Doctor's Baby - BWWM Romance (Doctor's Love Book 3) (3 page)

BOOK: Doctor's Baby - BWWM Romance (Doctor's Love Book 3)
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Chapter 5

“You look amazing, Meeka. I can’t believe you just had a baby.”

“Well, Carter is almost a year and a half, but thank you.”

“You’re just as fine as you always were. I'm not ashamed to tell you that I have thought about you a lot since then.”

Meeka looked down at the salad on her plate. She gave Carter a bit of her crouton and met Johnny’s gaze across the table. Her mind filled with thoughts of him between her legs and the memory made her shiver. If she wasn’t with Rick, they very well may have gotten together. While he had been a jerk for a long time, it was the time after that she remembered. They had become good friends and she missed talking to him. Meeka had stopped talking to him out of courtesy for Rick, though she questioned that. It was not her fault that he was so jealous and it wasn’t like they were together when it happened. Even while she thought that though, she knew that Rick would have a big issue if they were seen together.

“I have thought about you too, Johnny, but you know how things are.”

“You shouldn’t let him control you so much. I mean, we should at least be able to be friends.”

“We are.”

“Yeah, but we just can’t see each other.”

“Well we did, you know.”

“Oh I do.”

“And could you be just friends?”

Johnny paused like it was a trick question, debating what would be the right answer to say. His eyes had already answered the question that his mouth could not. How could he just be friends when he thought about her every night and day? She was his inspiration most mornings and when he groaned, it was her name that left his lips.

“I would rather be just friends than nothing at all.”

Meeka saw the lie in his eye, but she had to admit that she had missed having him to talk to. She felt bad that she had to keep it from Rick, but it wasn’t her fault that he couldn’t move past it all. Johnny smiled when she said as much, though she felt a stab of guilt. Brushing it aside, she reminded herself that she was not doing anything wrong.

“Well I go to the park most days. If you are out and about, I would love to see you again.”

“Tomorrow then?”

Meeka smiled and agreed. Johnny waved bye to Carter and kissed Meeka on the cheek ever so lightly. Meeka pulled back with the quickening pace and said goodbye a bit stunned. It was strange to see him pop up out of nowhere, but she was glad to see him again. She had lost several friends since she moved to the other side of town. She didn’t blame them though. Sometimes she was still uncomfortable in the expensive side of town.

Meeka walked home and started on dinner. She checked her phone and realized that she had missed a call from Rick. She dialed the number, but only got his voice mail. Wondering what he wanted, she continued with her afternoon chores and waited for Malik to come home from school.

When he did, she could tell that he had not had a good day.

“How was your day, honey?”


“Why, baby?”

“I hate that school, Mom. No one there is like me and I just want to go back to my regular school with all my friends.”

Meeka knew it was coming and it had not been the first time that she had heard his complaints. It hurt her that he was having such a rough go of it and she was starting to not care about how good of a school it was. Maybe it was just not for him.

“I am going to talk to your old school and see if I can get you re-enrolled there. Would that make you happy, baby?”

“Yes, Mom! Please, I miss all of my friends and I just want to go back to the way things were. I miss our apartment too. At least I knew kids in the neighborhood. Everyone around here stays in and I never see any kids outside.”

Meeka had noticed the same thing. Everything had changed when they moved in with Rick and while she told herself it was “better”, neither one of them was particularly happy with some of the changes. She had made all those changes for Rick and knew it was the right thing, but she couldn’t help but feel bad that Malik was having such a hard time.

“I know, baby. Well at least you gave it a try, but I don’t see anything wrong with your old school. I knew all the teachers and most of the parents.”

“Can we move back to the apartment too?”

“You don’t like living here?”

“I do, I just. I don’t know. I miss the way things used to be. That’s all.”

Meeka smiled as he walked into the living room to watch some television. Just like that, a five minute conversation had her questioning everything that she had decided for the last two years. She never wanted her son to be hurt from her decisions, but it seemed like her happiness was coming at a price to her son and the very idea made her a little sick to her stomach.

The reminder of Rick wanting to move to California played in her mind. There was no way that Malik would be happier in a place that he knew no one and she wasn’t sure she would be happier either. She kicked herself for the night before, though she knew that it was more pleasant than the conversation they were going to have.


Dinner was ready and on the table by the time Rick got home. He was in a good mood and kissed her until Malik walked in and protested the public display.


Meeka looked back at her son and wiped her lips. It was not the first time they had been caught, but she did not need Rick to distract her tonight, so she was thankful for the interruption. His lips made her brain fuzzy and thinking was hard to do when he was near.

Chapter 6

“I can’t wait to get back to my old school. I'm going to call Jake after dinner and tell him the good news.”

Meeka wished her son hadn’t said anything in front of Rick, especially since she had not told him about it yet. She could see the surprise in his eyes and she groaned to herself. He opened his mouth to say something and then shut it with a soured look on his face. She knew what that meant. It meant that they would get into it that night while the children were asleep. Meeka agreed that they didn’t need to argue in front of the kids, but she hated how he shut down almost immediately.

“So how was your day, Meeka?”

“Pretty good. Took Carter to the park and did a little shopping, had some lunch.”

“Oh, where did you have lunch at?”

“At Mack’s. I hadn’t been over there in forever.”

“Is that in the old part of town?”

“Yeah, where we used to live.”

Again, Rick wanted to say more, but he did not think that this was the best time. Meeka was feeling a little guilt about not telling him about seeing Johnny, but she knew that he would overreact, so she didn’t bring it up. Rick was a sweet guy, but he was a jealous guy and nothing good would come from it. She assured herself that it was all innocent, to calm her ill feelings.

The rest of dinner was dominated by Malik. He had not been so excited since he had seen the pool when they first moved in. Meeka glanced over at Rick and could see his jaw tightening with each word. Dessert was served and Rick started to look a little happier when he saw the chocolate cake. She would admit that she made his favorite dessert to take his mind off of other things and she was never so thankful before. His demeanor changed and he was far more relaxed by the time the kids were in bed.

“So when were you going to tell me about Malik changing schools?”

“Well you know he hates it over at that private school and it's not getting any better.”

“Don’t you think he should learn to deal with things, instead of you coming in to save him all the time?”

“Rick, he is eight. I wonder if you’d feel the same way if it was Carter.”

She regretted it as soon as she said it, although it could not be taken back. Rick had always treated Malik well.

“That's unfair, Meeka. If it was Carter, I would want him to deal with it as well. He will be going to the same school. Do you really want him to go to a different school than his brother? I'm just more surprised that you didn't tell me about it before you agreed to pull him out. I thought we were supposed to make decisions together?”

Meeka smiled to herself, though it was not one full of happiness. It was a look full of irony and aggravation.

“Oh, like you bringing home two recruiters from a California hospital? I mean, when were you going to tell me about that?”

There was triumph in her face as it hit him. Of course she was just blocking the question and yes, she should have spoken with him about it, but after he had did that, she felt justified in her own actions.

“That is not the same.”

“Really? So moving MY son out of an uppity school that he doesn’t like is wrong, but you planning to move us across the country and away from everything that we know, all of our family, is perfectly okay. Right?”

Rick sighed to himself. It was kind of funny to him because he was going to tell her as a surprise if he got the job and didn’t want to mention it in case he did not. He thought that she would be thrilled to get a bigger house, better schools and nicer cars, but she was already trying to go back. When he saw it from her point of view, it did seem a bit different. He started to agree that maybe he was being a bit presumptuous, but Rick thought she was overreacting. It was something that she didn’t do often and he wondered what she was really upset about. With Meeka, it was hard to read her thoughts until she got upset. The rest of the time she kept most of her feelings inside of her and could be hard to read.

“I just want us to be okay and stable. It would be a great opportunity and though I haven’t been told for sure that I have it, I have been told I was the shoe-in.”

“Well I'm happy for you, but do you really expect that I would just be so happy because you will make more money? Do we not have plenty of money now or is there something that I need to know? I know nothing of the finances and I am really starting to feel like some little idle-minded wife that can’t handle men-talk.”

Rick sat back on the bed and looked at her. He didn’t want to say how gorgeous she was then in her anger, as that would probably just piss her off more and prove her point. He may be a little astute, but he just did not understand why she was so upset.

“Meeka, I think you're getting a bit emotional about this. Is it that time of the month?”

Meeka stood up in a flash and had an urge to physically hit him. It was not the first time that she had been accused of being overly-emotional and it was not the first time that her cycle was blamed.

“Are you serious, Rick?”

Rick closed his eyes to her flashing brown ones. It seemed like nothing he said was going to make it any better and he wished that he had not said anything at all. He sighed loudly and turned his bedside light off.

“I can’t talk to you like this, Meeka. What do you want me to say? The job would be great and something I have always wanted to do. Just a dream of mine that I have had for a long time. I thought you would be happy for me.”

Meeka took a cue from him and laid back down, turning her own light off. It was not the first time that they had gone to bed mad, but it was one of the worst.

Chapter 7

Meeka woke up next to Rick and moaned as she felt his hardness against her ass cheeks. She rubbed the hardening meat and was making herself wet before he started to wake up. Instead of fucking her as she wanted, he turned over and grumbled. Meeka than remembered that she was supposed to be mad at him anyways, so she got up, stalking into the bathroom. She desperately wanted out of the bad funk they were in, but it did not look like it was going to happen that morning.

Turning the shower on, she glanced back at the clock and saw that she had half an hour before everyone was going to be up. She tiptoed back into the bedroom and went around to her side of the bed, getting her small silver bullet out of the drawer. Looking back down at Rick, she willed herself to lie next to him, but Meeka did not want to feel like she was being snubbed again.

Undressing, she checked the water before walking into the stall shower in the corner of the room. Her hands went first to her large breasts and massaged the sensitive tips with her fingers. She added some soap to her hands and ran her palms over the slippery surface of her flesh. Her nipples were soon hard and she moaned softly at her own ministrations.


Rick awoke when he heard the drawer next to him open and close. The shower was on and his cock was rock hard for some reason. His mind went to their argument, but did not sway him from getting up and walking towards the bathroom. Standing by the open door, he watched her for some time. It was her first moan that had made up his mind to not be mad anymore. Her noises had always been his downfall.

Meeka’s eyes were closed and she was leaning up against the wall, her profile to him. One hand tweaked and pulled on her dark brown nipples, while the other pressed her silver bullet against her clit. He could hear the soft buzzing of the toy and though he had seen it before, he had never watched her use it. There was a moment of jealousy, though the scene in front of him made him forget any ill feelings he had.

Meeka raised her leg and gasped as he watched the small piece of metal slide inside of her. He bit his own lip to muffle a groan. Her head fell back onto the shower wall as the buzzing sound got louder. He could feel her orgasm building and knew by her panting and small sounds of pleasure that she was mighty close to her ending. It was then that he stepped forward and shut the door behind him. Meeka jumped with the noise and dropped the bullet from her vagina. The toy shook loudly on the tiled floor, embarrassing her further.

He had never walked in on her playing with herself before. It was actually usually not needed and she didn’t know why she felt so conflicted about it. Maybe she expected something else, but when Rick open the door and looked down at her, she knew that he had liked what he had seen.

Meeka stood frozen in the shower, her finger still squeezing one of her turgid nipples. Her brown eyes darkened to black as her husband started to pull his sleep pants off. His cock was jutting out towards her and her eyes locked on the throbbing member. Just a look was enough to dampen her further than an hour of playing with herself could have accomplished. Her eyes followed his body as he bent down to pick up the toy and stepped into the shower with her, his large body taking up much of the space. He was soon pressed up against her, his mouth on hers. There were no words of the argument, only touches and a strong vibration from the silver bullet.

Rick pressed the toy against her clit and Meeka gasped. He held it against her harder than she had and his tongue pushed into her mouth. Her large, soft breasts pressed against his hard chest. His mouth moved down onto her neck, while his hand buried between her legs moved the metal up and down her slit. Rick teased her outer lips and then her inner ones, before pushing the vibrating toy into her hole. She whimpered as her insides squeezed the small penetration, her muscles pulling it up and out of his hand.

“Fuck, Meeka. I have missed our mornings like this, tasting you before breakfast.”

His mouth lowered, down her chest and between the large mounds that moved as her body tightened and tensed. The bullet shook hard inside of her, driven deeper as her pussy clamped around it. As her husband’s mouth moved lower, her hips jerked away when she felt the first hint of his tongue. There were no preliminary moves, just straight to furiously licking on her engorged clit. The more she squeezed with the mind-numbing vibrations, the deeper the bullet went, until it was lodged against her.

Meeka’s thigh rose to settle on his shoulder, opening herself up to his hungry mouth. Rick nibbled and sucked until he felt the first rush of liquid in his mouth. Her taste drove him wild and he sucked harder to pull more out of her insides. Meeka pushed a hand against him, stopping the madness.

“Stop, baby. I want to feel you inside of me.”

He shrugged her leg off of him and stood up, his cock instantly pushing between her thick thighs.

“Don’t you need to get that out of you?”

“No, fuck me now.”

Rick knew that look and he turned her around, pushing her face against the shower wall.

“Stick that ass up for me if you want me now.”

Meeka pushed her ass out as far as she could, completely bending at the knees to the perfect height. She screamed into the water flow as he rammed her from behind, pushing her face into the shower wall. His hand moved around and smacked lightly on the top of her slit. After the second thrust in, Meeka was jerking around him as she came again.

Rick pulled out and pushed back in quickly, stuttering her words as the vibrator pushed deeper into her. Rick could feel the shaking on the end of his dick and wanted more, so he ground deep inside of her. He backed up, taking her with him and then bending her down further so he could jam in tighter. While he liked the different feel on his length, Rick was unable to slam home like he loved to do. He yanked out with a grunt.

“Can you get that out?”

Meeka pushed with her inner walls and Rick grabbed it before it shot to the ground. He rutted forward with force and groaned loud at the satisfaction of full penetration.

“Yes, Meeka, just you feels so much better.”

The toy vibrated in his hand and he pressed it against her tight ass hole. Meeka’s face was pressed against the wet wall and his hand held her against it. She whimpered as he pushed harder with his finger and squealed when it pushed into her tight hole. Like in her vagina, the bullet surged higher the more she squeezed and clenched. The pleasure took her breath away, as well as the fat cock inside of her.

When she came again, the power of the first wave was intense. She had never come so hard in her life and Rick roared behind her as he filled her full. When he finally pulled out, Meeka pushed the toy out of her ass and it jiggled on the shower floor loudly before she found the remote to turn it off. The water had long since started to run cold, but she could not move. Rick grinned at her dazed look, his pride swelling.

Helping her out of the shower, Rick grabbed a towel and dried her off with slow, loving care. His eyes took in every inch of her smooth skin and kissed her body as he pampered her. When he finally stood up, his cock was hard and ready for more. He ached for her as soon as he left her and he didn’t think he would ever get enough of her.

“I love you, Meeka. I don’t care where we live or what we do, as long as we can be together. That's all that matters. You, Malik and Carter are all I need. I will tell them I can’t accept the job if you want me to…”

He may have said the words, but he did not mean them and Meeka could see that great sex was not going to fix it, though she wished it would. She was not ready for Round 2, so she put it off as long as she could. She did not want to ruin the feeling that they had just created. Meeka’s hand went up and she stopped him from going further.

“Let’s just talk about it tonight. Mom is taking the kids and we will have the whole night to talk, if that is what you want to do.”

Her hands went back to his chest and once again, all she could think about was him and wanting more. She pulled away when she heard the alarm go off in the other room.

“Back to reality, love.”

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