Read Don't Try This at Home Online
Authors: Kimberly Witherspoon,Andrew Friedman
Tags: #Cooking, #General
First and foremost, we thank the chefs, for your time, stories, and honesty. Obviously, without you, there'd be no book.
Thank you to Karen Rinaldi, for judiciously entertaining all possibilities; Panio Gianopoulos, for your smart editing, quick
turnarounds, and good advice at every step of the way; Eleanor Jackson, David Forrer, and Alexis Hurley, for your excellent
cheer and relentless dedication to getting it all right; and, for your invaluable assistance and support, Lindsay Autry, Phillip
Baltz, Jennifer Baum, Dan Bignold, Thomas Blythe, Bob Bookman, Tony Bourdain, Juli at El Bulli, John Carlin, Rachael Carron,
Samantha Clark, Mel Davis, Catherine Drayton, Scott Feldman, Rea Francis, Richard Green, Dan Halpern, Irene Hamburger, Gabrielle
Hamilton, Susan Kamil, Chantal Keller, Sean Knight, Bill Knott, Pam Krauss, Lizzie Kremer, Shelley Lance, Mark Lawless, Carol
Macarthur, Ellen Malloy, Gary Morris, Stephen Morrison, Aline Oshima, Anna Elena Pedron, Amy Pennington, Liz Ravage, Leah
Ross, Felicity Rubinstein, Chiki Sarkar, Lori Silverbush, Belinda Smith, Lee Tulloch, Zoe Waldie, Christa Weaving, Araminta
Whitley, Kimberly Yorio, and Laura Yorke.
—K.W. and A.F.
Personal thanks to my mother, who encouraged me to try everything; my father, who finds the bright side of every catastrophe;
Harry Ptak, for always being there to help; Andrew Friedman, for making this collaboration such a pleasure; my colleagues
at Inkwell, for their abundance of faith; and Mhelicia Sarmiento, for helping to get my family to the table every night.
My heartfelt thanks to Kimberly Witherspoon, for coming up with a great idea and inviting me along on the adventure. This
was a terrific partnership and a lot of fun. And to Colin Dickerman, for remembering me from way back when; David Black, for
your constant counsel and friendship; Caitlin Friedman, for making life easy and miraculously fun, even during the home stretch;
and Declan and Taylor: you two couldn't have picked a better time to start sleeping through the night.