Deliver Us (31 page)

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Authors: Lynn Kelling

BOOK: Deliver Us
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“Yes, Master,” Darrek says softly, then asks, “What’s your safeword?”

“Discovery. Sticking with our theme and all... and um.... If you need to use the wrist shackles...” Gabriel says rapidly, a little breathlessly, “That’s all right, but I want to try to do it without. I want to be able to touch you.”

“I know,” Darrek frowns, gently touching the swell of Gabriel’s lip. “You scared?”

“Yeah,” Gabriel laughs, but it’s a desperate sound, and Darrek sees his body tense up, feels it happen under his hands.

They’ve stopped dancing and he doesn’t even know if it was gradual or all at once.

Darrek pulls his shirt up and over his head. His hands go to the waistband of his pants, pushing them down. They puddle at his feet. He steps free of them and circles Gabriel with strong arms. Kissing him, Darrek guides him back to the bed.

Gabriel sits down then eases back, letting Darrek follow him by crawling up over his legs. Some of the apprehension melts from his face, and is steadily replaced by a growing, vibrant defiance. As Darrek straddles Gabriel, looming above him, he holds Gabriel’s eyes as he takes hold of the sides of his jeans and starts to pull them off.

At first Gabriel is still as a statue, just watching Darrek’s face, his jaw set. Then he moves, wriggling out of the pants and kicking them away.

His chest rising and falling, the war rages on in Gabriel’s mind.

“Come on,” he growls, wrapping his hand around Darrek’s shaft and stroking him into full hardness as Darrek settles between his spread legs.

“Easy,” Darrek says soothingly to him, pressing close between Gabriel’s thighs, hooking the legs up and over his shoulders.

The position does something to Gabriel though, and his eyes squeeze shut tight, his lips close and small frown lines appearing in his brow. Leaning down, folding Gabriel in half, Darrek kisses him, coaxing him, until Gabriel is kissing him back. Feeling hands frame his face, Darrek exhales a breath as Gabriel opens wider. Gabriel lets himself be searched, licked into, and worshipped with every press of Darrek’s lips, every dart and caress of Darrek’s tongue.

It begins to become familiar, as Gabriel’s fingers move and grip. His head even comes up off of the pillow a little, questing after Darrek’s mouth. But, after Darrek coats his hand with lubricant and touches Gabriel experimentally with two fingers, just rubbing over his entrance, it all starts to change.

Head falling back, eyes shooting open, the dark coldness starts to come back into those gray-blue eyes.

“No. Stay with me. I’m just touching you.”

“I know...” he sighs, “keep kissing me. Keep....”

Nodding, Darrek claims his lover’s full lips once more and slowly presses two fingers inside his body. Hot, clenching inner muscles contract around them, and Darrek whispers soft words against Gabriel’s lips. At first the words seem to work, and they continue to kiss. But when Darrek withdraws his fingers and pushes back in, twisting and scissoring his index and middle fingers, Gabriel begins to claw and push at Darrek’s shoulders. Using his larger size and his full body weight, Darrek leans heavily down on the smaller man, thwarting his still-feeble efforts to push him away.

Running fingers back through Gabriel’s hair, kissing over his jaw, Darrek uses his fingers to open him up. He can feel the fight in Gabriel’s body, the tautness of his muscles, and hears the harshness of his breathing. Darrek is not sure whether Gabriel could push him off if he got worked up into a full-blown panic. Given proper motivation, it seems entirely possible. Luckily for him, the fact that Gabriel’s legs are over his shoulders makes him at least feel confident that he’s not going to get a knee to the balls, though he thinks perhaps Gabriel could figure out something else to get out of his current position on the bottom. Tasting the saltiness of Gabriel’s perspiration, Darrek’s lips skim over the side of his face.

Blinking up at the ceiling, Gabriel tries not to focus solely on the fingers buried and working inside his body. He tries to focus on the fact that it’s
. Inhaling his unique scent, savoring the feather-light tickle of the long hair at his skin, the mesmerizing sound of Darrek’s low-pitched voice whispering near his ear, Gabriel repeats to himself, like a mantra,
‘I’m okay. I’m okay. Darrek loves me. I’m okay.’

Logically, he knows it’s ridiculous, that he is being ridiculous. He is not afraid of Darrek, and he knows that Darrek would not hurt him. Gabriel knows this. But it doesn’t matter. All that matters, is the feeling of his body being invaded, the loss of control.

A third finger presses inside and Gabriel bucks, pushing with almost his full strength at Darrek’s shoulders. Darrek takes Gabriel’s right hand, lacing their fingers together and holding it against the bed.

“Gabe... hey. Calm down, you have to calm down or I’m going to have to put the cuffs on you.”

“No. No! I don’t want you to. I don’t want the cuffs on,” he says gruffly, frantically.

“Then calm down.”

“Okay. Yeah, okay,” he nods, breathing deeply with effort, in through his nose and out through his mouth. He makes himself stop pushing Darrek away. Darrek leans close again and feels Gabriel tangle the fingers of his left hand in his hair.

Going almost entirely still, Gabriel is just breathing and staring. Darrek has hope that he’s getting through it, that Gabriel is okay, until he hears him ask quietly, “You almost finished?”

He takes it right back though, hissing, “Shit. That’s not... I didn’t mean... I’m sorry, baby.”

“Want me to make it better for you? I can do that. I was trying to just be fast, but...” Darrek says.

Angling his wrist, he finds the spot and fingers it. Gabriel arches up, actually moving up the bed a little, trying to get away. His hand leaves Darrek’s hair and wraps around the headboard instead. He makes a grunting noise back in his throat, behind his pursed lips and turns his face away. Darrek feels Gabriel’s body react every time he brushes over the bundle of nerves. Cock huge and full, hips coming up and rocking into Darrek’s touch, Gabriel is clearly enjoying it. But it’s just further evidence of the battle of wills and wants in him as Gabriel sniffs and wipes away a tear with the side of his arm.

“Can I let go of your hand?” Darrek asks, rubbing a little faster over the sweet spot.

Not looking at him, Gabriel nods. Darrek releases him and reaches down between them. Enclosing Gabriel’s dick in his huge fist, he strokes him slow and steady, counter to the movements of his other hand.

Gasping, Gabriel undulates, grinding down into Darrek’s hand then pushing up into his fist. The hand on the headboard grips tighter and his free arm gets slung over his eyes.

“Dare, stop... you’ve gotta stop! If you don’t I’m gonna....”

“I know. That’s the point. It’s okay. Come on,” he coaxes.

Gabriel groans, gritting his teeth, still covering his eyes. But his hips spasm, caught between sensations, dick oozing pre-come, balls drawn up, ready to unload. “Fuck!”

“Look at me, Gabe. It’s just me.”

The arm comes away, revealing damp eyes, but he takes a deep sudden breath and holds it with a grunt as he comes.

“Dare? Dare!” he cries out as the sensations explode through his body, pulsing outwards with his heartbeat, grabbing at Darrek, hooking his hand around the back of his neck. The words draw out and turn into a pleading, keening sound, before being cut off and swallowed down.

His stomach and chest now splattered with streaks of thick white drops, Gabriel’s head spins, nerves still firing in his body, toes tingling. He loses track of what Darrek is doing. He doesn’t hear him open the condom wrapper with his teeth, or see him roll it on.

feel it when the hand pulls out of his ass. He feels empty and open. It scares him intensely.

Darrek takes both of Gabriel’s hands. His sheathed cock already aligned with its target, resting with gentle pressure at Gabriel’s opening, Darrek knows all he needs to do is push. Gabriel reacts. He tries to fight off his hands, and says quickly, “Okay, I can’t do this. I need you to stop. You’ve gotta
, Dare!”

“Why? Why do I have to stop?” he asks soothingly, and Gabriel hears in his voice that he’s not going to stop.


“It’s all right to be afraid. But I love you. I love you so much, and you can trust me with this.”

“I know!” he cries, and the words get stuck in his throat. Two fat tears leak from the corners of his squeezed-shut eyes. “All right, come on. Do it. Do it fast, before I chicken out.”

“Not until you look at me,” Darrek insists. “This isn’t something to be afraid of, and I need you to see that. I want to make sure that you’re
with me
right now. You with me?”

He opens his eyes, blinking rapidly as the tears keep coming, “Yeah, I’m fuckin’ with you. I am. See?”

He finally meets Darrek’s eyes, and it does seem to help him. Gabriel shifts a little, eases his painful grip on Darrek’s hands and exhales.

Darrek pushes.

Groaning loudly at the perfect too-tight heat of Gabriel enclosing him, immediately certain that it’s the best thing he has ever experienced in his life, Darrek gets lost in the need to get as deep inside that place as he can. He pushes and pushes, grunting and flexing, even as Gabriel yells and arches his back.

!” Gabriel whines shrilly, suddenly too full, burning with the stretch, being split open by Darrek’s dick.

And then he is fully sheathed and Darrek just breathes.

“You still with me?” he asks tentatively.

There’s a pause then Gabriel wriggles like a fish snared on a hook, growling, “Get off of me! Get the
off of me!”


“Get off of me!”


“Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck

“Look at me!
Look at me
, goddamn it!” Darrek barks, frowning heavily.

Defiant and half-mad, Gabriel’s eyes fly open. He goes still again, his face goes blank before he starts to fight again, but it’s less panicked this time. Darrek leans down and kisses Gabriel’s temple.

“I love you,” he insists, emphasizing each word.

The reply is a whisper at his ear, a tickle of breath, a low vibration, full of honesty and pain, “Don’t hurt me. Please? I’m so fucking scared.”

“I know, baby. I know. I would
hurt you.”

Darrek pulls back, tugging slowly out and thrusting steadily back in, and he whimpers freely at the indescribable sensation of finally being inside Gabriel, of having this with him.

On the second thrust, he says, it again, “I would never hurt you. Never.”

“Okay,” Gabriel says, and he has stopped fighting. His fingers return to Darrek’s hair and his lips drag over Darrek’s skin. “Okay.”

On the fourth thrust, Gabriel moans. The sound of it shocks even him, as he becomes aware that he’s actually enjoying the feeling of Darrek fucking him.

Wanting to see Gabriel, and wanting Gabriel to keep seeing him, to remember where he is and what is happening, Darrek leans back, gets a better angle and starts to set a faster pace. Hips slapping against Gabriel’s ass, Darrek braces himself on the bed. Gabriel gazes up at him, and he looks so plainly confused, that Darrek smiles and chuckles a little.

The new angle has him dragging right over Gabriel’s prostate. Hand going quickly to his re-hardened cock, Gabriel starts to jerk off as Darrek makes love to him, one hand curled around his arm, holding on.

“Good?” Darrek asks breathlessly.

good,” Gabriel agrees, still sounding bewildered.


“Actually, yeah. I am.”

“I can tell,” he smirks, and then curses, “
Oh shit
,” as he starts getting closer to release, but not wanting to yet. He wants to draw it out as much as possible, especially since Gabriel finally seems to be enjoying it as well.

Reaching down, he circles the base of his shaft and balls with his hand, squeezing as hard as he can to fend his orgasm off as he thrusts.

“Should have worn a cock ring,” he pants, slowing his rhythm. “I knew you’d be tight, but
! Wanna just be inside you all night, but I’m... oh
... I’m gonna come.

“Don’t worry about it. Just... mmm...” Gabriel groans, eyes rolling back. “Just... keep....”

Darrek lunges down, and takes Gabriel’s mouth in a brutal, deep kiss. Gasping into him, Darrek moans down Gabriel’s throat as he orgasms, filling the condom, riding his ass. Then, with a few more rapid squeezes up his shaft, Gabriel comes right along with him.

Shouting at the sudden contraction of muscles around his cock in mid-orgasm, Darrek claws at the bed, seeing stars, and his vision whiting out. He stops kissing Gabriel because he can’t breathe, can’t think, can only hold on, shuddering, as wave after wave of swelling, rolling heat and fire engulfs him.

It’s long minutes later when Darrek can finally think, can finally move and speak again. Gabriel lies, doubly spent and exhausted, beneath him, wrung out physically and emotionally. In fact, he looks half-asleep as Darrek tugs free. In a swift movement, the condom is removed, tied off and tossed in the waste basket near the bed.

Shimmying down, Darrek takes Gabriel’s softened cock between his lips and sucks him clean.

“Dare,” he whines, “’M too fuckin’ tired to get hard again!”

Darrek ignores him, moving lower and sucking on each of Gabriel’s balls in turn.

“Dare! Evil fucker....”

Releasing him, he moves even lower, gripping Gabriel’s legs and bending them sharply back and apart, licking once with the flat of his tongue over Gabriel’s hole. Darrek moans with pleasure at the taste and feel of the heat under his mouth and thrusts his pointed tongue greedily inside.

Oh sweet fucking Jesus
!” Gabriel curses, unable to stop himself from pressing down into Darrek’s mouth, inviting more.

Curling his tongue, stroking with it and licking over the inner walls, sucking at him, Darrek unabashedly and wantonly eats him out. Wrapping his large hands around Gabriel’s thighs, Darrek just draws him in, holds him there as he plunders the cavity. Gradually, reluctantly, he pulls back, until his jaw isn’t working quite as hard, teeth no longer dragging over puckered flesh, and he is giving Gabriel a very obscene type of French kiss. Then he kisses his way back up over damp thighs and lets Gabriel’s legs fall back down to the bed.

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