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ari paced back in forth in her chambers. “Where the hell are the scouts? They have been gone for weeks and no word. They should be here by now. Do we have news of their plane landing yet? I want that Elemental bitch and I want her now!”

“Patience my love. We will have word soon,” Sugoi purred in her ear as he greedily watched the young servant girl bend over to pick something up.

“I am thirsty. Bring me something young,” she demanded as she plopped into her chair.

“We just finished off a village to the south and you’re still thirsty?” Sugoi questioned.

“Thoughts o
f Sollara whet my appetite

for more than just blood.” She traced her finger across his lips.

Ever since drinking Aurora’s blood, Mari had felt strong, invincible. Her skin was tighter, her flesh fuller. She never ha
d to sleep, and her powers were


Dark Ones from around the area had heard of her enhanced capabilities and sought refuge in the Deep Kingdom. It had become alive with energy and power, attracting servants and allies. Sugoi and Mari were their
King and Queen. E
veryone within the Deep Kingdom’s walls believed all humans should die.

When the maid returned with a young man no more than sixteen years old, Mari smiled in satisfaction. Even though he was in a new place and held captive, he stood tall and looked her straight in the eyes.

“Child, come closer,” she beckoned. “Do I not scare you?”

“No ma'am, you do not scare me. In fact I volunteered as I want to be like you… you know a Dark One, ma’am.” He held his head high as he responded.

“You volunteered? Do you know what that means? Sugoi did you hear this child? How amusing. In all my years the first to not fear me is a stupid boy.”

She walked up to the fascinating boy and ran her fingers down his cheek. He was plump and he smelt sickly sweet. She knew she would enjoy this meal.

“Mari, do not play with your food. It makes me sick,” Sugoi whined.

I have no intention of eating this boy, not until he fears me. Remember how I told you thirst was not all I am hungry for?” she turned to the maid. “See this boy to my bed chambers. I will have fun with him tonight. Sugoi you wil
l join us.” She was not asking

it was a summons.

This newly acquired strength had gone straight to her head. Sugoi, grit his teeth as he imagined what she had planned for the boy. He would only have to put up with Mari a little longer until he could find a way to overtake her.

He had not stopped thinking about Atlanticus. In fact, he dreamed of ruling it every day. But she set her sights

she set her sights on the world. He knew he would have to entertain her until he could think of something else. She was gaining favor with some of the SOD houses, not to mention that most of the Descendants felt she should rightfully gain the Seat of Empowerment. He begrudgingly followed her to her room. Sitting blindfolded in a chair in front of the bed was the boy.

“I want you to be a good boy and do everything I tell you. Do you understand?” she asked.

“Yes ma'am,” he replied.

If he cared more about humans, Sugoi would have put a stop to her games. But his curiosity to her plan with this boy got the better of him.

“Child, come over here,” she demanded.

The boy hesitantly walked over using his hands to guide him along the bed to where they stood.

“I am going to bite you, and it will hurt, but I want you to stand here and let me drink of your blood. If you do not move, I promise I will not kill you. But I will grant you your request and make you great like us.” She whispe
red this last part into his ear.

The trembling boy did not bolt but nodded his understanding. Mari bit the young man’s neck, sinking her teeth deep into his flesh and suckling his warm blood. His face contorted with pain, but he obeyed and did not move and did not make a sound. Occasionally, she would release from drinking of him to let escape a deep-throated moan of ecstasy. The rosy blush in his cheeks turned chalky as his life drained from his body.

“Mari, release him. If you drink any more, he will be beyond recovery,” Sugoi said.

She looked at him and smiled, then turned to the boy and sliced his neck with her long sharp nails. Sugoi watched him choke trying to get air as blood oozed from his wound. When none was found, his head rolled back and he collapsed, dead.

“Do you want some?” she offered as she held his broken body up to his mouth.

At first Sugoi was disgusted by her actions, but when the scent of sweet blood filled his nostrils, he could not refuse. “No use letting such fresh blood go to waste,” he said as he took the body into his hands and drank.

When he was fully drained, Sugoi threw the body to the floor and turned to making love with Mari. Soon they were covered in blood, a mixture betwee
n their own and the boy’s. W
hen they had finally concluded, they lay in panting heaps on the floor.

He couldn’t even remember how they ended up on the floor. Ever since drinking from Aurora's blood, their lovemaking did not end in bruises or dislocated bones. It had strengthened their bodies and fueled their need for darkness.

“That was fantastic,” Mari purred into his ear as she gently twisted his nipples.

“And you were magnificent!”

A knock at the door caused Mari to growl in anger. “How is it that every time we require privacy we are interrupted?”

“Sorry miss, but the scouts have returned and await you in the auditorium,” a frightened voice said through the door.

“Sugoi, they are here!” Mari jumped up quickly and found clothes to put on.

They dressed hurriedly and washed the blood off of their faces. The excitement of having Sollara in their grasp spurred them on, and they practically ran to meet the scouts.



“What is this?” Mari yelled when she saw only two men in the room. “Where are the others and where is Sollara?”

“Mistress Mari, we had complications. We lost many men and Sollara has gotten away. Plans were in place, as we discussed, to distract her and then attack at night. But before we could attack, she and her small group fled.” Sasha’s voice was begging for mercy, something Mari wasn't sure she was willing to grant just yet. He had served the Deep Kingdom faithfully over the years. He even had taught Sollara hand-to-hand combat skills and math.

“What do you mean you lost the girl?” Mari snapped.

Both men looked at their feet, too scared to have their gaze meet her eyes.

“Please Mistress, give us another chance. I will find her and bring her back to you. I need more men, more supplies. Then I will be gone,” Sasha pleaded. “Also…” he paused hoping to find the strength to continue. “One of the students stumbled across where we had been camping, so we had to kill her. I do not know if they figured out who killed her or why. I do not think they suspected our plans. But to be safe I moved the team.”

Mari’s eyes practically bulged out of her head. Not only had he lost Sollara, but he had also changed plans without asking her first. “Take some of the Spawns of Darkness and whatever else you need. You have one month to bring her back to me, or I will have your head.” With that she turned and left.

The men gathered supplies and recruited volunteers. Over forty Dark Ones volunteered to hunt Sollara with Sasha. There was no way that she would be able to escape that many powerful beings, and this thought brought pleasure to Mari.

One of the volunteers was a young SOD named Laora.
Mari liked her mostly because she had a dark streak, similar to her own. But Laora was also special. She could take the image of any person. Most gifte
d could only shift into animals.
Since drinking blood Sugoi discovered he could shift into reptiles. That had come as a shock one night when they were making love. But
other than Laora, there had only been knowledge of one other who could take the form of people, Aurora. But Aurora wouldn’t be any trouble for her now. No, Aurora was flowing through

“Laora darling, I heard you have signed up for the hunt,” she began, summoning with her hand for Laora to take the seat next to her. She was a very pretty girl, and as far as Mari was concerned, she was lucky. Laora could shift and become any man’s favorite fantasy.

“Yes I have, Mistress Mari.”

“Such formalities, child. Please call me Mari.” She needed the girl’s complete loyalty, so she forced herself to be nice. Normally Mari would never tolerate a simple slave addressing her so casually.

“Thank you Mari. What is it you have summoned me here for?” she asked.

Straight to the point. Mari liked that.

“I want you to do something special for me.”

“Yes, anything Mari. What would you like?” Laora sat up straight, eager to hear her assignment.

“I want you to make Sollara suffer. Really suffer. If she has a man, I want you to assume her form and seduce him.” Mari stood and slammed a fist into the palm of her other hand. The idea of hurting Sollara excited her, and she had to calm her breathing. She would not scare away Laora.

“You want me to look like Sollara and sleep with her boyfriend?” she asked.

“Yes, can you do that for me?” Laora’s crooked smile lifted in the corners, and by her response Mari knew how evil Laora really was.

“Gladly,” she said.

“Good, now run along child.” She watched as Laora stood and left the room. Feeling confident that she was alone, she began to laugh. “Sollara, I will take everything from you!”





ays passed as the four Elementals worked hard perfecting their gifts. They had been practicing the ability to project their powers outward. Now, more often than not, they could all hit their targets with accuracy.

Phoebe had been devoting extra hours teaching Kai how to use his shifting skill. It was difficult learning as none of his teachers had the same ability as he. They focused on what it felt like to change from form into the lark and used that to help him take other animal forms.

After many failed attempts and his occasional phasing into hybrid crossbreeds of the target animal, he finally was getting the hang of it. Kai could now, almost every time, phase into any creature of the air and any creature of the sea.

Manipulating the elements came easier to him than changing his form. Kai could bend and manipulate water in its solid or liquid forms. He often found delight in playing pranks on the guys. One time he even went as far as freezing the toilet water in the community bathroom.

At lunch it became an event where the whole school gathered around to see what sort of ice sculptures Kai would create. He was good with his gifts now, confident even. But his best power, the one he was most proud of, was his ability to make Sollara smile.

Whenever she crinkled her little nose and turned up her lips just enough for him to see a sliver of teeth, his heart melted. He never thought that he would be this happy. All he wanted to do was hold her and kiss her and keep her safe forever.

Tonight, Hannah would be leaving for the evening, repaying the boys for the blood she took for Sollara by attending their bachelor party. This would mean Sollara would have the room to herself. Kai didn’t know why the rugby team wanted Hannah, but he didn’t care. Especially if it meant he would have Sollara to himself for the night.

“Where are you going Kai?” Iresh asked as he crossed his arms and stomped his foot.

“If there is anything wrong with the bathroom, I swear it wasn’t me!” he replied as he raised his arms in surrender and backed away.

Iresh raised his eyebrows as though he didn’t buy Kai’s story. “No seriously, where are you going?”

“I have S
ollara to myself tonight. I’
m heading to the library to meet her

“What’s the deal with you two. Are you getting serious?” he asked.

“Serious? It is said that the Fates use one soul and carve it into two bodies. They then separate the bodies and send the soul into two different places on earth. Some spend lifetimes feeling incomplete, while others spend lifetimes searching for their other half. I never thought I would be lucky enough to find the completion of my soul. But someone must have shined down upon me because I found her. She is beautiful and perfect, and I am going to treasure her forever. That serious enough for you?” Kai patted his friend on the back.

“Yeah,” Iresh said as he rolled his eyes and walked away. “That’s not just serious, that’s weird.”

Kai watched him leave, wondering when the world would be balanced by Iresh finding love. When Iresh was out of sight, Kai went to his room and grabbed his guitar. Then went to find Sollara, knowing exactly where she would be. The library. She was so excited when she discovered that there were more books in existence than she had read. Any spare moment when they were not training, and Andrew was not showing her movies, she spent in the library.

He turned down the dark hallway leading to the library and his heart began to quicken. A smile made its way to his face and he shook his head. Will he ever be able to control his body when he was near her? 

The night they had spent lying in each other's arms on the beach was almost always at the forefront of his mind. Every night he felt a void having to sleep alone. But tonight, tonight his arms would not ache to hold her. Tonight they would finally be able to relive that glorious night.

He turned the corner to the library and saw Sollara and Josiah sitting on the couch together. They were both looking at the same book. He grit his teeth and clenched his fists. That guy never seemed to leave her alone. Almost every time that Kai saw Josiah it was in the presence of Sollara. His jealousy came out of check, and he forced himself to take three deep breaths before entering the library.

“Hey Baby,” Sollara greeted. When she noticed his tense demeanor, she shook her head and smiled.

“Hi Sollara.
Hi Josiah
,” He glared at the guy and crossed his arms.

The tone of Kai’s voice made Josiah suddenly aware of how close he was sitting to Sollara, and he quickly scooted to the opposite side of the couch.

“Hey Kai, we were just going over some rugby plays. Sollara had some good pointers for me.” He rushed his words, feeling the need to explain himself and did so in a pleading sort of way. “She uh, studied war, or something, and the strategy is similar to the game plays,” he tried to further explain.

Kai realized he was being foolish and softened his stance, allowing Josiah to relax as well.

“What's the guitar for?” Sollara asked, cheeky girl trying to change the subject.

“I have a surprise for you.”

Before he could blink she was by his side, saying goodbye to Josiah and pulling him out of the library. At the end of the hall she pushed him into a dark door arch and kissed him. He could feel his blood rise in temperature from her touch. A burning desire grew deep within his chest as her kiss hypnotized him. He was unconditionally, irrevocably in love with Sollara. He tried to focus on controlling his hands, but his passion outweighed his ability, and he found himself grabbing her bottom and pulling her close.

“Hey, keep that up and you will get us in trouble,” she managed to get out between labored breaths.

Watching her react to him made him feel whole. He smiled and kissed her blushed cheek. Her heartbeat rose, and breathing came harder. In turn, she managed to heighten his senses. Kai’s stomach flipped at the thought of making love to this flawless creature. Would he be able to stand the heat of such perfect ecstasy if her kiss alone weakened him so?

His blood was now at a boil, and he wanted her, badly. With every ounce of strength he had left, Kai pushed her away from him. She grinned at his weakness toward her.

“So what was the surprise you had for me?” she whispered seductively in his ear. Her sweet breath tickled his cheek and weakened his resolve. He couldn’t wait any longer so he grabbed her arm and pulled her after him to the room.

When they got to her room, he paused in front of the door blocking it from her view. Knowing he was up to something, she smiled and pushed him trying to get him to move. When he did she saw a hand made sign taped to the door that read:
If I kiss the ground you walk on and shower you with roses, will you love me forever?

After reading it she turned to him offering a look of intrigue before pushing open the door to the room. She stopped when she saw the dozens of red roses hanging from the ceiling and foil-wrapped Kiss candies that covered the floor.

“Oh Kai
it’s so beautiful! You did all this for me? No one has ever done something like this for me before.” Tears quickly appeared.

“Sollara, I didn't mean to make you cry.”

She pulled back and put her finger on his lips. “I love it, silly.”

Her gentle laugh brought back a smile to his face. Picking up his guitar, he threw the strap over his shoulder and started playing her a song. He was nervous to sing the words, but his desire to please her took over. As his fingers slid over the frets of the guitar, he started to sing. Together the guitar and Kai performed the most sacred song in his world. A song for Sollara.

She closed her eyes and layback on her bed, listening to him play and sing. She pressed him to continue. The sweet smell of the roses somehow acted as harmony to his

When he finished, he put the guitar down and watched her face.

“Did you write that for me?” she asked.

He nodded in confirmation.

“I recognize the melody. I have heard you sing it before, haven't I?”

“I wrote it when I saw you in the field with Sugoi. You were so beautiful you took my breath away. I couldn't get you off my mind. That's why I had to find you no matter what, hence my coming to visit you as a lark,” he admitted.

She got up off the bed and walked over to the door. She gently closed it and turned to face him, back pressed to the door and looking at the floor. She bit her bottom lip and slowly raised her eyes to meet his.

The intensity of her gaze made Kai’s legs feel weak. He was afraid they wouldn’t hold his weight so he struggled to sit down, never
taking his eyes off of Sollara.

“You are beautiful,” he announced, as his desire for her rose.

She stood pressed against the door biting on the tip of her finger inviting him to join her with her eyes. He rose from the chair, but his legs threatened to give out again. For moments they stood across the room from each other, gazing upon the other’s form. Taking small steps, closing the distance, his breathing was labored. Each step closer his desire grew. When his need for her finally took over, he grabbed her in his arms and carried her to the bed.

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