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Authors: Livia Jamerlan

Divided (19 page)

BOOK: Divided
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Stepping off the escalator I turned to my right to follow the flow of people looking for their luggage when my heart stopped. My gaze locked with a pair of hazelnut eyes. Without even thinking, I sprinted as fast as possible into Ryan’s waiting arms. I jumped up just as our bodies were about to connect and I wrapped my legs around him as our lips collided into each other.

It was such a cliché thing to do, but I didn’t care. I’d missed him so much that I didn’t care who was watching or what they thought. The only thing that mattered was the man who was holding me. Applause erupted all around us as travelers clapped and hollered at our display. Slowly releasing my legs, Ryan placed me down right in front of him. Hovering over me he grabbed my cheeks with both hands and placed another, deeper kiss on me.

“I’ve missed you so much.” He said leaning down to kissed me again.

“I’ve missed you, too.” I told him. The look in his eyes showed adoration and I hoped my eyes reflected the same.

I wrapped my arms around his waist pulling myself into him. I inhaled the sweet scent that I had missed. He placed his hands around me and kissed the top of my hair.

“Come on, Bug. Let’s get you home.”
That was exactly what I wanted it to be like, home. Grabbing my carry on from the floor, Ryan wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked together to baggage claim to retrieve the rest of my belongings.

Ryan pulled the car right into the driveway. When he opened the garage I noticed a Honda CRV parked inside.
, hadn’t been there before. I looked at Ryan wondering who was here.

“It’s for you.” He said as he turned off the car. “This car is my company car.” He said patting the steering wheel. “That one is the one that I actually own and I figured since you’d be here, you could use it.” I looked at him and then at car in the garage.

“Did you buy it for me? You didn’t need to do that. I could have rented one.”  I said, my voice rising an octave as my nerves kicked in.

Ryan leaned in and pulled my chin bringing my lips to his. “No, I didn’t just buy it, I have had it for a while. It is usually parked at my parent’s house since I use my second garage to store tools, so you can calm down now.”

I heaved a sign of relief and we made our way into the kitchen from the garage. Leaning against the granite counter, Ryan came over after setting my bags down and both of his arms landed on the counter top on either side of me. He lowered his head, and when I looked up, his lips were only an inch from mine.

“Welcome home.” It was all he said before his tongue invaded my mouth. The whimper that escaped me in between breaths made him growl in hunger. Licking my tongue he reached for the nape of my neck and lifted my face to gain better access. Pulling my bottom lip with his teeth he hummed with pleasure.  My core throbbed, a sweet pain growing between my legs.

“I’ve missed these lips.” He said, softly placing a kiss on my top and bottom lip. “I’ve missed this neck.”  Tilting my head to the side exposing my neck to him, his tongue and lips took turns lavishing every inch with open-mouthed kisses causing goose bumps to break out along my flesh

He pulled away locked his eyes with mine. “But most of all, I’ve missed you.” Ryan placed both of his hands under my thighs and in one swift motion, lifted me up and onto the kitchen counter. I opened my legs for him and he claimed the space in between with his perfectly sculpted torso.

He grabbed a handful of my hair and deepened our kiss. His thumbs rubbing small circles on my cheek. When he finally pulled away, he brought his forehead to mine, eyes wide with life.

“I love you, Bug.” He said it without hesitation. No hints of dread or panic. The words escaped his lips and buried themselves deep into my soul, wrapping tightly around my heart.
He loved me

My eyes glazed over with unshed tears. “I love you too, Ryan. I do, but I’m so scared.” I confessed.

I loved him. I knew it with every fiber of my being, but I was petrified of what was in store for us. I was afraid that I would get hurt. That if this thing we had didn’t work out, I would never feel this way for anyone else.  

“Bug, don’t be scared.” He said taking my mouth again and lifting my shirt over my head. “I promise, I’ll never hurt you.”

Ryan reached behind me and unclasped my black bra. I pulled his shirt over his head and admired his strong physique. His broad shoulder, defined pectorals, and abs that were made to be licked.

He reached for my feet and took each one of my shoes off, kicking his own to the side. “Wrap your legs around me.” He commanded, his voice now husky. I did as he asked and he lifted me off of the counter and began walking towards the staircase. With each step, Ryan kissed my cheek, my neck, or my shoulder.

Once we were upstairs, Ryan headed to his bathroom and placed me on my feet just outside the shower stall before unbuttoning his pants. He dropped them and his boxers to the ground in a single fluid motion. His exposed erection causing my panties to become soaked. I bit my lips and wished he would take me already.

 I began to unbutton my pants when he reached for my hands. “No, let me.” He said as he dropped to his knees and slowly pulled down my skinny jeans. He placed a soft kiss on my navel as he lowered them to the ground. Holding onto his shoulder for support, I carefully stepped out of them. Ryan kissed each one of my hipbones and he began to lower my thong and as he lowered his hands, he placed his index finger right in between my folds.

“You are so delicious.” He said, my core now pulsing for him.

I stepped out of my thong and he stood up. He turned the shower on and we both stepped in together. Ryan washed my hair, thoroughly massaging my scalp. He was spoiling me as he took his time washing every part of my body. Studying every crevasse, beauty mark, and scar he could find.

After I was conditioned and rinsed off, I started to issue the same process on Ryan when he stopped me. “No Bug, go dry off and I’ll meet you the bedroom. If I let you touch me we’ll be in here until the water gets cold.” I smiled at his comment and opened the shower door.

Quickly drying off all of the extra water, I wrapped the towel around my hair and walked over to his drawer, picking out another t-shirt that I wouldn’t return. I sat on the bed anxious for him to come out. He’d said he loved me and I loved him too. I was here in his bed, living with him. Was this crazy?
Maybe just a little.

“Hey, where’d you go?” Ryan said as he wrapped his arms around me. He had a towel wrapped around his waist hanging deliciously low on his hips.

“Huh? Oh nothing.” I said quietly. I couldn’t seem to turn my brain off, and I kept thinking I was crazy for doing this. For moving here so quickly.

“It’s something, Bug, talk to me” He turned me around and pulled my chin up so I had to look at him.

“Is this crazy?” I asked.

“What?” He looked confused by my question.

“This. Us. We barely know each other and here I am. I packed up my whole life back home…” My voice pitched, hit with nerves.

“Shhh…” He brought his lips down to mine. “I love you, and this isn’t crazy. I can’t live without you. If you don’t want to stay here then we can go back to New Jersey.
Do you understand? Where you go, I’ll follow.”

I nodded my head. That was all it took for me to forget the whole craziness. We were in this together. Decision made, I reached for his towel and pulled it off. I felt his smile as his lips found my neck again. I reached my arms around him and brought my lips to his ear.

“Make love to me, Ryan.”

“Mmm…” He kissed my neck. “That’s exactly what I was planning on doing.”

Chills ran up my spine, Ryan brought his hands to my cheeks lifting my head, our eyes looking deep into one another. His eyes showed me nothing but pure love. My heart hugged itself as I placed a soft kiss on the tip of his nose. I felt his smile forming before I saw it.

“You know, there are a few house rules.” He said with a now serious tone.

“Oh, I didn’t know.” Finding it strange that this was where he would bring the matter up.

“Yup, in this room there is a no clothes policy.” He kissed my lips, reaching for the hem of the shirt I was wearing. He lifted it over my head.  His mouth reclaiming its proper location on mine.

“Really?” I asked when he kissed my neck.


“Are there any other ones I need to know?” I said climbing back on top the bed.

“At the moment that is the only one that matters.” His voice was primal.

“I love you, Ryan.” I brought my lips to his ears.

“I love you too, Bug” He twirled his tongue around my neck. “I know you were hurt but I’ll never do that to you. I’ll always put you first. I promise.” I didn’t reply. I just let the warm feeling consume my heart.

Taking me on his bed, Ryan’s mouth met mine and a moment of pure bliss swept through us both. His tongue in sync with each thrust he placed in my core. His kisses were ravenous, his tongue stroking mine, guiding how he wanted it. My body was exposed under his hands and I reveled in every touch, kiss, and moan that we shared.

Chapter 13 
Faith in You


he first couple of days alone at Ryan’s house were a lot of fun. I was able to get back to cooking when he had work and for three days straight I cooked breakfast and he would come home for lunch, so I always had something ready for him and every night I cooked dinner, nothing extravagant but good enough to receive Ryan’s praise.

After dinner we’d cuddle on the couch, watching television, and I always wound up as his dessert.  After the first few days though, I was itching for some type of work. I couldn’t stand staying home and doing nothing all day. Ryan had insisted that he would take time off to spend time with me but I thought it was absurd. Elaine had given me the whole month of May off and it was almost Memorial Day. I was counting down the days until I would be given a new assignment.

Ryan insisted that I meet him for happy hour with the guys from work. I tried to explain to him that it wasn’t necessary for me to go and that he could have fun going without me.  

Of course he wouldn’t take no for an answer. So there I was driving his car towards the center of town to Bronzer Pub. I pulled into the parking space and put the car in drive when my door was swung open. I instinctively snapped my body around preparing to scream when I saw Ryan’s face.

“Hi beautiful,” Ryan surprised me with a kiss. I could taste the beer on his tongue.

“Hi yourself, I was ready to deck you.” I shot back at him. His eyes were squinted from the buzz I could tell he was already feeling.  He grabbed my hand pulling me out of the car.

“Ouch. That’s a little mean.” He said leaning into me and kissing me again. “I’m so happy you’re here Bug. The guys are going to love you.” Pushing the door shut he looked carefree, young, filled with energy.

It was Memorial Day weekend and the place was packed. Bronzer reminded me of your typical franchise happy hour pub. The bar was a giant oval in the middle of the room, there were four bartenders taking orders. There was an empty stool open in between all of Ryan’s friends. Some I had met in Las Vegas, but some I had never seen before. I sat at the high bar stool and ordered a beer that I planned on nursing all night long.

Ryan and the guys talked sports, work, fishing, and women. They kept me in all of the conversations, which was nice of them. I didn’t feel out of place and I followed sports so I knew enough about hockey, football, baseball, and basketball to keep a conversation going with twenty or so men.

“Ryan, where did you find her?” Pete said, Ryan looking at me with pride in his eyes. His friends’ approval was a big deal to him.

“I know she’s incredible and she is all
.” He said kissing my cheek. My skin turning red under his lips.

“Do you have a sister?” Pete questioned.

“Nope, sorry.” I answered with a smile on my face.

A woman in her early 50’s approached us and at first I thought that maybe I was in her seat. She said hello to Ryan and then looked at me and smiled. Her short black complemented her facial features.

 ”Alani, this is Marlene.” Ryan said in between us both. “Marlene, this is Alani.” I reached my hand out to her.

“It is nice to meet you, Marlene.” I had never heard about her before.

“The pleasure is all mine, Ryan here has spoken so much about you.” Her accent was thicker than Ryan’s.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” I said and began running through all the crap Ryan could have possibly said.

“Don’t be sorry. He said you’re a writer.” Her face beamed at me.

“I’m a journalist really, nothing fancy either. I write for a pharmaceutical magazine.” I waved my hand in the air, brushing it off.

“Well I came here to meet you, because I’m in need of some help. Ryan said that you weren’t working. I’m an English Professor at the college and I need a tutor/assistant. The kids need help with writing papers and resumes. The assistant part of it would be making copies and meeting with them after class for any questions they may have. If you want it, the job is all yours.”

“Um...” I needed a second to take it all in. “ I have never really tutored anyone.” It was the truth.

“Well why don’t you come by on Tuesday morning? You can sit in on one of my classes and see how the students are and we can take it from there. The first summer session began early May and it runs until mid July. Summer session two starts right after. Here’s my card. The class schedule is on the back.” She said, handing me her business card.

“Oh ok, thanks, Tuesday works great.” I said shaking her hand again

“It was a pleasure to meet you, dear.” She replied as she patted Ryan on the shoulder and turned to leave.

“Likewise.” I turned and smiled at Ryan. He had planned this all along. He knew that sitting home was going to drive me crazy.

“You look like the cat that ate the canary.” I said poking him at his ribs

“I didn’t mean to intrude on your life, but I knew you were getting bored at home and Marlene had mentioned in passing that she was a little overwhelmed and that they still hadn’t filled her assistant position so I thought of you. Are you mad?’

BOOK: Divided
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