Deporting Dominic (17 page)

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Authors: Renee Lindemann

BOOK: Deporting Dominic
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Dominic’s family has said their final, “Aidos.” They are heading back to Phoenix as we stand waving goodbye to them. I enjoyed meeting his two uncles, one aunt, and five cousins.  I felt so fortunate to have this new group of people as part of my extended family.  I retrieve my cell phone to call and check on the children. 

“They are fine sweetheart. We will bring them home l
ater we are heading to a friend’s house for swimming,” Aunt Camille informed me. “The family is still here you know.”

“I didn’t realize. Do the children
have swimming gear at your house? Do you need me to bring them anything?” I asked as only an alert mother would.

“Hey Sammie I have done this before
. My son maybe grown but I know what I am doing. We went to Wal-Mart this morning and got them a few things. Just enjoy your time with that new fiancé of yours okay. Stop worrying mama bear.” Camille’s voice is so soothing even as she softly admonishes me. After hanging up the phone I look over at Dominic.

“What do you want to do? The ki
ds will not be home until later?”

I clearly interrupt his thoughts as he stands gazing at me.

“What’s the matter Dom?”

“Nothing baby, this has been a great day that’s all. We could get some food and catch a movie,” he sug
gested. I grab his hand leading him to our minivan.  Before I can get into the passenger side Dominic presses my body against the hot door unable to resist kissing me with ardent zeal.  Pressing his forehead to mine he whispered, “Thank you.”

“So what are o
ur wedding colors?” I questioned Dominic as he bites into a slice of his juicy steak.

“What? You can pick whatever you want. Just tell me what tim
e I need to show up,” he replied after swallowing the delicious meat. 

“Dominic you do not have to go picking out bridesmaid’s dress but you could at least help with some of it. We only have a few weeks to plan,” I insist
ed as I take a fork full of green beans off my plate.  We decided to eat at a local steakhouse before heading to the new Iron Man movie at a theater nearby. 

“I thought that was just the kind of thing the bride does. I mean I really have no preference just as long
as you and the kids are there I am happy. Oh and my parents of course. I have to call them and help them get their flights arranged.”

“Okay well I want to keep it simple. How many groomsmen will you have?”

“Let’s see Drake, Nicholas, my cousin Mario, and my little brother Diego. Could my sister Isabella be a bridesmaid she is sixteen now. My sister Renata is only twelve so she is too young.”

“Okay so I’m thinking Sidney of course, Cassie, Morgan, and your sister Isabella will be my bridesmaid
s.” I repeat taking out a small notebook from my purse that I use during my lessons with Father Foster.  I immediately write down their names on a clean sheet of paper.

“We should
have a toast,” Dominic suggested as he summons our waiter to the table.  He orders us two glasses of champagne and I am a bit shocked given his misgivings about alcohol. 

“You sure you want champagne Dominic,” I ask
ed curiously. 

“We have a lot to celebrate today Sammie. What you have done albeit behind my back converting and taking the classes still has me floored. I would never force you to change your religion.”

“I know Dominic but I want this for the rest of my life. We need to present a united front as we raise our family together.”

Sammie you have me for life.” He raised the glass of liquid touching it lightly to my glass. I take a sip of the liquid and note the color of the bubbly fluid.  That’s the colors champagne and ivory I want for my wedding. I write that quickly in my notebook after setting my glass back onto the table.  We finish our meal talking about our future together.

The movie is absolutely exciting with lo
ts of fast paced action. I love Terrance Howard and Robert Downey Jr so I am in rapture the entire time the movie plays.  Dominic does take the opportunity to kiss me several times during the movie. Those are times I gladly miss the action in exchange for kisses. When we leave the movie it is still quite early in the afternoon. I am happy he wants to head home for some rest. It feels funny that we do not have to get up and go to class in the morning. I will be working hard tomorrow as I initiate both my new business plan and start the planning of our wedding.

“I still have some money left in my savings to put towards the
wedding expenses,” Dominic said as he drives to our apartment.

“Oh okay. Maybe that can help your parents and siblings cover their expenses
to get here in time,” I suggested calmly. Dominic nods his head in agreement. 

“I am sure my father will not like that idea. He will insist on paying for their expenses and a portion of the wedding.”

“I have a feeling my Uncle Winston will insist on helping out as well. I plan to keep the ceremony as simple as possible Dom. So please do not worry about it. I have some money in my savings too. We are in this together.” I place my hand upon his right hand holding it the remainder of the drive to our apartment. 

Inside our apartment I slip into the bathroom to change my clothes. I opt for a long pajama shirt as I slip out of my skirt and blouse. My period is finally wrapping up its
four-day appearance much to my combined happiness and dread. It will be harder to resist the urge to make love to Dominic if I am capable of having sex. I suspect after today’s revelation in church that Dominic will be less incline to attack me.

Dominic is comfortable on the couch with the television remote in his hand surfing through the available channels. I can see he has shed his Sunday best for a pair of basketball shor
ts and t-shirt. Dominic motions for me to join him on the couch. He is stretched out on the brown couch my mom helped me to pick out. I find his chest warm and comforting as I snuggle into his arms. I cannot believe that we are here after almost four years of friendship. I am madly in love with Dominic and vice versa. We are going to be married and with the exception of my parents absence I couldn’t be happier with my life.

“You are trying t
o kill me aren’t you,” he asked staring at a silly commercial on television.

“No! Why would you
say that?” I lift my head to look at his face and he won’t look at me.

“Sammie you are laying on top
of me in a flimsy pajama shirt and panties.”

I laugh as he speaks and a slow mischievous smile creeps across his face. I am squealing before I know it his hands are everywhere. I am doing a piss poor job of fighting him off as his hands slip underneath my shirt.

“Dominic please we just left church,” I blurted out as he finds my nipples.

We are not having sex. We are just fooling around,” he responded in a low sexy voice. I am such a girl I totally melt under the sound of his voice and the feel of his fingers. I finally snap out of his touch after a few minutes enough to force his face in my direction.

“I am a Catholic Dominic and it means a great deal to me as I know it does to you. We will wait until we are marr
ied to have sex again,” I notified him firmly.

“What I saw today was dedication Sammie. I am not going to do anything to violate our beliefs. I just want to kiss you and feel your skin next to me. We will not have sex until our wedding night I promise.”

I hold out my pinky finger as he laughs hooking his finger around mine.

“I love you Dominic. I am so happy that I am going to become your wife.”

“I love you too Sammie. I am so happy that you will work primarily from home and in our bedroom right where I will want you.”

I laugh
ed loudly, “Once we are married will I be allowed to come out of the bedroom?”

“Yeah to help with the kids but then you get to go right back to our bed.” He kisses me before I can launch a protest. I enjoy the feel of his kisses so much and strangely what we are doing is enough.  I feel really good about today and our ability to refrain from actual intercourse. I know that this kind of touching is skirting the edges of that promise but we know that it’s not about lust it’s about love.

“Ah Dominic,” I groaned as his mouth gropes my breasts through my flimsy pajamas.

“You are so beautiful,” he repli
ed back finding my lips. Somehow I am no longer on top of him and he is hovering over me.

“You are to baby,” I coo
ed back to him running my hands the length of his chest stopping just short of his navel. His t-shirt has magically disappeared and I marvel at his bare chest. Dominic pushes my shirt up slowly revealing my tummy and breasts. The skin on skin contact is simply amazing as he rubs his chest against me.  I moan loudly and I can feel him hard through his shorts as our skin connects once more. Dominic pulls my shirt off tossing it to the floor. I am lost in the wonderful feel of our bodies pressed together when a new sensation hits me. He is no longer contained in his shorts I feel him hard against the cotton of my panties. The slow grinding as he kisses me tenderly is a welcome relief from our brief abstinence.

“Sammie mi angel, I l
ove you so much.” Dominic groaned as he continues to move against me right there. I wrap my legs around his waist as he picks up speed. This in turn intensifies the pressure in the right spot ten-fold. I cry out when he growls softly warming my stomach with his release. I savor the sound of his pleasure and the look on his handsome face as he lets go.

“I love
you so much Dominic baby,” I cried softly with my hands caressing his face. Dominic kisses the palm of my hand as his breathing returns to normal. I watch as he cleans off my stomach and then lays his head between my breasts. I run my fingers through his curly hair and relish this moment. Just three months ago we were best friends and now he will soon be my husband.  

“I know the Olympic trials are coming up soon. If you get
to tryout we can skip planning a honeymoon,” I offered.

“I’m not sure I can swim for the U.S. but we are not skipping a honeymoon. We can do something local an
d not too expensive,” he replied nuzzling my breasts.

“I am not
saying we will not have a great wedding night but I would be happy if it were in our bed. If you try out for the Olympics I know you’re going to make it, Beijing would be our honeymoon.”

“That wouldn’t be much fun for you if I was practicing around the clock.”

I lift his head up delicately by his curls glaring at him.

“Dominic if they allow you to tryout and
you make the Olympic team we are going to Beijing. I will be your biggest fan cheering you on and watching you in practice like an extra coach.”

Dominic kisses my lips tenderly then nestles
his face against my neck. “I wouldn’t do well without you there anyway. That’s too far away too soon after we are married.”

“It would be difficult to leave the kids but I do not think I could be away from you that long either.”

He pulls
my body to the side so that I was resting in the crook of his arm.

“I think it would be nice as man and wife
to spend our first night in our own space and then maybe spend a few days in a nice hotel,” I suggested running my finger from the base of his throat down to his navel.

“Perhaps we should spend our first night here. I am going to make love to you for hours. What just happened felt really good but it doesn’t compare to be
ing inside you Sam,” he whispered against my lips.

“Dom when you
said stuff like that it drives me crazy.” I move on top of him straddling him as he ogles my naked breasts.

“You look so beautiful Sammie. I am going to be a good husband to you. I promise.”

“I know you will be Dominic.” I said the words slowly in a husky sexy voice as I grind against him. Dominic pulls me down to kiss him and I immediately slip my tongue in his mouth. I nip and suck on his bottom lip as I feel him harden once more under me. It is such a rush that he gets so turned on by me, after everything we have been through together. His fingers trail down my back in a slow methodical dance while I rest my head against his chest. We both fall into a peaceful slumber.

In the distance I hear my cell
phone ringing but I can’t quite pull myself out of this peaceful sleep.  I am grateful when I hear Dominic’s voice grumble into my cell phone.  He is able to wake up instantly as he closes the phone.

“Get up Sam. The kids are on their way up,” he
informed me as he bolts upright.  I sit up a little too fast feeling dizzy as I realize I am still in my panties and nothing else.  Dominic is pulling his shirt over his head and suffering the effects of sleeping next to his almost naked fiancée.  He quickly hands me my pajama shirt as I hear voices coming from beyond the front door.  I manage to get off the couch dashing to my room for a pair of shorts. Dominic is right behind me trying to quell the effects of our semi-nude slumber in his shorts. I am back in the living room fixing the couch pillows when Morgan unlocks the door. 

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