Deliver Us (39 page)

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Authors: Lynn Kelling

BOOK: Deliver Us
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“Goddamn,” Gabriel curses, head falling back, eyes closing.

“You okay?”

“Mmm,” he moans, nodding, squeezing his thighs and rearing up a little, just enough to get Darrek’s dick to begin to slide out. Then he presses himself back down on it. Smiling, he coaxes Darrek with, “Come on... fuck me... wanna fuck me?”

“Hell yes, I wanna fuck you,” Darrek groans. Adjusting his hold, arms straining, Darrek holds Gabriel in place as he starts to move inside him.

Too turned on to be able to last long, after a few minutes of kissing and rocking against him at a steadily increasing pace, Darrek comes, shuddering and clasping onto Gabriel, supporting his weight. Once he’s convinced he’s not going to drop him, Darrek retightens his grip and carries Gabriel over to the sink.

“What in the great hell are you doing?” Gabriel asks.

“Cleaning up,” Darrek says matter-of-factly.

Setting Gabriel down on the edge of the sink, Darrek braces him one-armed and turns on the water, splashing it up against Gabriel’s ass and washing him off.

“Can’t fucking believe you,” Gabriel chuckles. He gasps a little in surprise when Darrek’s fingers push inside his ass. Prying him open, Darrek gets some more of the warm water up inside him to wash off the leaking come.

“What? It’s efficient, and this way your pancakes won’t get cold, and you won’t be late for work, Mr. Fuck-Me-Now.”

“Please don’t use that as my new nickname,” Gabriel mumbles against Darrek’s neck, repressing a grin.

Darrek snickers and kisses at Gabriel’s reluctant smile.

Then he asks, “Want a blowjob?”

“Mm-mm, I wanna wait until I have you on the new piece of
you’re gonna make for us. I don’t wanna come until then, after I’ve played with you for
. It’ll be better if I have to wait.”

Darrek dries him off, happy to see the contented grin Gabriel is wearing.

“You know, people are gonna be awfully suspicious if you walk around with that big goofy smile all day, seeing as how you’re usually such a scowly bastard when you’re at work,” he teases.

“Eh, let ’em,” Gabriel replies.

Sitting at the dining table, Gabriel hurries through breakfast, not speaking in order to savor every bite. Once finished, he gathers his things and prepares to leave.

Before he does, he asks, “Um, so I wanted to see if you had any interest in seeing some of my videos, and watching them with me? I wanted to maybe get some ready to show you, in case you are able to finish that bench sometime this weekend.”

“What do the videos have to do with the bench?”

Gabriel only grins wickedly in response.

“Uh... well, yeah. I do want to see them, if you want to show them to me. I didn’t know if you wanted me to see that stuff.”

“Of course I do. I want you to know everything about me. No secrets. And this way, I get to see how you...
... to things.”

Darrek blinks at him and Gabriel laughs. Standing on his toes, he kisses Darrek goodbye and heads out the door.

The following day, Saturday, Gabriel finally has a break from work, and basks in anticipation of the long weekend, knowing he isn’t needed back until Tuesday. Darrek spends the morning finishing up the bench and polishing the edges, wanting to have it done as soon as possible so that they can try it out. He’s also in a hurry to do everything he can to be productive before going back to work on Monday.

Once he gets to the point where his muscles are aching and the garage has gotten too stifling, Darrek heads out into the fresh air with Sierra to stretch his legs.

It’s late afternoon, and, turning on the radio to listen to the local baseball game, Gabriel busies himself in the kitchen while Darrek is out.

Certainly not expecting any company, he’s confused when the doorbell rings, and he notices an unfamiliar silver Lincoln Towncar in the driveway.

Opening the door while wiping his hands on a dishrag, he squints out at the sixtyish man on the front stoop, asking, “Yeah, can I help you?”

“Who are you?” is the abrupt response.

“Gabriel Hunter. I live here. Who are you?”

“Jerry Grealey.” The man frowns in displeasure, arms crossed over his perfectly starched, canary yellow polo shirt, not a hair of his short, gray, impeccably styled hair moving out of place, even in the strong, warm breeze. He’s at least as tall as Gabriel, at six-foot-one.

“Darrek’s father.”

“Yes,” Jerry nods. He takes Gabriel’s outstretched hand and gives it a firm shake.

“Come in,” Gabriel says to him, nodding inside. “Darrek’s out on a jog with the dog. He should be back any minute. Can I get you something? A drink?”

Jerry follows Gabriel into the living room. He looks around the place, surveying the furniture, the few photographs and possessions scattered about.

“No, thank you,” he replies, adding, “I wasn’t aware that Darrek had a tenant.”

“He doesn’t,” Gabriel replies shortly, returning to the stove.

That’s the end of the conversation as the older man sits perched stiffly on the edge of the couch to wait. As expected, only a few minutes later they hear barking and then a rattle at the door as Darrek returns. He’s breathless, covered in a thick layer of shining, dripping sweat, and overheated from the exercise in the warm weather. Sierra bounds inside first, having sensed an unfamiliar presence and, straining at the end of her leash, barks at Jerry. Darrek walks in behind her, holding tightly to the leash and reining Sierra back.

Having instantly recognized his father’s car in the driveway, Darrek doesn’t hurry to look up at him or say hello, choosing instead to smile at Gabriel who meets him at the door.

Gabriel unhooks the leash from Sierra’s collar after giving her a treat and letting her lick happily over his hand. She runs, sniffing and curious, over to Jerry. Well-trained enough to know not to jump up, she smells him out as he backs up a step or two in apprehension. The dog’s sniffing does distract him, but not enough to not see his younger son grip the back of Gabriel’s neck, drawing him close and planting a soft kiss directly on his mouth.

“Smells incredible,” Darrek says to Gabriel, “Makin’ lasagna?”

“Yeah,” Gabriel nods, licking his lips wet. Noting the significance of the gesture, he decides to simply follow Darrek’s lead. “I was just checking on it. Needs five more minutes.”

Finally, Darrek turns to their guest and says, “Daddy. Guess you’ve already met Gabriel. What are you doing here?”

More than a little taken aback at his son’s cool directness, Jerry sputters, “We... we haven’t heard from you in months, Darrek. Your mother is worried and we don’t have your new phone number. I was in the area on business, so....”

“Tell Mom I’m fine. I appreciate the concern, but I’m fine. Work is fine. My health is fine. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re about to sit down to dinner.”

He had crossed the distance between them while speaking and leads his father back to the door with a hand on his shoulder. They step outside as the screen door closes behind them with a thwack.

“Darrek,” his father insists, gesturing toward the house, “who is this Gabriel person? What exactly is going on here?”

“Daddy, what’s going on here is absolutely none of your business. Gabriel is my partner. I don’t care if you don’t approve, and I can tell you don’t. I’m happy and I will not allow you to try to ruin that.”

“You’re screwing around with a
Son, just because Sara didn’t want to marry you, that’s no reason to write off women altogether.”

Laughing maliciously, hands planted on his hips and wiping the sweat off his brow onto the sleeve of his t-shirt, Darrek points at the car in the driveway and says, “Leave. We’re done here.”

“Yes, I suppose we are,” his father agrees, turning away. “Please call your mother, Darrek.”

“Right. Fine.”

Once sure that Jerry is, indeed, returning to the car, Darrek turns to go inside, and almost runs right into Gabriel.

“What are you doing?” Darrek asks, confusedly.

“Gonna go kick him in the balls for what he just said to you,” Gabriel says simply, with the fire of rage burning behind his cool blue eyes.

“No. Just let him go. He’s just an insensitive prick and I don’t want to deal with this right now. I want to go sit in our home with you and have a nice meal together. I know how hard you worked on making dinner for us. I just want to enjoy that and, temporarily, forget about this. I’ll deal with it tomorrow, but I am
letting him ruin our night. Please?”

“But tomorrow I won’t be able to kick him in the balls,” Gabriel replies, not backing down.

“Gabe,” Darrek implores, pressing his hands together like he’s praying. “Let it go this time? For me?”

“I only let this go once,” Gabriel warns. “No one gets to talk to you like that. I don’t care if he is your father.”

“He’s always been like that. But he has
no say
over what I do with my life anymore. He knows it and it pisses him off. That’s all. Come on. Let’s go eat.”

After supper and washing up, Darrek discovers that Gabriel has bolted the new bench in place, and that it’s ready to be tried out. Standing in the spare bedroom’s doorway and grinning happily, he admires the sight of it and says, “I can’t believe you set this up already.”

“Of course I did,” Gabriel says, “You up for it? Not too tired from the jog are you?”

“Are you kidding? Yes. I’m up for it. In fact, I think I need it. I have all of this fidgety, bottled-up energy, and I know how good I’ll feel if we do this.”

His hand plays at the chain around his neck and he gazes down at the key glinting on Gabriel’s collarbone.

“Okay,” Gabriel nods. “Clothes off
, slave. And from this point on, you will obey me completely, understood?”

“Yes, sir,” Darrek answers readily, shrugging out of his clothes.

Chapter 30
Measured Reactions

Darrek lays facedown on the bench, his face turned to the side and right cheek resting on its surface. As Gabriel shackles his wrists together under the board, Darrek focuses on calming himself, using deep, even breaths to push past his anxiety. It only partially works, and a grimace curls his lips.

Gabriel glances up at his face, saying, “I haven’t even started yet. Relax.”

“I’m trying, sir,” he grunts, and starts to turn his face away as he whines.

“No. Look at me.”

Darrek stops himself and faces Gabriel once more. Under the bench, Darrek’s cock and balls have been fed through a hole drilled out of the wood specifically for this purpose. Gabriel cradles him in his right hand, examining the heavy metal circle resting snug under the ridge of his cock head. The thick, sharp points circling the inside of the ring are nipping at the skin covering Darrek’s shaft as he continues to swell and harden under Gabriel’s feather-light touch.

The jewelry had been well-sterilized, as had Darrek’s dick, before Gabriel fastened it on. He’d had Darrek close his eyes and had locked it in place before he could see what it was, after first ensuring that Darrek was ready to feel pain and wear a chastity device of Gabriel’s choosing. Darrek had also previously confessed to Gabriel that his interest in temporary piercing was piqued after the conversation he had with Kyle about his experiences with it. Gabriel sees the weighted, spiked ring as a trial run before going through with a true piercing. If Darrek can manage to control himself, he won’t even need to feel the spikes, which are far too widely-tapered, short and thick to do much more than break the surface of Darrek’s skin.

The heavy, solid weight of the silver ring pulls against Darrek’s penis, another form of gentle torture, as he struggles to not become erect, but does anyway. What his body
—to curve up—and what the heavy metal
—pull him down with gravity—fight for dominance.

Gabriel sees the strain already on Darrek’s face, but there’s that old defiance in his eyes.

“Please give me more, Master,” he asks at Gabriel’s hesitation.

“Okay,” Gabriel nods.

Testing the leather cuffs, making sure they are tight, Gabriel next secures Darrek’s ankles together.

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