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he electricity burned within her as their passion intensified. Her only desired was to be closer to him. Somehow she tried to force her body even further into his. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she clung to him, and they became lost in each other’s embrace.

A light breeze whipped about them, tickling her cheeks. It was the most perfect moment she had ever experienced. Better than anything she could have created in the in-between. But when the sound of someone clearing his or her throat interrupted their moment, Sollara’s heart dropped in sadness of having been distracted from Kai.

Kai also tried to ignore whomever it was, but when the sound persisted, turned to see the source. Wide-eyed before the pair stood Andrew, Hannah, Phoebe, Iresh and someone who could only be Oya; a stunning woman who looked strikingly similar to Iresh but with the mark of a feather beside her eye above her cheek. Sollara was starting to see a pattern with the strange markings.

Finally, Hannah spoke interrupting the awkward silence.

“Whatcha doing?”

The absurdity of her question threw Sollara into a fit of laughter. Kai struggled to maintain his footing as he held Sollara while she leaned backwards.

“No seriously, that’s cool. How are you guys doing that?”  Hannah continued.

Looking down to where Hannah pointed, they noticed two amazing things. One, they were completely engulfed in white flames which danced on their flesh as they embraced; and two, they were about four feet above ground level standing on the water. It had risen creating some sort of step that pushed them into the air.

Sollara gasped as she looked to Kai.

“Hey, do you people mind? I have waited hundreds of years to be able to hold the love of my life in my arms, and you are ruining the moment,” Kai scolded.

Love of his Life, she could get used to that.

Sollara had loved and won!

“So you have activated soul fire.” Iresh rolled his eyes as he looked upon the pair suspended on a step of water. “No big deal.”

“Soul fire?” Sollara turned from Kai to look at Iresh.

He crossed his arms in frustration as he explained it to her. The tone of his voice reflected the fact that he was not impressed by their display. “We each can access our gifts with our body, mind, and soul. By the looks of you two, that is triggered by soul. It isn’t burning Kai is it?” Iresh looked at Kai.

“No, I’m fine,” he said to Iresh, “More than fine,” he whispered into Sollara’s ear.

“I hate to be the one who dampens this wonderful moment,” Phoebe interjected. “But we need to make a decision about where we are going. Some of you have suggested paying our respects at Sophia's funeral. That is a risk, as we already know, because the Descendants are aware that Kai and Sollara have recently been there.”

Sollara interlocked her fingers with Kai’s and nuzzled her face into his neck. It completely overwhelmed her that this godlike creature chose her. It took Phoebe three times calling her name to get her attention.

“Sollara...Sollara? Sollara!”

“Sorry, yes?”

“What are your thoughts? Do we go to Cortez where we know it is safe for now or go back to the university?” she asked.

Sollara looked to Kai. Being with him made her feel safe. And she was no longer afraid of any of the Descendants. The flames had dwindled, and they now stood on the sand next to the others. “

I think that we need to make sure the other students are safe, and the four of us need to learn how to work together.” she said signaling with her hands to the other Elementals. “We are somehow connected in all this. I think we should go back, continue learning and put together a better plan of action. We can’t run away forever.”

“But us going back could cause the other students to be in harm’s way. We have already lost Sophia,” Andrew threw in.

“All we have is our soul,” Sollara recited the words Aurora had instilled into her. “They can’t take it from us, and not doing anything would be like surrendering or giving up.”

Oya floated into the air and descended, placing herself in the circle. Now Sollara understood why they thought it was funny when she said Oya was a good tree climber. She didn't climb, she floated. And Sollara really wanted to learn how to do that.

“Please, Sollara is right.” Oya spoke so softly that Sollara had to concentrate to hear what she was saying. “We do risk the university and the students, but we must learn how to work together. Are there any training facilities in Cortez?” she asked.

“No, I’m afraid not. It is only a vacation home,” Phoebe replied.

“Then it is settled. We head back to the university.” Hannah clapped her hands together in conclusion.

“All right,” Phoebe sighed as she shook her head at Hannah’s exuberance. “Let’s spend the night here, and tomorrow we will head back. Unless someone has just reason we should not?” she looked around the circle, studying each person’s face.

Not one said a word; they were in silent agreement.

As a group they walked back to the cabin. All the while Sollara and Kai had their fingers intertwined.

As they got closer, the door of the cabin flung open, and a scraggly older gentleman rushed out carrying surfboards. He was also wearing cloth wrapped around his waist and his hair did not looked like it had been combed in ages. They knew instantly it was River Mouth Joe.

all y’all just gonna
stand around whi
le the sun’s out ‘n the surf’
s high? I brought you these.” He dropped the boards and headed back to the cabin. Short but straight to the point

Sollara liked River Mouth Joe. She looked to Kai, her eyes begging him to grant her wish.

“All right, Let’s go surfing,” Kai said, “even if my bandages get soaked.”

“Brother, don’t use your little scratch as an excuse for looking bad next to me,” Iresh joked as he grabbed a board and threw a block of wax at Kai.

They became a hive of action, getting their swimsuits on and waxing boards. Joe was right; it was the perfect day to surf even though Sollara really didn't know how.

She was content to watch Kai and Iresh demonstrate expert skill on their boards. They battled each other, trying to best the others moves. Meanwhile, Oya floated above the water, occasionally dipping her toes in, and Hannah lay on a towel next to Sollara.

“I hope I get more freckles,” Hannah said as she rolled over and exposed her back to the sun.

Sollara raised an eyebrow as she looked over her friend. “I was going to ask you about that. When did you start getting color?”

“When you came,” Hannah confessed as she closed her eyes to relax.

It seemed like an unusual coincidence, and Sollara couldn’t help but worry. Coincidences never seemed to end up being very good.

Before she could think it over any further a
huge wave pushed Iresh over, and he fell in front of Kai, knocking Kai's board out from under his feet. Sollara watched in astonishment as Kai didn't seem to notice. Even without a board he successfully rode the rest of the wave by floating on the water.

Sollara spontaneously clapped. “That was awesome!”

“What's that?” he yelled from the water.

“Look at your feet!”

He looked down then back up quickly. Confusion gave way to pure joy. “I don’t have a board! This is





fter dinner around the campfire, Kai asked Sollara to go for a walk with him. They took their time enjoying each other’s company as, hand in hand, they sauntered away from the fire. He had brought a blanket and spread it out on a rock-free portion of the beach.

They lay down next to each other, listened to the sound of the waves and watched the stars. Sollara was in total bliss with her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

“Sollara, I just want to apologize for not telling you who I was. You know back in the Deep Kingdom when I wasn't in true form?”

“It's all right. I have forgotten that already,” she replied as she propped her head up to look at him.

“No, it’s not all right.
I didn't realize that my actions were being dishonest. I just wanted to be around you and get to know everything about you. When I heard you talk about me with so much fondness, I was hooked. I needed more. It was like all my years of being lonely were erased with your simple caring words. I should have told you sooner, but I didn't know how.”

His words warmed her heart, and any lack of trust she had was washed away. “Kai, here is my offer. I will forgive you for that only if you remind me how wonderful those lips of yours feel against mine.”

Kai’s answer was swift. He grabbed her waist and in one motion flipped her under him. His lips gently caressed her neck, and she let out a moan, one that she wasn't ashamed of. He softly worked his way up to her lips and paused to take in her face before bringing his lips to hers in indulgence. It took all Sollara’s willpower to restrain herself from ripping off Kai's clothes. Her body was telling her to go further, but her mind was telling her she wasn't ready yet.

They fell asleep in each other's arms on the beach, and soon the sun’s early rays warmed her face. She opened her eyes to find Andrew video taping them.

“What is he doing?” she asked.

Kai rolled over and opened his sleep filled eyes and looked at Andrew. “Do you remember when I told you I will show you how to get pictures on the TV? Well, Andrew is doing that with us, that device turns us into those pictures. It captures what we are doing,” he explained.

“Stop, Andrew. Don’t you know not to bother a red head when she first wakes up?” She hid her face in Kai’s arm.

“I figured I could use a little blackmail. By the way, Sollara, did you know that you snore louder than Kai?” he teased.

“I do not snore!”

“Yes you do sweetheart.” Kai laughed in his groggy morning voice.

“That's it!” She jumped to her feet and chased after Andrew, trying to get the camera. He was much taller than she, so he held it high out of reach. He laughed at her failed attempt to reach it. After jumping for a while, she debated trying to shadow Oya's abilities. But when the thought of a rematch with Andrew came up, she decided combat was the better option.

She stopped jumping for the camera and crossed her arms.

ou give up so easily.”

At that she punched him in the stomach ca
using him to bend forward. Then quickly
snatched the camera. Sollara sauntered down the beach toward the cabin with a wide grin on her face.

“I told you not to bother with a red head when she first wakes up. Oh, and does that count as the rematch you requested?” she yelled back after him.

“That’s it!” he cried as he ran after her tackling her to the sand.

They wrestled for the camera until Kai came and broke them up. He threatened to beat up Andrew for fondling his girl.

“Andrew, did it hurt getting beaten by a girl?” Hannah teased as she threw him a bag to start packing with.

“Only my pride H, only my pride.”

They laughed at him as they set about g
athering their things. It didn’t take long as they didn’
t bring much with them and soon everyone had regrouped by the cars. The ride home was a lot less advent
urous. But Sollara didn’t mind

having Kai beside her made the world feel right.

Before they could even pull up to the manor on the university campus, Coeus stepped in front of the cars with his hands raised, signaling them to stop. “We have a problem. Meet me in our study immediately, all of you.” And with that, he turned and ran.

“Do you think another student is missing?” Andrew asked.

“Have you had any other dreams, Kai?” Sollara studied his expression, searching for an answer.

“No, I wish I could help though.”

They didn't even take the time to unload the vehicles but hurried directly to Coeus's study.

“What's up my love?” Phoebe asked as she entered the room.

They quickly embraced and he motioned her to sit. Once everyone had found a seat he began.

“There has been news of towns in the Basque region of Spain that have been completely massacred. Everyone left for dead, blood drained from their bodies. Even the animals have been drained of blood. The survivors say that a blonde angel brought down terror upon them. And when she is on the way, you are forewarned by hailstorms....”

“It’s Mari!” Sollara interrupted.

“What do you mean child?” Phoebe asked.

“Whenever Mari left the Deep Kingdom, she would appear on the Surface as a beautiful blonde- haired maiden. She would travel in a hailstorm to hide her movements. It must be her.”

“Phoebe, the b
loodlust! Darling when you drank the blood of the Elemental, I could not find you. You killed hundreds before we were reunited, and we learned together how to control it. Mari and Sugoi have taken Aurora’s blood. They will be unstoppable.” He was pacing the room, pain displayed prominently on his face.

Sollara looked over at Kai. At the mention of Aurora his face lost all expression. She squeezed his hand to let him know that she understood his hurt.

“If she has bloodlust anywhere close to what I had, then we will have a war on our hands. A war between humans and Dark Ones. Or perh
aps we have to fear even worse

we may have a war between those who support ridding the world of humans fighting against those who believe in cohabitation. We have to do something,” Phoebe said as she paced the room in unison with Coeus.

Her words were very true, and Sollara realized that they could not sit back and hope they were never found. They had to fight back. They must stand up to honor the sacrifice Aurora made.

“We will go to them,” Sollara said as she stood.

“What? Sollara, you do not know the gravity of what you are saying,” Coeus interrupted.

“I do know. I know that many people will die while I stay here pretending I can have a normal life. I know that Kai's mother gave her life in hopes we can help this somehow. I know that my parents died protecting what they believed in. And I know that I am the only remaining heir to Atlanticus.”

“You are heir to Atlanticus?” Iresh stammered as the masculine confidence that he wore diminished.

“Yes she is,” Phoebe affirmed.

Both Iresh and Oya took to knee and recited what Sollara assumed to be an Atlantian ode.

“To our Queen, noble mother of the Elements. To our Queen, gateway to the Fates. To our Queen, we live to serve you. To our Queen, who serves so that we can live. To our Queen...”

“Please stand!” she interrupted. “I am not the Queen. I have not yet decided. We are peers not deities and subjects. I can’t tolerate being bowed too. I am not even sure if I will accept this position. I’ve been considering passing it to the next in line,” she confessed as she pulled Iresh to his feet.

Kai stood before her and put his hands on her shoulders. His eyes were full of confusion and his hands shook as they held her.

“It was you?”

“It was me, what?”

“When I was little my mother told me of a prophecy about two Elementals having children. My mother was one of the women and her best friend Queen Luna was the other. Their children were supposed to fall in love and save the world together. I never gave it much cre
dence, even though I’
m one of the children mentioned in it. I always figured the prophecy was a myth and we should each carve our own paths. Ironically, while I was so set on carving my own path, I stumbled upon prophecy and I fell for you, daughter to Queen Luna. It makes sense

my mother died to save Sollara because she promised to protect her and because Sollara is the one who can save us.” He fought back his frustrations as he looked over at the woman he loved.

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