Deliver Us (52 page)

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Authors: Lynn Kelling

BOOK: Deliver Us
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“You looked so goddamned beautiful in that latex, Gabe,” he says softly. “Like a work of art. Made me want to lick you from head to toe.”

Releasing Gabriel, he stops stroking him, and watches his cock arc back up toward his belly. Darrek tickles the ends of the flogger’s tails over Gabriel’s red shaft and then down to the exposed, over-sensitive red orbs of his balls inside the cord.

“I think I’ll warm you up a little first. Then I’m gonna get my fingers stuffed up inside your pretty pink hole, see you squirm on my hand and make all those sweet sounds for me.”

Gabriel curses again and tenses his muscles in anticipation of the first lash from the tiny whip.

Snapping his wrist, and flicking the leather tails over his hand, they spin and strike squarely between Gabriel’s legs, hitting the underside of his shaft.

He moans, clenching his hands into fists and reminding himself not to move his legs.

Darrek doesn’t pause. He circles the whip over and over again in a circle as Gabriel’s dick jumps and leaks, smearing wet trails over his belly. It goes on and on, and Gabriel counts ten strikes before Darrek shifts his target, aiming lower. The first slap of the whip to his balls makes his feet shoot out even as he instinctively tries to close his knees.

Of course, this makes him yank hard on his ball sac while Darrek just keeps spinning the whip the other way, coming up between his legs instead of down.

,” Gabriel groans, his arms tensing up, face scrunching into a grimace.

“You can use your safeword. It’s ‘Discovery’ in case you’ve forgotten.”

hole,” Gabriel grunts, hissing sharply between his teeth.

“Nope, that’s not it. I just thought I should remind you. Just in case, you know. ’Cause I know sometimes you forget these things.”

“You... are
... gonna pay for this....”

“Oh, I
so,” Darrek grins. “What’re you gonna do to me, Gabe?”

“Rattan cane. Five lashes right to your taint. You’ll be bleeding and crying like a baby.”

“Ouch,” Darrek teases. He’s stopped whipping Gabriel and goes back to rubbing the flogger over his balls, squirting lube onto his fingers out of Gabriel’s line of sight.

As soon as he pulls the flogger away, he gets on his knees between Gabriel’s legs and leans over him, putting them eye to eye as his fingers find Gabriel’s opening and rub gently over it.

“I’m gonna do it. Last chance,” he warns.

,” Gabriel hums, shutting his eyes and frowning.

Darrek’s index and middle fingers push inside and Darrek sighs at the tight squeeze of Gabriel’s ring of muscle around them. Slowly and shallowly working them in and out, he leans down and licks some of the sweat off of Gabriel’s neck, nuzzles his nose into the skin as Gabriel shudders and tenses up.

“You’re... n-not a very... scary... Dom...” he sputters with a wavering voice.

“S’okay, Gabe,” he hushes as Gabriel keens. “It’s okay. You don’t have to be brave, you know. You’re allowed to be freaked.”

“I’m not... f-freaked,” he argues weakly.

“Yeah you are.”

The fingers pull out with a squelch and Darrek reaches for something, lunging away. He returns with a medium-sized plug that he quickly coats with a thick layer of lubricant.

“Okay. ’Mokay. ’Mokay,” Gabriel murmurs to himself, arching up off the bed when it starts to get pressed into him.

But then Darrek kisses him, swallowing his scared words. With a snap of Darrek’s wrist it plunges deep, sitting flush against his ass.

!” Gabriel cries out into Darrek’s opened mouth before relaxing a little and kissing him back.

“Good, Gabe. You’ve got it. You’ve got it. Gonna leave it there for now.”

The next fifteen minutes pass slowly, as Darrek alternately uses the flogger roughly, leaving Gabriel with red marks where the tails bite him, and then gently, tickling him, pebbling his skin and making him shiver. All the while, Darrek plays every now and then with the plug, pushing at it or tugging it out a few inches. Soon Gabriel is a wreck, pupils blown black and delirious with sensation.

Untying his legs, Darrek asks, “You with me? Hey....”

“Mmm,” Gabriel hums straining against the chains holding his arms.

“That’s not an answer,” Darrek frowns, “You wanna be unshackled for this part?”

“Yeah,” he sighs. “Yeah, get me out of these so I can touch you.”

The leather cuffs come off. Gabriel rotates his shoulders and rubs at the muscles to unknot them. Sliding off the bed, Darrek undresses completely, aware of how Gabriel’s lust has somehow replaced the anxiety he has always had when it comes to submitting or bottoming. Unsure if mentioning it will destroy the effect, Darrek keeps his observations to himself and settles between Gabriel’s spread legs, hooking them up over each of his shoulders.

“Face-to-face. Like before. That okay?”

“Mm-hmm,” Gabriel nods, still sounding woozy. “Do me a favor, though? I’m gonna fuckin’ blow if you so much as
at my dick right now, and I wanna have a chance to get inside you tonight. Wanna get my turn, so don’t... you know... touch it.”

Darrek’s lips purse sternly, so Gabriel whines, “
, Dare! I’m really goddamned horny right now, and all I want is to get fucked and then feel your ass squeezing up around me when I come. That’s all I want.”

“Maybe a little nap first....”

“Darrek, don’ make me hurt you. You jus’ whipped my balls for twenty minutes, and I will do
whatever it takes
to fuck yer ass right now. You get me?”

“You know, even when you’re drunk you don’t sound this wasted,” Darrek grins.

“Shut up and
fuck me
, bitch!” Gabriel demands impatiently.

Snorting with laughter, Darrek captures Gabriel’s lips in a kiss that quickly deepens.

It’s time to see how ‘okay’ Gabriel really is.

Twenty minutes later finds Gabriel draped over and leaning heavily on Darrek’s back. Darrek is on his hands and knees on the bed with four fingers completely buried inside him. He muffles his deep moans in the pillow under his face, riding Gabriel’s hand unashamedly. He’s pushing back onto it with quick thrusts as fingers stroke and rub up over his inner walls, filling him up so full and splitting him open so far that he suspects that Gabriel might have somehow got that last digit in there and is fisting him instead of fingering him.

He wants to complain, to ask if this is payback, but he already knows it is. It feels awesome but he wants to get fucked. He wants it as bad as Gabriel did a few minutes ago, but the words won’t form in his brain. He’s on autopilot, humping his lover’s hand and chasing his second orgasm.

So worked up over the sight of Gabriel’s pleasure, Darrek hadn’t lasted long once he was snugly nestled in the throbbing heat of Gabriel’s body. It had been rather embarrassing for him, orgasming with a startled shout after four pumps of his hips, but Gabriel had secretly been relieved.

Gabriel had gotten through it by holding on tightly to Darrek and biting down almost hard enough to draw blood on his shoulder. But he hadn’t panicked, or gotten afraid. He’d moaned at the too-full feeling and friction of Darrek’s dick rubbing inside him, and pushed down into every thrust.

-aaehbbe...” Darrek finally manages to complain, drawing out the name into at least four syllables.

“Maybe I should make you come like this first. God, Dare, you look so goddamned hot fucking yourself on my fingers. I wanna tape this so I can watch it all day when you’re away at work. But I’d probably be jerking off so much my dick would get blisters.”

A wet squelch and a startling emptiness between his legs is all the warning Darrek gets as Gabriel’s hand is removed and instantly replaced by the full length of his tortured dick.

yes...” Gabriel moans wantonly, pulling Darrek back by his hipbones so that their bodies are literally squeezed together. “There’s nothing better than this. Nothing.”

He draws it out as much as he can, pinching his fingers around himself in a makeshift cock ring to stave off completion. But after everything, Darrek’s dominance of him and the near-perfect love making afterwards, Gabriel can’t last long either.

Crying out into the sandy curls of Darrek’s hair spilling over the back of his tan neck, the smell of their sweat and sex filling his nose and lungs, Gabriel releases everything, emptying himself utterly.

They both collapse down onto the bed, with Gabriel still impaling Darrek’s body, and they lay there, trying to recover.

“We need to talk,” Darrek whispers eventually.

“Yeah, we do,” Gabriel agrees. “And we will. But first I want that strong drink you promised me. And a long, long shower.”

Earlier that day

Ben gets the vacuum bed upstairs with minimal assistance from Gabriel. It’s lightweight and the size is the biggest challenge. Twisting it to get it over the railing at the top of the stairs and angling in to the left to turn the corner into the bedroom, they manage to get it in place.

“How’s it going at work, then?” Gabriel asks, broaching the subject since it looks like Ben’s not in a very forthcoming mood. Or maybe he’s just trying to protect Gabriel again by keeping him in the dark. Either way, Gabriel would rather know what’s going on than be babied.

“Fine,” Ben says shortly before removing his head from his ass and realizing he shouldn’t be acting so suspiciously reserved if he doesn’t want Gabriel to suspect anything. Ben had had a long, involved, complex conversation with Trace shortly after Gabriel had called Ben to ask to borrow the vacuum bed. Now, faced with interacting with his best friend while planning to secretly and thoroughly undo a former member of his family, Ben tries to bury it all and play his part. “Yeah, it’s crazy and busy and we, uh, need another guy in there, but we’re managing. Micah comes back next week on a trial basis.”

“How about the site?” Gabriel asks as they head downstairs.

“Trace and I are splitting duties on that, but we’re looking to hire a programmer to manage that stuff long-term,” Ben says, looking down when his phone goes off in his jeans pocket. “Shit. Um, give me one second to take this?”

“Sure,” Gabriel nods, “Go ahead. I’m gonna go test out the vacuum motor and make sure it’s working.”

He disappears upstairs.

Ben answers the phone on the fourth ring, once Gabriel has gone through the bedroom doorway.


“Hey Benny,” Trace purrs, his words laced with menace. “You really think this is a good idea, goin’ over there when you had murder in your eyes not twenty minutes ago? You think Gabriel’s not going to pick up on that? You wanna fuck this whole thing up before we even get started?”

“I got this,” Ben says with a confident lilt in his voice. “The bed was a lot lighter than I thought it’d be. Glad you have such confidence in me though, man. I’m done here if you need me to swing by.”

“I have confidence in you, kid. We just have to be extra careful, especially around Gabe.”

“I know. Catch you later?”

“Sure thing, sweetie pie.”

Ben snaps the phone shut, the need to inflict violent revenge long years in the making is threatening to overwhelm him. He beats down his boiling emotions, until once more all he exudes is calm and control. “Hey, Gabe?! I’m gonna take off. You got everything you need up there?”

Gabriel appears at the top of the stairs.

“Yeah. Thanks. I owe you one.”

Ben nods then pivots a quarter of a turn back toward the steps. “Oh, speaking of.... Next time I see Darrek, he owes me one, too. An eye for an eye or a kiss for a kiss, eh?”

“Oh...” Gabriel says, eyes suddenly wide, realizing why Ben seemed so off. “I’m sorry about that, Knox. Really. It was just....”

“No, I get it. I do. Kyle’s kissable. I’m just giving you fair warning. Darrek’s got his coming. Later Gabe. I’ll tell Trace that you send your love.”

And with that, he’s gone with a swing of the screen door and hurried steps down the path.

Chapter 39
Taking Aim

Two rounds of Jack and Coke, two showers, and two reheated burgers later, Gabriel and Darrek sit facing each other at the kitchen table. They are slouched low in their chairs, and looking sleepier by the minute.

“Can we have this talk in bed?” Gabriel asks hopefully.

“Nope. I need you conscious for this. I’ve been waiting a full week for this talk, ya know. But we can make it fast.”

“Okay,” Gabriel sighs, swirling the dregs of his alcohol inside the short glass. “You go first.”

“What does that mean?”

Rolling his eyes, he says, “Ask me something. What do you want to know?”

“Um... okay, uh.... What just happened upstairs... with me dominating you and you asking me to have sex? What does that
exactly? ’Cause I’m a little confused. Well-fucked, sore and happy, but confused.”

“Fair enough,” Gabriel nods, tapping the bottom rim of his glass on the tabletop. “It means no more rules. I don’t want any more rules between us. You do what
want to do, and I do what
want to do. If I want you to fuck me raw up against the dishwasher, or you want to tie me up and spank me, you can do that. If I want to shackle you to our bench upstairs and dominate you for hours until you pass right the hell out, I can do that too. I don’t want you to be afraid of me, or treat me like I’m fragile, or treat me like all I am is your Master. I want more than that. I want to just be in love with you. Like a normal person.”

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