Drawn (Moon Claimed) (7 page)

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Authors: Lilou Roux

BOOK: Drawn (Moon Claimed)
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Even before she opened her eyes Tess decided she had enough. Enough of running away, enough of the mess that was her life, enough of the confusion praying on her mind and her heart. She had to get her life back under control.

When she finally opened her eyes,
she wanted to tell Nathan as much but was surprised to find herself in her cabin with Joanne sitting by her side. She smiled down at her, compassion and a sadness there that stunned Tess even more.

“Nathan’s outside. His ego
, and heart, took quite the hit when he didn’t manage to catch your fall. No opposable thumbs and all.”

“Right.” Tess set up in her bed and took stock. Her l
eft elbow hurt where a little skin was torn up, but the most annoying was the dull headache. It was good that Joanne had pulled the curtains closed since Tess doubted her head would have liked the light at the moment. She lifted a hand to discover a good-sized bump at her temple.

Should I worry about a concussion?”

Tess shook her head and was grateful when her head seemed to support the movement, even though it wasn’t happy about it. “No, just a bump and a little headache. I’ll be fine.”

“Okay, then. Here, I got some painkillers for you.”

Tess took the pills and glass of water Joanne was holding out to her. After downing it all, it was time
to cut to the chase.

“So. Your son is a werewolf and you seem totally fine with it.”

“Both my sons, actually. And of course, I’m fine with it. They are beautiful aren’t they?”

Joanne - with her warmth and love of life and kindheartedness - made it very difficult for Tess to cling to her last shred of anger, so she gave it up, and simply tried to wrap her mind around what she had
discovered. “Please, Joanne, help me out here.”

“I’m sorry, honey. What do want to know?”

Tess gave her an almost desperate look before throwing up her hands. “Everything.”

Joanne sat back on her chair and sighed. “There are many stories. And it’s hard to say which one is closer to the truth. That’s for you - for everyone - to decide on your own. Do you know Hecate?”

Brow furrowed she nodded. “Ancient goddess. Greek, Roman? I’m not sure which.”

“They tend to throw her in with the Greeks. Anyway, she is the goddess of a lot of things, but
she’s mostly associated with magic, the moon and knowledge of herbs and plants. One could say that you and I are her daughters or representatives.”


Green eyes twinkled. “Yes, you and I. We are witches. That knack you have for cooking and gardening, for herbs and plants? This weird sense of feeling rejuvenated after just a lungful of fresh, earthy air? That’s Hecate’s blood in you. You’ve got powers, and can do more than just bringing budding flowers to full bloom. I’ll show you if you want to learn more…whenever you’re ready.”

Tess swallowed. It was a lot to take in. A lot to believe.
But there was no point in denying that it was the truth. Her lover turning into a big-ass wolf right in front of her eyes had hammered home the point – and quite efficiently at that. “Are there more?”

“Yes, t
here are others out there. However, I can’t tell you an exact number since we tend to be loners and some might even go so far as to actually avoid bumping into other families, witchy families I mean. Maybe it’s some natural precaution to keep a low profile and to avoid another round of witch trials.”

Oh man. Witch trials.
Tess pinched the bridge of her nose, hoping it would push images of her burning at the stake away. “Great.”

“Don’t worry about such things. We’ve got other stuff to sort out.”

Tess almost snorted at that. “Okay. What else? How does Nathan fit into this? The whole werewolf thing.”

We simply call them wolves most of the time. Werewolf is so horror movie.” Tess wasn’t sure whether it was Joanne’s attempt to lighten the mood or just plain truth. “Anyway, the goddess Hecate loved dogs, was always surrounded by them. They were her familiars, her friends and protectors.” Joanne smiled softly. “Werewolves, man and animal sharing one body, fulfill this role for us. But they are not only our protectors, they are our soul mates. Without them, life and magic isn’t quite the same, not quite as intense or vibrant.”

“So…for each witch there’s a wolf?”

“Yes. And the children of such a union are witches and wolves.”

“Are you…” Tess cleared her throat as she stared into Joanne’s kind eyes. “Are you saying my parents were like you? My Dad like Nathan?”

“I think so, yes.”

She had no idea why tears suddenly threatened, closing up her throat.
Their life could have been so different, filled with love maybe, with magic flavored cookies even. But what good did it do now to grieve a life and parents she had never known? She fought against the tears and managed to hold them in.

Joanne leaned forward to pat her knee and rub a comforting hand over her back, before leaning down and kissing the top of her hair, like a loving mother. “I left you some books that tell some of the other legends. I made notes when something needed clarifying. But if you have any questions…just come to me, okay?”

Tess nodded.

“I will leave you alone now. It’s a lot to take in.” Joanne crossed the room towards the door.

“Wait.” Tess scrambled from the bed. “Can you do something? A little magic?”

A wicked smile lit her friends face. “Oh, I
’d love to.” She turned around and walked to stand before the fireplace and an array of white candles standing on its mantel. “It’s a little dark in here, don’t you think?” Winking at Tess she leaned in and blew over one, igniting first a little huff of smoke and then a true flame.

Tess stared wide-eyed as at the same time the other candles sparked to life –
lit by invisible hands, or rather magic. And for the first time in her adult life she felt magic, it was a tickling breath along her skin, an addictive buzz in her blood.

“It feels so…” Tess laughed, shaking her head, amazement and awe sparkling in her eyes. “I can’t even describe it.”

Joanne grinned at her. “I know. A few days time and training and you’d be able to do that as well.”

Okay.” She looked directly at Joanne. “Yes, I want to. I want to learn.”

“I knew you would. But give yourself some time now and rest.”

Tess promised she would and accompanied Joanne to the door. When her friend was already down the front steps, Tess stopped her. “Joanne, have you seen Nathan?”

“He wanted to give you some time and space.
Use it, and then simply listen to your heart and I’m sure you’ll find him.”




Yes, she knew where she would find him.

After Joanne had left she had spent all day going through the legends and stories of old. Different mythologies, Greek, Roman or Native American, it didn’t change much since in the end she still was a woman with a wolf as a lover and a witch as a friend. 

Tess had sat in silence in her cabin and thought about everything that had happened and about the journey she had made. Granted the dreams were still there, but the tone had changed, and she wasn’t frightened by them anymore but could welcome their sensuality now instead. She wasn’t restless anymore. No, she had found a place here, surrounded by friends and love, by vast forests and an endless sky.

When the sun was about to set behind the trees,
Tess stepped out of the shadows of the woods and wasn’t at all surprised to see Nathan standing near the lake, water lapping at his bare feet. In that moment he was the man she had seen in her dreams. The man who was waiting, yearning for his love. Who was waiting for

Just as
in her dreams she was drawn to him, couldn’t do anything but go to him, and somehow he sensed or heard her and turned around. His eyes searched her face, an almost painful longing and uncertainty in them that broke her heart.

kindled. Joanne said witches and wolves were meant to be together. Which for her meant there was a possibility that her feelings were not her own. What if this thing with Nathan was just magical chemistry or some such?

She shook her head at herself
, extinguishing the spark of dread. Who was she kidding? It wasn’t the magic and it wasn’t the dream that had pushed her into Nathan’s arms. She had been the one going there, on her own - slowly maybe, but inevitably. She had wanted this man from the first moment they had met. Had been intrigued and, well, conquered with every step of the way. She loved talking to him, loved how he understood her so easily, and loved how they worked together. She simply loved him.

A soft smile tugged at one corner of her mouth as she looked back at Nathan
and stepped close. “Hey.”

kept his hands in his pockets, but his silver gray eyes travelled over her face, memorizing every inch of her, as if she might be a figment of his imagination or could vanish at any moment. His voice was deep and husky with emotion, “Hey.”

His hand moved up to her temple, brushing away her hair so that he could get a good look at the bump there.
“Ah, dammit. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. The headache’s gone and so will the bump
. So…your mother explained the big picture and I read the books and stuff she left for me.”


“It’s still weird and feels totally crazy…but I saw you turn into a wolf and I saw her light a candle with nothing but her breath.”

he first hint of a smile tugged at his lips. “Yeah, that’s a rather neat talent to have around, especially when the power goes out.” His eyes grew serious again. “Do you have any questions that I might help you with? Or doubts?”

She understood the questions in his eyes, saw the fear
of rejection there, and with all her heart she longed to banish it. An idea crept up and a sexy smile spreading her lips, she looked at him from hooded eyes.

Her voice softer
and low now, she admitted, “I was wondering…I had a dream of you in wolf form. And I’d really like to test something.”

His silver eyes flooded with gold. “Uh-uh.”

It was the wolf in him, she realized, the wolf he didn’t have to hide from her anymore. She was surprised at how much it aroused her, the knowledge that she caused this. Drowning in those golden pools, full of love and heat for her, she found herself in heaven when he grabbed her with a growl.

Pulling, tugging, gasping, t
hey tumbled onto the ground and met each other in ecstasy.


Nathan was leaning half on his side, half over her, as he reached out and tugged a leave out of her loose hair. “I really need to get you into a bed the next time.”

shrugged, a sweet smile and cute blush spreading across her face. “Actually, I kinda like having you under the moon and stars.”

He chuckled, “Well,
then, you won’t ever hear me complain again.” They stared into each other’s eyes that sparkled with love and rivaled the stars. “Marry me.”


He searched her face. “Really? Just like that?”

Tess laughed. “Yes, really
just like that. I love you and I want to spend my life with you. So why wait?”

Some might say it was too soon, too fast. But it was her life, her heart and her decision to make. And for Tess the most important realization was, that right here and now, lying on a cooling forest floor she was happy.
For the first time in her life she felt loved, felt as if she belonged. Her dreams had brought her here, brought her to Nathan. Her journey was over…finally she was home.

“I love you. You’re the most amazing and bravest woman I’ve ever met.”

They kissed, taking their time and pleasure, basking in the sweetness of their promise. When their lips parted Tess left her eyes closed, savoring his taste, their love and this moment.

Then she sighed, turning her face into the nook
of his arm. “I need to tell my sister. And while she suffers from what will probably be a near heart attack I might just throw in the little tidbit about us being witches and all that.”

“Heart attack?
Will she be that mad?”

“Erin’s very protective of me.
Of course, she wants me to find someone, but I think once I tell her that I have…” She gazed up at Nathan. “She’ll really put you through the wringer.”

“Just for that I love her already.”

e leaned over to kiss the tip of her nose, the corner of her mouth and then her lips, taking her worries away.


About the Author


Roux is an aspiring indie author with a penchant for romance and erotica. She lives in France with her husband and is currently working on her next sexy series


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