Read Divided Online

Authors: Livia Jamerlan

Divided (18 page)

BOOK: Divided
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“Stop. Just Stop. There is nothing between us anymore, Marco, please just leave.” I swallowed back any tears that were threating to show. Stepping back, I closed the door and leaned my back on it, slowly sliding down to the ground. Inhaling deep I tried to calm my nerves and heard the flower arrangement being placed on the ground as Marco spoke.

“I know you can still hear me, Ally, and I want you to know that I’ll never give up on us. Never! You hear me? I fucked up. I know I did but I love you.” As the tears dripped from my eyes, I wiped them away as quickly as I could. I wasn’t crying because I was sad. I was just so tired of repeating the past five years in my head and seeing it end like this.

“Marco, please just leave me alone.” I shouted from behind the door

“I’ll always fight for you. I’ll find a way to make you mine again. Mark my words, Alani, you
spend the rest of your life with
” He had never sounded so determined or so cold. Like I was just some prize instead of a person. He was not the Marco I knew, but I guessed I should have realized that already. I heard his footsteps as he walked away but couldn’t shake the cold chills that ran up my spine. I loved him, I did and I knew that I always would have a place for him in my heart, but I would never be able to forgive him for what he did.



After Marco’s surprise visit I stood up from the floor, hopped in the shower, and began getting ready to meet the real estate attorney. I called my mother and explained my plans with the condo and asked if she would like to go to brunch and then back to Brooklyn to help me pack my belongings. I didn’t mention it to Marco, but I didn’t care at this point, I just wanted my stuff.

After a brunch filled with a couple mimosas and crepes, we made our way to the law firm of Samantha Tickner. Samantha was my mother’s friend and one of the top Real estate lawyers.

It was a small office with only a few rooms and a couple associates who worked under her. She had all the potential to build a very large firm but she liked to work personally with all her clients, something I admired about her.

“Alani, darling, how are you? I’m so sorry about what happened with you and Marco.” She reached out her hand for me.

I shook her hand. “Hi, Mrs. Tickner, Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, I’m very sorry too. It was unfortunate Marco couldn’t keep it in his pants.” I joked attempting to make light of the fact that everyone knew. She placed her hand on my shoulder.

“Don’t be sorry sweetie, it’s your future after all. Come this way, I have all of the legal paper work ready.” She directed me towards her office, located in the back. I signed a Power of Attorney document for Samantha, giving her the authority to sign all the necessary documents for me without me needing to be in New York. I explained to her that I wanted to sell the condo and that either Marco could buy me out or we could hire a real estate agent and have it listed. “Whatever it is, I just want out.” 

Providing her with Marco’s contact information, she told me that she would have the condo appraised and would be in contact with him soon.  We said our good byes and my mother and I made our way back toward Brooklyn.

When I opened the door to my house, I didn’t feel at home. Sliding my hands along the half-moon table I looked around at all the pictures I hung and décor that I had picked out. I walked into the living room standing behind the couch, taking the whole room in. Had she been here with him?
On the couch?
“He can have all of it.” I said to my mother who was following me into the room.

“Alani…” My mother began, her voice stern.

 ”I want to start fresh. When we bought this place, we bought everything new. I don’t want to bring anything from my past into my future.” My mother followed behind me as I walked towards the bedroom.

“Honey, are you sure?” She asked. “You worked so hard to make this place your home.”

Crouching down to pick up the down comforter that was tossed on the floor, I answered. “Yeah, I’m sure. I’ll pack my stuff so we can get the hell out of here.”

Luckily my mother brought boxes with her so I began to pack my personal belongings.   Three hours and sixteen boxes later I was finally packed. My clothes only took seven boxes, five more boxes for shoes and the rest for any knick-knacks that I wanted to keep. 

I was leaving behind everything that Marco and I had gotten together, all of my kitchen appliances, picture frames, sheets, towels, everything. I didn’t want any of it; I just wanted a new fresh start.  I shut the lights off and as I began to pull the front door shut, I looked at my home one last time. Closing that chapter forever.

Walking back to Katie’s apartment with groceries for dinner, I pulled out my cell phone and called Caitlyn. “Hi Chica, what are you doing?”

      “Nothing, I’m cooking dinner for Katie tonight. Why don’t you come over? That is, if you don’t have any plans with Jason already.” Jason was Caitlyn’s boyfriend. They had been together forever, he had asked her to marry him but being so prettified by the notion of marriage she said no. She just didn’t want a piece of paper to make it official.

“Nope, Jason is playing ball tonight, I’ll be there around seven. Sound good?” She asked.

“Perfect. See you then.”

I hung up with Caitlyn and texted Melanie.

Me: Hi! Dinner tonight at Katie’s 7ish?

Melanie: K, I’ll bring the wine :)

It was just past five when I walked through the apartment doors. Katie was sitting on the couch with her laptop on her lap and the television on.

“Hey, you’re home early?” Usually she didn’t get out until five and wouldn’t be home until six.

“Yeah, I know. Since I won’t have you around much longer, I wanted to spend as much time with you before you ship out to the middle of nowhere.” She said typing into her laptop. I laughed at her remark and walked towards the kitchen

“Good you can help me prep for dinner, Caitlyn and Mel are coming by. I need to tell them.” I shouted back walking into the kitchen

Katie was great in the kitchen; she opened a bottle of white wine, placed her butt down on a stool at the island and watched me do everything.

I made a simple but delicious dinner. Knowing dinner wouldn’t be complete without dessert, I made a go at recreating the French toast bread pudding that Ryan and I shared at the Italian bistro.

“So…” Katie said pouring me a glass of wine and distracting me from my preparations. “I saw some flowers that weren’t here this morning. Care to share who they are from because I know they’re not for me?”

I moved around, going in and out of cabinets looking for all of the ingredients that I’d need. “Marco came by this morning.” I took a long sip of my wine. “It was bad. He asked me to come back to him and that he didn’t mean to do what he did. I said no. He wasn’t happy. I asked him to leave.”

“Holy shit!” Katie exclaimed, “Are you okay with it all?”

“I am, does it still hurt? Yes, douche bag couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. But on the flip side I met Ryan.” I smiled when I said his name. I missed him more than I thought I would. My heart was counting down the days until I saw him again. “Enough about me how was work?” 

Katie explained how work was going when Caitlyn and Melanie arrived. When the four of us were all together it was like we had four different conversations all at once. Digging into the spinach salad, I sat back and admired my made family. My parents never gave me a sister or a brother but I had made my own family with these three girls. These were the sisters I had always wished for.

“So…” I said while exhaling slowly. “I called you all here for a reason.” I realized that this might be the last time we were all together, in a long time.

“Ryan has asked me to spend some time with him over the summer and I agreed. It’s not a permanent thing but we’re seeing where this might go.” I swallowed the lump in my throat.

Both Melanie and Caitlyn looked at Katie. They must have been expecting her to freak out like she did last night. The side of Katie’s lips lifted in a smirk, she shrugged her shoulders.

“She loves him so who are we to ask her to stay.” She said to Melanie and Caitlyn.  I nodded my head, silently thanking her for her support.

“When do you leave?” Caitlyn asked whipping her head towards me.

“Soon, maybe this weekend, but it’s only a two hour flight I promise I won’t miss anything important. Birthdays, whatever it is, I’ll fly back whenever you girls need me”

Melanie rose her glass. “Well if you’re happy, then we’re happy for you. You deserve it.”

I thanked God for the three amazing women that I had the pleasure of being friends with all this time. Three women who knew me better at times than I knew myself.   After dessert we all said our goodbyes and I hugged Melanie and Caitlyn extra tight in the event I wouldn’t be able to see them before I left.

Crawling into bed with my phone in hand, I dialed Ryan. He answered on the first ring. “Hello, beautiful.” His sexy voice came through the phone and made me smile.

“Hi.” I whispered back. I missed him so much that it scared me. I hadn’t seen him fifty some hours prior and it felt like years.

“I miss you, Bug. When are you coming home?”

? I was home. Right? “I am home.” I replied because it was the truth, this was home for me.

“Nope, you belong here with me, this is your home.” He said, with a seductive voice that made my toes curled.

I bit my lip, holding my breath. I loved this man. He had me captured in his spell. My fragile heart was wrapped around his fingers.

“Don’t do that.” I couldn’t let him keep saying things like that without giving him full disclosure.

“Don’t do what?” I heard a touch of curiosity in his voice.

“Don’t sweep me off my feet if you’re not going to be there to catch me.” After the words were out of my mouth I closed my eyes and waited for his response. The seconds feel like hours.

“I’ll be there to catch you. I’ll never hurt you.” Exhaling the breath that apparently held my fears, I brought my phone closer to my ear.

I caught Ryan up on all of my doings.  I told him about brunch with my mother, meeting with the lawyer, and dinner with the girls. He was excited to hear that all I had left to do was purchase my airplane ticket and I would be back with him. 

“Can you hold on a second?” He said into the phone.

“Sure.” I heard him lay the phone down and I closed my eyes, picturing him moving around his house. I heard a clicking noise that sounded a lot like typing on a keyboard.

“Ok you’re all set. Your flight back is Thursday, that’s the earliest one I could find. You’ll fly into Fargo, but I’ll be there to pick you up.”

“Did you just buy my ticket?” I was shocked that he would do that.

“Yep, and I only bought a one way because I’m not letting you go back.” He stated.

“You didn’t have to.” I felt bad that he was spending his money on me.

“I know but I wanted to. I want you here with me so it is the least I can do.”

We continued talking about my trip. I was so used to falling asleep with Ryan on the phone that I placed him on speakerphone and asked him about his job and he went on until I drifted asleep.

Tuesday I woke up with my phone still next to me. Stretching my arms above my head, I stayed in bed a little bit longer. I didn’t have much to do today aside from pack and forward my mail. I pulled out my computer and emailed Elaine, explaining to her that I would be working remotely on any articles she had for me.  After I hit send, I saw that I had an incoming email from Samantha.


I have good news, I reached out to Marco yesterday, and he stated that he would be interested in purchasing your half of the condo.  I’ll get all the paper work started right away. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,
Samantha Tickner

This was going to be a great day. Samantha was already on top of everything. Marco wasn’t going to fight me on the house situation and I was leaving for Grand Forks to see Ryan in two days. Things were finally looking up.

When Katie arrived back at the apartment later that evening after work, I had just finished cleaning and was in process of finishing up dinner.

“You know, I can really get used to having you here all the time. You sure you want to go to the middle of nowhere?” She said. I tossed a cherry tomato at her. “Yes, I’m sure. Speaking of Grand Forks, Can you take off work tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow! You’re leaving tomorrow?” She screeched.

“No, Thursday. But I was wondering if we could have a girl’s day tomorrow. Wax, nails, Facial, the whole nine yards.” Katie looked at me weighing the option of getting pampered or going to work.

“My treat.” I added.

“Deal.” She smiled back at me.

Chapter 12


atie insisted on taking me to the airport on Thursday morning. Though I had been planning on taking a cab, she wouldn’t have it. As she pulled into the departure flights section of Terminal C, her eyes began to glass over. She put the car in park and we both got out. Taking my luggage from the trunk of her car, I looked over at my best friend. God I was going to miss her.

“This is not goodbye, I’ll come back anytime you need me I promise.” I said wrapping my arms around her.

“I’ll miss you, Ally. Have a safe flight.” She hugged me tightly and got back into the car, waving as she drove away.

 After I landed in North Dakota, the pilot turned off the seatbelt sign and I jumped out of my seat. I couldn’t wait another second to be with my sexy tall, dark and everything yummy. I pulled my carry on out of the overhead compartment and wheeled it out behind me. I walked as fast as my legs would allow me and had to apologize to a couple a people that I bumped along the way.

“Sorry, excuse me,” I said as I passed an elderly couple. The excitement of seeing Ryan again was getting to me. Wanting nothing more I took the escalator down to the baggage claim descending two stairs at a time.

BOOK: Divided
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