Drawn (Moon Claimed) (4 page)

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Authors: Lilou Roux

BOOK: Drawn (Moon Claimed)
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She was back in the forest, moonlight filtering through and casting her world in shades of silver and gray.
This time there was no fear, only excitement, joy and thrill. She ran, her bare feet sure on the cool ground, the night and wind caressing her skin.

She was being chased - and loved it.

A bubble of laughter escaped her lips.

When she reached the line of trees that bordered the clearing of the lake, she was out of breath and sweaty. The silver moonlight sparkled of the surface of the lake and she longed for its freshness. Without anoth
er thought she pulled of her nightshirt and slowly walked into it, enjoying the cool water lapping at more and more of her skin. She felt wonderful, at peace…and yet not quite complete. But looking up at the waxing moon, she knew that it would come soon.

Then she turned to see her wolf
had caught up with her, standing silently in the shadows of the trees. Watching her, waiting for her. She went to him.

Dropping to her knees
as soon as she was back on the shore she opened her arms to embrace him and buried her hands in his fur. God, the cool, silky touch of it. The wolf stepped into her, making her lose her balance so that she fell onto her back. Looking up at him, she saw a wicked smile in his all too intelligent and familiar golden eyes. Dipping his head he licked at her cheek and she started to laugh. His tongue was warm, a little rough, and felt almost human to her.

She lay back, closing her eyes and felt him
move lower, still sniffing her neck. When he licked her collarbone , she looked down her body. It wasn’t the wolf kneeling above her, but the man. The man of her dreams.

He was naked, bathed in silvery moonlight
that shadowed his face, but she saw the desire burning hot in his eyes. Her laughter died as his head dropped once more and his tongue awoke another kind of thrill in her veins. As if sensing it, he continued. His tongue slowly tracing her collarbone. Leaving delicious fire in his wake, that shot to her sex. When he lapped at her breast, she moaned. Heat and lust blossoming in her lower belly, making it clench as his teeth scraped her hardening nipple. Her blood sang, and wetness pooled between her legs. It felt so good, she closed her eyes.

took his time lavishing her other breast. She needed more. Her thighs fell open, and the cool night breeze kissing her clit drove her crazy.

Sensing her
mounting need he licked his way along her stomach until finally reaching the apex of her thighs. Then his hot tongue was on her. Lapping at her, delving between her wet lips, his teeth scraping the nub that had become the center of her being.

“Look at me.”

She did. Never taking his eyes off her he slipped his hand between her thighs, running his fingers slowly along the seam of her sex. Pure torture, pure bliss. Her hips jerked. Dipping his head he blew over her, making her whimper in anticipation. Then his mouth was on her, his tongue grazing her clit.

“Oh god,” she moaned, running a hand through his soft hair, pressing him to where she needed him.

A long finger slipped inside of her and her muscles gripped it, eager for more.

Mhmm, so tight and wet. Let’s see how much you can take.”


Another finger joined and another, and then he began finger-fucking her in honest. His fingers were like magic, taking her ever higher. He toyed with her, expertly, always pulling back when she was close. Teasing and tormenting her. So close to that blissful abyss but never reaching it. She needed. More.

“I need you. I need your cock in
side of me.” She needed to be filled. Wanted to feel complete. Filled and deliciously stretched.

he promised, his husky voice rumbling against her.

His other hand caressed her
inner thigh before moving down, a finger circling her anus, spreading her freely running juices there and slipping inside. She arched up, crying out at the new and intense sensations bombarding her. Oh God, the feelings were too much for her. Like he had done with her pussy he didn’t leave it at that. More fingers joined, thrusting in and out. He was using both of his hands now. Three fingers in each of her holes, stretching her. She could feel his fingers touch through the thin membrane separating them.

She was crazy with lust.
Her body burning from the inside out and reaching for the sweet release, but not quite there. It was heaven and hell and she didn’t want to leave, hoping she could float in this state of tortured ecstasy forever.

“Look at me.”

His silver eyes, filled with pure male satisfaction and dark with desire flicked towards her, holding her gaze. He had the power, and she loved it. She wanted to be toyed with. And he knew it.

push of his fingers and a bite to her clit and then he finally send her over the edge. Soaring. The world exploded into a thousand sparks burning through her blood and molten heat flooded her, making her tremble.

Tess awoke in her bed, sweating
and panting and still throbbing with the force of her climax. Probably the most intense she had ever had.

The deep voice whispered through her mind, much like after her last dream, and her lower belly clenched.

Closing her eyes, she struggled against the
lingering images, taken aback by the direction of her dream and most of all by her reaction to it. But one image fought for her attention - and won. Familiar short and yet mussed hair and smoldering gray eyes. She gasped as realization hit.

The man in her dreams
was Nathan.


“Okay, so you had a kinky dream. Satisfyingly hot, but a little kinky granted. So what?” Erin’s raspy voice was calm and held a tinkle of amusement as it drifted to her over the phone.

was settled on the bed, leaning with her back against the headboard, and sighed. “I don’t know. It was weird. It felt so real and…I don’t know. I guess I’m wondering what it means.”

There was a pause. “Sweetie, I love you. But you have to
stop analyzing everything. Maybe it was just your body’s way of relaxing, of telling you ‘Yeah, I agree, I like it here, too.’ You feel good there and that’s a first in quite a while, if I may remind you. Just go with it. Don’t put new and useless worries into your head. Sort out the old ones, if you want or need to, but other than that…don’t go blowing everything out of proportion.”

“You’re right.

“I am.
By the way…how long has it been for you? When was the last time you got off?” When Tess was about to answer, Erin added, “And I mean by other hands than your own, girl.”

Her mouth snapped shut.

Erin chuckled. “Yeah, I thought as much. Now I’m absolutely certain that you don’t have to worry. The way you described the guy he’s hot and
’d have to seriously worry about you if he didn’t make an appearance in your dreams.”

“Ha ha.”

Erin’s laughter rang softly and Tess relaxed even more.

You have the hots for him, Tess, so it’s normal that you’re picturing him as the man of your dream, really. Now, tell me more about him. What does he do?”

“He works wood, as a carpenter here, but apparently he also does sculptures. He’s good. There’s a wooden tub in the bathroom, feels freaking amazing, and he made it.”

“So he’s good with the hands, huh?”

The innuendo wasn’t lost on Tess. “Erin,” she chastised although she was laughing.

Easily settling into their old habits and talking with each other as if they weren’t separated by several states but rather side by side on the bed, Tess told her how they had met, how Nathan kind of had come to her rescue in the forest. And about the kiss, that damn, hot kiss. Just the memory of it caused pleasant shivers and goose bumps on her skin.

Ah, now the picture gets clearer.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s the first time you’ve stumbled upon an alpha male and it scares you, though you kinda like it, too. All your other guys were…well, fumbling idiots compared to that. Your Nathan, from the sounds of it, is an alpha male. Subtle, I’ll give him that, but still an alpha, who likes to lead and in this case…chase.”

“So what are you saying?”

She could almost hear her sister grin. “That Nathan is right. I can feel your sexual frustration trickle through the phone. So, enjoy the ride.”

“Erin, you know I’m not you. I can’t do casual.”

“Maybe he doesn’t want casual either. There’s only one way to find out.” When Tess stayed silent, Erin said softly, “I can’t and won’t tell you what to do. However, from what I gather you obviously like him, Tess. Just go with whatever feels right to you. But if you keep away from something that could turn into something beautiful, or more, just because you’re scared…well, then I kick your ass. There’s a fine line between being careful and being chicken, but there
a line.”

Erin’s advice was still echoing through her mind when Tess went out
side to take a walk after she had showered and dressed. She didn’t know whether Joanne would be up and about and already preparing the breakfast for her guests, so she had decided to just explore the land a bit before finding out. Closing her eyes she inhaled deeply and marveled at the reviving coolness of the early morning air. She loved early mornings, loved the quietness and serenity of it. Mornings allowed her to be alone, without ever really feeling lonely as people and life slowly woke up around her and noises - first only the clear songs of birds, then more and more human chatter and clatter of work - started to trickle in.

Her feet took her past
a few other cabins, similar to hers in size and design before she halted close to the stables. Seth was leading a young gray horse in a circle, softly whispering into its ear. His back was currently to her, but she recognized him instantly. He had more of an edge to him, the air around him seemed wilder, and then of course there were the subtle differences in build. He was a little taller than Nathan and leaner, in an athletic, ready-to-pounce kind of way.

As he turned around he saw her and shot her a quick, friendly smile before
walking up to her.

She greeted him,
“Morning. Feeling better today?”

He chuckled as both of them remembered their first encounter in the kitchen the other day.
“Good morning to you, too. And yes, I’m feeling much better today, thanks for asking.”

“Who’s this handsome boy?” Tess put up her hand for the horse to sniff at before stroking the
velvety length of his nose.

“This is Ghost.
Clever and sneaky.” He flashed her another grin, before asking, “Is everything alright? Is the cabin to your satisfaction?”

“Oh yes, everything’s perfect. I was just wondering whether Joanne’s already up and whether I could give her a hand
with breakfast. I kinda need something to do.”

“Know the feeling. Well, she’s up, that’s for sure. If she’s not in the kitchen, then she’s in the garden behind the main cabin.
Probably try the latter first.”

See you around.” After another tender rub for Ghost she went on her way.

Seth had b
een right. Joanne was kneeling in a small stretch of herbs and plants that ran a little apart from the terrace and flower arrangements directly behind the house.

Tess called out, walking up to her.

Joanne looked up and a smile broke out over her face
. “Hey there, sunshine. You look good and relaxed today.”

“Thanks. You, too.”
Tess looked around, taking in garden, the herbs and plants, the play of colors and different scents. “Wow.”

Joanne chuckled
and grabbed the small basket sitting beside her on the ground before getting to her feet. “I know. You like gardening?”

“I like flowers and stuff, but unfortunately never had enough space for more than a few pots in my apartment.”

Joanne motioned for her to bend down to get a closer look and a sniff. “Mustard.” She pointed to other plants and shrubs around them. “There’s valerian, basil and nightshade. And over there I’ve got a small section with pumpkins and tomatoes. And my pride, the big rosemary over there. Absolutely love it.”

“Me, too.”

They slowly made their way through the plants, stepping from one carefully placed flagstone to another. When they were close to the rosemary, Tess inhaled deeply and nearly moaned with bliss. “Seth told me you’d probably be here.” She shook her head. “It’s amazing how much they look alike. Are they twins?”

Joanne led her to a wooden bench.
“One might think so, but no. Barely a year apart.” Taking off her shoes she dug her toes into the ground. 

Tess followed suit, and was surprised at the feeling of connection racing through her body
like an electric current. The earth was cool beneath her feet, steadying. “They must have been a handful.”

“Oh yeah, but we loved every minute of it.

Tess didn’t want to open old wounds, didn’t want to intrude, but
apparently she didn’t manage to hide the questions in her eyes.

“Jake died three years ago.
He was a wonderful father and husband.”

Her heart clenched in sympathy. Saying nothing, she simply
reached over and squeezed Joanne’s hand, the gesture filled with what words failed to express.

“My family came here to visit when I was seventeen years old.
Jake and I, we fell madly in love. Instantly. A year later I graduated, came back, stayed and we made this our home.”

“A beautiful one.”

In quiet agreement they gathered some
more huckleberries and herbs, barefooted and carrying their shoes loosely in their hands. When it was time to head inside, Joanne put her hands in her hips and looked at Tess. Worrying her lip she sighed before finally asking softly, “What about you, sweetheart? Don’t you have someone? I know it’s none of my business, but you came all alone out here. The world is not always a safe place, especially for a woman traveling on her own.”

It was right to confide in Joanne, comfortable. Tess didn’t just feel connected with the earth beneath her feet but also to the strong woman by her side. Rooted in a way she had never been, it was easy to open up.

And so she started, “I have a sister. Her name’s Erin.”


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