Deliver Us (34 page)

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Authors: Lynn Kelling

BOOK: Deliver Us
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“You know what I want to do, don’t you?” Ben asks, voice low and intent.

Kyle nods, no hesitation, unable to speak around the gag.

“Want to watch?”

Kyle nods again.

Ben releases him and walks to the back of the garage, rummaging around in the stainless steel drawers where he keeps most of his supplies. He returns a minute later with a box of latex gloves, tugging a pair of them on. Kyle hears them snap against skin, the smell of them stinging at his nose. He follows Ben’s movements when he picks up a bottle of disinfectant and wets a cotton-swab with it. The swab goes to Kyle’s left nipple.

Covering the area with the cool fluid, circling the peaked sensitive flesh, Ben sees a shudder of anticipation shake Kyle in his bindings. Then he opens a sealed bag containing a single, very fine piercing needle.

Kyle doesn’t see anything for a moment, as the reality of what Ben is about to do sinks in, as memories of the times they’ve done this before come flooding back. He does, however, come back to reality when he feels Ben’s lips kiss his shoulder, neck and jaw, soothing him.

The glinting needle captures Kyle’s attention. He watches it as Ben instructs him, talks him through it, like he always has done.

“Okay. Breathe in,” Ben instructs, composed and speaking softly, “And out.”

Kyle complies, trying to relax enough to stop shaking.

“Again. Breathe in... and hold it. Good. Now let it out.”

The air rushes out through his nose, and Ben’s fingers have closed around the nipple. He tugs it away from Kyle’s body, stretching the skin as Kyle hears the blood beating in his ears, feels it pulsing in his veins all the way down to his fingertips. A rush of adrenaline surges through him as well and he almost begins to feel high from it all. He welcomes it and rides out the rush, every sense heightened and tuned-in to each little detail. Looking away from the point of the needle, he instead stares hard at Ben’s lips as he says, “Breathe in... there ya go. Hold it... hold it....”

Kyle feels the prick of the needle pressing against his nipple.

“And let it out...” Ben says soothingly.

As he exhales, the needle goes through and out, and then it’s done. Just like that.

Grunting sharply through the gag, he bites down on it at the sharp pain and pressure.

“Can you see it?” Ben asks with a grin.

Kyle looks down at his chest and sees the thin length of metal speared through his nipple. Fascinated, as he always is, he can’t seem to pull his eyes away. Metal clinks as he shudders through the continued surge of blood and adrenaline, head buzzing with it.


“Mmm,” Kyle nods, eyes rolling with pleasure and the hormones racing through his system.

Ben carefully takes hold of the pierced nub of flesh, slowly pushing on it, watching the needle shift inside the reddened tissue. Kyle moans and arches his back. Ben’s thumb, encased in latex, brushes back and forth over the tip of the nipple and it’s like he can see the pleasure and heat radiating off of Kyle’s body. Reaching between his slave’s spread legs, Ben flicks on the vibrator wedged deep inside his ass.

Kyle whimpers shrilly, wriggling against the wall.

“So good. Such a good kitty,” Ben purrs, rubbing two fingers up against Kyle’s taint, triggering more nerves in his prostate. He keeps doing it, watching Kyle’s dick try to swell and strain against the cage, leaking milky-white drops even though he can’t get hard. Undulating against the wall, he breathes harshly through his nose and shuts his eyes to focus on the sensations.

After long minutes, Ben stops rubbing at the sensitive, smooth patch of skin. He fits headphones onto Kyle’s ears, setting the iPod to shuffle before placing it on the cart nearby. Next his fixes a blindfold over Kyle’s eyes and checks the tightness of the gag.

Satisfied, leaving Kyle bound, blind, mute and deaf, his body wracked with many variations of pleasure, Ben goes to his briefcase and paperwork, ready to sit down to work, enjoying the gentle breeze and alluring sight before him as he does.

Darrek watches Gabriel talk on his cell phone, sitting at what had been Darrek’s desk and is now, astonishingly,
desk, with a folder opened in front of him and some papers scattered around. He is in the process of setting up the bank account, and having their bills drawn directly from it. It’s one of the biggest things anyone has ever done for Darrek, and it makes everything about the merging of his and Gabriel’s lives that much more real and practical in the best kind of way. Darrek has never been so happy.

He lounges on the couch with his head resting on a throw pillow, watching Gabriel arrange everything.

That morning, as they cleaned up the breakfast dishes, Darrek had insisted on rinsing them and loading the dishwasher, not letting Gabriel anywhere near them, especially after what had happened the previous day and the revelations about Gabriel’s home life when he was younger. Gabriel at first looked like he wanted to argue the matter, but when Darrek gently asked him, “Please let me do this for you. Let this be
job,” Gabriel relented with unspoken gratitude.

As Darrek did the dishes, Gabriel had gotten the financial documents out, and had placed the call to the doctor’s office to make their appointments.

When Darrek finished the dishes, he had watched Gabriel carefully from the kitchen for a few long minutes. Then he had gotten two Advil tablets out, and filled a glass of water. He had brought them over to his lover and Master, offering them to him.

Gabriel had stared at the things in Darrek’s hands before looking up at his face with a question in his eyes. That’s when realization set in and he looked quickly away, flushing with embarrassment.

“Thanks,” he had said, quickly taking the painkillers.

“No problem. Are you all right?”

“Yeah. I didn’t realize that it showed, though... you know. That I’m... sore.”

“But you

“Yeah. A little,” he admitted shyly, head lowered.

Without hesitation, Darrek leaned down and caught his lips in a soft kiss, brushing a thumb over the hollow of his jaw.

“You were amazing,” Darrek whispered to him. “Completely
. Do you regret it at all?”

Their lips were so close that Darrek could taste the coffee in Gabriel’s breath. Gabriel frowned with seriousness and kissed Darrek’s lips once more before answering him.

“No. Of course not. I just hope that... next’ll be easier for me. But I’m glad I waited... for you.”

Then it was Darrek’s turn to frown and pressed the issue by asking Gabriel again, “But are you all right?”

He tried to kiss away the wrinkles in Gabriel’s brow.

“I’m trying to be all right. But the fact that you brought me Advil, and are asking about how I’m feeling... let’s just say no one else ever did that for me. Every little bit helps. It all... it all helps.”

“I want to just take it away. I want to take that whole part of your life away and make it so it never happened.”

“But then I wouldn’t be who I am. We might never have met. Gotta take the good with the bad and all that shit,” Gabriel said to him, adding with a reassuring smile, “Let me make these calls and then we’ll head out, okay?”

“I love you,” Darrek whispered, kissing the middle of his forehead.

“Me too,” Gabriel smiled. He took Darrek’s hand and squeezed it as he walked back to the couch. Hands clasped, their arms stretched out between their bodies as Darrek went, before their hands were forced to pull apart and fell reluctantly away.

Chapter 26
The Key to My Heart

A short time later, the phone calls are done. Gabriel finishes sending another text message to Ben, aware of Darrek’s eyes on him.

Ben’s brief descriptions of what is currently happening at his house highlight an issue that, for Gabriel, desperately needs to be addressed in his own relationship. Standing, he walks over and sits by Darrek’s side as he shifts to make room on the couch.

“Uh-oh,” Darrek says, “I know that look. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. But we need to talk about something.”

“Okay,” Darrek agrees, sitting up a little more.

“I want to talk about us... because, well, we’ve been living in what you would call a twenty-four/seven, Dominant/submissive relationship. Did you realize that?”

“Yeah, I mean, I don’t know a lot about that sort of thing, not as much as you probably do, but... yeah. I realized that.”

“But we’ve never really talked about it. We’ve never made it official.”

“I feel like it’s pretty official,” Darrek says quietly.

“No, baby, that’s not what I mean. Of course our relationship is official. I meant the fact that we’re living together as a Master and slave, and that we’ve pretty much been making the rules up as we go along. That’s the part we need to talk about. Um... okay. I have something for you. Uh... I’ll be right back. Stay here.”

He returns with a smallish, but long black box cradled in his hands.

“I debated this, and what to do, what to get you. There are different levels of commitment when it comes to this lifestyle. But see... I wasn’t even really sure that I wanted to define us in terms of our Master/slave dynamic. Sometimes I just want to be in love with you and have it begin and end there. So, I compromised.”

He hands the box to Darrek.

“This is for you to wear, if you want to. It’s symbolic of my commitment to take care of you in every imaginable way.”

Darrek lifts the lid and sees a necklace. It’s a heavy silver chain with a tiny lock connecting the ends. It gleams and catches the light. A small pendant hangs from the front, inscribed with a tiny G.

“It’s platinum. I’m wearing the key already,” Gabriel explains, pulling the necklace he’s wearing out of his shirt, holding it up for Darrek to see. He gingerly lifts the chain from out of the box and uses the key on his necklace to unlock it. Holding the opened chain out to Darrek he asks, “Will you wear it? If you do, it means we belong to each other, that you’re mine, my submissive, my lover, my partner—mine in every sense. And I’m yours. It’s a big deal, so if you have any reservations....”

“Gabriel,” Darrek hisses, biting his lip and clapping a hand over his mouth, “This
big deal!”

He feels the emotion threatening to choke him, memories of proposing to Sara really not so long ago in a similar manner.

“Are you sure you want me like this?” Darrek asks.

“I’m already wearing the key. I’m in this. I want this. I’ve never wanted anything more.”

“But this is like... like we’re getting... engaged.”

“I know. Yes, it’s just like that. And maybe, someday, we can do that too.”

Gabriel grunts as Darrek lunges forward and nearly knocks him backward in a tight hug, pressing his tear-stained face into Gabriel’s shoulder. Darrek feels Gabriel’s fingers brush through his hair and he just cries harder.

When he’s gotten it all out, he sits back and wipes the dampness off of his face with the back of his arm, sniffling.

“I’m such a sap. I didn’t cry the first time I got engaged, though. I think it’s your fault.”

“So you’ll wear it?”

“I’m never taking it off,” Darrek grins, perfect teeth flashing white and eyes shining with pure happiness. “Can I wear it now?”

As Gabriel hooks it around his neck and secures the lock, both of them hear the small snick it makes. It is a delicate sound, but the weight of what it means enhances it in both their minds.

Darrek says, “This is like a collar, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. It is. But it’s more than that to me. Yes, this means that I am your Master. But it’s also my proof to the world that I love you.”

The chain is snug around Darrek’s neck, fitting just like a collar, but in a more subtle way.

“Now, for some couples, when the collar is on, it means that the Master is in total control, but I don’t want it to work that way with us. I want you to wear this as much as you want, without worrying about what the rules are at that moment. So, instead, I promise you that if we are in what’s called a high protocol level, like when we’re having a session, I will let you know verbally, okay?”

“Yeah. Okay.”

“Those are the only times when you must obey the strictest, most formal rules that we establish together, like calling me by my title only and not my name. Any other time, as long as you show me respect, as I will show you the same respect, that’s all you need to worry about. And if we get to the point where we want to move beyond the Master/slave arrangement, then I’m open to that possibility.”

Darrek smiles widely, his eyes sparkling. Taking Gabriel’s hand in his, he says, “Sometimes it feels like we were literally made for each other, like we were made so that neither of us could be happy until we had each other. I’m so happy. You make me so happy. I’m so lucky that I get to love you and have you in my life, taking care of me. And I promise to take care of you too. Thank you for the necklace, and for needing me.”

“You’re welcome, baby,” Gabriel smiles, kissing him.

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