Deporting Dominic (22 page)

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Authors: Renee Lindemann

BOOK: Deporting Dominic
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“Sorry Sammie even though you’re finally looking fuckable
, I am afraid I don’t do sloppy seconds after spics. I am here to see my son. Bryce it’s your real daddy not some hick,” Danny said advancing towards us. This time Morgan shocks us all when she unleashes a verbal and physical fury onto Danny.

“Get the hell out of here. Bryce has a real father and it is not you. And if you ever talk to my mom
like that again I will kill you myself you piece of shit,” she screamed as her tears flow. Morgan rushed toward Danny with her arms extended along with Charlie and it takes everything I have to hold them both back.

“Get the hell out of here Danny. Morgan, Charlie he isn’t worth it, look at him. He is probably strung out on drugs,” I yell. Dominic forces Bryce into my arms and hurries toward Danny with his fists ready to defend his family. 

“Dominic, no please,” I screamed as loud as I could, trying to hold all three of my children.  Just as he nears him two more men step out of the shadows. Dominic seems unfazed by the fact that he is outnumbered. He only paused when Danny takes out a pocketknife. Thank God for interventions! Uncle Jose grabs Dominic by the collar of his tuxedo just as he is ready to knock Danny to the ground. 

“Not today nephew. This is not a fight
you boys want,” Jose said shaking his head.

“Look a here spic no one is going to stop me from seeing my son,” Danny replies as his friends stand near him.  Jose takes his fingers and gives a loud whistle. Almost immediately the sidewalk is filled with not only the male members of Dominic’s family but those from my family as well. 

“Wow really Sammie? You are going to stop me from seeing my son.” Danny’s voice trembles with defeat as he yells. “You stupid cunt I am going to get custody of my son.”

I look at the man I used to believe I was in love with and shake my head in disgust. I look at the man I love and extend my han
d to him. Bryce wiggles to get down and I think it’s to run to Dominic but he keeps going.

“Hey son it’
s me your real daddy,” Danny said putting the knife behind his back. Bending down he tries to touch Bryce as Dominic and I both race behind him.  Bryce flinches away from Danny holding out his hand.

“A real daddy is nice and you are not nice. Do not be mean to my mommy bec
ause she loves me.” Bryce confidently speaks, as he looks disgusted.

“Bryce son they have brainwashed you into believing that
Dominic is your daddy,” Danny said pointing to Dominic, “but he is not your daddy. I am.”

“You are not a real man.” Bryce’s voice is soft but loud enough for everyone
to hear. Turning on his small dress shoes Bryce makes his way over to Dominic. Dominic scoops Bryce into his arms holding him tightly. Without fail Dominic, Charlie, and Bryce start making their manly grunts.

“These are real men you are a waste
of space,” Morgan shouted indicating the people behind her. I am worried about the amount of rage coursing through my teenager.

“You shut your mouth kid. I should call immigration and bust up this whole spic party.” Danny’s voice is hollowed with this empty threat as his friends nod in unison. 

“Well that was quite a show of it Danny. I mean really showing up looking like a druggie in front of everyone. You really showed us but unfortunately we have to get back to our celebrations. It’s time to cut the cake and I am sure it is time for you to continue fucking up your life,” Sidney said indicating he should turn around.  Several campus police cars pulled into the lot and immediately withdrew their weapons upon seeing the knife behind Danny’s back.  I laughed when everyone else does but I am not feeling jovial at all.

“Put down the wea
pon son,” the first officer said forcibly. “We will take it from here go back to your celebrations.”

r Thompson thanks,” Dominic said extending a hand to the officer. The other police begin the task of handcuffing Danny and his friends.

“Dominic you got married?”

“Yes sir,” he said reaching out to me. “This is my beautiful wife Samantha.”

“Hello nice to meet you ma’am. Congratulation
s son.” Officer Thompson extended a hand to me and I shake.  “Besides the obvious what happened here tonight?”

Dominic recounted
the quick story and Officer Thompson writes it in his small notebook.

“We will let them sweat it out with a detox
overnight. It’s obvious they are stoned out of their minds. Meanwhile you two go on and celebrate your wedding.”

“Thanks Officer Thompson,” I
replied with a smile that does not reach my eyes.

“A word of advice Dominic on marriage.”

“I could use any and all good advice officer.”

Dominic slips his arm around my waist putting a kiss against my veil. 

“The wife is always right.” Officer Thompson’s face was completely serious as he spoke those words.

“Dang officer Thompson
, I thought you were going to tell me something I didn’t already know.”

We all laugh as I agree with the honesty of Officer Thompson’s advice. 

We rejoin the party already in progress. The remainder of the reception is spent dancing, laughing, and drinking with our family and friends.


The ivory colored chemise slips over my body like a second skin. I feel almost dainty wearing the beautiful lingerie as I slip on the champagne colored frilly garter.
Leaving my hair in the French twist I give myself one more jasmine scented spritz. My nerves are shattered as I prepare to exit the bathroom. I am not quite sure why. I have had sex with Dominic before just never as my husband.

“You look st
unning Sammie,” Dominic exclaimed as he lays eyes on me.

“Thank you Dominic
. You look so handsome,” I replied back nervously accepting the glass of champagne he is offering. This is the most I have ever drunk in one night. The bubbles of the brown liquid tickle my nose as I drink.  Dominic takes the glass from my hand placing it on the nightstand.  The bed is beautifully covered in red and pink rose petals. Before I can acknowledge his efforts I am weakened by his touch. The heat of his hands on my waist is more than I can bear after such a long exciting day.  Dominic walks me to the bed and forces me to sit down.  I watch him light several candles around the room before he switches off the lamps.  The shadows from the candle flame dance along the walls as he returns to me. Holding my head firm in his hand he bends to kiss my lips. I miss him when he pulls away from me but he gives me a shove back on the bed. 

The feel of his mouth grazing my nipples through the satin fabric causes me to groan. I look up into the brown eyes of my husband noticing for the first time the small flecks of gold in his irises.  His body is hovering over
mine and my breathing increases. I can feel his arousal when he presses into me and my legs open instinctively to accommodate his presence.  My lids fall shut as he grinds his hips against me. I can still see the flecks of gold behind my eyelids as he nibbles my chin. My feet are barely touching the floor when he pushes me further up the bed. Using the satin texture of my chemise Dominic slides down my body. I am at a loss for words in this moment. Every nerve ending in my body has shown up this night; the slightest touch from my husband causes me to moan rather loudly. 

Dominic trails kisses from my knee to my thighs before pushing the chemise to rest above my navel.  The triangle of fabric that is my matching thong is light work for my husband.  Up to this point Dominic has been
exceptionally gentle with his touch. That changes when he roughly forces my legs apart. His finger touches me there and I scream, “Dominic baby please. I want you so bad.”

“I am going to give it to you Sammie just relax bab
y,” he replied slipping a finger inside me. Everything below my waist clenches for a few seconds then relaxes.  The feel of his tongue on me over shadows the rhythm of his finger moving inside me.  The two sensations are more than I can stand as I am greedy for a release.  My hips buck upward in response to his touch and I feel the flow of my warm fluid as I prepare to let go.

“I am coming,” I yell
ed as my body clamps around his intruding fingers. My thighs are shaking uncontrollably as he continues to feed on me.

“Sammie you
belong to me,” he said pausing his wonderful oral work momentarily. When he finally stops I feel the shift of the bed. Dominic is standing in front of me untying the string of his pajama bottoms.  His arousal springs free as the pajama bottoms hit the floor. I gasp in response to the sight of my sexy husband. His flawless caramel skin was so kissable and I remembered just as sweet.  Dominic lifts the satin fabric from my body tossing it to the ground. I am completely nude and spread eagle on our bed when he joins me. 

“I am yours Dominic,” I whisper
ed holding his face in my hands. My back arches off the bed and his face contorts as he slides into me. The slow strokes are driving me insane and my hips buck upward to encourage him to speed up his movements. Dominic resists my invitation continuing to take his time. Each in and out movement of his erection plunges him deeper and deeper into me.

Oh God, my favorite place Sammie is inside you. You feel so good,” he whimpered against my ear. I realize that the month of abstinence, aside from the fooling around, has left him just as vulnerable as me.  I need to feel him move faster inside me I want to explode with him.

. Dominic, please.” I plead with him releasing his face as I grip the muscles of his back.

“Let me take m
y time Sammie. I have missed this so much.” The slow sensual moves feel good as usual but I am so impatient for what I am not sure. I would come no matter how Dominic made love to me. Together we create a slow rhythm that allows us to kiss while whispering sentiments of love.

Dominic I love you so much,” I whine softly. Dominic trails kisses along the length of my neck murmuring, “Don’t ever leave me Sammie. I love you.”

“Never baby you’re my husband.”

We pick up speed and my body responds immediately. I feel as if I am about to fall off a cliff in sensory overload.

“Ahhhhh.” I cry out in pleasurable anguish as my body quivers violently. Dominic welcomes the response as I tighten around him internally. The sounds of my cries are drowned out by his low throaty growls. His thrusts are harder now and they push us both
over the edge.

“Sammie baby
, fuck!” Dominic yelled as he releases inside me. The weight of his body on mine is a welcomed feeling on my trembling frame. In a passion explosion Dominic is kissing me all over lips, chin, neck, and breasts.  I fight to keep up with his erratic movements but resign to just enjoy the sensuous attention.

“I love you so much Sammie. You are all
mine baby all mine,” he groaned. Dominic flips us over and I am straddling him now. I feel so sexy and beautiful looking down at my new husband with those gold flecks in his brown eyes. It is an absolute pleasure having him ravish me on our wedding night. When we finally drift off to sleep our tired bodies and the long day force it upon us. 

morning wife,” Dominic whispered into my ear. I try to open my eyes but they are too heavy. I run my hand over my face accidentally scratching myself with my wedding ring.  That’s right I am married! I feel the smile spread wide as the realization sets in.  I am Mrs. Samantha Nicole Castillo for real!

“Good morning husband,” I finally manage to
speak. As much as I love the sunshine I am grateful it is not glaring through the curtains right now.  Dominic disappears into the bathroom and water is running presumably in the tub. I take the time to survey the room everything looks the same but for some reason it all feels different.  I am a married woman right now. Dominic Jesus Castillo is my husband. I do a horizontal happy dance kicking my legs frantically as I beat on the bed.

“I hope this is a good sign that you enjoyed your we
dding night,” Dominic interrupted. It’s as if my body recognizes I haven’t blushed in a while and gets that party started again.

“Uh, yes I had a wonderful wedding night,” I
replied red faced.

“In that case,
let’s keep that going. Join me in the tub.”

Dominic extended
his hand to assist me but I push it away as my bladder comes to life. 

“Sorry babe I need to borrow the facilities first.”

I race to the bathroom with only seconds to spare before I would have totally embarrassed myself.  I see the tub full of wonderful bubbles and there are lit candles in here too.  Dominic knocks on the door, “Everything okay, Sammie?”

“Yes baby.”

Slowly he pushed
the door open to the bathroom. I am not sure what was sexier the audible gasp or the look in Dominic’s eyes. I am standing in the tub with bubbles covering up only a few key spots. Using my index finger I give him the come hither motion. Right on cue he releases the string on his pajama pants. I bite my lip at the sight of my very naked, very aroused husband.

“You like what you see?” Dominic allows his hands to slowly slide down his carved chest to his wonderful killer abs before coming to rest on his narrow hips.

“Yes I do. And what I see I want right now,” I giggle wriggling my index finger at him. Dominic joins me in the sudsy water immediately removing my bubble bra to take my nipple hungrily into his mouth. I lean against the wall of the shower to brace myself as the sensations overwhelm me.  There goes my bubble panties as his hand finds that special spot. I throw my arms around his neck and our lips connect in a stunning dance of passion. Dominic’s hand stills the movement of my face when he pulls his lips away. We are nose to nose as he stares lovingly into my eyes.

y breathing increases ten-fold. This feels more intimate than what we were previously doing.  Although he hasn’t officially asked a question I am shaking my head up and down. I want to kiss him but he only stares at me allowing our noses to touch but not our lips.  Without looking away he takes my hand placing it on his erection. I stroke his shaft applying pressure as I get to the tip. His mouth opens as he makes a wordless, “Oh”. I continue stroking him using the slippery wall to slide down to my knees.  It takes three tries for me to get his entire length comfortably into my mouth. When I take him all the way in he slips both his hands into my loose hair. Teasingly I take half of him into my mouth but he pushes the remainder of the way inside. I do it again as he hisses through his teeth. I know what he wants to do so I switch from breathing out of my mouth to my nose. The grip on my hair increases as he forces my head down further. I am no longer in charge of moving my head, Dominic is in charge. When he reaches the back of my throat I swallow and brace myself.  It must be the new wife status because I am not sure how I managed to suck and stroke him while he thrust like a jackrabbit into my mouth. It’s so sexy to look up at him while he moves.

“Mi puta sucia
. Sammie baby I love you so…,” he trails off in a strangled growl as he explodes into my mouth. Closing my eyes I swallow everything that he gives me. The image of warm melting caramel floats through my mind as he softens in my mouth.

We sink beneath the few remaining bubbles our bodies
entwine under the water.  I reach up and cut on the hot water letting it run for a minute before shutting it off.  At first we are quietly nuzzling each other lost in the moment. Then we start reminiscing about the wedding, the reception, and the Danny drama.

, I am telling you he had better stay away from my family,” Dominic warns.

“I understand but I do not want you getting hurt. He is not worth it Dominic,” I
replied fearfully.

“It’s not me that will be hurt. If he does something stupid I am going to crush that bum.”

“I know it was a stupid interruption but let’s just focus on the honeymoon.”

Dominic turns my chin
so that I face him running his thumb over my lips. “It’s all about our honeymoon for the next few days wife.”

“Do you know you have little flecks of gold in those big brown eyes of yours?”

“No I never realized that.”

The softness of his lips on
mine causes an immediate reaction down there. I will never get enough of this man.

“I think the gold only appears when you are horny.”
I chuckle for only a few seconds as he reaches for my breasts. I feel rather than see his erection pressed into my back.

“I have an insatiable appetite all of a sudden. Stand up for me Sammie.”

I do as I am told turning to face him the water dripping from my body. Leaning forward he places kisses all over my most sensitive area. I am so glad I opted for the wax this feels amazing.  The use of his tongue forces me to hold onto the shower wall for balance. Every time I think I am going to burst, Dominic pulls back running his finger through and around me.

“I want to come, Dominic please,” I whimper
ed softly.

“Sit down on me. I w
ill make you come,” he whispered tenderly.  I notice most of the water has started to drain when I reach to replenish it he pulls me down to his lap.  I moan loudly as he pushes inside me, “Oh baby yes.”

“I want all of you Sammie. Take all of me.” Dominic is gripping my ass so tightly in his hands while I bounce on him.  The close friction is driving me crazy and it almost distracts me when he touches me back there.
I slow my movements but a hard whack to one of my cheeks gets me moving again. 

“I said I want all of you. Jus
t keep fucking me,” he instructed looking down at our connection. I instinctively follow his eyes down to our connection. The sight of me moving him in and out of my body is amazing. Better yet the sight is fucking hot! It’s enough to distract me as his finger slips into my backside. I cry out but only momentarily as I adjust to the intrusion. 

“Mi puta suc
ia. Keep fucking me,” he mumbled a slight lapse in concentration. I am loud with no regard for the volume of my voice or my neighbors. I want to come but I do not want the sensations to stop either, especially since there is no pain back there anymore. Dominic’s right hand is behind me with his finger inside me. His left hand snakes slowly around my neck. Dominic’s thumb presses against my throat while his remaining four fingers rest on the back of my neck. The pressure in his thumb increases in slow increments but doesn’t stop me from moving on Dominic.

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