Destined To Fall (12 page)

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Authors: Tamsyn Bester

BOOK: Destined To Fall
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~ Kyler ~

After spending most of the day stuck in meetings and on conference calls,
the idea of being able to kick back, drink a beer and watch some sports is
enticing. My apartment is quiet when I walk in, and I’m slightly disappointed that Cassey isn’t home. It’s already eight p.m. Thinking that she’s probably
working late, I change into a pair of gym shorts, and decide to leave my shirt
off. The city is hot during the summer months, and it’s a welcomed reprieve
when the cool air conditioned air hits my skin.
I take out some of Cassey’s left over lasagna from the night before and heat
it up before heading over to my leather sofa with a beer in hand. I switch the
television on, flicking through all the sports channels and stopping on a the
highlights reel.
It’s an hour later when the click of the front door alerts me that Cassey is
I stay seated, and when she heads toward the guest bedroom without giving
me a glance, I know she hasn’t seen me yet. She returns a little while later, her
hair piled up in a messy bun on top of her head, and her feet bare. She pads
across the hardwood floors, and opens the fridge. When she takes out a beer,
my eyebrows lift in surprise, and I watch how she pops the bottle cap on my
marble countertop. She takes a long swig, the longest I’ve ever seen a woman take, and then wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. Damn. This
woman is a puzzle, and sexy as sin. The best part is she has no fucking idea.
“Rough day?” I ask, making her jump and squeal. The beer bottle slips out of
her hand, but not before it dispels half it’s liquid content on her red shirt. I
chuckle, and her eyes thin into slits.
“You scared me,” she says, rest her hand over her heart. “And now I’m covered in beer.”
She bends to pick up the bottle, which fortunately didn’t break, and I lean to
the side, catching a glimpse of her gorgeous tits in a red lace bra. Fuck, she’s
going to be the death of me for sure. My cock practically nods in agreement.
Cassey rights herself, examining her wet shirt, and I stifle a laugh at the ridiculous wet spot on her chest.
If only it were a white shirt
, I muse to myself.
Cassey’s eyes lift, and I don’t miss the way they linger on my chest. I decide
to make it interesting, and lean back against the couch, stretching my arms
over my head.
“You think it’s funny?” she asks, fighting a smile of her own.
“No,” I lie, shaking my head. “I think it’s hilarious.”
She huffs. “It’s your fault, Kyler. I wouldn’t have dropped it had you not
scared me half to death.” A hint of her Southern accent comes through at the
end, and I wish she would talk that way more often. It’s cute.
“No way,” I laugh. “You’re clumsy! That’s not my fault.”
“I’m not clumsy,” she retorts with a pout.
I laugh at her again, and this time it pisses her off.
“I’ll show you funny,” she mumbles.
I’m about to look back at the television when Cassey starts unbuttoning her
shirt. I watch her watching me, unbuttoning each button one at a time until they’re all undone. She drops her shirt to the floor, and slowly walks over
to me. I look up at her as she comes to standstill next to me, unable to look
away. When her hands start pushing her tight shirt up her legs to her hips, I
shift to readjust my growing erection. Satisfied with the position of her skirt,
Cassey lifts a leg and climbs on the sofa, sliding one leg over my lap so that
she’s straddling me.
“Is it still funny, Mr. Knight?” Cassey taunts. I swallow hard and lick my lips,
drawing her attention to my mouth.
I shake my head no and her mouth lifts into a sexy, mischievous little grin.
“What are you doing?” I ask. My voice is husky, and rough, and I can’t remember the last time a woman did that to me.
“We’re negotiating,” Cassey replies. Her hands slide from shoulders to my
chest and she rubs her thumbs over my nipples. The look on her face is excitement, laced with curiosity, like she’s experiencing this for the first time.
“What are we negotiating?” I ask, mesmerized by the feel of her soft hands
touching my skin.
“Your…” she pauses, thinking about something. “Proposal.”
My mind drifts back to our little rendezvous in her office this morning, and
what it is that I offered her. Sex with no strings.
“Yeah?” I lean forward and give her neck a soft nip with my teeth, licking the
spot to soothe any residual sting.
Her pulse quickens and I feel her thighs clench on either side of mine. Her
fingers thread into my hair, and she yanks my head back to that I can look at
her. Hmmm. She’s feisty.
“What about my proposal needs negotiating? Did something I said, or did
seem unclear to you at all, Ms. Emerson?”
Her cheeks flare slightly, and I resolve to make her blush again later. But with
something that requires a little more physical exertion.
“We need some terms and conditions, Mr. Knight, to avoid any exaggerated
expectations,”she replies. She brushes her lips against mine, but then pulls way
when I try to kiss her. Minx.
“The only term and condition I need is that I get to fuck you whenever, and
wherever the mood strikes, and you of course have the same privilege.”
“As appealing as that sounds, there are two other things I’d like to add.”
“Anything,” I reply quickly.
“The first thing I want is exclusivity,” she pauses, waiting for my response. “I
have no desire to share you with anyone for however long I get to have you.”
I grin like a fool on the inside, knowing that Cassey could be possessive and
jealous, but I keep my face relaxed.
“And the other condition?” I ask.
She sucks her lip into her mouth, a little more hesitant with this condition
than she was with the last. “As soon as one of us start to feel more, we end it.”
Her eyes regard me. After a beat, I reply, “That sounds fair, but I have a condition or two of my own.”
Cassey’s eyebrow quirks, and she folds her arms across her chest.
“I never want to wake up without you next to me,” I say, gauging her reaction.
When she says nothing, I continue, “And you’ll let me spoil you.”
“Spoil me?”
“Yes. Flowers, chocolate, and what ever else I want.”
Her nose scrunches, and I slide my hands up her bare thighs. She stops my
hands before I can reach her thong. “I’m not comfortable with that,” she tells
me. “It’s going to feel like you’re paying me to sleep with you.”
I frown. “Well I’m not. You’re not a whore, Cass, and I have no intention of
treating you like one.”
“Then why me? Why do you want this with me?”
Her insecurities flash in her bright green eyes, and I catch a glimpse of her
“Because I like you,” I reply simply.
She smiles softly, and looks down, her long brown hair creating a curtain. “I
like you too,” she says, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“You just like me for my body,” I tease. I sit up and wrap my arms around
Cassey’s back, pressing her flush against my bare torso. The action causes her
mouth drop open, and her chest rises in falls in a quick, steady rhythm.
Cassey’s hands rest on my pecs, and she trails them down to my abs. My stomach tightens, and my breath hitches in my throat when her hands dip into my
shorts. Her fingers deftly wrap around my now very hard cock, and she leans
in until our lips brush.
“Well, Mr. Knight,” she breathes against my mouth. “I think no-strings-attached is a game I’d like to play after all.”
Hell. Fucking. Yes.

Chapter 9
~ Cassey ~

The bed dips beside me and I stir. The cool air coming through the balcony
doors in Kyler’s bedroom travels over my skin, and my nipples pucker as the
sheet covering me disappears. I feel Kyler’s body cover mine, and he threads
our hands together, stretching them above my head. He’s woken me up like
this several times in the last few days, and its only fitting that he does it on
my last morning here.
“Morning,” Kyler murmurs. He nips at the skin above my breasts before
sucking a nipple into his mouth, his teeth grazing the hard tip. I hum my appreciation, and then crack an eye open to see him grinning up at me.
“Fiend,” I murmur sleepily.
He chuckles, letting go of my nipple with a ‘pop’ and then moves to the other
one. I arch my back, and open my legs, allowing Kyler’s body to settle.
When his erection touches my wet center through his boxer briefs, I can’t
help but wince. Kyler frowns, asking, “Are you okay?”

I give him a lazy smile. “I’m more than okay,” I sigh. “Just a little…
sensitive.” My cheeks warm, and I shiver in remembered pleasure as images
of last night come back to me in vivid Technicolor. Kyler wasn’t exactly gentle with me last night, or every other night for that matter, but I’m not complaining. What he does to my body only aggravates my hunger for him, and
has made me insatiable. The past few days with him have been…amazing…
and while I was worried about adjusting to the nature of our tryst, I’ve found
that it’s easier to accept it for what it is. Kyler makes it easy, and there’s nothing about it that makes me feel used, or like I’m using him. I’ve come to see a
very different side to him, and the way the tabloids portray him is only a half
truth. Sure, he’s the heir to the Knight Media fortune, and there have been
many speculations that he’s only getting his father’s company because of his
name, but what many people are not privy to seeing, is that he’s intelligent,
and hard working. I’ve seen glimpses of the businessman he could so easily
become, and there’s no doubt that he’ll make Knight Media the best it can
be, while still upholding the longstanding legacy his father has built. I envy
the woman who gets to stand beside him some day, knowing that in order to
be worthy of him, she would have to be extraordinary in her own right. He’ll
probably end up with someone with a social standing, someone with connections and stature. Someone I’m not.
My belly grumbles, and I giggle, trying to hide my face. Kyler lifts his head,
and gives me the lopsided grin I’ve become familiar with.
“Is someone hungry?” he asks.
“Yes,” I reply. “You’ve tired me out, and now my body needs food.” His smile
turns dark, and I quickly correct myself, “Actual food, Kyler, not…
Kyler pouts, and moves to hover over me on his hands and knees.
“Food now, sex later,” he says. He regards me, slowly dragging his gaze down
my naked body, and then back again.
It’s a gaze charged with raw sexual energy, but also appraisal. He likes what
he sees. And I like that he likes it.
I press up onto my elbows, and press my lips to his, murmuring, “Sounds
His tongue dips into my mouth, licking and sucking. I feel his arm snake
around my back, and with no effort at all, he hoists us up so that I’m straddling him. He grabs a discarded shirt on the floor and slides over my body,
buttoning it up in the front, but not before pinching my nipples.
“Ow.” I slap him and he laughs, catching my hand to lay a kiss in the center
of my palm.
“Sorry,” he shrugs, but I can tell he’s anything but sorry. “You know I love
your tits.”
And that he does. He’s made that very clear on a number of occasions. I
reach around his waist, and slip my hands into his boxer briefs to grab his
“That’s good,” I reply, giving him a cheeky grin. “Because I happen to think
you have a very sexy ass.”
“I know,” he grins. “You’ve left quite a few nail marks for me to find.”
“Just a little reminder that I’ve been there.” I kiss his shoulder. “And here.”
I kiss between his pecs. “And here.” I place a final kiss over his nipple. “And
Kyler’s fingers rake through my hair. “I don’t need any reminders,” he kisses
my mouth. “Of where you’ve been, baby. My body will never forget.”
A heaviness settles over us, and we’re reminded that it’s my last day in Kyler’s
apartment. I bite my lip, wondering how to ask Kyler where we go after tomorrow.
“What are you thinking about?” he ask quietly, pulling my lip out from between my teeth.
“I don’t want this,” I say, gesturing between the two of us, “to end just yet.”
Our eyes stay locked, and I wonder if I should’ve just kept quiet. But then I’d
have to pretend that I haven’t enjoyed my time with Kyler, and that would be
a lie.
Kyler’s arms tighten around me. “Good. I don’t want it to be over yet either.”
My belly growls again, and the moment is broken. It’s replaced with laughter, and for now, the feelings I know are creeping in stay hidden. A few more
days won’t hurt, I tell myself. I’m not falling in love with him, but I feel
something, and we agreed that as soon as that happened, this is over. I’m
simply not ready to let him go yet.
Kyler slips my powder blue lace panties on, a pair he bought me, and then
throws me over his shoulder as he marches into the kitchen. He slaps my
butt, and I squeal, only to return the favor by pinching his sexy derrière. He
places me on my feet, and I throw my hair up haphazardly on the top of my
head. Caging me in against the breakfast bar, Kyler asks, “What would you
like to eat?”
I purse my lips and tap my chin with my index finger as I pretend to think
about it.
“Pancakes,” I reply, smiling. “With strawberry’s and cream.”
“Done,” Kyler replies, placing a chaste kiss on my lips.
He spins around, and starts taking out the flour, eggs, salt and butter and
then takes out a pan. I walk back to the bedroom, Kyler whistling behind
me, and go to grab my phone next to the bed. The first message I see is from
Quinn, and it reads:

Think you can stop the sexcapades long enough to hit a club tonight?


Chuckling, my fingers click across the screen as I reply:


Yes!! Could do with some girl time. Meet here at 8?


It’s not long before I get a response:


See ya then, sis! Love ya!


Thinking about a night put with Quinn excites me. I could use a night of
fun, and maybe a little down time with my best friend.

The next message I come across makes my smile falter and my stomach drop.
It would happen eventually, and I should be used to it, but it’s still like a kick
to the gut every time.

Need money. Call me.

A name doesn’t appear but I know the number.
My mother.
I’m about to press the delete button when my screen lights up with the number my mother sent the text from. I hesitate, knowing full well that not only
will this phone call ruin my good mood, but that I’ll regret it. I answer anyway.
“Why haven’t you called me?” my mother snaps. Her voice is hoarse from the
years and years of smoking and drinking. It’s a voice I wish I never had to
hear again.
“I was busy - ”
“I need money,” she intercedes.
“Nice to hear from you too mom. What have you done this time?”
“Borrowed money from the wrong people, and now your daddy and I are in a
I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose, and take a seat on Kyler’s bed. I cross
my legs, tucking my feet under my butt, and prepare myself for a shitty conversation.
“How much do you need?” I ask cautiously.
The line goes quiet but I hear my mother’s breathing on the other end. Fuck.
This is bad.
“How.Much?” I press.
“Ten thousand dollars.”
I gasp, my eyes bulging out of their sockets.
“THEN THOUSAND DOLLARS?” I swallow, feeling my eyes burn with
unshed tears. “What did you do?”
“Well, your daddy and I started selling some stuff, and then we started using
it too, and now we - ”
“Is it drugs? Please tell me you don’t owe that kind of money because you
started using drugs…”
The line goes quiet, and my worst fear is confirmed. My parents are now
“Are you fucking kidding me momma?” I shriek.
“Don’t yell at me, Cassey. I’m still your mother.”
“A mother who could give two shits about me, and now that you need money, I’m good enough. I don’t have that kind of money.”
“Well if you had just helped us the last time, like I asked, we would’ve never
been in this mess.”

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