Deporting Dominic (34 page)

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Authors: Renee Lindemann

BOOK: Deporting Dominic
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“Samantha, or should I
say Mrs. Castillo, it’s good to see you here supporting this awesome young man,” Coach Anderson replied indicating Dominic.

“I wouldn’t
be anywhere else Coach.”

I take Dominic’s hand in
mine while we chat for a little while longer before hunger overtakes us all. 

It warms my heart to see some of my
favorite comfort foods. I have resigned myself to eating a mostly vegetarian diet since I arrived in Beijing. If I do any food exploring I want it to be with Dominic after his events are over.  Taking chances is not something I want to do without my husband. I am not jeopardizing his support system in anyway. 

“Hi baby, yo
u want to speak to daddy?” I said into Dominic’s cell phone.  I pass the phone to Dominic who is stuffing his face with pasta and salad. 

“You have kids?” Aaron asked

“Yes I have a four year old
son from a previous relationship but Dominic is his only dad. My parents died three years ago so we are also raising my two younger siblings.”

“Wow and he has been training for this. That’s
pretty spectacular.”

Aaron gave
Dominic a friendly pat to the back as he talks to Bryce.

“Yes daddy will let you wear his medal. I love you too buddy. Can I talk to Morgan or Charlie?” Dominic is beaming talking to Bryce while I resume eating my dinner.

“So you and Dominic were married last month?” Derrick another member of the swim team asked.

“We were married at the end of May a few weeks after graduation.” I answer back before putting a fork full of salad into my mouth.

“You both graduated, got married, Olympic trials, and then here in Beijing that’s pretty impressive.” Derrick sends a high five my way before passing one across to Dominic who is still talking on the phone with the kids. 

“My oldest Morgan is setting her sites on London 2012 in gymnastics. So if everything goes according to plan I
will have two Olympians in the house.”

Dominic is off the phone as Aaron announces, “Tomorrow we will gold and silver that backstroke right Dominic?
Doesn’t matter the order just as long as one and two belong to USA.”

“Absolutely, I love being the underdog sneaking in to make the podium,” Dominic rep
lies pounding fists with Aaron. The meal comes to an end way too soon for me. I have to reluctantly leave my husband for the night to let him rest and mentally prepare for his first chance at an individual medal.

“I love you Sammie. Please text me the moment you are in the
hotel safely,” Dominic whispered in my ear as I prepare to board the bus for the hotel.

“I love you so much Dominic. Please get some rest
, focus, and do what you came to do,” I whispered offering a kiss, which he gladly takes.

With one last wave I am on the bus heading for my hotel room. I can’t stop the tears
as the bus rolls on. I miss sleeping next to my husband and we have so many more days of separation ahead of us. I must get my emotions under control as my separation anxiety appears to be my undoing. I text Dominic to let him know I have arrived safely. After a hot shower and a cup of tea I fall into a deep but restless sleep. 

The next morning Dominic was ready to finish his first individual race f
or the possibility of a medal. This morning will be the final swim for the 100-meter backstroke. Later this evening he will swim in the prelims for the 100-meter freestyle. I am sitting in my seat awaiting his swim, cheering on the other American swimmers. I feel like Dominic’s swim here will set the tone for the remainder of his events. 

Dominic and Aaron are on the platform both looking very focused.  I am reading the commentary online on my phone to see what everyone thinks of Dominic’s chances. It appears in spite of his victories in the prelims and semifinals he isn’t being given much of a chance. I slip my phone in my purse and send out prayers for my husband’s success in the water. 
Gripping my rosary beads I hope for the best.

“C’mon Dominic,” I yell as they prepare to enter the water.
Dominic is off the block and fires down the first fifty as I am on my feet screaming loudly. Aaron is heading to the wall while Dominic is right behind him.

“Yes baby! Whoo hoo! That’s my husband,” I shout
ed as Dominic picks up his first silver medal. Tears of joy stream down my cheeks as I watch him look at the scoreboard. Aaron and Dominic are hugging one another in the water as they realize their gold and silver medals respectively. 

I want so desperately to hug my husband but security is so tight that I will have to wait until much later. Watching Dominic stand proud on that podium with his teammate Aaron was an incredible experience. Hearing our national anthem for the second time in an event is bittersweet considering Dominic’s origins. His surrogate country has wholeheartedly embraced him after this wonderful victory.

Later on that afternoon I get some alone time with my husband. The media for interviews has bombarded him and I love watching him speak.

“I just wanted to get out there and show the world that I belong here. After the Olympic trials and the disappointing third place show that initially kept me off the team I
started second guessing myself.” Dominic told the reporter as I stand nearby listening.

“What was it like when you got the call that you qualified for
three individual events?” The tall blond reporter asked.

“It was bittersweet actually. I didn’t want to make the team because Andre Webber was severely ill. However since that was the case I made up my mind to do my best in his place.”

“How does it feel winning this silver medal given all those crazy circumstances?” She said thrusting her microphone towards him.

“It’s amazing. To win behind Aaron, my fellow teammate and friend, was the only way this event should have concluded. I could feel
my wife, Samantha, cheering me on and hear her words echoing in my head.”

cover my mouth with my hands as he mentions me to the reporter. The reporter nods and asked, “What where your wife’s words?”

“She told me to focus and do what I came here to do. I think a silver medal will make a wonderful wedding gift to her.”

“Those are great words to have pushing you to do your best indeed. So you’re a newlywed?”

“Yes we were
married right after graduation in May. She has been an amazing source of support for my swimming career since we met freshman year in college.”

“You know everyone is going to start calling this, if they haven’t already, a Cinderella story. You helped the men’s
400-meter relay team get into the finals and they thanked you and the rest of the team with a surprising gold medal. What are your thoughts on that victory?”

“I was honored to be
selected to participate on that relay team. We decided before going into the water that we wanted to put the final relay team in the best position. With France being heavily favored I think that gave our final team the challenge they needed to pull it off. I am more than happy on day four of my first Olympic experience to have a gold and silver medal. I hope that the podium becomes well acquainted with me and my other events.”

Dominic flashes a gorgeous smile into the camera as the reporter stalls for just a nanosecond.
Yeah I know he has that effect on me too!

“Well congratulations and good luck in your remaining events. I am sure we will be talking
again soon,” the woman concluded as the camera lights dim.  Dominic shakes her hand as he motions for me to join them. He introduces me and the reporter eagerly shakes my hand.

, I am so proud of you,” I exclaimed when we are kind of alone for a few minutes. Dominic doesn’t immediately respond but wraps me up in his arms holding me tightly. I fall into his hug burying my face in his neck as I stand on my tippy toes to reach.  We are forehead to forehead now and I can see tears streaming down his cheeks as they do mine.

“I couldn’t have done this without you
Sammie. Thank you,” he whispered.

“Don’t thank me, you did this Dominic. You did th
is. I am so proud of you,” I cried softly.

“I get to keep the gold one but the silver was just for you baby
.” Dominic kisses my lips before I could respond.

“All right I hate to break up the love fest but
its time to head out my friend,” Aaron interrupts good-naturedly.  I turn and give Aaron a huge hug congratulating him on his gold medal win.

“That was worth winning the gold medal alone,”
Aaron laughed as Dominic pulls him from my embrace. Dominic manages to give me a jaw dropping kiss before we have to part for the evening events. My knees are weak when he releases me.

“Hi Samantha,” I hear
d a familiar voice say as I regain my equilibrium.

“Uh hello Mackenzie,” I replied
my voice unsteady. “Congratulations on your medal.” I have had the pleasure of not running into her during our days in Beijing until now. I am still leery of her being around Dominic but I trust him to be a good husband.

“Thanks Samantha. Dominic is making quite a name for h
imself in these games,” she said smiling good-naturedly. Dominic is rather quiet but has his hands wrapped protectively around me. Aaron is watching the exchange as understanding slowly permeates his features. I can see he wants to smile but he refrains prepared to intervene if necessary.

“Yes I am very proud of my new husband. Well good luck to all of you tonight I will b
e cheering from my seat.” I gave Dominic one last kiss before walking away.

“Thanks Samantha.” Mackenzie
said as she walks with Dominic and Aaron. I expect to feel a twinge of jealousy but I do not. I think she finally understands he is mine. Besides she would hate to ruin her medal chances by incurring a broken arm.

The next few days of the Olympics are much of the same. I get up in the morning have a rather simple light breakfast and do some minor sightseeing near my hotel. After which I head to the Olympic village to see Dominic if he is not practicing. If he is practicing or otherwise unavailable I do some work in my room for GPM.  My Uncle and I fire off emails back and forth as I stay abreast of what’s happening back home. I have spoken to the kids several times generally after they watch the televised swim competitions. They are so proud of Dominic. Charlie brags, “
Morgan and I are so popular at school mom. All the kids know that Dominic is competing.”

Dominic is doing exactly what he promised me that he would. He is posting great times in both the prelims and the semifinals in the remainder of his events. The
100-meter freestyle gives Dominic his third metal a bronze. I could not be prouder of my husband as he moves on to the 50-meter freestyle finals. Dominic is rewarded with a last minute offer to swim the backstroke in the 400-meter team medley in the semifinals. Thankfully they place first once again putting the medley team for the finals in good position. I am excited for the US swimmers but I have to focus my support on my husband.

Six days after Dominic started competing in the Beijing Olympics he is competing in his last individual event the
50-meter freestyle. This morning I am praying that Dominic will obtain his fourth medal in these Olympic Games. Everyone at the games is watching Michael Phelps make Olympic history with his gold medal run. Later on this evening we will watch with baited breath to see if Michael Phelps can pull off his eighth gold medal. This would also mean another gold medal for Dominic for his contribution to the medley team. This is so much for my husband to process at once I am praying for his continued focus. 

Swimmers in the freestyle competition generally utilize a front crawl style of swimming. This will be the fastest race for Dominic as they are only swimming one length of the pool.  Dominic is in the fourth position in the line up as they ready for the start. Dominic powers each stroke maintaining
a constant speed as he heads towards the other end of the pool.  And just like that in under a minute it is all over. The times hit the scoreboard as Dominic realizes he has earned another bronze medal. His boisterous reaction would lead you to think he has won gold. I share his reaction screaming from the stands before my emotional breakdown.

“Wow what a rally Dominic! After such a disappointing Olympic trial
s to have gotten the opportunity to compete in these Olympic games it looks as if you took nothing for granted,” a reporter from a well recognized news show asked.

“It has been a dream come true to be here. I just wanted to make sure that I show the world
that I belong here,” he replied his breathing still quite erratic.

“With all the hype surrounding your fellow teammate Michael Phelps how have you been able to focus?”

“Michael is an amazing athlete and I have been waiting just like the rest of the world to see how he would fare and he has not let us down. As part of the medley team in the semifinals we left our teammates in a great position to medal but also for Michael to finish with a very prestigious world record.”

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