(Domme) Of A Kind

Read (Domme) Of A Kind Online

Authors: R. R. Hardy

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #coming of age, #contemporary, #bdsm, #submissive, #dominant

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R. R. Hardy
(Domme) Of A Kind

Text copyright © 2016 by R. S. Bobiles

All rights reserved.



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places,
and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or
are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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To Mom and Dad,

best parents in the world




Title Page



About the Author


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter One


Power–this is
most important thing in the
universe; it is
one thing that sets the top apart from
the bottom; this is
basis of your purpose in the

If you have it, the Earth is just on the palm
of your hand. You have the authority. You control every single
thing your brain can think of. You are the King. Therefore, you are
the rule.

In just one command, everything follows. When
you give an instruction, it is strictly executed. With your order,
everybody behaves.

Men surely have this–the supreme one, no
questions at all. But what if I tell you I have it too? What if a
woman like me feels the rush of it as well? What if it’s in my
blood taking over just when a chance showed up in front of me?

I never considered it like that. I thought
it’s just normal. I thought I’m just being swayed by my great
enthusiasm. It’s like when you hold on to it, it’s simply because
you are into what you do. You want to maximize what you can do. You
want to give it all feeling it’s the last.

When I have it, the world is mine. I feel
like I’m the one turning it around. I have everything at the
comfort of my hand. So when I was given that one opportunity, the
full force of my dominion was all performed. And there I’ve
realized I’m different. I am not like any other. I am one of a
kind. I am rare. I am Miranda Alabama, 21, and I am a woman on

I study at University of Dallas in Texas
attending the Constantin College of Liberal Arts for my B.A. in
Business and I’m on my senior year now. My dad advised me what to
take and my mom agreed with that because he said that if I won’t
make it to the big companies in the city after graduation I could
go back home and run his business instead. Well, they have the best
point there and I wasn’t really that sure about what to have way
back then and so I guess they were totally right about it. My dad
works hard and he has a hardware store at our town. Anyway, today
is the beginning of our freedom. I said freedom because my best
friend Elizabeth and I have the chance to live off the campus
finally. We’ve waited for this time to come and this is it, the
time when we can at last move out. That’s right, today is the day
where we’ll live in our new place, that’s at LGS Lofts, Saint Paul
Street downtown. Honestly, this new apartment of us consumed our
two months in searching for it. But I guess it’s worth the wait
because it’s just about at least fifteen-minute drive from school
and it’s also nearby The Big Dogs, maybe a five-minute walk. Oh
yeah I forgot to tell, we’ll also have our first ever part-time job
at The Big Dogs, a hamburger stop. We’ll work there as a crew maybe
for four to six hours a day. The money we can earn there could help
us pay our monthly rent. I’ve already mentioned this too to my
parents and they weren’t that strict to me. They were just that
worried that I might take my studies for granted. But I told them
that I need to take responsibility for myself which made them less
anxious about.

“All packed?” asked Elizabeth to me when she
came back in the room at our residence. She just finished arranging
the car that we’re going to use to travel all of these things
there. And we’re quiet lucky because we need not to rent one,
courtesy of Tom’s pickup.

“I guess,” I replied shortly. She paused for
a moment and gave me her inquisitive eyes. I knew she wasn’t that
satisfied with my answer and so I gave her my happy smile finally,
“Okay I’m ready. Let’s go!” I followed starting to carry my

So she too smiled, “Oh tonight is liberation
night. This spells Lizard!” she continued as she began picking up
her own things on her bed across mine. She was talking about the
nightclub where some known DJs go to take away the floor. I also
heard that most women go there on Saturday nights which happened to
be later tonight. And when there are women, it only means men.

“You sure?” I kidded. “How about Tom?” That’s
right, she’s dating him for a month now, the senior from the Drama
Department. And I know they’re really getting serious about
everything about them.

“Now that’s the most inconsiderate question
you have ever asked me this morning,” she complained. We all know
that I’m single and doing that kind of thing won’t matter to anyone
but to her, that’s a different story.

I laughed a little, “I care,” I said.

“You’re being selfish,”

“I think he’s a nice guy,”

“And you are a bad girl,”

I laughed again, “But you’re the worst,” I

She looked at me and stopped in my eyes,
“Fine! You have the freedom to tell whatever you wish. I won’t
care.” she followed as she leads the way out. That’s Elizabeth
Hayes, the emblem of a spirited woman! The kind of somebody a
hard-to-solve problem can’t just knock down that easily. She would
always have her other way out. And she’s also tough. Men around her
need to pass a pinhole before they can win her sweet yes. But I
guess that would depend; biceps, chests, and abs could tell you
why. I remember our first night ever here when I got back to our
room from traveling around the school. When I opened the door, the
first thing I saw was her grinding on top of a man. That’s true,
they were doing that kind of stuff with the door unlocked. And they
didn’t even care at all. Also, thinking that this university is
strictly religious. So I just stayed outside for a while then. In
the morning of the following day, she was that sorry for me for
what she has done and I told her that it wasn’t that big deal.
There she told me about that guy. She said that he’s a junior from
the Education Department. She met him before and the thing she
won’t forget about him was his gray-colored shirt tightly wrapped
around his body. She could remember how his muscles shaped out that
shirt he wore. And so on our first day at school, she asked him to
our room and there he proved her she wasn’t wrong about what she
thought about him. She added that, she’s telling those things to me
because she wants me to know her well. She wants to be open with
me. She wants me to be her first friend here.

“Hey,” greeted Tom to me waiting at his car


“So tonight is your first night at Big Dogs
huh?” he followed.

I didn’t get what he asked and so I looked at
Elizabeth. She just gave me a wink. And there I got it. Our first
duty at The Big Dogs would be tomorrow night, that’s Sunday. Oh,
Elizabeth is smart. “Yeah,” I just answered.

Tom turned to her with a little sad look, “So
I’ll see tomorrow then?” he said. I think because he hasn’t seen
her for a week now.

Elizabeth can’t answer him I know but,
“Sure,” she replied finally. But I can still see her unsure face
so, “Wait for my call first,” she followed.

“What for?”

She looked back at me and I gave her my
tight-lipped smile. “Just,” she said to him.

“Seriously?” he asked again.

I can’t help but give them my silent laugh
behind my smile while she tries to calm him down with her warm hugs
and kisses, “I know you terribly miss me my teddy bear. Save this
one for me,” she followed as she touches his little Bob over his
pants down there. And as for him, he can’t stop himself squeezing
her boobs too, while both of them kiss each other so

“I hope you realize that this is so unfair,”
Tom complained afterwards.

She gave him a sad face telling that she
feels him, “Uh…” she muttered.

“Can we do it first before we leave? I know
Miranda can wait for us for an hour or two,” he added pleasing her.
Then he turned his eyes to me real fast, “Right?” he said. I could
see to his face how he badly asks that to her. And I really can’t
stop myself laughing at them.

“Oh my teddy bear.” She can’t help herself
too to get bothered as she continues to kiss him. That’s right,
they were literally necking in front of me for minutes. They didn’t
even care for a while. Tom has been asking her to go out these past
few days but we were that kind of busy fixing our stuffs at the
residence so she couldn’t commit to him. She even showed me his
text messages one night asking her to go to the bone yard just for
real quick, but we were partying almost every night then so it was
really sorry for him.

Maybe they got tired or I hope they felt a
little shame for me because they kept me waiting that long that’s
why we finally found ourselves driving the North Stemmons Freeway
to the Main Street until we reached Saint Paul Street downtown.
There, at the LGS Lofts, we discharged everything from Tom’s pickup
car and carried them all the way up to the seventeenth floor. We
chose that unit because it’s not that expensive so we could still
save money for our food. She said, we’ll just move to a bigger one
once we found a better job than The Big Dogs, one thing that I
agreed with her. The apartment is actually a studio type so it
means we need to share. And when I say share, that applies for
everything. Well basically, bed and bathroom. We actually had a
long discussion about this matter and we agreed to the one
important rule; no sex in the house. Truth is, she opposed me with
that at first. She said, it wouldn’t be fair for her because she
has a boyfriend. I said, it wouldn’t be fair for me either because
I’m single.

“Home sweet home,” said Elizabeth as we step
our feet inside the room. The hushed thrill she has in her face is
obvious in my eyes; well because I feel the same way too. As I’ve
said, our place before was strict about seeing boys hanging around
girls’ room–thing we didn’t care actually, but still we feel the
rules looking after us. So it feels like a personal liberty now.
She turned to me and gave me an intriguing smile, “This is it,” she

I think I knew what she meant so I equaled it
with mine, “You’re really bad Elle,” I said back to her.

“What is wrong with that?”

“We’ve already talked about that, no boys

“Come on Miranda? Don’t try to eat our
liberty. Chances don’t knock twice, I am telling you that now,”


“You are so lucky, you’ll have the chance to
take everyone you’d like home. And I envy that fact,”

“What are you talking about?”

She came closer to me and whispered, “You
could bring Augustus here anytime you want,”

I was in surprise as I turn my eyes to her,
“Wait, what?”

“You think I wouldn’t know?”

She was talking about Augustus Myers, the
senior from the Business Department of the different college. I’ve
never told her anything about him because I don’t have anything to
tell her about him too. To be honest, I talk to him much because we
are both in the same organization at school. Well I guess there’s
nobody else in the group to whom I could share my passion about
music. That’s just it. Fine, he is a certified cutie too! “Now
you’re being judgmental,” I said back to her.

“You’re being so defensive.”


Then she started laughing at me.

“What did I miss?” said Tom as he entered the
room too. “What were you up to? What’s that my cuddly bear?”

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