Destined To Fall (14 page)

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Authors: Tamsyn Bester

BOOK: Destined To Fall
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Her pussy tightens, and I feel her come around my cock, clenching and sucking me further into her body. When her quivers cease, I start thrusting into
her, hard and slow. I feel her teeth nip at my neck, and I growl.
“Fuck,” I groan out. “So good.”
Cassey moves her leg and wraps it around my waist, her feet resting on my
hips. The change in position allows me to penetrate deeper with every stroke
until I feel my own orgasm building. Cassey pushes her hips up, and that’s all
it takes. I still, holding her tight, and ride out the most intense orgasm I’ve
ever experienced. I don’t know how long we lie there, Cassey’s hands drawing
lazy circles on my back, but when I look into her eyes, something new comes
to the surface. It must reflect the look in my eyes, because I know Cassey can
feel the change too. I kiss her one last time, and then climb out of bed to discard of the condom.
When I fall into bed again, exhausted and completely satiated, Cassey rolls
over and curls into my side. I try to shake the heavy feeling in my gutt, but
yet, one thought still weighs on my mind: Why did that feel like a ‘goodbye’?

Chapter 10
~Cassey ~

I wipe my brow and flop onto the edge of my bare bed. That’s the last of my
belongings, and now I can finally settle in. I moved in two days ago and,
much to Kyler’s insistence, took the two days off work. He was adamant and
I was still coming down from an explosive orgasm when he brought the topic up early on Sunday morning. Sadly, I haven’t seen him since then, and as
much as I’d like to think it’s because we’re both busy, I have a sinking feeling in my belly that he’s avoiding me. Something between us is different, but
how different could they really be after just a week? Feelings don’t develop
that quickly, surely? Either way, I’ve thrown myself into getting settled and
painting my new apartment.
I chose sumptuous colors throughout, and used reds, gold and rich tones
of cream to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The dining room is
painted red with dark wood finishes that came with the apartment. The main
bedroom and guest bedroom are both painted with rich creamy colors and
offset with bolder colors in the main bedroom and cooler colors in the guest
bedroom. The living room has light gold walls with rugs and cushions in metallic red and bronze that stand out against the dark brown leather couches.
The kitchen is also very impressive, boasting granite countertops, wooden
cupboards with smooth, glossy surfaces, and stainless steel kitchen appliances. Both the en suite and guest bathrooms have slate tiles on the floor which
extends halfway up the wall and in the center of the en suite bathroom is
a large, free-standing jetted bathtub with chrome finishes that match that
of the sink. The guest bathroom has a spacious shower, also with matching
chrome finishes. In its entirety, my new home looks opulent with an understated sense of luxury and functionality, and it’s the nicest place I’ve ever
lived. And there’s no way I can afford the rent here, had it not been for whatever strings Kyler pulled to get me this place.
I check my phone, probably for the umpteenth time, and sigh when I find no
texts or missed calls from Kyler. Doubt prickles my mind, and the heavy feeling I had not too long ago returns. Ignoring it, I decide to take a long, relaxing bath, and pour myself a glass of red wine. The sun sets and the city lights
flicker to life as a new kind of energy surges through the streets. I smile,
sinking into the too-hot water, feeling the tension seep out of my muscles,
and close my eyes. The quietness cloaks me in, leaving me with a sense of
contentment that is unfamiliar to me. I bask in it, savor it, because moments
like this are far and few between.

I spend the remainder of the week catching up missed work and following
up with the team helping me implement the Digital Publishing strategy. It
has required late nights; nights without Kyler, and the weekend couldn’t have
come sooner. I curl up in bed and hug my knees to my aching body, thankful
that it’s Friday. My head feels like it’s going to explode, along with my ovaries. Not only do I have the misfortune of horrendous cramps, but migraines
are part of the package, too.
My stomach rolls, and I barely make it to the toilet before the meager contents of my stomach ends up in the toilet bowl along with the pain killers I
tried to take. When my stomach is empty, I rest my head on the toilet bowl,
too tired to grab a washcloth and wipe my sweaty face. I hear a knock at the
door but don’t have the strength to answer. A second knock comes, louder
this time, followed by a voice yelling my name. Is that Kyler?
God, I hope not!
I don’t want him seeing me like this - baggy t-shirt, lime green sleep shorts,
and a sweaty face. Not sexy.
He yells my name again and I stay rooted on the spot. If he wants to get in,
he’ll have to break the door down, but I’m hoping he’ll think I’m not home
and just leave.
I hear a loud smack, and then a hard thud. Heavy footsteps echo on the
hardwood floors, making their way down the hallway and into my bedroom

I lift my head at the sound of Kyler’s voice and look up just as he reaches my
bathroom door.
“Shit,” he says, rushing to my side. “Are you okay?”
The genuine concern on his face surprises me. But what surprises me even
more is that I like that he’s concerned.
I shouldn’t, because we’re just friends-with-benefits. Aren’t we?
“I’m fine,” I croak out. My throat is sore and raw. “What are you doing here?”
“Well,” he sighs. “You called in sick and I was worried about you. I wanted to
make sure you were okay.”
“Why?” He’s been avoiding me, that much was obvious, so I don’t understand
his sudden need to check on me.
“Because I was worried,” he repeats, like it should be an easy concept for me
to grasp. He touches my face and frowns. “You have a fever.”
“I’m fine, you don’t have to stay, Kyler.”
“Too bad, Cass. I’m not going anywhere, so be a bitch all you want, but I’m
not leaving you like this.”

I scoff. “I’m not being a bitch. I just don’t understand why you’re here,
“After what?” His eyebrows dip in confusion, and I wish I kept my mouth
shut. When I don’t respond, Kyler dips my chin up, and presses, “After what?”
“After you avoided me for three days.”
Kyler shakes his head, a ghost of a smile forming on his lips. “I can’t avoid
you even if I wanted to, Cass. You’re everywhere.” His voice is soft and gentle, as if he almost doesn’t want me to know what he’s saying. Our eyes are
locked on each other, and I know he can see the confusion on my face, in my
eyes. But I’m not naive. I know better than to get my hopes up, so I don’t.
I slide down the side of my bathtub, and Kyler stands. He wets a washcloth
and bends down next to me. He wipes my forehead and I avoid his gaze. I
don’t want him to be worried, because that means he cares, and I’m almost
certain that blurs some kind of line between us.
Without a word, Kyler slips his hands beneath my legs and around my back
and he lifts me off the floor. I moan, dropping my head onto his chest. My
head starts throbbing, and the rest of my body aches. Kyler lays me down,
and I wince.
“Where does it hurt?” he asks gently.
I pat my stomach, and Kyler nods. “Get comfortable, I’ll be right back.”
I slide further down into my bed, and watch him leave. A little while goes by,
and Kyler returns with a bowl in his hand. He slips off his shoes, and I notice
how good he looks. His dark suit pants fit his legs so snug, and his navy blue
button up shirt does crazy things for his abs and his chest.
“Scoot,” Kyler says, motioning for me to move over. He sits down next to me,
and hands me the bowl. “Eat.”
I take a sniff of the delicious aroma, and my mouth waters. “I can’t keep anything down.”
“You have to at least try,” Kyler says.
I mumble something under my breath, causing him to chuckle. “What is it?”
I ask.
“Soup. Now eat.”
I take the first mouthful and groan in appreciation as the savory goodness
assaults my senses.
“Checkin noodle,” I mumble around the spoon. “My favorite.”
After eating half the soup, I hand it back to Kyler, and rest my head on my
“You don’t have to stay with me,” I tell him. My eyes are heavy, and a yawn
escapes my mouth. “I’m sure you need to get back to the office. ”
I feel his eyes on my face but I don’t look at him.
“Actually, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
This time, I do look at him and see nothing but honesty and sincerity. He’s
telling the truth, and I don’t like how it makes me feel. It’s just another
blurred line.
Kyler’s hand rests on my hip, and he nudges me to roll over. With my back to
his front, his arm wraps around my waist and he pulls me closer. His warmth
blankets me, and soothes my muscles. Before I have time to think about what
this means, my eyes drop and my breathing evens out. I’m lulled into sleep by
Kyler’s warmth, and by how well our bodies fit together. For a fleeting moment, this is real. We’re more than just friends who sleep with each other.
We’re real.

It’s a few hours later when I start to stir. Kyler’s arm is wound tightly around
me, and I twist, careful not to wake him. His face is relaxed, his mouth soft.
He really is a beautiful man. Strong and virile. His day old stubble makes
him look older, sexier. Rugged. His hair hangs on his forehead, touching his
eyebrow, and I brush it away. His arm twitches and his legs intertwine with
“Stop staring at me,” he mumbles, his eyes remaining closed. “It’s a little
I grin, nestling just a little closer. He cracks an eye open, and I’m greeted by
crystal clear blue. “Hi,” he sighs, his voice husky. He gives me a lazy smile
and my insides flip.
“Hey, sleepyhead.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Better,” I reply. “Thank you for taking care of me.”
“It’s fine,” he says, kissing my nose. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
“Me too. I might have to keep you on speed dial in case I need you to do
house calls more often.”
Kyler’s mouth tips into a half-smile and his eyes fill with laughter. “Sounds
good,” he murmurs against my forehead.
Kyler’s phone starts to ring and he rolls over onto his back to reach for it.
I rest my chin on his chest as he answers, “Hello?”
His eyes drop to me and a slow smile spreads across his face. “Yeah, she’s
fine….hmmm hmmm…No, I’m not leaving her… Yes, I’ll probably stay the
night…And tomorrow night…” he rolls his eyes, “Okay, fine…”
He hands the phone to me. “It’s for you.”
Frowning, I bring the phone up to my ear. “Hello?”
“Hi, babe! You feeling better?” Quinn’s voice comes through the phone, much
to my bewilderment.
“Much better,” I reply. “But how did you know I was feeling sick to begin
Quinn mumbles something in the background, presumably talking to Jarred,
and then replies, “Kyler called me while you were asleep.”
“Don’t sound so surprised, Cass,” she pauses. “Do you think you can slip away
from him for a minute? I need to talk to you about something.”
“Sure,” I reply. I hold the phone away from me, and look at Kyler. “I’ll just be
a minute.”
“Can I order some dinner?” he asks, still smiling.
“Please, I’m starving. Take-out menus are on the fridge.”
He slips out of bed, but not before he kisses me on the forehead. Another
blurred line, I think to myself. When his footsteps grow softer, I bring his
phone back to my ear. “Okay, Quinny, I’m all yours.”
She sighs. “I think Kyler is falling in love with you.”
“What? Why would you think that? Did he say anything?”
“No, but he didn’t have to. I could hear it in his voice when he called me earlier.”
“Quinn, I’m pretty sure you’re wrong. It’s not like that with us, you know
“I know, but I think things may have changed for him, Cass, even if he hasn’t
realized it yet.”
“Why are you telling me this?” I ask quietly.
“Because deep down, you know I’m right, and I think your feelings for him
might have changed, too. Maybe it’s time to take another risk, and tell him?”
“I can’t, Quinn. That will mean this is over, and I don’t want to lose him just
“How can you be so certain you’ll lose him?”
“I just am, okay. I just want a bit more time with him, before…”
“Cass, it’s only going to be harder later on. So, you have a choice here; you
can either run scared, or you can take a risk and jump.”
“I don’t know,” I breathe out. “Tell me what to do, Quinn.”
She lets out a soft laugh on the other end of the line. “Be honest with yourself, Cass. If you feel something for him, tell him. If he walks away, you’ll get
to say you took a risk for the first time in your life, and if he doesn’t, you’ll get
a chance to realize that you and Kyler are meant to be together. It’s a winwin, in my opinion.”
“I have to go,” Quinn continues. “But think about what I said. I’ll see you at
work tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay, see you tomorrow. Love you.”
“Love you, too, sis. Bye.”
I end the call feeling more confused than ever. It seems that I’m at a crossroad, one I should’ve been able to anticipate. And while I knew there would
be a possibility I’d have to walk away from Kyler, the choice doesn’t feel so
simple anymore. With Quinn’s words floating through my mind, I make my
way to the kitchen where Kyler is dishing up some pizza. He smiles when he
sees me, and I wonder if Quinn could be right, if Kyler could possibly feel
more for me. mFor tonight though, I don’t want to think about it. Instead,
Kyler and I eat pizza, watch crappy television and curl up on the sofa. It’s
perfect, even if it’s just an illusion of what could be.

~ Kyler ~

Growing up, my favorite time was always the calm after the storm, when everything grew quiet. Those times were the only moments I experienced peace
and serenity, like everything was as it should be. Looking as Cassey, I feel
that again. Her lips are pouted, a slight frown between her brows, and her
chest moves up and down in a steady rhythm with her breathing. I’ve been
watching her like a total creeper, amusing myself because she did exactly the
same thing yesterday.
She moans, and I watch her kick off the sheets. Her back arches, and her fists
clutch at the sheet covering the mattress. She sinks her teeth into her bottom
lip as her body continues to writhe. I feel my cock harden.
Is she having
“Kyler.” The way Cassey breathes my name out halts all coherent thought.
I smirk. My girl is having a wet dream, starring yours truly. I would laugh if I
wasn’t so turned on by it.
Her eyes fly open and her chest heaves.
“Good dream?” I tease.
Her head whips in my direction, her eyes growing wide. “Oh no,” she whines,
covering her face with her arm. I chuckle and pull her closer to me.
“Watching you have a wet dream about me,” I kiss her slightly damp neck, “is
so fucking sexy. You should dream about me more often.”
“Twice is enough,” she mumbles under her breath.
I lift my head. “It’s happened before?”
A rose-colored blush fills the apples of Cassey’s cheeks and she tucks her
head into my shoulder, nodding.
“Tell me,” I whisper into her ear.
“Tell you what?”
“What your dreams were about.”
“Uhhh uhhh.” Cassey shakes her head, trying to pry herself free but I roll
over and trap her beneath me.
She sighs, and opens her legs. I move my hips, rubbing the rigid head of my
erection against her center.
“You don’t play fair,” she breathes out.
“I never have.” I grin against her mouth and kiss her deeply, coaxing her
tongue with mine. I slide my hands down and they disappear into her sleep
shorts as I cup and squeeze her butt. Her body goes stiff for a second and I
know what she’s worried about.
“Relax, Cass, I won’t touch you.”
I continue to rub her pussy with my hard length, seducing her body and soliciting a breathy moan as I suck her bottom lip into my mouth. I press my
hips down harder and increase the pressure on her clit just enough to set
her off. A deep, breathy moan makes its way up from her throat. Her cheeks
flush, and she tries to catch her breath.
“Was it anything like that in your dream?” I ask, grinning widely.
Her lips twitch, and her bright green eyes roam my naked chest. “No,” she
murmurs. “My dreams had handcuffs.”
I feel my brows rise and my curiosity piques. “Handcuffs, huh? We’ll have to
do something about that, won’t we.”
Cassey’s arms wrap my around my neck and she pulls me down to her
“Promise?” I feel her smirk against my mouth.
“Hmmm hmmm,” I reply, crashing our mouths together. Her hands slide
through the strands of my hair, and my body relaxes into her. My cock is so
hard it hurts, but making out like teenagers is just as good.
My phone vibrates, and I moan, dropping my forehead to Cassey’s neck.
“You should answer that,” she says with a giggle. “I’m going to take a shower.”
“Without me?”
“Join me after you take that call,” she replies. She smiles and gives me a
chaste kiss.
“I can’t wait that long. Whoever is calling can call back later.”
Cassey reaches over, and checks my phone before giving it to me. “It’s your
mom, I suggest you take it.” She slides out from under me and swings her
hips on her way to the bathroom. I’m so distracted that I almost forget my
phone is ringing.
“Hi, Mom,” I greet, sitting up.
My mother sniffles on the other end of the line, and her next words make the
floor drop out from under my feet.
“Kyler, sweetheart, it’s your Father. He collapsed. We’re at the hospital.”

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