Drawn (Moon Claimed) (2 page)

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Authors: Lilou Roux

BOOK: Drawn (Moon Claimed)
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Moonlight filtered through the cover of the trees.

The ground was soft and warm, the dried leaves a whispering carpet beneath her bare feet. Autumn’s sweetness, even though there was barely a hint of it for now, mingled with the clear scent of the night and filled her lungs. Like a woman who had been about to drown she sucked it in and marveled at the reviving freshness echoing in her blood.  Although she was wearing nothing but a wide-necked gray shirt that only fell to her mid-thigh and had slipped off one of her shoulders, she wasn’t cold. She was eager. Hot excitement running through her veins and making her heart thump wildly in her chest. She knew she had to go to the lake.

Ignoring the branches snapping at her
legs, she worked her way through the undergrowth and trees. Suddenly the forest opened, and there, glinting in the moonlight in front of her, was the lake. Its surface as smooth and inscrutable as liquid mercury.

Her eyes searched the shore
- until they caught on the figure standing close to it. His profile was to her. Only a silhouetted shadow in the night and yet he made her pulse jump and her heart long in her chest.

She couldn’t stop herself from going towards him. Didn’t even
try to. For all she wanted was to see him, to finally see his face. She wanted to know who this man was. A whisper from her consciousness rippled through her, reminding her that she had never been able to reach him. That she always had been left in pain that was nearly physical and feeling…incomplete.

Would she
reach him this time?

Slowly she approached him, walking soft
ly on the ground and never taking her eyes off him. He stood tall, his gaze going out over the lake. There was an air of sadness, of loneliness about him that made her heart hurt and wonder what he was thinking of. His hair was short but long enough to get mussed, the nose straight and his jaw strong. But it was the sensual and inviting mouth that made her long the most. And the broad shoulders and strong arms that she would do anything for to feel wrapped around her. Her gaze traveled down his bare chest that dipped to a trim waist and her lower stomach clenched. Clad in dark jeans, hands in his pocket and feet as bare as hers, he radiated dark, controlled masculinity.

She was only a couple of steps aw
ay from him now. She swallowed, never having been so close to him. That was probably why she had never noticed the scar before. Jagged, it wound its way nearly all around his upper arm.

He must have sensed her
gaze or maybe just her presence, because suddenly he stood up straighter before turning to face her. Most of his face stayed hidden by shadows but a spark of moonlight reflected in his eyes so she noticed the flicker of wonder on his face before it was quickly replaced by a wicked smile curving his lips which sent a hot shiver down her spine.

She closed the distance between them, her body moving out of its own accord. Pulled to him like a magnet.
As they stared into each other’s eyes his hand reached up to caress her face. Only one touch, warm and gentle and so simple, but it was a shock to her system. With just that one touch he made her all his.

His thumb traced her cheek and then moved towards her lips.

“I knew you’d come.”

Tess woke up with a start
, her heart still thundering, her body hot.

Putting a hand to her chest as if it could calm her heart
, she closed her eyes. That damned dream again.

Maybe she shouldn’t have downed that whole bottle of wine yesterday. She huffed. Who was she kidding? That d
ream came and went as it pleased whether she liked it or not.

“I knew you’d come.”
The deep voice still echoed inside her head - and body. Foreign to her and yet familiar.

Argh, cut it out,” she groaned and put her face in her hands. “It’s just a dream.”

Seeing soft, early morning light spilling threw the curtains Tess
tossed back the covers and got up. After splashing her face with cold water in the bathroom, she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

“I knew you’d come.”

She had to admit, as annoying as dreaming the same dream over and over again was, she was also intrigued to find out how it continued. Every time she was given a little more.

The first few times she had started out in the woods. Sens
ing she had to go somewhere but not knowing where to had been frustrating enough, but getting lost in those woods had been scary as hell. Tess had nearly wept with joy and relief when – after restless nights of tossing and turning in her bed – she had found the lake, and the tone of the dream had finally changed. From fear to heartbreaking longing. And now to excitement. That last turn of events she didn’t really mind. If it stayed that way, her dreams would actually be something to look forward to for a change.

Nevertheless she wouldn’t forget that there was something really
uncanny about them. She dreamed of a place that actually existed but that she had never been to before.

million-dollar question: How the hell was it possible?

a close second place for: Why would she dream of it?

It was time to find out more about
this place, about her dream.

It was time for a chat with Joanne.



The weather forecast promised another warm day but a cooling breeze that would proof summer’s slipping grip, and so Tess had settled on tight jeans, wine red top and a light, cream colored cardigan. Not that her duffle bag gave her much to choose from. She added her brown leather jacket but left it open.

Stepping outside the cabin Tess halted in her tracks. The day was still young, painting the
trees a dark blue. Wafts of fog embracing the valleys where the sun hadn’t won the battle yet. The air was mild and clear. A snapshot of summer and autumn coming together.

Peaceful quiet surrounded her - the lonely cry of a bird of prey or occasional noises from the stable so natural it didn’t disturb the peace but blended with it, even intensified it. Her hurt clenched in her chest. Not in pain this time, but rather
from its wish to sprout wings and soar. This place was magic to her senses, to her soul.

over the rise and fall of endless spreading forest she suddenly longed to run in them. To feel the earth beneath her feet, the wind in her hair and moonlight against her bare skin. What? Wait! The image crackled in her mind. Moonlight? Bare skin? Inwardly she sighed. That stupid dream. Wasn’t it enough to be haunted by it in the night? Now it even invaded her daydreaming.

It wanted to play it that way. Well, then she didn’t have any other choice but to exorcise it, starting by going into the woods and finding the lake today. Hopefully it would help.

“Well, if that isn’t a determined look, then I don’t know what is.”

Tess nearly jumped out of her skin
at the deep voice. Her head snapped around to stare at the man who was heading towards her. Oh boy.

He was hot.
Tall, short dark hair; he was dressed in dark blue jeans and his broad shoulders were covered by a light gray shirt that was rolled up to his elbows revealing strong arms, the kind that only real labor could shape. And that voice of his, it had a raspy, dark note to it as if he had just gotten out of bed. It was a caress in itself and made her shiver.

“Sorry, I didn’
t mean to startle you.”

Startle? Try heart attack
– and it wasn’t because of the scare.

She needed a moment to get her voice back. “It’s okay. I was
just…uh, woolgathering.”

A smile curved on
e side of his perfectly formed mouth. “Really? It looked more like you were preparing for battle or something.”

He stopped in front of the stairs leading to the porch
and made her realize how tall he was. Well over six feet. And then she looked into his eyes. Silver gray, they were the lightest color she had ever seen. It was like looking at the moon.

When she didn’t
saying anything, he extended a hand and added, “But where are my manners? I’m Nathan Hawkins, Joanne’s son. Good morning.”

Finally s
he managed a smile. “Morning. I’m Tess Wright. Nice to meet you.”

descended the stairs to take his hand and nearly gasped at the sudden charge cursing along her skin and to the heart of her. When his eyes flashed golden, her heart stopped a beat - but then her brain caught up. It must have been the sunlight reflecting in them.

My pleasure.” Did she imagine it as well, or was his voice even darker than before?

pulsed throbbed. They were so close, the heat of him caressing her. Once again their eyes met and she appreciated the fact that she had to look up a bit. She wasn’t small, far from it, with her five feet ten inches, which had often been a problem for her - and in the end, the guys she had been with. Add high heels and most of them had felt dwarfed – even if they weren’t – offended in their masculinity, showing her that they hadn’t any to begin with. Somehow she knew that Nathan wouldn’t be offended by such things. He was male through and through.

He let go of her hand
but not her gaze. “My mother’s probably in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. I was on my way there. Would you like to join?”

Um… yeah, why not.” She smiled a little and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Actually that’s where I was headed…before the view got the best of me, that is.”

gazed around to take in the majestic mountains and woods surrounding them under what could become a nearly perfectly blue sky as soon as the fog lifted. A quiet peace and reverence that pulled at her heart filled his eyes when his gaze returned to her. “Yeah, I can understand that. Glad you took your time to enjoy it.”

Together t
hey started towards the main cabin that was the reception, dining room and general heart of Joanne’s B&B.

“Do you know the area? Have you been here before?”

Yes and no. Tess nearly laughed out loud at that but kept it inside and just shook her head. “No. Why?”

“I heard you arrived only yesterday, so I figured if you need a guide…well, just let me know. On horseback, hiking or whatever. I grew up here, I know my way around.”

She felt at ease with him. There were no sparks flying at the moment, but a steady buzz, an awareness of each other, seemed to vibrate between them. “Thanks. I was thinking about exploring the forest earlier but I think I’d like to go on my own. No offense.”

“None taken.
There’s nothing more exhilarating and awe-inspiring than being all alone out there in, and
the forest.” At her stunned look, he shrugged. “I have my lone wolf days as well.”

They continued the rest of the way in companionable silence.

Tess was
shaken by the intensity of the instant attraction that was still warming her insides whenever their gazes met or they accidentally brushed against each other. Amazed at how Nathan instantly understood why she wanted to be alone in the forest. But she was also scared by it. She had so much going on, inside her head and soul. She really needed to find out what her dreams were all about and clear her head before she could even think about getting her heart, or even just her body, tangled up with his.

An image of his strong body
tangled up
with hers flashed in her mind and her lower belly clenched. Obviously her body’s way of rebelling and demanding a say in the matter as well. As if she didn’t have enough to worry about.


The moment they stepped into the main cabin - which was basically a bigger, more intricately designed and even cozier version of the one she was staying in - she relaxed. Although it was still too early in the morning for most of the guests to rise, scents of breakfast filled the air, making her mouth water in a different way than Nathan had. Her stomach wanted food, her blood was begging for caffeine.

me this way,” Nathan said, and placing a hand at the small of her back that sent a shiver to all the right parts, he steered her towards the kitchen.

The kitchen was perfect. Wide and open, with sunlight streaming in through the windows
, it made her feel immediately at home – a sensation that was rather foreign to Tess. Light wood – of course – everywhere; an efficient island in the middle with a lot of space to work and a rack hanging from the ceiling with copper cookware, and herbs and flowers pots were scattered wherever there was some space. It was messy, but in that good, often-used kind of way. The air was spiced with rosemary and blueberries and lemon.

Joanne was a lovely picture to behold. It was as if the air sparkled around her as she was
singing to herself and preparing a batch of dough. But it was probably just fine sugar and flour swirling in the air around her, catching sunbeams.

Looking up, a wide smile lit up her face.
“Well, hello there, early riser. Good Morning. How did you sleep?” Joanne was wearing an apron around her waist which made her look even more adorable and absolutely at home. This was her real domain.

Tess automatically smiled back. Who wouldn’t? “Good morning to you, too. And I slept very well.
Thank you.” She really had when she didn’t have the dream. “Like the dead actually. Must be the peace and quiet here.”

“And the air.”

Motioning towards the dough Tess asked, “What’s that going to become?”

“Rosemary bread. Blueberry lemon muffins are already in the oven.”

“Oh God, I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

Nathan chuckled as he poured coffee for them.

“What? And how the hell did you manage to end up with such a hot body anyway? With a mother like yours I’d have risen like a yeast dumpling.” The words were out of her mouth before she could really think about them. She had just called him hot – in front of his mother. “Dammit.”

Nathan and Joanne started laughing, and though heat crept up her neck Tess soon joined in.

After they recovered Nathan stepped close to hand her a cup of coffee. “Thanks for the compliment, I guess.” Their fingers brushed around the cup, eliciting another spark, and he smiled into her eyes. Her breath caught in her throat. “To answer your question, it’s only a matter of wisely spending all that excess energy.”

The wicked curve to his mouth
and deep voice turned the remark into something hot and suggestive, and made Tess blush even more.

The timer of the oven went off and Tess jumped away
from him as she remembered their audience. What the hell was she doing? What was
with her?

A grunt came from behind her and
Tess turned around. A tall and very tired looking man was standing in the door leading into the kitchen.  Although the dark hair was a little longer and the shoulders were broader than Nathan’s, the resemblance was unmistakable. With eyes that rivaled the moon even when half-closed he could only be the other son Joanne had mentioned. He zombie-walked straight for the coffee pot to pour himself a mug before resting his hip against the counter as if he didn’t have the energy to stay upright yet. After a first sip he sighed with relief and closed his eyes.

Joanne, who was grabbing a
n oven mitt, chuckled and said to Tess, “That grumpy bum is my son Seth. Give him five minutes and he’ll be a little more responsive.”

Trying to chase away her awkwardness from before she asked, “Can I help you with something?”

“Actually, you can, by telling me what you’ve planned for today.”

“I wanted to hike. Explore the forest.”
Remembering the clerks words, she wanted to know, “There’s a really beautiful painting of a lake exposed in the gas station. The clerk told me that you painted it.”

Ah yes, that’s right.” She grabbed some sort of small cool bag and began filling it with an apple, muffins, bread and cheese.

saw it and was… mesmerized by it. So, I was wondering whether you could point me into the direction of the lake. I’d really like to see it.”

Joanne exchanged a
n odd look with Nathan. “Why don’t you show it to her?” Holding up two thermoses she inquired of Tess, “Tea or coffee?”

Nathan shook his head. “Because she wants to go alone.” After a pointed look he added, “And I’m not the overbearing kind.”

Tess’s gaze jumped from Joanne to Nathan and back, sure she was missing something here. At least understanding of what Joanne was up to finally dawned and she hurried to assure, “Oh, you don’t need to do that. I’ll take my own provisions.”

Reaching over the island to grab a muffin, Nathan grinned. “You’re wasting your breath.

Seth agreed, “
She loves this.”

Joanne smiled
lovingly at her sons and then at Tess. “They’re right. I really do. I love cooking, baking, providing and caring.”

with a soft shake of her head Tess said, “Tea.”

Joanne added t
he bottle, closed the bag and handed it to her. “You’re good to go. Well, almost.” Like any responsible and self-respecting B&B owner she couldn’t let Tess wander off without a brief lesson regarding the dos and don’ts in the woods.

“Okay. So.
The lake?”

Nathan got her a comp
ass and map and showed her the trail she had to follow. She had to concentrate on his voice, as they stood close to study the map and their bodies brushed against each other. He smelled good, of man and soap and wood. When they stepped away she felt breathless, as if she had already hiked the entire way and back.

“If you aren’t back by nightfall I’
ll send the boys after you,” Joanne made clear.

Tess wasn’t used to being worried over or even mothered by anyone but her sister, and so it warmed her heart that Joanne would.
Smiling gratefully, she promised, “I’ll be careful.”



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