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Authors: Renee Lindemann

Deporting Dominic (19 page)

BOOK: Deporting Dominic
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“Buenos diás mama,” Dominic said wrapping his mother in a backbreaking hug. His mother is crying buckets and unable to answer Dominic right away. I look over my future mother-in-law and see where Dominic gets his amazing good looks.  Although demure in stature Sofia Castillo is quite a beauty with ebony hair pinned into a haphazard bun. Dominic gets his height from his father who is taller than he by a few inches. Luis Castillo is a very statuesque man with a neatly trimmed mustache. His voice that I have only heard over the phone does not match the power this man seems to command in one room.

Dominic and I drove to the airport to retrieve his family after leaving the kids home, including the newly returned Morgan from gymnastics camp.  With one week to go before the wedding we are going to take this time to get to know each other.  Dominic wraps his arms around his sisters Isabella and Renata as he makes the formal introductions.

“Isabella, Renata, Diego, mama, papa this is Samantha my fiancée,” he beams. Several people all at once as his mother continues to sob hysterically embrace me. The scene inside the bustling airport is a sincere one as I get to know my new family.  I am treated to a barrage of Spanish, some I know some I do not know. I do my best to keep up.

“Encantado de conocerle,” I stutter nervously recalling Dominic’s rushed Spanish lessons each night the last two weeks. 
My nervousness to speak Spanish encourages the family to speak in English much to my relief. I would hate to be offensive trying my hand at a language I read and hear better than I speak.  We make our way to the minivan with their luggage bags and I wait patiently for the Arizona heat to hit them. Collectively they all flinch as the extremely dry heat covers them after stepping outside the air-conditioned airport. 

“It’s something to get used to,” Dominic
said noticing their instant discomfort.

“Wow it is really something hot,” Isabella
said with the same beautiful brown eyes as my beloved. Isabella and Dominic could easily be mistaken for twins except she is about a foot shorter than he.  Her hair is trimmed in a neat bob haircut that I’m thinking her parents did not approve. I like the way it frames her lean face providing her a certain girlish quality that distinguishes her from Dominic.  The younger siblings Renata and Diego take after their father in every aspect. They are both quite tall for their respective ages of twelve and fourteen, with sandy brown hair like Mr. Castillo.

I am excited for my children to meet our new family members. I think it is going to be wonderful for Morgan and Charlie to have some family around that is more in their age bracket. While I am certain Bryce will love the attention of doting grandparents, once he warms to them.  With Dominic as acting master of ceremonies for this meet and greet
, our families will blend seamlessly together. The love Dominic and I have is strong enough to bring together these culturally different groups of people. 

Me llamo Bryce,” he said delicately extending his hand to Mr. Castillo. Dominic has scooped Bryce up in his arms as he makes the introduction of the kids to his family.  No one is paying attention to the newly furnished apartment as the families exchange pleasantries.  Bryce is much more comfortable speaking Spanish than I am at this point. Dominic has been providing him an ongoing course in the language since our friendship began. 

The next few days speed past in a blur for me. Dominic and I are stretched to our near breaking point as we try to accommodate his family and make last minute preparations for our wedding. Sitting at the dining room table with a rare precious hour of quiet to myself I go over my checklist for the wedding. 

My dress has been finished and I had my final fitting yesterday.  The bridesmaid’s dresses arrived at the store two days ago so that is not an issue any more. I am so grateful this is a small ceremony however it still feels rather large with the number of people constantly swirling around us.  My Uncle Winston and Aunt Camille have the catering arranged and we are pleased with the menu considering the rush.  Sidney has been a huge help as my maid of honor running errands for me whenever I need her to.  The floors have been ordered for both the church and the bouquets. The bride’s bouquet contains twenty-four ivory roses with a champagne colored ribbon around them. The bridesmaids will have a simpler version of my bouquet with only a dozen roses each.  The budget for the wedding is well under what we first thought we would spend having a proper wedding. Dominic is quite relieved to hear this news as money continues to worry him. He has put the job offer to work at the hospital on the back burner because he wants to try out for the Olympic swim team. I fully support his decision to wait because I have faith he will be successful in Nebraska next month at the Olympic trials. 

Sitting at the table I imagine the moment that Father Foster will pronounce us husband and wife. I allow my happiness to manifest into a goofy grin at the thought. I love Dominic so much and to finally call him my husband will be a wonderful day for us both.  He has become more proactive where the wedding is concerned mostly due to his mother’s insistence.  Mrs. Castillo and I have had a few chances to bond, just the two of us. I am appreciative of all her advice
about Dominic plus it feels good to have a mother figure around again.  Dominic’s sisters are fitting right in with the status quo helping out whenever they can or hanging out in Morgan’s room.

I allowed them the chance to just behave like normal American teenagers dropping them off at the Tucson Mall for some retail therapy. 

“Please do not spoil them with your crazy American ways,” Dominic said playfully.

“Hey you are about as American as apple pie. That’s some nerve Mr. Castillo,” I respond back to his chiding.

“I know I feel bad. I feel more American than anything. Especially with my hot African-American wife to be.”

He grabbed me pulling me into his warm embrace. I love the heat radiating from his body as he plants a swift kiss upon my lips.

“Just a few more days and I can have you all to myself,” I whispered as he plants another kiss nodding his head in agreement.  The kiss deepens and I am lost in his lips and tongue. I do not hear his parents walk into our living room as Dominic devours me with his mouth. I press my body against his as his arousal takes shape against my stomach. 

h excuse us for the interruption,” Mr. Castillo said clearing his throat. We separate instantaneously as I flush with embarrassment.  Mrs. Castillo gives me a pleasant smile happy to see the genuine love between the two of us.

“We need to go to the market. Sofia is going to make her famous tamales for the wedding.”

Mrs. Castillo nods to indicate she is definitely going to do just that. I want to launch a protest that my aunt and uncle have the food covered but I decide otherwise. It is important that I do not alienate my new family. Dominic gives my hand a reassuring squeeze as I keep my mouth clamped tight.


Sidney gives me a devilish grin as she takes my hand leading me to what I thought was supposed to be some simple fun at the Hub. With my wedding two days away I am not really up for too much excitement.

“It’s a tradition that you have something that resembles a bachelorette party. Mario, Drake, and Nicolas are taking Dominic out tonight so we are going to celebrate too,” she is radiating with purpose. I do not want to rain on her parade so I allow her to lead me to my minivan.  The loud cheer that erupts from six ladies from behind the minivan nearly scares the crap out of me. We load up in the van as Sidney snatches
the keys from my hand.

“I am driving bride,” she
informed me.  Cassie leans forward in her seat and places a short white veil on my head. Another girl, Erin, one of Sidney’s friends places a bridal sash around my waist.  I am laughing at my new attire as the van lurches toward Interstate 10. 

“Okay Sammie you have to select your name tag,” Briana
, my cousin, said extending a brown bag my way. I reach inside feeling the paper of the nametags wondering why they are weirdly shaped. For the sake of time I just select one pulling it out with a look of horror on my face.  The tags are shaped like penises but in different colors and with various adornments. Briana takes the tag from me and quickly scribbles my name on it before pinning it to my shirt. One by one the remaining seven ladies select their penis nametags as I cringe. 

“Take a few deep breaths and just enjoy tonight ok Sammie,” Sidney
said patting my knee. I shake my head that I will comply with the rules of the evening and try to have fun. 

“So cousin spill the beans about this hunk of a man that
you are marrying,” Briana gushed.

I frown at her and shake my head, “Uh no beans will be spilled about my husband to be.”

“It’s a bachelorette party you are supposed to talk about sex stuff or so I heard at least.”

“Well I heard that he i
s amazing in bed,” Sidney chimed in with a statement she made months ago. I hit her arm good-naturedly as my mouth gapes open.

“Well is he?”

Briana looks about ready to burst if she doesn’t get any juicy gossip.  I hesitate looking down at my penis shaped nametag before responding. 

“Well we haven’t had sex in
almost a month but…” I am interrupted by Sidney who screams out her displeasure at the start of my answer. “What the fuck Sammie? Why not?”

“Well I converted to a Catholic and we had to make a promise not to have intercourse until we were married. It has been killing us so if after the wedding we disappear for a few hours we will be somewhere getting it on,” I jest. Briana slaps me a high five as she shakes her head in wonder. 

“Wow you have waited so long to get with him in the first place,” Cassie added. “You have great self-control. I would have had that fine man naked ever chance I get.”
“Trust me Cass it has not been easy to keep my hands off and I haven’t kept my hands off per se just no intercourse.”

“Intercourse? What are you a teacher? You two haven’t fucked in like a month that’s insane.” Sidney is shaking her blond hair as she speaks. I notice her exiting the Interstate and wonder where the hell they are taking me. 
The other girls in the van launch into a conversation about how long they have gone without sex. I decide not to add that it had been over a year since I had sex before Dominic.

“I didn’t
said it was easy and we have done other stuff,” I laugh at her audacity.

“So whose tag represents your husband to be? We need to know because that girl wins a prize,” Briana
asked. I cover my eyes as each girl proudly displays their nametag in the hopes of winning the prize.

“Pick a dick!
Pick a dick!” They all start chanting loudly as I erupt with laughter.

“Aw this is so embarrassing. I guess uh Kim let me see your tag,” I
replied giving hers a good once over, “Lydia let me see your tag back there.”

Lydia proudly pokes out her large breast where her tag rests comfortably.  I squeal when I see that she has picked out the most normal looking penis tag of the bunch. My own tag looks pretty pathetic compared to the others.

“Uh I guess it would have to be Lydia’s.” Lydia squeals with delight as Briana hands her a little pink gift bag.  Proudly Lydia reveals the contents of the bag holding the vibrator up for all to see. 

“Make sure we have one for the bride,” Sidney announces to all the ladies. 
Cassie holds up a bag full of sex toys, lubricants, and other sex play items. I blush uncontrollably.

“I do not need one trust me. Dominic is all the vibrator I need and then some,” I
said with steely resolve. 

“So he is amazing in bed. I knew it that man is too good looking to goof it up in the bedroom.” Briana high fives Cassie who shakes her head in agreement.

“He is amazing in the bedroom and all I need.” My eyes are smiling more than my mouth as I speak the words I definitely mean.  All the ladies explode in laughter as I make this revelation. 

“I am so happy for you cousin. You needed someone to break your back.” She
said as if having my back broken is a perfectly good way to spend an evening. I am about to respond when we pull into the parking lot of Club Envy. I cover my mouth in astonishment as the marquee reads:
All Male Revue

“Let’s go see
some man-cake,” Sidney proclaimed pumping her fist in the air.  The ladies are out of the van faster than a jackrabbit while I remain in the passenger seat.  I pull out my phone to call Dominic. My friends do not even realize that I am still in the car as they eagerly head to the entrance. 

When he answers the phone I hear loud music. “Hey wife of
mine. Are you enjoying your bachelorette party?”

“You knew they were doing this? You knew they were taking me to a male strip club,” I ask with false anger. 

“No but I knew they were taking you out to get drunk and to have fun.”

“So are you on your way to a similar establishment.”

“I do not know but I am sure that is a distinct possibility. Do you not want me to go?”

“I mean it’s a bachelor party. How can you have one without butt naked hoes?” I
said with a laugh but not liking the mental image of girls shaking their bits on my fiancé. 

“If you are not okay with this then I will not go Sammie.”

“No go ahead have fun besides my friends just realized they were heading into the club without the bride to be. I gotta go. Have fun baby but not too much.”

“You have fun to baby,” he
said before hanging up, “Do not let another man put his junk in your face.”

“Ditto baby, male or female,” I pronounce. Dominic laughs loudly before professing his love for me.  I respond just as Sidney snatches the phone from my hand. Quickly she ends my call tucking my phone into her purse. They are pulling me out of the van as I put up a believable protest.  Once inside the club I am instantly given a drink for being the bride that I must chug according to my friends.  I do as I am told hoping the drink will relax me enough to enjoy myself tonight. 
The liquid warms my insides as it travels to its final destination. We are lead to a table near the stage much to the delight of the barely dressed MC. 

“We have some fresh meat coming in right now,” he squawks over the microphone. “Bachelorette party? Hmmm I have just the man for you, Major Bradley front and center.” The red curtain opens to a man dressed in head to toe white saluting the audience. The song
Up Where We Belong
begins to play as he walks slowly onto the stage.  It’s the first time that I notice the room is almost completely packed with screaming ladies. When Major Bradley gets to the front of the stage he turns around giving all the ladies a view of him in full uniform.  The song abruptly stops switching to Estelle’s
American Boy
. Major Bradley starts moving on the stage to the music as the ladies scream even louder.  Quickly he is out of his cap, uniform jacket, and shoes as the ladies howl their appreciation. Women are lining up around the stage to tip him as he continues to disrobe. 

“What can I get y’all?” Our shirtless hunky dark haired waiter
asked forcing our eyes from the stage.  Sidney orders the same drinks for everyone except she orders a light beer. I give her a quizzical look as she winks an eye at me. She is tonight’s designated driver.  I am ready to thank her when she points to the stage. Major Bradley is looking down at me like a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving.  He gets down on his knees and crawls onto our table right to me. Without warning he is on me grinding his hips and I missed when he took off the uniform pants. He is now in a black thong giving me the business with his moves. I try to look interested but this man is not my husband and while he is good looking Dominic has him beat in every department.  I give a scream to indicate that I am enjoying his moves and he finally relents much to the happiness of his awaiting fan club.  Sidney shoves dollar bills in my hand and I put a few in his g-string before he returns to the stage.  I cover my face with my hands knowing that I am blushing rather obviously. 

“That man is all kinds of nice,” Briana shouts out over the music.  The remainder of the night goes pretty much in that fashion. A man performs and sees a bride and attacks her with his pelvic thrusts. I am besieged by the attention and deflect it to the other ladies at my table. 
They enjoy all the male attention as we party the night away. I find I am having more fun watching them enjoy the male dancers than I do having them all over me. 

“Excuse me bride to be can I give you a dance as a gift,” a deep voice
whispered in my ear. My cousin Briana is engrossed in a dancer moving all over her body while the other ladies in our party looks on.  I turn to see a tall, handsome, caramel colored man standing before me and I absent-mindedly lick my lips.  He is the most beautiful man in this establishment and the only one in my mind capable of giving Dominic a run for his money.  I am speechless as he takes my hand leading me to a less populated area. 

“Get it
Sammie woo hoo,” Sidney shouts as I allow myself to be led.

“My name is Micah,” he
whispered in my ear. I watch him set the wooden stool in front of me as he parts my legs open. I am suddenly conscious of my black button up sleeveless dress tied at my hip as it rises past my knees. 

“I am Samantha nice to meet you,” I splutter extending my hand. Micah shakes my hand then pulls me forward.
His smooth supple lips blow warm air on my neck as he nuzzles me lightly close to my ear. I get an immediate chill from his touch as he is still holding my hand.  When he releases my hand he is all over me pretending to touch me in every spot. I can barely keep up as he removes his t-shirt revealing a toned set of abs. I let out a soft moan as he moves towards his zipper. I truly need to have sex with my husband soon I am feeling deprived looking at this yummy man in front of me. Sidney abruptly appears in my line of vision stuffing dollar bills into my hands.

“Sexy man, keep dancing for her, she seems to like you,” Sidney
said winking at him.  I flush all over as he winks back in understanding.

Micah is not quite as tall as Dominic but he has some height on him that makes his moves on this stool all the more impressive.  His
narrow but strong hips swivels and twists as Lil Wayne raps about lollipops. Ending his tease Micah removes his pants as my friends shriek with approval. The simple black g-string he is wearing leaves nothing to the imagination. Purposely Micah turns around on the stool to give the ladies a full view of his sexy chiseled body.  Cassie, Briana, and Lydia lead the charge with dollars in hand to tip Micah, who has also attracted the attention of nearby ladies. I am assuming this is his marketing plan and if so it is sheer genius.

When the song ends he receives more applause than the guy dancing on the stage. Various ladies get up from other tables to offer him a few dollars in tips.

“Excuse me when you are done here can you come see us over there,” a tall brunette lady points to a small table of eager young ladies. Micah gives her a nod to indicate that he would come over there soon after he is finished with me. Micah sat on the stool and struck up a friendly conversation with me as he waited for the next full song to play. 

“So when is the big day?” He asked raising an eyebrow as he spoke. I understood his hesitation as I was practically panting after his wonderful performance.

“Two days away,” I stammered fighting to regain my composure. Before I can formulate my next sentence Sidney is by my side. “Drink this,” she demands thrusting a test tube filled with pink liquid at me. I look over at the table and all the ladies are holding a tube in their hands awaiting my decision. I raise the tube up give an encouraging “whoop” and down the yummy fluid. That shot of liquid courage takes the stammer out of my voice as I speak more confidently from this point on. 

“I am marrying my best friend in two
days and I can not wait,” I said loud enough for just Micah to hear.

“That’s great but how old are you? If you do not mind me asking,” he
said curiously.

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