Deporting Dominic (33 page)

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Authors: Renee Lindemann

BOOK: Deporting Dominic
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“Yes baby. This will test your endurance like nothing else but I have every faith that you will do very well here,” I
replied supportively. Dominic takes me in his arms giving me a sweet kiss. We spend a moment forehead to forehead in silent prayer for his continued strength and success. It takes us a while but we manage to write out Dominic’s detailed schedule and synchronize our time accordingly.  Instead of calling our first day here day one we have decided that the first day he swims will be day one. This makes it easier for us both to understand that he will have potentially one week of swimming in Beijing. 

Olympic village is
a twenty-minute walk from the Beijing National Aquatics Center or Water Cube, as the locals call it, where the swimming events will take place. The rectangular building is an architectural marvel covered in bubbles that look most amazing at night. Whenever I am allowed I watch Dominic practice with Coach Beckmann and his staff mostly mornings and evenings. Up until we left for Beijing Dominic was practicing about four hours a day six days a week. Now that we are here he is concentrating his practices on the individual races. When we manage some downtime we will tour this amazing city, a much easier feat given that the Olympics have come to town.

Before I leave Beijing I will have visited some of the oldest known former dwellings
in this city. Being in a different state is usually amazing but being in a different country is an experience like none other. The assault on all my senses makes everything a new experience. The sheer number of people living in this one city is enough to boggle anyone’s mind.  The smells, the sights, and the people provide me with an education I have been sorely lacking. I am not well traveled but this visit is definitely giving me the itch to increase the number of stamps in my passport. The ability to play tourist is lost somewhat on Dominic as his focus is on the games. I am encouraged that when he finishes his events we will properly tour the city together. With that in mind I keep my solo explorations to places near my hotel. All the huge tourist traps I want to experience with my husband.

is in a zone I have never witnessed before as he not only prepares physically for the challenges ahead but mentally.  The coaches have the entire team not only following a treacherous practice schedule but sleep and diet regimen as well. Considering all of this we agree to restrict lovemaking during this time as neither of us wants to break his focus.  Sleeping in separate quarters helps us to maintain our no nookie policy but it wears on both of us to be apart. I am especially feeling the loneliness of being in a different country alone at night.

“That was rough,” I whine after our first official night apart in Beijing.

“Yeah I had a hard time sleeping without you next to me. The only thing that comforted me was that my roommate snored like a hog. You would have been angry and left me anyway,” he laughed. I pull my husband in for a kiss knowing that he has just an hour to spend with me.

“I do not want to interrupt your focus baby. I just wanted to get a kiss. I know you have to get back.”

“You have no idea how much your support means to me. I couldn’t do this without you Sammie.” Dominic leans in for another kiss and I eagerly accept. I tell him nothing of my fears or the fact that I miss his daily presence. I want to provide unconditional support as he focuses on the tasks ahead of him. We take a walk around Olympic village as he fills me on the practice and heading into his first day of competition tomorrow.

“I am practicing
early tomorrow morning and then my first two heats are tomorrow evening.”

He grips my hand hard as he speaks. I know his nerves
are getting the best of him.

“Dominic tomorrow night you are going to help the team get into the finals and move on
to the semifinals in the backstroke as well. The backstroke is your forte and I know you are going to do well. I will be their cheering you on to victory oh husband of mine.”

“I just want to show everyone that I belong here and not just because of some fluke illness.”

It’s the first time that I have heard him voice his true fear.

“You belong here Dominic
no matter what happened God made a way for you to be here. It was done this way to make you appreciate this more. Or at least that’s what I think.”

His embrace is warm and comforting as we once again rest our foreheads together. I can feel the love he has for me
. I hope that he can feel the love I have for him.

“Thank you Sammie for loving me and for believing in me.”

“I will let you thank me properly after all of your events are finished.”

I give him a wink as we continue our walk around the university styled campus that is Olympic village.
We manage to find a nice quiet spot out of the direct heat to just sit and talk.  Of course we spend also some time lavishing affection on one another. Soft kisses on the nape of my neck, gentle pecks to my shoulders, and fingers caressing my thighs make leaving my husband for the evening very difficult. 

I spend the next day perusing the shops near my hotel. It’s hard to pass the time knowing that Dominic’s first Olympic appearance is just hours away.  Fortunately I get the chance to talk to the kids for a while even though this call is going to cost a bloody fortune. I use Dominic’s phone because of his international calling plan to ensure it remains within reason. 

“Mommy, did daddy when gold medal yet?” Bryce asked excitedly.

“Not yet baby he is swimming tonight. Are you going to watch him on television?” I
said reminding him to tune in. It’s not like I need to Uncle Winston has already informed me that the kids almost refuse to turn the channel from the station covering the Olympics.

“I am going to watch my daddy swimming on TV. I miss you mommy. Guess what Burrell in my class
brought a kitten to school in his backpack?”

“I miss you too Bryce baby. He did? Why would he bring a kitten to school? Was it show and tell?”

“No he didn’t want to leave it at home by his self.”

“Wow! Would it be okay if I spoke to Morgan for a minute?”

Bryce hands the phone to Morgan.

“Hey mom we miss you guys. How is Beijing?” Morgan’s voice is quite perky and I think it’s a reflection of her second place win at the Arizona Gymnastics Invitational a few weeks prior. 
Heading back to high school for your sophomore year as a competition-winning gymnast is not a bad way to start the new school year.

“It’s great missing your dad though. The coach has him on a tight schedule but I am happy he is here. How is school coming along?”

“I can’t wait to see dad on TV. I have told all my friends to watch and cheer him on. School is great so far. Oh I am trying out for the cheer team. I mean can I try out for the cheer team?”

, I do not want you to take on too much. You are already practicing three days a week for gymnastics. Will cheerleading be too much?”

Hesitantly she replies, “Mom
, I can handle it I promise. If any of my grades slip after the first card marking then I will quit the cheer team.”

“Okay Morgan, just promise me you will not overdo it. So what’s his name?”

Morgan’s voice is suddenly high pitched and awkward. “What’s whose name, mom?”

“The boy you are obviously interest
ed in. I can hear it in your voice Morg.”

“Mom geez! His name is Mark Ortega and he is so fine.”

“I knew it. Has he asked you out or communicated in any way.”

“I heard him telling Jacob that he thought I was cute. I hope to get the chance to talk to him soon.”

“Just pace yourself Morgan. Don’t do anything drastic to get his attention,” I advised Morgan. We chat casually before I talk to Charlie for a few minutes. He is not really feeling high school right now.

“Charlie it is going to take some time for you to adjust that’s all. I wish I was there to help you out.” I feel like an errant parent not being home for my kids.

“Mom you are where you need to be. I will be okay I guess. I can’t wait to see dad on television,” Charlie retorts calmly.

“I love you guys so much. Give everyone kisses for me Charlie. I will talk to you all soon.”

Every nerve in my body is standing at attention as I take my seat in the Water Cube to watch my husband’s first heat in the 100-meter backstroke. There will be six heats total with 48 swimmers competing only the top sixteen will move on to the semifinals. Dominic is in the second heat and I nervously watch as he jumps into the water.  I give a silent prayer and watch as my husband takes off from the block exploding into the water. I am on my feet screaming and cheering as Dominic dominates this heat in the first fifty meters of the race. Watching Dominic touch the wall in first place after the last fifty brings tears to my eyes. 

“Good job baby,” I
screamed as people nearby congratulate me. Dominic removes his goggles and swim cap before exiting the pool. I can see the joy in his eyes when he learns he has set a new Olympic record.

“Yes that’s my husband,” I
responded proudly to a nearby woman’s inquiry. I resist the urge to start calling everyone on my cellphone, as I know they have a delay before they will see Dominic’s performance. I watch the remaining four heats relieved that Dominic remains at the top heading into the semifinal round tomorrow.  There is little respite for my husband as he takes his place with the relay team.  The 400-meter men’s relay team is at the block. Each member of the team will swim two lengths of the pool before handing off to a team member. Dominic will swim in the third position for the team in this freestyle heat. The goal is to put the team that will swim in the final into a good lane position. The French are heavily favored for the gold medal in the finals tomorrow.  The first swimmer for the US team takes his position and they are off down the first length of the pool.  The US team maintains second place as the second swimmer heads into the water. I can see Dominic is focused as he waits for the swimmer to return. When all six feet two inches of his body hits the water he maintains the lead the second swimmer accomplished. After the fourth and final swimmer returns to the block the relay team learns they have just set the world record for the 400-meter relay. 

oo hoo good job baby,” I am yelling as the team embraces. Dominic will not swim the final relay but he has helped to put the team in a great lane. Since this is not a final race the enthusiasm is somewhat muted but I refuse to treat this as nothing but a winning victory. I watch Dominic and his teammates answer a barrage of questions from various members of the media. This day officially kicks off the Olympics for my Dominic.

The next day brings more o
f the same as Dominic places second overall in the 100-meter backstroke semifinals. We watch as the men’s 400-meter final relay ends with sweet US victory over France. The stunning upset results in gold medals for the entire team including the heat relay team.  My husband has just won his first gold medal in the Olympic Games.  The world focus is on the possibility of Michael Phelps breaking the world record for most gold medals.  My focus is on my husband doing well. 

“They have that victory because of the work your team did baby. Congratulations,” I
said tearfully later on that evening. Dominic and I have several hours to appreciate the wonderful victories of the past two days.

That felt so good Sammie. To just power through that water and bring it home. I am going to do the same thing tomorrow,” he admits. The light in his eyes is amazingly bright and while I do not see flecks of gold there is a new sparkle there. 

I place my hand upon his cheek caressing it tenderly. “Take it one day at a time.
Stay focused and pace yourself baby.”

Dominic turns the situation into a passionate display of affection by kissing me. I let go and give into the kiss relishing the feel of his tongue on
my tongue. I enjoy the feel of his hands holding me close to him.

“Get a room you two.” A
guy who looks rather familiar suggests jokingly.  It’s one of the swimmers from the relay team Dominic swam with yesterday.

Aaron this is my wife Samantha. Samantha this is my teammate Aaron,” Dominic introduces. We exchange a pleasant handshake, “Nice to meet you.”

“Samantha, come have dinner with us so you can explain
to me why you married this man? I mean this guy snores something terrible,” Aaron said playfully hitting Dominic in the arm and the two pretend to box. He is also Dominic’s roommate while at the games.

“I would love to have dinner with you guys.”

Aaron takes my hand as Dominic takes the other one.

“Don’t get any ideas Aaron. She
belongs to me.” Dominic slipped his hand around my waist and Aaron lets my hand go in defeat.

“Lucky bastard,” Aaron muttered
as we head to the dining hall. 

Inside the huge dining area
there are literally hundreds of people milling around at a variety of food stations. Dominic introduces me to countless other athletes from several different countries.

“Coach And
erson so nice to see you,” I said offering Dominic’s coach a huge hug.

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