip at the water. “I can’t believe you didn’t stop me and say the safeword,” he confesses.

“Why would I
you? I’ve never felt that much... that
... in my whole fucking life! That was the best orgasm I have ever—no,
ever have.
. It’s un-top-able.”

“I love you,” Gabriel smiles and then the smile is gone and he freezes, realizing what he has said.

Seeing the fear creep into his widened, painfully beautiful eyes, Darrek says quickly, “I love you too. I wanted to say it before... I almost did anyway... but.... I thought... I don’t know. That you wouldn’t believe me, maybe.”

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