Read Do Elephants Jump? Online
Authors: David Feldman
Toads, warts and
“Toast [salute]”
Toasters, one slice slot on
Toenails, growth of
Toffee, versus caramels
Toilet paper, folding over in hotel bathrooms
Toilet seats in public restrooms
flush handles on, location of
loud flushes of, in public restrooms
seat covers for
“Tom Collins [drink]”
“Tommy gun”
Tongues, sticking out of
Tonsils, function of
expiration dates on
taste of, with orange juice
flat versus round
mint flavoring on
Tootsie Roll Pops, Indian and star on wrappers of
Toques, purpose of
lull before
trailer parks and
Tortilla chips
black specks on
price of, versus potato chips
black specks on
size of, versus corn
Touch tone telephones, keypad configuration for
number of, in hotel rooms
smell of used
textures of
Traffic control
55 mph speed limit
traffic lights
Traffic flow, clumping of, on highways
Traffic jams, clearing of, on highways
Traffic lights
colors on
timing of, in New York and Washington D.C.
Traffic noise in U.S., versus other countries
Traffic signal light bulbs, lifespan of
Traffic signs
, lack of apostrophe on
, purpose of
placement of “Dangerous Curve”
Trailer parks
tires atop mobile homes in
tornadoes and
Train stations, ceilings of
backwards locomotives in
signs at railroad crossings
Tread, tire, disappearance of
Treasurer, U.S., gender of
Treasury, printing of new bills by
Treble clefs, dots on
bark, color of
growth in cities
growth on slopes of
Triton, orbit pattern of
Tropical fish, oxygen in
idling of engines of
license plates on
origins of term “semi” and
“Tsk-Tsk,” stroking of index fingers and
Tuba bells, orientation of
release of CDs
U.S. elections and
Tumbleweed, tumbling of
Tuna, cat food, cans of
Tunnels, ceramic tiles in
Tupperware and home parties
“Turkey,” in bowling, origin of term
beards on
white versus dark meat
Turn signals in automobiles, clicking sounds of
TV Guide
, order of listings in
Twenty-four second clock in NBA basketball
Twenty-one as age of majority
Twenty-one gun salute, origins of
“Twenty-three skidoo”
Twins, identical, DNA and
Twitches during sleep
TWIX cookie bars, holes in
“Two bits,” origins of term
Two by fours, measurement of
Two-minute warning, football and
Typewriter keys, location of
“U” in University of Miami football helmets
Ultraviolet and attraction of insects
Umpires and home plate sweeping
Underarm hair, purpose of
Underwear, labels on
painters’ whites
surgeons’, color of
United States Mint and shipment of coin sets
United States Postal System (USPS)
CAR-RT SORT on envelopes
Post office, translation of foreign mail and
undeliverable mail
University of Miami
football helmets
“Hurricanes” nickname
University of North Carolina and Tar Heels
University of South Florida, location of
Unleaded gasoline, cost of
Unlisted telephone numbers, charges for
Unscented hair spray, smell of
“Upper crust”
Upper lips, groove on
shipment of coin sets
used trucks, nonexistence of
Urinals, ice in
Urination, running water and
Uvula, purpose of
Vaccination marks, hair growth and
Valve stems on fire hydrants, shape of
VCRs, counter numbers on
Vegetable oil, vegetables in
Vegetable oils, vegetables in
Vending machines
bill counting and
freezing of soft drinks in
half dollars and
pennies and
placement of snacks in
“Use Correct Change” light on
Vent windows, side, in automobiles
color of Catholic priests’
color of popes’
Videocassette boxes, configuration of
Videocassette recorders
counters on
power surges and
Videotape recorders
“play” and “record” switches on
storms and
Videotape versus audiotape, two sides of
Videotapes, rental, two-tone signals on
Violin bows, white dots on frogs of
Virgin acrylic
Virgin olive oil
Vitamins, measurement of, in foods
causes of high and low
elderly versus younger
perception of, own versus others
Volkswagen Beetles, elimination of
Vomiting and horses
Wagon wheels in film, movement of
Waiters’ tips and credit cards
Walking the plank, pirates and
Walking, race, judging of
Wall Street Journal
, lack of photographs in
Warmth and its effect on pain
Warning labels, mattress tag
Warts, frogs and toads and
Washing machine agitators, movement of
Washing machines, top- versus bottom-loading, and detergent
Washington D.C., “J” Street in
Watch, versus clock, distinctions between
“Watch,” origins of term
Watches and placement on left hand
bottled, expiration dates on
chemical manufacture of
clouds in tap water
color of
Water faucets
bathroom versus kitchen
location of, hot versus cold
Water temperature
effect on stain
versus air temperature, perception of
Water towers
height of
winter and
Water, boiling, boiling, during home births
Water, cold, kitchen versus bathroom
Watermelon seeds, white versus black
Wax, whereabouts in dripless candles
“Wear his heart on his sleeve”
“Weasel words”
Weather [see also particular conditions]
clear days following storms
forecasting of, in different regions
partly cloudy versus partly sunny
smell of impending rain
West coast versus East coast
Wedding etiquette, congratulations to bride and groom and
Wedding invitations, tissue paper in
Weigh stations, highway, predictable closure of
Wells, roundness of
Wendy’s hamburgers, square shape of
Western Union telegrams
exclamation marks and
Wet noses, dogs and
Wetness, effect of, on color
Whales, sperm, head oil in
Whiplash, delayed reaction of
Whips, cracking sound of
Whistling at sporting events
White Castle hamburgers, holes in
White chocolate, versus brown chocolate
“White elephant”
White paint on homes
White pepper, source of
White wine, black grapes and
White-wall tires
bluish tinge on
thickness of
Wigwams near highway
Wind on lakes, effect of different times on
Window cleaning, newspapers and
Window envelopes, use by mass mailers
Windows, rear, of automobiles
Windshield wipers, buses versus automobile
chianti and straw-covered bottles
dryness of
temperature of serving, red versus white
white, black grapes and
Wine glasses, types of
Wine tasters, drunkenness in
Wing-tip shoes, holes in
Winter, first day of
Wisdom teeth, purpose of
dancing ability
feelings of coldness
group restroom visits
hair length of aging
leg kicking when kissing
remote control usage
uncomfortable shoes
Wood, popping noise of, in fires
Woodpeckers, headaches and
shrinkage of, versus wool
smell of, when wet
appearance on sidewalk after rain
as fish food
birds and
in tequila bottles
larvae and
survival during winter
Burger King sandwiches
chewing gum
gift box chocolate
Wrinkles on extremities
Wrists as perfume target
Wristwatches, placement on left hand
as symbol for kiss
as symbol in algebra
“X ray”
“Xmas,” origins of term
X-rated movies, versus XXX-rated movies
“XXX [liquor]”
Yawning, contagiousness of
Yeast in bread, effect of
Yellow, aversion of insects to
Yellow Freight Systems, orange trucks of
Yellow lights, timing of, in traffic lights
Yellow Pages, advertisements in
Yellowing of fingernails, nail polish and
YKK on zippers
fruit on bottom
liquid atop
Zebras and riding by humans
ZIP code, addresses on envelopes and
Zippers, YKK on
Zodiac, different dates for signs in
Zoo animals, rocking in
If we haven’t done it in nine other books, why should we fantasize that we have conquered Imponderability with this one? Ridding the world of annoying mysteries, raising the bar far higher than any elephant can jump.
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DAVID FELDMAN is the author of twelve books, including the Imponderables
series —
Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise?
When Do Fish Sleep?
Do Penguins Have Knees?
, and others — as well as
Who Put the Butter in Butterfly?
And How to Win at Just About Everything
. He has a master’s degree in popular culture from Bowling Green State University in Ohio and consults and lectures on the media. He lives in New York City.
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How Do Astronauts Scratch an Itch?
What Are Hyenas Laughing At, Anyway?
How Does Aspirin Find a Headache?
When Did Wild Poodles Roam the Earth?
Do Penguins Have Knees?
Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses?
When Do Fish Sleep?
Who Put the Butter in Butterfly?
Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise?
How to Win at Just About Anything