Deliver Us (32 page)

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Authors: Lynn Kelling

BOOK: Deliver Us
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“I need to do that some more later,” Darrek confesses, breathlessly. “And I want us both to get tested so we can stop using condoms, though I’m pretty sure I’ve swallowed enough of your come anyway to make it a moot point.”

“Agreed. Now fucking come over here and kiss me.”

“Really?” Darrek squints.

“Shut the fuck up and kiss me, or I’ll just chain your ass to the bed and
make you
kiss me.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am NOT fucking kidding,” Gabriel warns. Rolling his eyes when Darrek doesn’t move, Gabriel grabs him, easily rolling them so that he is on top. Leaning down, he kisses Darrek, tasting himself, as well as the tang of the lube.

When he finally pulls back, Gabriel just sighs contentedly and collapses down next to him on the bed. Darrek curls around him, entangling their limbs, and says, “I swear I’m going to get up and get a washcloth in a second.”

“Uh-huh,” Gabriel hums, already mostly asleep.

“Thank you for letting me have you,” he mumbles, succumbing to sleep as well.

Gabriel smiles and folds his arms over the one of Darrek’s circling his chest, and falls into the best night of sleep he has ever had.

Chapter 24
Demonstrations of Control

Gabriel sniffs and wiggles his nose when he feels something tickle the end of it. It happens again, and this time he can smell the flower as well as feel it. Grinning, he peeks open sleep-heavy eyes.

“I tried to get out of bed to get something to wash you off last night, but you kind of had a death grip on my arm,” Darrek explains, trailing the freshly-plucked purple flower over his lover’s cheek. “So, now you have to wake up so that I can bathe you.”

“Mmm... that sounds good,” he admits.

“Plus, there’s coffee.”

“Even better.”

When he rolls out of bed, he drowsily follows Darrek to the bathroom, but is awake enough to palm something from the bureau’s surface on the way.

Noticing that Darrek’s hair is damp, and that he smells like the lavender soap that’s in the shower, Gabriel deduces that he has showered already without him. The quiet barking from outside and the scent of French roast brew from the kitchen are further proof of Darrek’s early morning activities.

“You let me sleep in,” Gabriel mutters, reaching out and wrapping his hands around Darrek’s hips from behind once they are through the bathroom doorway. Darrek stops and lets Gabriel press their bodies together, smiling at the touch and the kiss Gabriel applies to his neck.

“You needed it... sir.”

Heat swells low in Gabriel’s belly at the honorific, his morning erection pressing at Darrek’s ass.

“Bend over,” he says into Darrek’s ear.

“Yes, sir,” Darrek replies. His eyes close and a flush colors his cheeks. A hand at the center of his back guides him forward, bending him in half over the sink. His pants are tugged down and he holds tight to the counter’s edge as he hears the sound of foil ripping behind him.

Gabriel’s fingers rub lubricant into his crack, over and into his hole, but don’t breach him far. Moaning with anticipation at being entered with little prep, he feels the head of Gabriel’s dick begin to press demandingly into his body.

A thunderous groan swells within him, rising from back in his throat, but Darrek bites off the sound, forcing himself to be quiet as the burning ache grows. It hurts, but Gabriel is going much slower than usual, and just gradually joining their bodies, pressing them closer and closer together.

“Okay?” Gabriel asks, his hands moving in a caressing massage over his hips and back, down his thighs, as he violates him deeper. The contrast of the pain against the tenderness makes it perfect for him.

“Yes, Master.”

As Gabriel begins setting a smooth, slow rhythm, fucking Darrek and watching his face in the bathroom mirror, he says, “Today I’m going to make a call. All of our utility bills, any of our expenses, I’m going to have paid for directly from my account. You only have to work if you want to. If you want to just focus on your own carpentry business, then you can do that. No worrying about money. Just do what makes you happy.”

Darrek cries out when Gabriel pushes in hard, not stopping until his pelvis is snug against Darrek’s ass. Breathing heavily, lower lip quivering, eyes hidden by heavy lashes, Darrek is the picture of torturous bliss.

“And after we eat, we’re going to head over to my doctor and get tested. The whole shebang. I’m fucking done with the condoms. No one else gets to fuck you, and you can bet your sweet ass that no one else is fucking me. I want to be able to come inside you. I want to feel your ass gripping tight around my cock with nothing in between. No more fucking condoms. I would have stopped using them anyway, but I didn’t want to put you in any danger. You are the most valuable thing in the world to me.”

Falling silent, he twists the fingers of his left hand into Darrek’s hair, pulling on it hard enough to cause him to arch his back, head snapped back and gazing up into the mirror at Gabriel as he starts to pound hard into him.

Darrek gasps, bracing himself, absorbing the shock. The promises Gabriel is making to him, the particular way he’s hammering right into Darrek’s prostate on every push, has him right on the edge. One little touch and Darrek would be coming, so his hands squeeze at the counter and he pushes through the feeling, trying to control it. He doesn’t want to let himself come unless Gabriel allows it.

“Oh shit...” Gabriel gasps, “

Panting, flushed pink, Gabriel doesn’t stop long to enjoy his orgasm, but pulls Darrek upright. Still buried deep inside his ass, he cradles Darrek’s balls, so full and heavy. He watches as Darrek swallows thickly, eyes shut as he struggles to master his urges, heat radiating off him, cock dripping wet.

Running his thumb gently up the underside of Darrek’s shaft, Gabriel whispers, “Would you enjoy it more if I let you come right now, or if I forbade it?”

A low guttural noise slips from his lips, and Gabriel chuckles.

Rolling Darrek’s balls, lightly touching the base of his reddened shaft, Gabriel watches Darrek’s cock jump and twitch.

“Loved the feeling of your tongue in my ass last night,” he says into Darrek’s ear. “No one’s ever done that to me before. I think you’ll get to do that a
from now on.”

“Thank you, Master,” Darrek blurts out, but it’s strained and broken.

“See, you’re getting better at this. At controlling yourself. Look how badly you need to come right now, but you’re not. I’m proud of you.”

Darrek smiles and laughs, but there’s anguish in it and his face twists as he says urgently, “I love you.”

“Love you too,” Gabriel says against the heat of Darrek’s neck, squeezing once up the length of Darrek’s shaft, telling him demandingly, “Come for me, slave.”

He erupts with a shuddering cry, splashing hot come all over his torso as his sphincter clamps down around Gabriel’s dick. Gabriel’s arm circles his chest, pinning their bodies together as he strokes him through it.

A couple minutes later, after Gabriel is sure Darrek is steady on his feet, they stand together under the steamy spray of water from the shower. Darrek, already scrubbed-clean, washes Gabriel down with the soapsuds-covered sponge, his eyes determined and focused. Gabriel watches him with a contented smile.

“Ben and Kyle are coming over tonight,” Gabriel says to him.

Not even pausing his ministrations, washing down over Gabriel’s left hip, Darrek nods, “Yes, sir.”

Trepidation creeps into his eyes though, into the turn of his mouth.

“I know how much you care about him, Dare. Let me do this for you. I’ll handle it, okay? I’ll handle everything. You miss him, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I do. And I’ve been worried about him. He was so upset the last time I spoke to him, and...” he says softly, trailing off, his brow furrowed with sorrow.

“Then this’ll be a good thing,” Gabriel assures him.

The sponge falls away from Gabriel’s body and Darrek curls his arms around him instead, hugging him close.


“You’re welcome.”

Rinsing them both off, Darrek shuts off the water. They exit the bathroom, and go to search out clothes. A minute later, they are dressed and their only thought is for the alluring scent of the large pot of coffee that is waiting and ready for them downstairs, any other concerns or fears now melted away, for the moment at least.

Perfect purple flower in hand, Gabriel leads the way, smiling.

They walk into the café and find a table near the window that overlooks the tree-lined downtown street just outside. It is still mostly empty of people due to the early hour. A waitress approaches and sets out two menus. She leaves the two men to look over the breakfast selections. Ben sighs, reclining into the padded back of the curved booth, reluctantly removing his dark sunglasses. Still waking up and trying to shake the heavy, sleepy feeling from his bones, Ben stretches out his arms and yawns. Craving his morning coffee and the full alertness that typically only comes once he has had it, he enjoys the alluring aroma of the brew that is wafting out from the kitchen. Ben glances over at Kyle beside him and smiles.

Letting one arm rest along the top of the booth, his fingers reach out and begin to play with the small padlock secured onto the back of the thick black leather collar wrapping Kyle’s neck. It blends in well with the rest of his attire: black shirt, dark jeans, gleaming silver jewelry and black leather cuffs on his wrists. But even if onlookers happen to notice it, and know what the collar really
, neither of them cares or worries about their judgment.

Ben’s other hand palms both menus and flips one open. After a quick scan of it, he folds it closed again. He lets his hand slip down under the table and into his pocket as they wait for the waitress to return and take their order.

When she strides back over to them, weaving between tables and chairs on the way, Ben presses the button on the small, black remote tucked away where no one can see it. He doesn’t allow any reaction to show, no matter how pleased he is, when he hears Kyle make a low grunt from beside him. Instead, Ben says to the waitress, “Two large coffees. I’ll have the waffle platter. He’ll have... hmm... let’s make it the scrambled eggs and toast.”

“Sure thing,” she smiles, jotting it all down on her pad. Giving Kyle a brief, curious glance, she turns and wanders back to the kitchen.

“Gotta keep your strength up, don’t we?” Ben grins, still fingering the remote. “Protein and carbohydrates are essential.”

Flushed and slightly dazed, Kyle replies, “Yes, sir,” and then presses his lips together to keep in a deep groan as a faster burst of vibration rips through him, fire exploding up his spine and into his brain.

Slumping down in the seat, the position makes it a little easier on him, less intense as the plug buried in him shifts. But then he feels a tug at the collar, pulling him back upright so that his behind is firmly planted on the bench.

Ben’s phone goes off in his pocket.

Cursing, he releases the remote, and Kyle sighs. Digging the cell phone out, Ben reads the text message from Gabriel.

Humming thoughtfully, he slips the phone back into his pocket. Seeing the wary darkness of Kyle’s expression, Ben says to him, “Hey, don’t worry about it. But it
gonna happen. We’re having dinner there tonight.”

“Okay,” Kyle says quietly.

With his thumb brushing over the place where leather meets skin on Kyle’s neck, Ben asks him, “I’m considering taking this off of you when we go. I want you to be as comfortable as possible. If you don’t want to have to explain to Darrek... then, I get it. I won’t make you wear it.”

Instantly, Kyle’s eyes snap up. His steely gaze locks onto Ben.

“I don’t want you to take it off,” Kyle says assertively. “I’m more comfortable when I’m wearing it, and when I know that you’re....”

Taking care of me
, he wants to finish, but doesn’t. It doesn’t need to be said for Ben to hear the words. “Can’t we leave it on? Please?”

The waitress returns with their coffee and tells them that the food will be out in a moment.

Kyle wraps both of his hands around the steaming mug and a smile plays at his lips when Ben’s hand goes back to the remote, slipping into the side pocket of his lightweight leather jacket.

“I don’t want to make this harder for you than it already is, but if you say you want it, then it stays on.”

“Thank you,” Kyle smiles. A burst of vibration jolts him before he relaxes into it. His voice is only slightly unsteady he asks, “Do you need to go into work today?”

“No. I have other plans. Things to do. Busy, busy, busy,” Ben says with a contented sigh. “Gonna pick up some steaks for dinner, do some paperwork, pay some bills, check my email... you know.”

Kyle gives him a sideways glance. His face pink and need written plainly in his features, he takes a tentative sip at his coffee.

“I saw that,” Ben laughs. “How long’s it been now?”

“Three days. Seventy-four hours, twenty minutes. Approximately, sir.”

“You’ve been keeping track?”

Kyle nods, sheepishly.

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