Desire: #4 Brightest Kind of Darkness (9 page)

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Authors: P.T. Michelle

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Desire: #4 Brightest Kind of Darkness
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More blue takes over the black in Ethan’s eyes and he smiles. “Told you it had protective properties.” Sobering, he continues, “I’m glad you’re okay. Samson and I were on the other side of town when my body started to buzz with worry. I knew you were in trouble. I left my brother to finish his errand, so I can’t stay long. I need to go pick him up.”

Touching my chin, he tilts it until our eyes lock. “The crazed way Houdini was acting when I got here told me a demon was inside, but I didn’t smell anything once we came in.” His forehead creases in confusion. “Even if the demon had left David’s body, I usually still smell its trace in the air for a while, but this time I didn’t. How is that possible?”

My voice shakes as I tell Ethan everything that happened. When I finish, he grasps my shoulders gently, a look of wonder on his face. “You expelled a demon from Mr. Dixon with just your touch? That’s

I purse my lips in a rueful half smile. “I have no idea if that’s what I did or even how I did it. I just really wanted that demon out of David.”

Ethan looks thoughtful. “Every demon I’ve expelled with my sword bursts out of the person’s body in a pale yellow mist. That’s been true whether it was an Inferi or a Furia. The fact that you saw a flash of light shoot out of him instead of yellow mist has to mean something else.”

“I have no idea what it means.” I run my teeth across my bottom lip, then stop when the slight flexing of my neck muscles pulls on my wound.

“Unless…” He tilts his head.

“Unless what?”

Stepping into the hallway, Ethan sniffs toward the kitchen. “I can’t smell even the smallest trace of the demon. It’s like it was never here.”

I follow him into the hall. “What are you thinking?”

“Are you
you’re not an angel?”

I spread my hands wide. “I think that’s something Michael would’ve mentioned. Why?”

Ethan rubs his jaw. “If that was a Furia demon—”

“It was.”

“How do you know?”

“Drake’s soul took over David’s body,” I say.

Guilt scrolls across Ethan’s face. I know he’s thinking about the fact he’s the one who created the Furia inside David. Then hope brightens his eyes. “I wonder if…you just
Drake’s soul from Lucifer’s influence.”

“You think his soul’s no longer Furia?” I nod, thinking it through. “That would explain me seeing something different leave his body, and it would also explain why you can’t smell anything. Both you and Houdini have always been able to in the past.”

He nods, smiling broadly. “There has definitely got to be some angel in you.”

I snort and shake my head. “I’m just glad Mr. Dixon’s okay. Do you think he bought the sleep-walking story?”

“What choice does he have? It’s either that or think he’s gone crazy. For his own peace of mind, I hope he does believe it.” Lifting his chin toward the front door, Ethan continues, “Once I leave, put the mistletoe up over all the entrances to your house. Hanging them in the doorways will add a layer of protection against demons. Unfortunately there isn’t a permanent way to safe-guard your house against them, but the mistletoe should last for a few days until it dries out.”

Houdini whimpering and pawing at his ear snags my attention. “What’s wrong, boy?” When he licks his paw, I notice the blood on it. “What happened?” I step close and squat to lift his paw so I can check for an injury.

“It’s his ear,” Ethan says, touching Houdini’s floppy right ear.

I glance up at the wound along the tip and frown. “It’s sliced open. Poor guy.”

Once I return from the bathroom with a clean alcohol swab for Houdini, Ethan’s face is stony, his tone laced with anger. “It looks like someone took a pair of scissors and snipped the edge of his ear.”

His vivid imagery makes my stomach twinge. “Can you hold his collar while I clean his wound? This is going to hurt.”

After I clean the wound and rig the bandage into a butterfly-type suture to hopefully help the cut heal back together, I stand and glance into the kitchen. “I’d better get that glass cleaned up before Mom gets home.”

As I turn to walk away, Ethan reaches for my hand. Threading our fingers together, he says, “I’m sorry about earlier in the car.” He swallows. “I just don’t know what to think about all this Corvus stuff.”

He won’t even use the term “Master Corvus.” I squeeze his hand. “I know. You haven’t mentioned the scariest part. The thought that you might have to fight Lucifer worries me more than anything.”

He shrugs. “That’s only if it’s true. I’m still in the ‘I don’t believe it’ camp.”

it wasn’t true, but no amount of wishing or ignoring can change reality. “Stubborn,” I say, sighing heavily. “Go pick up your brother. Come by later and we’ll go over Freddie’s book.”

Ethan nods, then turns to retrieve my zip-up hoodie from the coatrack. He holds it up for me and I slide my arms into it.

Once I zip it all the way, he rests his hands lightly on my shoulders, his eyes flicking to the gauze on my neck the jacket had just covered up. “That was entirely too close, Nara. We have to figure out the truth behind the book quickly. If we can’t, we don’t have a choice. We’ll have to destroy it too.”

The thought of destroying any book yanks at my heart—anyone who loves to read would feel the same. But this particular book has been protected for so long, the idea of turning it to ash to protect its secrets twinges at my heart even more. “At least we don’t have to worry about Drake anymore,” I say in a light tone to keep from dwelling on it.

Ethan doesn’t even crack a smile. “You’re forgetting that Drystan’s demon is still out there.”

I haven’t forgotten, but I frown that he’s assigning Drystan’s name to that Inferi. It’s not like my friend chose to be possessed. If we have to give the demon a name, it should be the last person who
its possession. “For whatever reason
Inferi is laying low for now.” Then I remember what Drake’s Furia said, and I put a hand on Ethan’s chest. “The demon told me that he let some Inferni know that you’re living here in Blue Ridge, Ethan. I got the impression he didn’t mention the book because he wanted that for himself. I’m assuming he wanted his revenge but knew he wasn’t strong enough to fight you. Please, please keep a watch out. I can’t imagine demons knowing that a Corvus is around and not going after you.”

Ethan tenses his jaw. “I’m always on alert.”

When he doesn’t make a move to leave and his fingers flex on my shoulders, applying pressure, I know he wishes he can stay to protect me. Leaning close, I kiss his jaw. “I’ll be fine. The mistletoe will go up as soon as you walk out. I have no more plans to go anywhere. Feel better?”

Nodding, he presses a warm kiss to my forehead, then closes the door behind him.

Chapter Five



As I drive away from Nara’s house, the gravelly voice I hadn’t heard in a while rushes through my mind.
You’re not worthy of her.

I narrow my gaze.
I know who you are now, Corvus. Stop hiding behind that stupid horror film voice.

She might’ve just washed away your guilt in one fell swoop, but you’ll never be worthy.

The Corvus had switched his voice to a deep bass one, full of authority and judgment, but at least he didn’t sound like some haggard creeper any more. I ignore his attempt to rile me.
How did she expel a demon with just her touch?

It takes him a full minute to answer.
I don’t know.

I can’t believe even my Corvus doesn’t know. Worry ripples through me.
You’ve never seen this before?

Another long pause.
No. It just highlights the fact that you don’t deserve her.

You’re the one who made me go all silent on her this morning. Your volatile emotions over what Nara said about the Master Corvus could’ve gotten us killed if I hadn’t concentrated on keeping the car on the road.


Sometimes I really hate the bastard living inside me. I grit my teeth, then take a breath to calm down.
Why have you tortured me all this time? What was the purpose of trying to drive me crazy?

It wasn’t torture. You needed to toughen up. This body worked for me, but it needed to be stronger. You would either break or survive

He wanted to break me? My fingers cinch on the steering wheel. I see red for several seconds, but I shake my head to keep my shit together. I need answers, and he’s finally talking
. Survive? For what purpose?
you the Master Corvus?

Don’t believe the bullshit that lowly
is feeding Nara.

Why didn’t I automatically know how to fight demons then? Shouldn’t that have come with your
of my body?
I finish, curling my lip in a snarl

If you hadn’t resisted my presence all this time, the calling of your sword and all that entails would’ve been intuitive. I told you that you didn’t want to know me. But now that you know, stop fighting my existence and let me take over completely.

Screw that, Corvus. This is my body. My mind. My
you’re fucking with.

An arrogant grunt rushes through my mind.
Not any more it’s not. Only one other was this resistant
Though his mind wasn’t quite as layered as yours.

I can’t tell if that’s respect in his tone or annoyance.
Let me guess


I clench my jaw and command,
Tell me about him.
When the spirit stays quiet, I fist my hand in my lap. Had he screwed with Adder’s head like he did with mine?
You tried to make me kill myself, you twisted bastard.

You were mixing your dreams and reality. You’d already crossed paths with several demons and with so much dark energy swirling in you, all that converged and your mind started to splinter. Thought I’d see if I could help you break it, but somehow you managed not to go insane.

His blasé, condescending attitude makes me seethe. I lock my jaw and try to keep my thoughts focused, when all I want to do is curse him for everything he’d put me through.
I want you

Too bad. You’re the perfect vessel. I will always be here.

My fist flexes on the steering wheel. I pin my focus on the road.
Tell me what I need to know about demons. All of it.

When the spirit doesn’t reply, renewed anger whips through me, quickly followed by dogged determination
Maybe going on the offensive might get the arrogant prick to talk.
Why don’t you know more about being a Corvus?
Are you a reject, the runt of your Papa Corvus’ litter?
I add another jab just to piss him off.
Am I infested with damaged goods?

Watch your mouth, you worthless bit of insignificant flesh
, the Corvus snarls, his voice sounding more old-world and bolder, building in bullish fury. My head suddenly throbs and my chest actually expands, my ribs creaking and my lungs burning like they’re going to burst any moment.

I take shallow breaths to try to calm the storm swirling inside me, but then my foot slams down on the pedal. Just like it did this morning. I try to pull my toe up, but I can’t. As I watch the speedometer vault upward, a rush of adrenaline spikes within, and I find that place in my head I’ve gone many times before.

I jerk my head up and a cold, confident smile tilts my lips
. You
this worthless bit of flesh, asshole.
With my car moving at racecar speed, I’m glad I’m on the open highway and Nara’s not here to freak out. This battle is between me and this self-important prick. He’s not making me back down.

. His voice grates in a superior boom.

The car shudders. Wind buffets the doors and hood under the climbing speed. I grip the wheel and focus on keeping the car on the road.
You haven’t shared any Corvus stuff with me. Why is Adder’s talent the only one I seem to know like it’s my own?

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