Deporting Dominic (32 page)

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Authors: Renee Lindemann

BOOK: Deporting Dominic
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Dominic:  I was worried that I couldn’t live up to what she needed. It would have killed me to lose Samantha’s friendship. After the death of her parents I wanted to tell her how I felt but she had so much to do
. I felt like I would be another person on her already full plate.

INS agent: Are you using Samantha and her family to obtain a green card so that you can have a sh
ot on the US Olympic swim team?

Dominic:  Absolutely not. I would go back to my home country with my education but I am crazy in love with Samantha. I cannot live without her and our children.

INS agent: You said that you were intimate this morning. Who generally initiates sexual contact?

Dominic: I would like to
say it’s me and most times it is me, but she does little things that put the idea into my head. Wearing sexy pajamas or just sitting at her computer working with her glasses on instead of her contact lens.

INS agent: Then what normally happens?
Dominic gives him a curious look. 

Dominic:  I usually will make some excuse to get her into bed or if we are home alone on the couch by giving her a massage or just kissing her.

INS agent: What kind of sex?

Dominic:   What do you mean?

INS agent: What type of sex do you typically have?
Dominic:  We have regular and oral sex. Occasionally we try new things.

INS agent: When where you first intimate?

Dominic:   A few months ago and it was amazing. We stopped having sex for almost a month until our wedding night.

INS agent: How did you feel when Samantha switched re

Dominic:  It was beyond words when she received Holy Communion. I had no idea she was taking classes. It showed me how much she valued me and my faith.

INS agent: What about your kids? Will they become Catholics as well?

Dominic:  They have already received their first communion. I could not be a prouder father. 

INS agent: Who pays the bills?

Dominic:   I pay just the cable and phone bill each month. Samantha handles everything else with the money she makes from her company.

INS agent: How does that make you feel?

Dominic:   Honestly it’s the one thing that bothers me about the relationship. I want to work but with my hectic training schedule and upcoming Olympics
, I can’t work right now. When that is over I will be in the Physician’s Assistant program soon after. It makes me feel like a bum even though Samantha never ever throws that in my face and my kids make me feel so important.

INS agent: Why did you force Samantha to sign a pre-nuptial agreement?
Dominic:    No matter what happens I know that I am never leaving her or my kids. I just wanted her family to understand that I was not after any of her money. She has worked so hard to convince them she can handle the business, the kids, and the money. I didn’t want to be something else she needed to prove. 

INS agent: So who mak
es the decisions in the family?

Dominic:   Samantha and I
, both make the decisions with input from the kids.

INS agent: Where was your honeymoon?

Dominic:    The Westin hotel downtown and we will have a few days in Beijing to spend together.

INS agent: What was the last thing that you noticed about your wife before she left the room just now?

Dominic: That she is pleased about something although I am not sure what it is.

INS agent: That will be all Mr. Castillo. You can send in Morgan Gable now that would be fine.


Morgan’s interview with INS agent lasts about fifteen minutes

INS agent: State your name and address.

Morgan: She states her name and address.

INS agent: So who makes the decisions in the family?

Morgan: Mom and Dominic but they ask us how we feel.

INS agent: Where does Dominic sleep?

Morgan: In the room with my mom unless they have a disagreement then one of them sleeps on the couch.

INS agent: Do they fight often?

Morgan: Actually no they don’t, they get along really well.

INS agent:  What did they tell you before coming into this interview?

Morgan: To tell the truth

INS agent: Do you believe their marriage to be real?

Morgan: Absolutely. They have been in love with each other for years. I am glad they finally did something about it. My mom is finally completely happy.
That gets the agent’s attention.

INS agent: That will be all Miss Gable. You can send in Charlie Gable now that would be fine.


Charlie’s interview with INS agent lasts about fifteen minutes.

INS agent: State your name and address.

Charlie: He states her name and address.

INS agent: So who makes the decisions in the family?

Charlie: Both mom and dad make the decisions.

INS agent: Where does Dominic sleep?

Charlie:  With his wife, my mom.

INS agent: How do Dominic and Samantha get along?

Charlie:  They get along great. They are always kissing or cuddling. 

INS agent:  What did they tell you before coming into this interview?

Charlie:  Mom and dad said to tell the truth.

INS agent: Do you believe their marriage to be real?

Charlie:  Yes I know it’s real. Bryce and I made a mistake a
nd walked into their room. I saw my mom and dad making love. They love each other so much.

INS agent: How did they handle that?

Charlie: Mom came out and talked to us about violating their privacy. She also answered any questions we had about what they were doing. Dominic sat with me and answered all my questions. That’s when he became my dad. It was so cool.

INS agent: That will be all Mr. Gable. You can send in Bryce and Samantha now that would be fine.


Bryce’s interview with the INS agent lasted
thirty minutes.

INS agent: Mrs. Castillo can you state his name and address.

Bryce: Buenos días. I know my own name and address and he states them both.

INS agent: So who is your mommy married to?

Bryce:  My daddy.

INS agent: What is your daddy’s name?

Bryce:   Well there is another daddy his name is Danny but he is not a good daddy. My real daddy is Dominic Jesus Castillo. 

INS agent: Why is Danny not your daddy?

Bryce: Because he is mean to my mommy and I don’t see him.  My real daddy is a real man.
Bryce grunts while I try to wipe my tears away quickly. The INS agent raises an eyebrow.

INS agent:  Does your mommy love your daddy?

Bryce:   Yes my mommy loves my daddy they are marriage. They kiss, hug, and make love but that’s privacy busyiness.

INS agent: Where does your daddy sleep?

Bryce: In the room with my mommy but that’s their privacy busyiness.

INS agent: What’s their private business?

Bryce looks to me first and I nod that it is okay.
When my mommy let’s my daddy touch her vagina with his penis. My daddy has a big penis because he is a grown up. Mommy said that daddy is not hurting her when they make love. I told my mommy she can kiss my daddy because they are marriage. My mommy and daddy love each other and I love them too and Charlie and Morgan. I’m going to learn to swim like my daddy and go to the Lympics like daddy. My daddy and mommy read me a book called
Cloudy with Meatballs
. My daddy we make meatballs together and tacos. We watch SpongeBob together and my mommy makes me grilled cheese. What else you want to know?

INS agent: Who was at the wedding?

Bryce: Everyone was at the marriage. El abuelo, la abuela, los primos, el tíos, la tías, and ma famila.
I cover my mouth as Bryce speaks Spanish. The agent actually smiles.

INS agent: That will be all Bryce. Thank you very much.

Bryce: De nada.


Beijing in August is hot, not the dry heat I am used to but moist heat. There goes my new hairstyle.  Dominic and I are sitting in a lounge in the Olympic village. The village houses the 16,000 athletes, coaches, and other personnel that will participate in various sports during the Olympic Games. Unfortunately I cannot stay with my husband in the Olympic village so I have to stay at a local hotel. Thanks to Coach Anderson I was able to secure a small room without needing to mortgage one of my properties to cover the expense.

The Olympic committee, utilizing private donations, paid for Dominic’s portion of his travel expenses.
Our church and a few local businesses provided us with donations that cover most of my expenses for our two-week stay in Beijing. Once the announcement was made in church and placed in the newsletter Father Anderson thought it wise to set up a bank account to help cover the additional expenses. Dominic’s family in Phoenix also sent monies to help out with the cost. The community as a whole has been very supportive of Dominic’s quest for gold in Beijing. 

Dominic trained in Knoxville, Tennessee with the appointed US Olympic swim team coach. It was five difficult days to be without my husband as I didn’t make the trip with him. 
It was a treat to see him featured in several media outlets as a Cinderella story given the way he won a spot on the team.  I kept every article I could find on my husband as a keepsake of this very special time.  When he returned home after the training we both realized that we would never survive being away from each other that long again. Several other swimmers headed to Beijing trained at the university’s aquatic center with Dominic. We did our best to play the gracious hostess. I was even able to offer a young female swimmer and her family our furnished apartment while she trained, for a discounted rate of course.

It was difficult to leave the kids for such an extended period of time. With Charlie and Morgan attending the same high school driving to three different schools is now reduced to just two.  Bryce is happy in his
pre-kindergarten class and thankfully we did not miss his first day. Of course we had to drill in him the need to understand the definition of privacy after an outburst at his most recent birthday party.

After singing happy birthday to
Bryce in the crowded Chuck E. Cheese with all his school friends and our family members present he blew out the candles. One of Bryce’s friends asked him what he wished for after he blew out the candles.

“You are not supposed to tell Enrique,” Bryce replied
licking frosting off his hand.

“I just wanted to know that’s all,” Enrique mumbled under his breath.

“It’s okay if you want to tell him,” Dominic added not wanting the little boy to be upset. Fortunately I was standing close to Bryce slicing the cake when he decided to confess.

“I want to be like my daddy. I wished for a big pen…” he stated loudly as I slapped my hand over his mouth. The younger kids did not understand what he was about to
say. However as the realization dawned on the few parents around I flushed with embarrassment. There was a combination of puzzled looks, mostly in Dominic’s direction. Charlie and Morgan mostly generated the giggles but I silenced them with a stern look.

“Sorry we are still trying to get him to understand
his body,” I offered with a mortified expression.

“Lucky woman,” Enrique’s mom muttered softly to another parent next to her.

When I uncover his mouth Bryce looks at me as if I have grown an extra head.

“Mommy, why did you do that?”

“You were about to say something that was inappropriate. Remember we talked about privacy.”

“But daddy said I could tell Enrique.”

Bryce looked from me to Dominic for confirmation.

“Bryce that’s not what I meant. Come eat your cake next to daddy,” Dominic said indicating the seat next to him.  Bryce took his cake with the number four candle
, sitting atop and slid into the booth with his daddy
.  I laugh to myself as the memory of that incident still haunts me. Dominic had a talk with Bryce that seemed to put his penis envy to rest.

will compete in three individual events the 50-meter, 100-meter freestyle, and the 100-meter backstroke.  He will participate in the qualifying semifinal for the 400-meter team free relay. Dominic hopes to earn an additional spot on the 400-meter team medley as the backstroke swimmer but it is up to the coach to make the call as he sees fit.  With the exception of the relay teams Dominic must finish in the top sixteen in the heats to make it to the semifinals. If he places in the top eight he will advance to the finals where he will compete for a medal.

“My swim schedule is crazy but this is what I am here for
right Sammie?” Dominic questioned nervously as he eyes his swim schedule.

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