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Authors: Lynn Kelling

Deliver Us (51 page)

BOOK: Deliver Us
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He can’t help it though. Darrek could do anything to him right now, with all of Gabriel’s supplies and toys at hand to choose from, all of the techniques that Gabriel has performed on him in mind to be inspired by.

Something—probably Darrek’s hand—swats his dick, left to right then right to left. There’s a pause and then it happens again. Then his balls get smacked, lightly, but repeatedly and Gabriel bites down on the breathing tube. Humming, Gabriel’s eyes roll back under his eyelids as the teasing smacks come every few seconds, faster, harder.

Then it stops. And he waits. He can only wait.

Both hands close around him then, swallowing him up almost completely simply because of the monstrous size of Darrek’s hands. One is vice-tight around his shaft and the other completely encloses his sac. Gabriel waits, not sure whether to be grateful that he can’t hear Darrek’s voice or not. The deafness saves him from the teasing mindfuckery that Doms, like himself and Micah, tend to use against their submissives, but it also means he has no clue at all about what’s to come.

Both hands start to squeeze him at the same time. Gabriel’s body tries to pull away and arc up simultaneously, reflexively, but he doesn’t move a hair. He can’t twist or draw his legs up. He’s as trapped as he was inside the rope with Micah at Diadem, but somehow even more trapped than that. He can’t blink, can’t move his jaw, inhale through his nose or claw at the bed.

Darrek squeezes Gabriel tighter, hearing his captive moan through the tube. The hot, silky smooth flesh of Gabriel’s rock hard cock throbs in his hand. He releases only Gabriel’s shaft, staring at how red and thick it is. Again he wonders at how beautiful Gabriel’s lean, toned body looks like this, encased in black rubber. He’s a statue of himself made of glistening, wet obsidian.

Using his free right hand, his left still clamped around Gabriel’s balls, Darrek caresses lightly up and down the latex over Gabriel’s body, tracing his thighs, calves and feet, his stomach, chest, arms, and fingers. Everything. He fingers lightly over Gabriel’s face, and drags his lips and teeth over the edge of his jaw.

The black marble figure of Gabriel, too perfect to possibly be real, doesn’t react other than with small sounds and the twitch of his dick.

Meanwhile, Darrek contracts his other fist in small pulses, softly then firmly, alternating the intensity of his grip. Pressing his ear to Gabriel’s cheek, he hears and
his small mewls through the barrier, beneath the steady hum of the motor. Darrek relaxes his hand for five seconds, cradling Gabriel in his fist and rubbing his thumb over the velvety, wrinkled skin.

It doesn’t relax Gabriel, though, to have a reprieve, and the hiss of air through the tube as he inhales and exhales gets rougher, more frantic.

Sucking kisses at Gabriel’s jaw, Darrek tightens his fist around Gabriel’s balls all at once, as hard as he dares. Gabriel cries out through the tube and it’s a sharp, keening sound.

Snaking lower, Darrek quickly takes the head of Gabriel’s twitching cock between his lips.

He gives the damp, salty-tasting, heated flesh one concentrated

That’s all it takes.

Gabriel comes like a shotgun going off, jetting into Darrek’s mouth, spurting over his tongue and down his throat. Humming with pleased amusement, Darrek sucks Gabriel’s pulsing, oozing cock back into his mouth, taking him as far as he can. He doesn’t stop until his nose presses at the black rubber and he feels his lips brush the reinforced ring where the latex squeezes around the base of the shaft.

Enclosed in the wet sucking heat of Darrek’s mouth, and feeling Darrek’s fingers stroking gently over his balls, Gabriel moans loud and long. His brain is as fried as much as his nerve endings, his whole body tingles and shudders with aftershocks, and he gives into the hug of the latex. He’s beginning to love the way it forces him to feel every little thing. A prisoner. A mummy. Darrek’s captive. Darrek’s submissive. Darrek’s slave.

Gabriel keeps moaning, because he knows that Darrek’s not done with him yet. Not by a long shot.

Chapter 38
Trapped in Free Fall

Darrek debates whether to use a cock ring on Gabriel. Clearly the ring of rubber isn’t enough to keep him from ejaculating. But, he decides that he wants to
how much this is affecting Gabriel, and if Gabriel needs to climax, Darrek is going to let him.

So, after going to rifle through the drawers in which Gabriel keeps his supplies, Darrek pulls out a few things and brings them back to the bed. Figuring that if Gabriel had decided to keep such things in the house, he was open to using them on Darrek whenever the mood struck, he doesn’t feel guilty about using them on Gabriel.

The first thing he uses is a piece of penis jewelry that he’s never seen or felt Gabriel use before. It is a small plug connected to two rings that fit around and beneath the ridge of the head. Each of the rings is encircled on the inner edge with rows of small, sharp spikes. Seeing that Gabriel is beginning to harden again just in anticipation, having been laying on the bed and untouched for almost ten minutes, Darrek sits next to him and coats the plug with plenty of thick, gooey lube.

Taking Gabriel’s dick between his fingers, Darrek rubs more lube into the already-wet-with-come slit. Under the latex, Gabriel hums twice as he figures out what’s going on, and what the prep must mean. The hums turn to whimpers of anticipation and more frantic breathing as Darrek lines up the plug and lets it oh-so-slowly ease its way in, letting gravity do the work. Gabriel’s noises grow sharper, and Darrek can
his muscles bunching up under the second-skin of the black material.

Gabriel feels the cool metal embedding itself into his urethra, and it feels like he’s being pulled apart. It hurts a lot, but in the sickest of ways it’s turning him on so
that heat surges to his groin, pooling there and making him harder. Then the ache grows no deeper. The plug must be in place, but it’s not more than a few inches deep, which tells Gabriel that it’s not a sound but something else. He figures out
what it is when the rings snap into place and the points kiss the sensitive skin of his penis, making themselves known and threatening to push deeper if his erection grows thicker.

And he loves Darrek for deciding to use it. His cheeks twitch in what wants to be a smile.

The next thing is ties being wound around and around his balls—the right side then the left—and then Gabriel feels a tug as the first parachute weights are attached. Groaning, the sound of his pleasure twists into a yelp as the metal spikes bite into him deeper.

Pressure builds as the ties cut off blood flow, making his balls feel over-full and ready to burst, even as they’re pulled harder and harder as more weight is slowly added. He drinks in the pain, lets it keep his pleasure at bay and ease up the sting from the metal rings around the head of his dick. Remembering advice he’d gotten earlier that day, he tries to take back control, even if it’s only control over his own body’s reactions.

And it works. At first.

Because then, after Darrek has three one-pound weights attached to each side of Gabriel’s sack, and the spikes have pierced the surface of his skin, reddening it in tiny pricks, Darrek dips his head and licks at Gabriel’s skin.

He licks up and down and around, along his shaft, teasing the point of his tongue around the end of the silver plug. Then he licks down, sucking kisses down the shaft until he reaches the reddish-purple orbs held in bondage by the thin, silken black cord. Closing his lips around the tight, hot skin, Darrek sucks and flicks his tongue, darting it out in jabs and strokes, at Gabriel’s balls, one at a time.

Gabriel’s sounds grow wild, almost feverish, and Darrek hears another yelp as Gabriel’s dick jumps, suddenly achingly hard,
hard, and the spikes are sticking him.

But Darrek doesn’t have as much willpower as Gabriel. Not by a long shot, not when he sees Gabriel being hurt. He unfastens the metal rings, and gently, carefully, pulls the plug out. It leaves Gabriel’s flesh peppered with red marks, his urethra stretched open wide, and Darrek can’t help himself when he decides he
to taste and feel that under his tongue. Swiping the flat of his tongue over the hole, pushing the point of the muscle into the new, widened gap, he strokes a hand up and down the shaft. He knows Gabriel can’t unload and climax, not with the cord binding him cruelly the way that it is, but Darrek can get him close, can bring him right up to the edge.

Then Darrek’s willpower caves a little more because he wants to see Gabriel come again, wants to see it paint over the latex—pearly white on tar black.

His fingers work quickly, clumsily to get the cord off. Every loop he undoes gets another moan of relief from Gabriel’s mouth, and encourages Darrek on. Opening his throat, he swallows Gabriel down whole. The muscles in his throat contract and constrict around the organ as he keeps swallowing. Dimly aware that the breathing sounds have cut off sharply, Darrek finally gets the ties off. Sucking as he pulls his mouth off then dives back down on the shaft, his lips sealed up around the thick column, Darrek works quickly, bringing Gabriel to a frenzy.

Strangled sounds are followed by the feeling of flesh turning to unyielding iron on Darrek’s tongue. He hurriedly releases Gabriel with a wet pop. Gabriel unloads in a flood for the second time, spurting in long streaks over the rubber. Darrek pumps him through it, fast and hard.

Whining now, Gabriel tries to push up into the rough, tight tugs of Darrek’s large, strong hand. When he can’t, he feels a second wave of tingling, heated bliss rippling out through his body. Fearful that it’s just going to keep going on like this, endlessly, that Darrek’s just going to keep him coming and drive him crazy with it, Gabriel makes a decision.

Finding his breath again, and inwardly steadying himself as he feels simultaneously like he’s spinning wildly, turning to a boneless heap of mush, and vibrating with increasing claustrophobia, Gabriel makes the safe sign.

He hums three times quickly and then two times more slowly.

It takes a matter of seconds. The motor gets shut off and the all-consuming pressure eases up. The sweltering, unforgiving heat of his body inside the non-breathing fabric, making sweat course in rivers from every pore, is broken. The zipper gives, and a shaft of light splits the darkness.

“Gabe? What’s wrong?” Darrek says with almost suffocating concern as he peels the latex back to see Gabriel’s face. He feeds the breathing tube out so that Gabriel can speak.

“I wanna try it without the latex,” he croaks.

“What?” Darrek asks, confused. “You wanna keep

“Yeah. I want to try it with fewer restraints. I wanna see you, and hear you.”

“Okay,” Darrek nods, running his fingers over Gabriel’s dry lips and sweat-slick skin.

He helps Gabriel get out of the contraption, and gets him settled in a chair while he moves the vacuum bed, setting it aside in the second bedroom. When he returns, biting uncertainly at his lips and hooking his hands on his hips, Darrek looks to Gabriel and wonders how he’s going to proceed.

“Um... so.... on the bed?”

“Yeah,” Gabriel nods.

Darrek steadies him by grabbing his elbow as Gabriel stands and walks to the bed, sitting and shifting back to the pillows. Covered from head to toe with sweat, his hair stringy with it, skin shiny and face flushed from overstimulation, Gabriel looks absolutely gorgeous and sexy as sin, but also near exhaustion.

“C’mon, Dare,” he urges when Darrek hesitates.

“Gabe, you’re
so bad
at this,” Darrek sighs with a frown, shaking his head. “You need to give me
I don’t know what’s okay, and what’s gonna freak you out.”

Averting his eyes, Gabriel laughs with self-deprecation and nods.

“You’re right. Did the same damn thing at work, didn’t I? Okay. No boundaries. Well, maybe no serious bloodplay or branding, but I don’t think you’d do that stuff anyway.”

“What about penetration?”

“That’s fine.”

?” Darrek presses.


“Any requests?”

“Surprise me.”

“No, I want you to give me
request,” Darrek insists with darkened eyes.

Gabriel gazes down and sees how Darrek’s jeans are tented in the front around the bulge of his cock, and he warms at the sight, happy that Darrek is at least enjoying this too.

“You know, you’re kinda hot when you’re bossing me around.”

“I think you’re avoiding my question.”

Gabriel sighs, “Okay. Flogger. The small leather one that’s made for CBT.”


“Yeah,” he nods.

“Okay, well I think I have an idea for the restraints. Give me a second to get the cuffs.”

Gabriel’s lips curl in the smallest of amused smiles as Darrek guides his hands up, getting his arms straight and tight, before handcuffing him snugly, without any give, in soft but thick leather. If Gabriel tries to sit up or arches his back, he’s able to bend his arms slightly, but he’s got to work to do it. Then he watches with interest while Darrek wraps his ankles in matching cuffs but doesn’t chain him to anything. He simply guides Gabriel legs apart and into a sharply bent position with his feet planted flat on the bed. Then he begins to retie the cord around Gabriel’s balls, wrapping the loops of silk-lined but strong cord around the base of his sack, right up against his body.

Oh shit
,” Gabriel curses as he realizes what Darrek is doing.

Eyes half-lidded, he peers down through his lashes at Darrek as he ties the ends of each of the cords to one of his ankle cuffs. The cord winding around his left testicle gets tied to his left ankle and his right to his right. But they are tied tightly, without give, and Gabriel has to keep his heels almost up against his ass in order to keep from pulling on himself.

Darrek smiles, and it’s the most wicked thing Gabriel has ever seen. His splayed, huge hand caresses up through the soft curls of dark hair on Gabriel’s leg, up his calf, down his inner thigh. Reaching the junction of his legs, he circles his fingers around Gabriel’s dick and slowly strokes it. It’s already hard for a third time, and, careful not to give Gabriel any relief, Darrek teases him. He picks up the flogger with his free hand.

BOOK: Deliver Us
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