Destined To Fall (10 page)

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Authors: Tamsyn Bester

BOOK: Destined To Fall
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~ Kyler ~

Monday has found me drinking coffee at the breakfast counter in my
loft. I should already be at the office, but I ended up sleeping at my parents’
house last night. I stayed up late, reminiscing with my father and we didn’t
get to bed before two a.m. The image of Cassey’s butt sashaying in that white
dress is ingrained into my memory and made for some good material in the
shower this morning.

I dress quickly, throwing on my grey pinstripe suit, no tie, and head into
the office. Instead of taking the town car my father always has available, I
decide to walk. The sidewalks bustle, the lunch crowd milling between their
jobs and lunch with friends. I ignore the admiring glances from the women
who pass me, focusing instead on the one face stuck on repeat in my head.
My phone vibrates in my pocket and the screen flashes with Jessa’s name and
number. I slide my finger across the screen, and answer.

“Hey, Jessa, what’s up?”

“Hey baby,” she purrs. “I wanted to stop by the office and bring you some
On any other day, I would say yes in a heartbeat, because Jessa’s lunch has
nothing to do with food.
“I can’t,” I lie. “I’m slammed with meetings all afternoon.”
“What about tonight?” she whines.
I walk into the lobby of the Knight Media building and lower my voice.
“I’m busy, Jessa.”
“I’ll make it worth your while,” she chimes. Her voice oozes seduction,
but it’s familiar, and boring. I’ve already done this with her on numerous occasions, whether it was for publicity because of our family connections, or
because we both simply wanted to fuck around. Either way, I’m over it, and I
thought she would’ve caught the hint by now.
I haven’t seen her since the Blake’s anniversary party, which ended up
being another ambush on her part.
“I’m sure you will, but I’m busy.”
“Is there someone else?” she shrieks. I pull my phone away from my ear,
“It doesn’t matter, Jessa. You and I weren’t dating.”
She starts spouting off a string of obscenities, and I end the call quickly. The elevator chimes, and I step in, grateful to be the only person in it.
I watch the dial above the door move with every floor, until it stops and
chimes on the third floor. Our technical division. I keep my head down, but
then her voice hits my ears.
“Oh, sorry, I’ll take the next one.”
My eyes meet hers. “No, it’s fine. There’s no reason we can’t share an elevator Cassey.”
She nods briefly, and diverts her gaze, but not before I see that her eyes
are red and puffy.
“Hey, are you okay?” I ask, taking a tentative step towards her.
“No,” she mumbles with sniffle. “But I will be.”
For a moment I’m stumped. What do I say? I’m not normally the guy
who offers comfort when a woman cries, but something on Cassey’s face
makes me want to.
“Anything I can do to help?”
Her shoulders drop and she sucks her bottom lip into her mouth. “Sure,
you can find me an apartment to live in, since Quinn’s apartment has already
been sold and the owners of the place I was going to move into tomorrow
have decided to get a divorce and sell the place instead of renting it.”
I open my mouth, but Cassey’s hand comes up to silence me. “Forget I
mentioned it. I’m rambling, and it isn’t your problem.”
The elevator comes to another stop, and before I can say anything,
Cassey is out the doors. When they close I’m left alone again, and make the
rest of the trip up to my office.
Sitting down at my desk, an idea pops into my head.
I know a way I can help Cassey.

“Thanks, Chase. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

I put the phone down, and smile to myself. My buddy Chase is a Real
Estate developer, and he owns a new apartment block only a few blocks from
here. They won’t be completely finished for another week, but Chase has
agreed to let me show Cassey what they look like.

I use the excuse that I want to find out how Cassey is progressing with
her digital publishing platform, and pay her a visit.
Her office door is open, and she’s on the phone, so I walk in, close the
door and wait for her to finish her call.
When she puts the phone after five more minutes, she stands and walks
around her desk, but does’t come any closer. I know she’s keeping the distance for a reason, probably a good reason, but I’m not here to talk about
When she puts the phone after five more minutes, she stands and walks
around her desk, but does’t come any closer. I know she’s keeping the distance for a reason, probably a good reason, but I’m not here to talk about
“Can I help you with something?” Cassey asks, keeping her voice hard
with impassivity. Her eyes are still a little red.
“What you said in the elevator earlier - ”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything,” she says quickly, interrupting
me. “It’s not appropriate - ”
“Will you let me finish talking, dammit?”
Her eyes widen at the tone of my voice and she snaps her lips closed.
“Is it true? That you need to find a new place to stay?”
“Yes, but Kyler - ”
“I can help you,” I say, cutting her off.
“I have a friend who’s a real estate developer, and they’re finishing off a
new block of apartments not too far from here. I call him, and he said we can
go look at them tomorrow.”
“Why would you do that for me?” I hate how suspicious and incredulous
her voice sounds. Like she doesn’t quite trust me. I’m going to have to change
“Because I wanted to,” I reply honestly.
“Wow,” she breathes out. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet. We have one thing to clear up first.”
“And that is?”
“Well,” I rub the back of my neck, “They won’t be ready for one more
Cassey’s face drops and she leans against her desk. “I don’t have anywhere
to stay until then…I can’t stay with Quinn and Jarred, and I can’t afford a
hotel for that long… oh no, what am I going to do.”
I take a breath, because for some reason I feel nervous about what I’m going
to say next.
“You can stay with me.”
Cassey shakes her head. “No, no, that can’t happen. It’s a terrible idea.”
“Ouch,” I chuckle.
“You know I’m right, Kyler. It’s crazy!”
I take a step closer. “I know you have no other option, and I’m offering to help
“I…uh…” Cassey hesitates. “Will we have to share a bed?”
“No.” I keep my face straight. “But if you want to…”
Cassey’s eyes bug out. “If this is some ridiculous ploy to get me to sleep with
you, it won’t work.”
Closing the space between us, I rest my hands on her hips and lean down close
enough to touch her nose with mine. “It’s already working, because I can hear
you think about it. I’m offering to help you, Cass, just accept it. I’ve already
told you we’re going to happen.”
Her breaths quicken, and I grip her hips tighter to stop myself from sliding
them up to her tits. Her gold blouse is unbuttoned, and her perfect tits are
spilling out from her white lace bra. Her skin looks soft, and I torture myself
with thoughts of how it will feel under my fingertips, and how it will taste.
“Say yes,” I whisper against her mouth.
Our eyes connect, her hazel to my blue, and I see her internal war. Her feelings,
doubts and ability to think rationally all crash, and collide like waves. Until her
decision is made.
“Okay,” she replies quietly.
Her eyes close and she presses her lips to mine.

Chapter 7
~ Cassey ~

Kyler opens the door to the new apartment I will hopefully be moving into in
a weeks time, and I ponder my decision to stay with him until its ready. It really is crazy. But what other choice do I have? Jarred and Quinn have just moved
in together, and the last thing I want is to crowd them. And I really can’t afford
to stay at a hotel for a week.
“So, this is it,” Kyler says. His hand rests on my lower back, but I try not to
allow it to affect me. It’s proving to be very distracting, especially when I can
feel the heat radiating from his fingers.
“It’s beautiful,” I reply. And it is. Taking a step further into the open space, I
immediately fall in love with the openness and the light that comes through
to huge windows.
There’s no furniture, but I can fill it up a few pieces at a time until it’s a home.
My home.
“It comes fully furnished, so by the time you move in, it’ll all be here,” Kyler
says, as if reading my thoughts.
“I’m not sure I can afford the rent on a place like this,” I remark, feeling somewhat embarrassed.
“You can look at the lease agreement, and then decide. If you can’t afford it, I’ll
help you find another place.”
“Even so, I doubt it will fall into my price range. But I appreciate you helping
me,” I pause. “Although, I have no idea why you’re doing it if not to get into
my panties.”
Kyler’s mouth twists into a sinful smile and walks over to where to I’m standing.
“You know I want into your panties, Cass, but I’m doing this to be nice. Guys
are capable of being nice without ulterior motives.”
“Do you have ulterior motives, Kyler?” I ask, looking into his vivid blue eyes.
“You’ll have to wait to find out,” he answers flirtatiously.
I roll my eyes. What have I gotten myself into?

“You’re doing what?” Quinn’s shrill voice pierces my ears and I hold my
phone a little further away.
“Quinn, don’t make a big deal about this. It’s only for a week.”
“Still! You’re moving in with Kyler for a week???”
I sigh, taking a look around Kyler’s spacious loft apartment. I moved in this
morning, after Kyler gave me the day off to get settled. Now I just have to
survive the next few days until my new place is ready. After looking at the
lease agreement, it turns out that I can afford it.
I have a suspicion that Kyler somehow made that possible, but I’m in no
position to say no right now. I’m already in a corner. “I have no other option,” I reply, feeling like a child who has been caught doing something she
“You could’ve stayed here?”
“No! You and Jarred have just gotten settled, and I don’t feel like crashing on
a couch for a week, Quinn.”
I hear her exhale on the other side of the phone. “So how is it going to work
then, Cass?”
“I’ll be here until Sunday, and then Kyler will help me move into my new
“And how do you know he’s not just doing this to screw you?”
“Would that be a problem?”
“Ugh,” Quinn huffs in frustration. “I hate it when you answer my questions
with a question.”
“I know,” I chuckle.
“Are you sure there’s no other option?”
It’s my turn to sigh. “I wish there was - ”
“Liar,” Quinn retorts, her voice thick with amusement.
“Okay, maybe I’m a little excited, but it’s not like I’m going to do anything
about it. He’s still my boss.”
“Yeah, Miss Broken Record, I heard you first hundred ties you used that excuse, but I want you to do something for me, Cass, and something for yourself too, okay?”
“What?” I ask.
Quinn hesitates for a second, and then replies, “Just let go, and give yourself
the chance to have some fun. Forget about the complications, even if it’s just
one night. Just make sure Kyler wraps it before he taps it, I’m too young to
be a Godmother.”
“Quinn!” I admonish. “What makes you think anything will happen tonight?”
“Oh it will, and you will tell me every single orgasmic detail tomorrow at
“You are ridiculous,” I say.
“And you my friend are finally getting laid. I’d bet my salary on it.”
“Again, Quinn, you’re ridiculous, and I need to make dinner.”
She gasps. “You see, it always starts with dinner! God, I’m more excited for
Kyler to clean out the cobwebs between those gorgeous legs of yours than
you are. Which reminds me, I hope you waxed, no man likes bush diving in
the Amazon jungle, sweetie.”
“Oh my God, you’re gross, and I’m hanging up now!”
Quinn squeals for some reason and I shake my head, even though she can’t
see me. “Okay,” she chimes. “Have fun and I hope you get no sleep tonight!
Love you sis! Bye!”
“Love you too. Bye!”
I put my phone down on the counter, laughing at my best friend. She’s definitely the crazier one out of the two of us. Kyler’s going to be home late -
that sounds weird, he’ll be home - so I put the lasagna in the oven on a low
heat, setting the timer for ninety minutes, and decide to finish unpacking my
things in the guest bedroom.

wrap the silky bathrobe Kyler bought me around my still damp body
and comb out my hair. I have no idea why Kyler bought it, or the luxurious
Vanilla and Jasmine bath products, but he did, and it surprised me.
It made me feel…taken care of. Something I’ve never felt before. Then again,
when it comes to Kyler, I’m constantly in unchartered territory. I check the
clock next to the end and it reads ten thirty p.m. I’m tired, so I make my
way into the kitchen for a glass of water. I stand in front of the windows that
overlook the city and marvel at the lights.
When I hear the front door open, and shut, I jump a little, spinning around to
find Kyler standing just inside the apartment.
The air between us shifts, and I notice the way his eyes slide down my body,
watching me.
“Hey.” My voice is soft, but hoarse. I return his heated gaze and lick my suddenly parched mouth. He looks dangerously sexy in his black suit, and grey
shirt that’s unbuttoned at the top, showing some of the smooth skin of his
“Hi,” he replies. The sound of his shoes on the hardwood floors echo through
the space, and my heart rate increases as he slowly stalks towards me.
“How was your day?” I ask. I hear the tremble in my throat.
“Good. Did you get settled in okay?”
I fiddle with my fingers, my body suddenly humming with nervous energy.
“Yes, thank you.”
He nods once, looking around the kitchen. “Did you make dinner?” he asks,
the surprise in his voice clear.

“Yeah,” I reply. “I thought you’d be hungry when you got home, so I made
Kyler opens the oven and I hear him sniff audibly. “Hmmm, smells good. Did
you speak to my Mom?”
“No, why?”
“Because lasagna is my favorite.”
“It is?”
He chuckles. “Yeah. My Mom made it for me all time when I was a kid. I haven’t had home made lasagna in…God I can’t even remember when.”
I brush past him, and take two plates out of the cupboards for each of us.
“Can I pour you some wine?” Kyler asks, taking a bottle of red wine out the
“Sure,” I reply.
I take the food out the oven and put some on a plate for Kyler, and then for
myself. I set them down and take a seat at the breakfast bar. He joins me, placing my glass in front of me. He settles into his seat, and takes the first bite. I’m
about to do the same when I catch a glimpse of the way his lips wrap around
the fork, and slide over it as he pulls it out. His jaw works, chewing, and then
his throat constricts as he swallows. His Adams apple bobs up and down, and
I find myself being turned on by the simple act of Kyler eating my food.
“Hmmm….”He groans.“It’s almost better than my Mom’s…Just don’t tell her
I said that.”
I giggle, relaxing. “Your secret is safe with me.”
We eat in comfortable silence, and when we’re done, I clear our plates and
pack the dishwasher.
Kyler’s voice breaks into the quiet. “Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah,” I reply, turning to face him.
“What’s the deal with you and my parents?”
His question takes me a little of guard, but I answer him honestly. “After my
first week at Knight Media, your Dad made a joke and said I need to get more
meat on my bones, and a week later your Mom invited me for Sunday lunch. I
didn’t think it would happen again, since your Dad was my boss, but for some
reason, your parents made it a regular thing. They’ve been stuck with me ever
since.” I think back to the first time I had lunch with Richard and Estelle, and
how amazing it felt to spend time with them, to feel a sense of family.
“What about your parents?” Kyler asks. It’s an innocent question, and it’s normal for him to be curious. But it doesn’t make talking about my good-fornothing parents.
“They’re not in the picture,” I reply, uncomfortable with the direction of the
conversation. I don’t want him to know where I come from.
“So,” I continue, “How does it feel to be taking over from your Dad?” It’s
a half-hearted attempt to change the topic. My parents aren’t worth talking
Kyler’s mouth lifts into a lopsided grin, taking my cue, and stops in front of me.
The warmth from his body hits me and I shiver, hoping to God my pebbled
nipples aren’t too visible. Kyler’s hand reaches for my neck, his finger brushing
over my pulse. There’s no doubt he can feel my heart racing. Stupid, disloyal
organ. “I have no desire to talk about work,” he replies. His hand trails lower,
and he rubs my nipple with the pad of his thumb. I suck in a breath when his
touch resonates with every part of my body and causes moisture to pool between my legs. I’m about to question my decision to forgo panties, when his
other hand pulls the bow at my waist and the flimsy material of my robe falls
open. I’m naked beneath it, and Kyler’s eyes dip, searing my naked flesh.
“W-w-what are you doing?” I stutter. I should stop him, but I’d be lying if I
said I want him to stop.
“I’m trying to convince myself this is a bad idea.”
“It is.”
“Maybe so, but how can something that looks so good be so bad?”
My response gets stuck in my throat when Kyler lifts his hands to my shoulders
and slips the robe off my shoulders until it’s pooled at my feet. I’m completely
naked, and my cheeks flush but I don’t break eye contact. I’m too riveted, and
turned on, by the look on Kyler’s face.
“Tell me what I have to do,” Kyler continues. “To get you in my bed and beneath me.”
I only think about it for a split second, when Quinn’s words from earlier float
through my lust-filled haze.
Forget about the complications, even if it’s just one

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