Destroying Beauty (Hell Hounds Motorcycle Club): Vegas Titans Series (7 page)

BOOK: Destroying Beauty (Hell Hounds Motorcycle Club): Vegas Titans Series
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"Sounds good."

I turn to Elise. She opens her mouth before I have a chance
to speak.

"Go! Don't worry about it. If you don't go home with
him, there are about a dozen other women in here who will." She nods
around the club. I follow her gaze and see that there are indeed several sets
of eyes upon the man to my right. Holt seems to be unaware; he's just sitting
back and texting something on his phone. I hug Elise quickly and turn to Holt,
who stuffs his phone back in his pocket and stands with me. Again he takes my
hand and walks in front of me, guiding me through the crowd. I feel myself
relax as we walk out onto the curb, both because Holt gives me the feeling of
being protected, and because I'm glad not to have that music jostling my brain

He leads me down the street and to a pickup truck that looks
vaguely familiar. Probably what he took me home in the other night, though I
don't remember everything about that night so clearly. He steps in front of me
to open my door and I smile at him before climbing up and in. When I was with
Steve, he used to do things like open doors for me at first, and it would always
rub me the wrong way because he made a show of it, like he was doing it just to
be thanked. But Holt just seems to be following some protective instinct, and I
have to admit I like it. He starts the truck and we head toward the highway.  

"You don't like clubs?" he asks, rolling down the
windows a bit. The wind catches my hair and blows it back. I close my eyes and
enjoy the feel of it against my skin.

"Not really. I like bars…but clubs are a bit much for
me. I guess I just wanted to get out of my apartment tonight."

"They're a bit much for me, too. That's why I like my
job. I get to be outside, make my own hours…"

"That does sound good. My mom used to keep a vegetable
garden back in Florida. She gave me this little plot of it the last summer
before I moved." I clear my throat, preparing myself for something I need
to say. "Sorry about the other night. With the crying. I was just

"About what?"

"It's just…last week…I…I, forget it. Best not to dwell
on the past, right?"

"Well, sometimes. But sometimes things will just build
up and fester. Best to get that kind of thing out, or it'll drive you

"Mmm." I stare out at the lights flashing by in
the darkness. I have to resist a powerful urge to tell him what I saw. I don't
know what makes me want to tell him so much, rather than Elise, for example.
Holt just seems so strong, and capable, and like he wouldn't judge me for not
being brave enough to go to the police. And it would feel good to have someone
like him on my side. But my instinct for self-protection is too strong. I shake
my head. "It's nothing."

"Sorry if my place is a mess," he says, taking an
exit ramp.

"It's alright." I feel a burst of nerves as we
make our way into a residential neighborhood. The houses are small but spaced
widely apart, from what I can see in the dark. I glance at Holt out of the
corner of my eye as he turns at a stoplight. I haven't had sex in a year and a
half. And Steve was my first. What if I've…I don't know…forgotten? I'll at
least be rusty, my instincts dulled from misuse.

"This is me," Holt murmurs, pulling into the
driveway of a ranch house on a large plot of land. I step out of the truck and
we walk in silence to the front door. I realize I've started to tremble and
wish I'd had another vodka and cranberry before we left the club to calm my
nerves. I take a stilted deep breath. He pushes open the door and he walks in
and flicks on a lamp in the small foyer. I glance around as I walk in and shut
the door behind me. It's messy, as promised, but not dirty. The hodgepodge
furniture and white walls definitely proclaim that a man lives here alone, but
something about it is almost cozy.

He walks forward, taking his jacket off and throwing it onto
the back of the couch. I waver by the front door and he glances back at me.

"I'm a little nervous," I admit, blushing. He
grins and walks toward me. My eyes widen and I step back against the closed
door. "I just, I…" I stammer, and he stops, spreading his fingers
wide with his palms out toward me as if to show me he's harmless.

"I was beginning to think you weren't interested,"
he says, cocking his head and me and looking at me with a hungry expression
that makes me shiver.

"That's not really the issue. Um, the thing is, and I'm
sure that every woman's magazine would tell me not to say this, I just…I
haven't had sex in a little while. I'm divorced. Oh, wait, I told you that
already. I'm worried I'm…rusty. Or I, don't know, I forgot how or something."
My cheeks burn crimson as he stares at me. Shit. Shouldn't have said it. Elise
would kill me.

"We'll go slow, I promise," he says, shaking off
whatever that unreadable expression was. "We can even do it in bed."

Wait, what does that mean? Does he not
do it
in bed? I mean, Steve and I did it on the couch a few times…

He walks toward me slowly and I find myself loosening my
grip on my purse and dropping it to the floor. He bends at the knees and his
arms wrap around my legs just below my ass. As I feel myself lifting into the
air, I wrap my arms around his neck. He's looking up at me as he spins and
begins walking toward what I assume is the bedroom. I forget to breathe as I
look down into his grey-green eyes. Up close, I can see that they're spotted
with bright green flecks. He pushes the door open with his foot and places me
gently down on the carpeted floor.

"Slow," he promises again. He leans down and
kisses me. My memory of our last kiss pales in comparison to this one. A well
of desire overflows in my gut and I'm shocked to feel a wetness in my panties
this early on in the proceedings. His tongue works gently in between my lips
and I press mine against it. This part I remember how to do. I'm pleased and
surprised to hear him groan and slide his hands onto my hips as I flick my
tongue inside his mouth. His fingertips slip under the hem of my blouse and
glide across the top of my skinny jeans and I wrap my arms more tightly around
him. His broad hands slide up my back and I feel the callouses on his palms as
he spreads them across my skin and then down, cupping my ass and pulling me
against him. I gasp as I feel his massive erection press against my hip.

He takes advantage of my breaking away to bend his head down
and softly brush kisses against my neck. I lean back as he moves up to my ears.
I breathe in sharply as he slips his tongue in my ear and wiggles it around,
then bites down on my earlobe. A wave of pleasure begins to envelope me and I
open my eyes to try to get a handle on myself. He's pushing me toward an orgasm
already and I don't even have my top off yet!

He's clearly thinking along the same lines. I feel him take
the sides of my shirt in his hands and lift upwards. I raise my arms over my
head and the blouse slips over my face and he tosses it on a chair on the wall.
The lamp from by the front door provides the only light in the room and I can
just see him look down at my breasts in my black lacy bra. He licks his lips as
though he's about to devour a long-awaited meal.

I step forward, gaining a little confidence, and place my
hands lightly on his stomach, feeling his abdominal muscles through his shirt.
God, he must work out a ton, or maybe it's from his landscaping job. I run my
hands up toward his chest. His arms hang at his side, and he watches me study
him quietly. His nipples jump to attention under my touch, and I slip my
fingers over them, feeling the bulge of his pecs underneath his shirt's white
cotton ribbing. Slowly, I move my hands back down and slip them under the hem
of his shirt, pushing it up with me as I run my hands over the bare skin of his
torso. When I get to his chest again, he reaches up and tugs it the rest of the
way off, dropping it noiselessly next to his feet.

His body looks even better shirtless than I had been
imagining it. Dark, curly brown hair runs over the middle of his chest before
turning paler over the top of his abs, then dark again as it disappears under
his jeans. I spread my fingers out, fanning them up and across his shoulders,
admiring the pure strength and athleticism of his body. He reaches toward me,
sliding his hands around my waist. I shiver as he runs his hands up, sliding
his thumbs just under the cups of my underwire and grazing the bottoms of my
breasts. His hands continue around the curves of my body and to the clasp of my
bra. I allow my arms to drop away from him, suddenly trembling again as he
unhooks the clasp. I feel my bra loosen from my breasts and move my shoulders
forward to let it drop forward onto my arms. He catches it as it hits my wrists
and tosses it toward my blouse.

He leans his head back and glances down at my breasts and I
watch his eyes light up. He moves toward me, bending down to press his mouth
against mine once more. His hands slide around my back as our warm tongues
explore each other, and I groan as my bare nipples press against his skin. He
pulls away from my mouth and I waver unsteadily. But his lips find me again
almost immediately, kissing the dip in the middle of my clavicle and then
continuing downward. He pauses for another moment to kneel, and then I feel him
suck my nipple into his mouth.

I cry out, vibrating with pent-up desire. He emits a deep
guttural sound from the back of his throat as he circles his tongue around my
breast then flicks it back and forth across my nipple. He breaks away and
before I can register the cool air against the one breast, he's latching on to
the other one, pressing his tongue down hard against it then biting gently on
the side. He moves down further, alternately kissing and licking down my
stomach. I feel momentarily grateful that I never gave up my waxing routine
even after I got divorced, then my mind goes blank as I feel him unbutton my
jeans and slide the zipper down. Oh boy, this is really happening.

I feel pressure against the back of my foot and realize he's
holding my shoe and waiting for me to step out of it. I pull my leg up and he
tosses my heels to the side as I step out of them. I bite my lip nervously and
he looks up at me. I see him pull his head back for a moment as he looks back
at me.

"Close your eyes," he whispers. I obey. I feel his
hands move to the waistband of my jeans and he tugs them down. They hit my
ankles and he slides them off my feet as I pick them up. His hands lightly
graze the sides of my knees them move up my thighs, ending on my hips.
"You're shaking."

"Yes," I murmur, because there's no denying it. I
feel him take my hands and place them on his broad shoulders. I grip him,
feeling a bit steadier, and then feel him kiss the inside of my thigh. He licks
slowly upward, and I whimper as he blows against my panties. As his tongue
brushes against the cotton and makes contact with my clit, my knees buckle and
I'm glad I'm holding onto him for balance. He presses his nose against my
crotch, his tongue diving as deep as it can through my underwear.

"Fuck, I can feel how wet you are even through
these," he grunts, gripping my panties with his teeth. My jaw falls open.
I've never had a man talk to me like that before. Steve was all clenched teeth
and showers immediately after. By himself. "Time to take them off."
His fingers hook around the sides and he drags them down to the floor. I wait,
holding my breath, longing for the contact I know is coming but also fearing
the loss of control.

"Agghh," I moan as his tongue slides over my clit.
The feeling is exquisite pleasure, so intense it's bordering on pain. He begins
to circle his tongue around and around and I dig my hands into his hair,
feeling it break free from his ponytail under my fingers. Suddenly, his fingers
are pressing at the opening of my clit and I spread my legs a little wider as
he pushes one inside. "Oh, I, I…" I cry out, as I realize he's
already got me on the precipice, and feeling like I should warn him somehow. I
buck against his mouth, an orgasm ripping through me and almost taking me off
my feet. I feel him wrap his other hand under my ass to hold me in place as he
works me mercilessly with his tongue and finger, draining every ounce of
pleasure out of me and leaving me gasping for air.

Finally I feel his mouth pulling away from me and his finger
sliding out. I feel completely spent as I open my eye and see him stand back up
in front of me. My eyes fall immediately onto the erection that is practically
bursting through his jeans. I glance up at him to see him grinning, then he
reaches forward, taking one of my hands and guiding it to his crotch. I gasp as
he presses my fingers against his bulge. I can feel how huge he is as I slide
my fingers from his tip to his shaft. He groans as I apply a little more
pressure and move back up his considerable length. I bring my other hand
forward and unbutton his fly with one movement.

His cock is curving out onto his stomach, stretching his
boxer-briefs to capacity. I eye it nervously as I push his jeans to the ground.
I reach back up and softly run my fingers over his swollen tip, then pull his
underwear forward and inch it down. To my surprise, his hands overtake mine and
he shoves his underwear downward.

"I can't wait any longer," he says, reaching
forward and grabbing my waist. The next thing I know, I'm flying through the
air and landing on my back on the bed. I hear the rip of a condom being opened
and a second later he appears on top of me, bending on either side of my body
and pressing his weight down on top of me. His legs are between mine and I gasp
as I feel him press his dick against my wetness, sliding himself up and down across
my clit. "Please tell me you're ready," he breathes, his eyes boring
into mine.

"Yes, yes," I stammer. His hands move down
immediately to my hips, tilting me upward and holding me in place. Suddenly
there's a huge pressure at my opening and I cry out as pain overwhelms me. I
feel him pause, his breath coming hot and fast against my cheek. He begins to
move in again, much more slowly now. I can tell how hard he's working to hold
himself back, and I wrap my arms under his armpits and around his back as I try
to relax myself enough to accept all of him. The pressure below builds and
builds and finally he stops moving. He's all the way in.

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