Read Divided Online

Authors: Livia Jamerlan

Divided (20 page)

BOOK: Divided
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“Not at all, that was really sweet of you.” He leaned down and placed a wet kiss on my lips.  I was becoming more and more aware of how lucky I was to have Ryan. He always thought of me first, which at first scared me, but now it touched my heart that he always had my well being in his mind. I took a swig of my now warm beer, smiling when I brought the bottle to my lips.


I hadn’t had a wet dream in a long time, but this one felt so real. I felt his soft lips wrapping around the tip of my nipples. A warm tongue licking circles around them as they hardened from the sensation. I moved my head to the other side and a trail of kisses were placed from the tip of my nipple, down my breast and over to my other nipple. The process being repeated again. Warm succulent lips wrapped firmly around my nipple slowly sucking and licking the tip until it was firm. I slowly open my eyes and saw that Ryan was lying right on top of me savoring my breasts.

“You know I thought I was dreaming, but this is
much better.” I told him in a husky voice

He crawled up my body, kissing my collarbone, neck and the area behind my ears before taking my earlobe in his mouth and biting down slowly.

“I figured I could relieve any stress you may be having before your first day of work.”

I stretched my naked body beneath his. There was no point in wearing pajamas to bed anymore. Every night I would steal one of Ryan’s shirts as we got into bed and he always managed to get it off of me. I looked at the clock; it was only six in the morning. I didn’t have to be at work until nine and I wasn’t going to run today.

“What did you have in mind?”

I looked at him and my core began to tighten. His eyes devoured me. He didn’t answer; he just went back to kissing my neck and lowering himself back to my breast.  I closed my eyes and felt myself grow wet with desire. He pushed my breasts together bringing my nipples closer and began to lick them both frantically.

I grabbed a handful of his hair while my other hand grabbed for the comforter. Ryan’s eyes came up as both of his hands claimed my nipples. He was slowly taunting and pulling, his mouth crashing into mine. His tongue was invading my mouth, forcing my body to submit to the pleasure that he was providing.

“Ry...” I begged in between kisses. My clit was swollen and my folds were wet and aching for his touch. 

“I know what you want, baby.” His right hand moved to my most sensitive area. His thumb slowly stroking over my clit, making the pain more pleasurable. I needed to come or I was going to explode. 

“Ryan, please.”

He moved his head to my neck and bit down firmly. “You are so wet. Is that for me, Bug?” Moving his index finger, he circled my entrance causing it to throb for him. “Is this sweet pussy wet for me, baby?”

“Yes, just for you, please.” I said, the burning sensation crawling through my skin.

“Turn around,” he commanded. I lifted off the bed crawling on all fours. He watched me and I felt his eyes burn my skin. Ryan moved behind me placing kisses up my spine. When his mouth reached my shoulder I felt his erection pushing into my core.  Lifting my head so my cheek rubbed against his, he placed a soft kiss on my temple. “Take me, Ryan, please take me”

Lifting off of me he pulled my hips to his. I slid back on his length and felt my backside hit his lower abdomen. His hand grabbed my ass, squeezing as he started to pull out of me. His grunts becoming louder with each time that my ass hit his skin.

“You’re really liking this position, aren’t you?” I said savoring the feel of his erection as he moved in and out of me.

“You have the most beautiful ass. This is my absolute favorite position.” He looked at me through the mirror on the dresser, our eyes locking.

“Show me what you got, Kraft.” With his eyes still locked on my mine, I bit down on my lower lip. He didn’t move. He just stood there watching me, letting the tension build between us. “Ryan, for the love of god, fuck me already.”

I didn’t have to ask again, he slammed himself right into me. I was sore from the night before but I welcomed the pain as he fit himself perfectly into me. The air from my lungs vanished as he began to thrust in and out of me. Hard. I opened my legs wider for him giving him more access to push deeper into to me. I felt myself tightening around him seconds away from my climax.

“That’s it. Come for me, Bug.”   He grunted before he thrust even deeper and harder into me. My release was strong. I felt my walls pulsing around him and he didn’t stop or slow his speed. His grip was firm as he pounded in and out of me claiming his own release. Within seconds I felt him pouring himself deep into me and I felt my walls clenching his erection as I milked everything he had to give. Before his body poured over mine and his lips found my shoulder again.

“Hi.” He said breathless.

“Hi yourself.” I said back to him yawning. I closed my eyes as sleep approached.



 Marlene’s office was located in the English department of the college campus. I got there ten minutes before my start time and softly knocked on the door.

“Come in.” She called. I opened her door and peaked my head inside. “Hi Marlene, I know I’m a bit early...” I began.

“Oh don’t be silly, it actually works out best. This way I can give you some paper work for you to fill out and I’ll also provide you with the summer course syllabus.” She said. I began filling out my personal information on the paperwork she handed me as she printed out a copy of the course syllabus.

Taking the papers she gave me, I followed her to her first class as she explained exactly what she would need from me. I sat in the back and took notes in the event that any of the students had questions. It had been a couple of years since I was in a classroom but I went right back into the routine taking notes and getting lost as my mind absorbed the lecture. Focusing on Marlene’s lecture, I almost didn’t catch my phone vibrating in my purse.  

Ryan: Lunch, my office 12:30?

Me: K.

My mind began to drift to thoughts of teaching Ryan a naughty lesson. Giggling quietly to myself as the thought came to mind, I knew exactly what I was going to do.

The class was over at noon. Not having another class until 1:30 I had plenty of time to teach Ryan his lesson. It took me fifteen minutes to get from my side of the campus to his and when I walked into his office, he was pacing back and forth on his cell phone.

“No we need to order all new uniforms for next year, Carl.” I heard him say into the phone. He spotted me walking in and waved for me to come in. I closed the door behind me and lock it. Walking over to the window, I pulled the blinds down blocking anyone from looking in. Ryan picked up his hands, shaking his head, not knowing what was happening, I could only smile at him. I walked over to him and drop my purse on his desk next to the deli sandwiches he had picked up for us. When I reach him, he bent down to place a kiss on my forehead but I quickly dropped to my knees, reaching for his fly.

“Alani.” He whispered covering the mouthpieces on his phone.

I looked up at him. “My turn.” I licked my upper lip.

“Um…” He clears his throat, my eyes locked to his. “I’m sorry, Carl, what was that?”

I slowly unzipped his jeans and pulled them down along with his boxers, just enough to expose his full length to me. I licked my lips and took him in my hands. His free hand came down grabbing a fistful of my hair forcing me look back up at him. His thumb rubbed slowly on my bottom lip, I took my tongue and licked the pad of his thumb before I slowly sucked on it. He closed his eyes bending his head back and I brought my lips to the tip of him, licking off the pre cum that had pooled.

I lifted his cock slowly licking the thick vein underneath from root to tip.

“Carl, I’ve got to go.” He blurted into the phone.

Not waiting for a response, he threw the phone at his desk. I slowly closed my lips over his head pushing him deeper into my throat. His hands grabbed the back of my hair to guide me in how he wanted me to move. I pulled his hand away; it was his turn to beg for his orgasm. I slowly pull him out of my mouth and licked the side of his long firm shaft, cupping his sack. I began to massage his balls.


       I took my time taking him deeper into my throat. I inhaled and relaxed my throat muscles to push him in even further. Wrapping my lips around him and pulling my head back, I placed my tongue under his thick vein and applied pressure as I took him.

“Baby, your mouth feels so good.” He said. I pulled away again, licking just the tip. “I’m sorry about teasing you this morning. Please.” I rolled my tongue over his head and watched as his eyes close. “God, you are fucking killing me. I’m begging you, Bug, suck me off.” He said. I had him right where I wanted. His need for me only made me hungrier.

I placed his hand back in my hair allowing him guide me while he fucked my mouth. Never looking away from him, I watch with rapt focus as he pushed in and out of my mouth. Even though I had come here to teach him a lesson, I found myself just as aroused from the effect I had on him.

His warm semen poured down the back of my throat. I swallowed every drip he offered before wiping the corners of my mouth when he finished. Ryan leaned down, putting his hands under my arms as he lifted me up to him.

      “Your working here is the best thing that has ever happened to this college.”



While Ryan and I lived together and worked at the same place, we each took our own separate cars to work. I wanted us to have our own space and not get sick of one another. So the following morning when I hopped in my car and turned the key, I began to regret the separate car thing.

“Fuck.” I cursed. The gaslight had turned on and for any other person this wouldn’t be a problem, but I was a Jersey girl. We didn’t pump our own gas. I had lived in New York and just never drove anywhere so it was never something that I had to learn and the last time I was here, Ryan had driven me around everywhere so I never even had to fill the tank on my rental.

 Driving to the nearest gas station I pulled into a parking spot near the quick mart. I watched as different cars pulled in. It looked easy, open, credit card, gas nozzle, and receipt.
I could handle this
, I thought to myself.

I pulled the car around and stopped at a gas pump. Taking my debit card out of my wallet, I placed it in the card slot and pulled it out.
The screen stated please select gas type.
Regular, Plus, Premium. Fuck.
I pulled my phone out of my bag and dialed Ryan.

“Hi beautiful, are you done already?” His voice was so sexy over the phone.

“Hi, sorry to bother you, I just have a quick question. I’m at the gas station putting gas in your car which one do you use?”

“You’re at the gas station?” He said sounding surprised.

“Yes, why?” I couldn’t help the sarcasm in my voice

“Do you know how to pump your own gas?” He joked.

. It’s pretty self-explanatory.” I looked at the green little screen for more guidance.

“Regular is fine, Bug.” He laughed into the phone “I’m proud of you, even though you sat there for twenty minutes watching everyone else do it.”

“What?” I asked, shocked, looking around for him.

“It’s a small town, you have my car, and people talk.” He added.

“Oh, well I figured it out on my own anyway so HA!” My voice pitched high.

“You’re too cute, listen the kids are just coming in. I’ll be home around seven. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”  I hung up the phone, pressed the button for regular, and watched the screen.
Yes, Jersey girl pumping her own gas.

After a few weeks, Ryan and I fell into a routine. We would either have breakfast together or run in the morning. We showered together and drove to work separately. Some days we’d grab lunch together unless he was busy with meetings or if I was busy helping students. After work I’d get home and work on a column piece for Elaine and whoever was home first would cook dinner. What we had was nice and comforting, I never felt that he was having to change his life around for me. I never knew whether or not he was with a player or running late in a meeting, but he was always home for dinner and we’d always end the night snuggled next to one another on his couch.

One evening I was home late from school, I had to meet with five students all of which had asked me the same question about the assignment Marlene had given them. I loved what I was doing but it felt repetitive at times.

“Hey, what’s the matter? You’ve been out of it all night.” Ryan asked as he pulled my body closer to his on the couch.  He was watching some murder mystery show and I had no clue what was going on even though I had been watching the whole time.

“Nothing, really” I sighed.

“Something’s bothering you, let me help you.” He placed a sweet kiss on my cheek and I rolled into him placing my head on his chest.

“I had five students today ask me the same question about their homework assignment. I feel like there should be a way for me to answer their questions and for everyone to see the answers. I don’t want to make printed questions for them because that would just be a waste of paper, which most of them would just throw away anyway but I just don’t know what to do.” I looked back at the ceiling trying to find the answer.

“What about the class online tutoring website?” He questioned

“I thought of that, but it’s so complicated, most students don’t know how to use it or where to find it. I wish there was some sort of blog, where I can post the questions I receive followed by the answers, and the students could leave comments or follow up questions.”

I looked at him for some type of answer. “Don’t worry, Bug, it’ll come to you”

BOOK: Divided
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