(Domme) Of A Kind (2 page)

Read (Domme) Of A Kind Online

Authors: R. R. Hardy

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #coming of age, #contemporary, #bdsm, #submissive, #dominant

BOOK: (Domme) Of A Kind
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But Elizabeth didn’t speak, she just
continued to laugh. She knew if she would, I would have no other
choice but to tell him the truth too. And I know she wouldn’t like
that. After the hours of cleaning, putting, and fixing everything
inside, we’ve finally done it. Thanks to Tom’s presence, we were
able to finish everything in a less time expected. Actually, just
enough for us to prepare for tonight. That’s right, I am talking
about the Lizard time! Though Tom still wants to stay with us for a
while and even said he’d like us to drive to work, Elizabeth rushed
him to leave early. And right again, that’s my friend!

Speaking of her, what made me like Elizabeth
so much is not because she’s funny, nice, and true, I mean those
are given, but because I have the chance to listen to the stories
this world can offer. I am talking about sex. I know it doesn’t
sound normal for people like me who when you first met you would
think that I am that kind of someone who is really serious about
studying, even more when you got closer and then you’ll found out
that I came from a religious family. On our first nights, we only
talk about studies and future plans coupled with high school
achievements and stories about everything that has something to do
with them. I kind of like it though but it didn’t sustain my
interest in our conversations. I knew she could sense it but I also
knew she couldn’t do anything about it because she knew at that
time that that’s the only thing that could make us connected. But
not when I started asking her about the boys in the campus. Right
again, the moment she heard the ‘boys’ in my question, she never
stopped talking about them. So ever since then, we never talked
about school stuff inside our room any longer. And as we go
farther, she began to notice my concern about the stories she tells
me. Well I could say it’s more of a curiosity. She started seeing
me that focused whenever she tells me about the ‘bird and bees’
thing. And that thing made us even closer, as in from being ‘just
friends’ to being ‘best friends’. Truth is, she thought that I’m a
lesbian. That I only care for my studies because I might not be
that interested if ever we ended up talking about something like
that. Or I might reason my religion too. I can’t blame her if she
thought me that way. Well I am not telling that I look like one but
I’m kind of a, or I look like a silent type when it comes to that
kind of topic. But don’t be so sure, that’s least thing I could
comment about that.

Her first sexual encounter happened when she
was just ten years old. She was in fourth grade then. She said
that, there was this fair-looking boy at school, his name was
Taylor, he was in sixth grade, but he was less regarded with all
the girls he likes. He tried sports he didn’t really like just to
catch some of the girls’ attention but nothing happened. He wanted
to do the other way around but he was not that smart too so he
couldn’t do anything for his academic grades. She said he was that
hopeless with all of his longings. She asked him why is it so
important to him to have the girls’ attention when he can do that
when he grows up. His answer was he needs to get laid before he
moves to other state and what he wants was to do it with the girl
he likes. After hearing that, she came up with an idea I would
never think of ever in my existence! What she told him was, if he
wants to make a good and lasting impression, he needs to be good
first. She asked him if he had sex before and his answer was no.
She asked him again if he’s good at it and he said no. So she asked
him again if he wants his first to be worst and he said again

Taylor was one of his crush when she was just
in second grade, that’s what she added first before she continued
telling me the rest of her stories. She said that he was always on
her second list every year till she reached her fourth grade.
That’s why she was that really glad when she had that chance to
have a real good talk with him. She’s always wanted to chat with
him but that last conversation was just unexpected.

She advised him to have a practice first
before he can actually do it to the girl he likes the most. She
added to him that it is important, that girls should be treated the
way they wanted to. The next thing she said to me surprised me a
lot. She told him that she is more than willing to help him with
the exercise. She was really talking about playing the girl he
would use to master his ability. For short, she wants him to have
sex with her. And if things went good to them, she can even help
him to pursue one of the girls he likes.

And since Taylor was not that smart–and
actually a lucky idiot, he agreed to her that instant. Without even
thinking and considering any outcome they might have after that. He
even said that she has the brilliant idea ever.

So the night after that sincere talk, they’ve
decided to do it. It wouldn’t be fair for her if they’ll use her
room and so he asked her to just drop by at his house. But there
was a problem, he said that they can’t use his room because he was
sharing it to his older brother and if it’s okay with her, they can
have the garage, thing she’s never minded at all.

There, on a thick blanket he spread on the
floor they started it. She confessed that she was a virgin too that
she was not that really good and hoped he wouldn’t feel bad about
it. He said it was fine because he too was a virgin. So they’re
even. They first kiss each other, just a simple one, but he stopped
it that quick when she became wild as if she was already over him.
He said that he’s just not that used to it. Then she asked him to
squeeze her boobs which he did next. And he was fine about it even
though they were just that small for a fourth grader. He said they
were soft enough. As they continue, things gone wild to them and
the last thing she remembered was they were both naked. Since he
was asked, he then asked her to play his penis, thing she was very
pleased to hear and so she did it. She touched, licked, and sucked
his little Bob till she found him really pleasured with what she
does to him. She said it was just simple but he liked it. She could
remember how he acted in front of her. She could remember his
silent moans as she continues to satisfy him. Because of that, he
didn’t let it to last so finally, he put it in to her.


Chapter Two


It was already half past eight in the evening when
Elizabeth and I finished dressing up. We didn’t even prepare nor
have our dinner, thing that didn’t matter at all. She wears
cross-over top with her leggings; she said she needs to be safe no
matter what but that doesn’t mean hiding her figure. She advised me
to wear something I could take off easily like a skirt which I
coincidentally did. I wear a cardigan over my blue-colored dress
just below my knee. I don’t know why she told me that.

“Oh that’s perfect,” she said as her
provocative smile unfolds right in front of me.

“What?” I gave her my curious looks.

“You’re so hot,” she followed.

I smiled, “Shut up!” I said.

She bit her lower lips, “We need to bring
some,” she whispered next.

I knew she was talking about a rubber, you
know, so I answered her with my surprised expression, “What?”

“I know you want some. Don’t worry, I’ll
bring extra for you.” Then she went straight to her bag just
sitting at the corner.

And there you have Elizabeth again, when her
silliness takes place, nobody could stop her. Honestly, this night
underwent a long plan. And it was all her idea. She said that we
need to experience the nightlife first before settling down. It is
like an initiation for us. But we will not just drink, dance, or
party, she noted there that we need to taste some flesh too. That’s
right, she means sex. She added we need to have the knowledge of
how the men of the outside world do it so that we could prepare
ourselves for our next encounter to them. Living outside is for a
long term so educating oneself is the key to a lasting relationship
with the man of your choice. I didn’t get her point there so I
asked her again and told me we simply have sex and figure out what
could make them satisfied, as simple as that. I can’t avoid myself
to laugh after hearing that. I said that that’s most fearless but
foolish idea ever. But I guess she is right too. Not because I have
to know what men here like, but because we need to or I need to
taste some flesh sometimes. I mean, there is nothing wrong if I
ever did that. I’m young and single and I must not deprive myself
from things that could give me a different kind of happiness.

Suddenly I remembered that word–happiness. I
was once in the middle of my own debate about it. Should I pursue
it or choose one that I have to? My parents taught me that
sacrificing own happiness for the love of others is the greatest
thing we could ever do in our lives. That applies for everything.
So if you think it’s the right thing to do even if forgetting about
what could really make you happy then do it. Do not care about what
you could lose, what matter is what you could give.

But I failed them. Not just once but many
times. After all that endless reminders they always tell me, I just
keep on breaking them too. That’s all true. Because after Jess, I
had my second taste with Dallas Ray Stafford. I remembered his name
because he was unforgettable. That’s right, and not his blonde hair
or blue eyes or pretty face that made himself like that to me. It
was what he had done to me. By the way he was at my age, 14, so
that was a year later. I met and became friends with him at our
church. What we do was, right after every weekly service we go to
some places to give back our part and that’s by doing some
volunteer works for an hour or two and that lasted about three
months. Just one day, when we couldn’t find our way to our next
place we thought that it’ll be fine if we’ll skip it first, so we
decided to go to his place, because he asked me to, that’s just to
let the time pass us by he said. There, I didn’t know we were all
alone till I noticed the silence that surrounds their house. I
asked his parents and he told me they went out to see a movie, just
like that. But I know he wasn’t telling me the truth. But I didn’t
ask more about them too. We stayed in the living room for a while
and we were on the sofa. He was sitting next to me and I to him.
And all that make us busy were the old pictures he showed to

In the middle of our talk, I noticed his
thigh, he was rubbing it to mine. I could feel the heat of the
friction he was making. It wasn’t that obvious but I felt it. So
what I did was, I let mine to get even closer to his like I put a
little force and tried to rub it as well. And I wasn’t wrong
because I felt the response he made after that. We were still
talking and looking at the pictures too like nothing was happening
at that time. The next thing he did was he put his hand at my back,
just next to my butt to be exact. There, he began feeling my soft
behind by his fingertips. And once again, it wasn’t that noticeable
but I could feel his intentions, it was there knocking the door of
my desire. So what I did was I put my elbow on his thigh then as it
stays there, slowly, I started to move it towards his crotch till
it reached his old boy hiding behind his jeans. As we do it to each
other, we were still that normal looking people having a little
chat. And we stayed like that for a quiet little while.

As I look closer to the next picture on my
hand he moved his face closer to mine to tell the story it has
there. I could say he was really that close because I could feel
the heat of his skin against mine and I could smell his breath too.
Maybe we lasted for a couple of minutes with that close. Silence
filled the gap after that but we didn’t move at all too. We stayed
like that.

When I turned my face and looked at him, I
saw his eyes, they were waiting for me. They were so silent too. I
looked at his lips and he was licking it with his tongue. I looked
back at his eyes and they were inviting me then. So what I did was,
I bit my lower lip. And when he saw it, he knows I also want it, so
he finally kissed me. And that was it, we had sex on the sofa. That
was my first on the sofa and in the living room. And that made it
worth remembering. That made himself unforgettable to me.

Elizabeth and I rushed ourselves down to the
bottom floor of that building. She was that eager and I was that
not. I was that her audience and she was that my movie. That’s
right, I was just literally watching her on our way. She filled me
with her excitement and I couldn’t help but smile at the

From there, we took a bus and stayed on the
road for ten minutes till we reached the Lizard! That’s true, the
world famous Lizard Lounge at Swiss Avenue, the nightclub featuring
DJ-driven music and touring bands, plus frequent special events. We
got there at about nine in the evening, just on time for its
opening hour, but the place was already crowded. I could see the
street and it is being flooded by many people from different ages,
maybe the old one I spotted was in his fifty something or so up to
the young ones, I am sure they were just sixteen. But they can only
get in if they can show their fake IDs which I think would not be
that real problem, yeah, cash under the table, you know.

“Oh Miranda, the place is getting crazy. I
could feel it would be a night to remember!” said Elizabeth. She
couldn’t help it too but to get affected to the beat of the music
and the light flashing out as we approach the building and as her
eyes roam around the place too.

“Sure it would be,” I agreed.

“So many people,” And as her eyes continue to
grace our way, “Are those men out there looking at us?” she queried
to me. I think she has already spotted some.

I paused and gave them my quick and secret
glance too and I saw two men across our way; the one is leaning
back at the door of his car and the other one is just standing next
to him. I smiled a little, “I’m not sure,” I replied.

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