Drunk Girl's Fantasies Bundle: 3 Short Story Collection (Restless, Reckless & Rowdy) (The Intoxicating Trio) (11 page)

BOOK: Drunk Girl's Fantasies Bundle: 3 Short Story Collection (Restless, Reckless & Rowdy) (The Intoxicating Trio)
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Scratch that. 
He’s a sexy as hell, arrogant, cocky as a motherfucker sonofabitch jerk

“Feel better, sweetheart?” His gaze sweeps down my body.

Stiffening at his words, I pivot on my heels and march back to him getting as close as I can.  I rise up on my toes which brings my eyes to his lips.  I know my eyes are spitting fire, but I don’t care.  “What.  Is.  Your.  Fucking.  Problem.  Foster.”  I grit out, punctuating each word with a jab of my long French-tipped nail studded with clear rhinestones against his brick wall of a chest.  Not very effective.

He gives me a look and I swear I can feel my labia swell plump and full. 

His callused finger-tip glides down my cheek until he grips my chin and raises my face so that he can look into my eyes.  “I could see you cussing me up one side and down the other all the way over here.”

The pit of my stomach drops, my lips purse.

“Why is that?”  Foster’s grin transforms his face to earth-shattering gorgeousness.

“You just smacked my fuckin
g ass.”  I turn my head to see my friends watching in rapt attention.  “In front of the whole
fucking club
, I might add.”

“There’s not another man in here tonight that isn’t fantasizing about doing what I just did.”  His hands grip my waist and I can feel his fingers rhythmically flexing into my flesh.

“So,” I squeak out, my arms crossing belligerently across my chest, trying my best to ignore my friends’ fascinated stares.

“Your eyes have been following me for weeks and weeks,” he replies as if it gives him the right to do whatever he wants to with me.  “Scratch that, months and months.”

My eyes widen.  “Have not.”  I finch as I watch his lips twitch. 

He snags me around my hips and pulls me between his thighs, my breathing grows shallow. 
I delight in the feel of his body against mine, even with the clothing that separates us.  I can feel his thick erection pressing into my crotch and it feels magnificent.  And big, which in and of itself is magnificent. 

“So you’re saying you don’t want me to touch you?”  He holds my gaze with his heavy-lidded one.  Once again he runs the back of his fingers over my cheek and down my jaw.

My clit tingles and burns at his question and at the soft circular motions of his fingers on my side.  I sigh uncontrollably and loudly which is a mistake on my part.  Do I want him to stop touching me? 

“You think too much.”  He leans down and gives me a slow, drugging kiss and arousal explodes through me.  Slanting his head, he takes the kiss deeper.  His arms lock around my waist pulling me in tightly against his body.  My heart is beating so fast that I’m afraid it might burst from all the extra effort, until he releases his lips from mine.  It takes a full five seconds for my brain to even process this as my fingers dig into his biceps.  “Now aren’t you supposed to be
rockin’?”  He runs his fingertip down the slope of my nose and his head cocks to one side.

“Fuck,” I cry pushing at his chest so roughly I find myself precariously off balance on my excessively high heels as he releases me with a wicked chuckle.  Glancing at the stage, I see the
band smiling at me, one member in particular tapping his watch.  “Fuck.”  I push my way through the crowd almost laughing out loud when I hear Georgia say to Foster, “So who are your friends?” 

Just to grab his attention, I trot back to him and he lifts his brow as I rise up on my tiptoes and rub his head before placing a kiss on his lips.  “For luck!”  I call, barely getting out of his reach as he tries to grab my wrist.  Glancing over my shoulder, I blow him a kiss and he grins so I know I’m in trouble. 

You only live once, right?

Just to get back at him, the last song in our final set is Adam Lambert’s “For Your Entertainment.”  I love the sound of the whip and the theme.  It’s sexy and hot and I’m in the mood to make Foster squirm just as he’s done to me.  I work the
mic, rubbing and running my hands up and down the stand.  I spread out my right leg and bend my left knee raising my skirt to all new dangerous levels.  Rising up I run my right hand up my thigh as I stand.  I catwalk across the stage, working the crowd until my back is pressing up against my guitar player.  He knows what I want him to do, so he presses his back to mine so that I can squat and rise lowering my head and tossing my hair, throwing back my head as I scream. 

I don’t know how I know, but I can hear Foster’s laugh at my song choice all the way up on the stage and my insides go all warm and fuzzy as the crowded club roars with applause and praise. 

“Thanks guys!” I say into the microphone.  “You’re always awesome!”  I hold up both hands.  “Love ya, see ya next week.”  Everything goes black as I turn and walk quickly off the stage waving at the crowd turning in time to press my palms against Foster’s hard stomach.  My head flies up, my eyes widen, my mouth falls open. 

, darlin’.”  His hands span my waist, his thumbs touching at my navel, his meaning clear. 

I take two steps back.  “I’m tired.”  I fake a yawn into my hand.

His gaze grows more intense.  “You will be, sweetheart, ’cause I’m gonna wear you slap out.” 

I squeal loudly as he curls his long fingers around my wrist, bends at the waist with his shoulder to my belly, and heaves me up and over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold and carries down the stairs.  “I’m tired of you
tossin’ out your teasing glances for weeks on end.  I’m gonna do something about it.”  He says it in such a matter-of-fact way that I don’t know what to think and I definitely can’t think of a valid comeback.  Truthfully, I want exactly what he’s throwing at me.

“Hey,” I squeal again as I pound lightly on his back.  “Let me down.” 

“Not on your life.”  His large hand covers the important parts of my ass so I’m not flashing too much to too many people.  The warmth of his palm on my practically naked derriere feels delicious and I have to squeeze my legs together to ease the flagrant and sudden ache.

A nervous giggle bubbles up in my throat.  I can’t believe he’s carrying me through the club.  I pound on his back some more, not hard.  I don’t want to hurt him.  I giggle some more at the absurd idea that I think I could possibly hurt him.  “Someone will see us,” I hiss into his back.

“I don’t give a fuck.”  And the tone of his voice proves that to be true.

I clear my throat.  “I work here,” I add hoping that will help him see reason.

“So do I,” he quickly counters.

Okay, that’s true.  He does work here as well.  “Where are you taking me?”  My voice wavers slightly.  This is definitely the last place I thought I’d find myself tonight, slung o
ver some caveman’s shoulder. 

“To my office,” he says straightforwardly like I should have known it all along.  Why would I have known this?  Did he sign my checks?  Oh, I pause in my internal rant for a minute.  Perhaps he does.  I mentally look at the checks I’ve cashed but don’t remember every looking at the signature line.  I’ve never looked that closely before
.  Oh, shit
.  Does he sign my paychecks?

I leverage myself up with his back, my palms flat, my arms straight and look at him as he glances over his shoulder.  “You have an office?”

“I’m part owner of this club, Hailie,” he replies, as he strokes his hand up and down my thighs.

“I didn’t know that,” I say softly, surprise evident in my tone.

“’Cause you didn’t bother to ask babe.” He shrugs and I bounce atop his shoulder.  His fingers squeeze my thigh firmly to minimize the jostling.

“What are we
gonna do in your office?” 
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.

“I’m g
oing to fuck you on my desk so that when I’m doing paperwork tomorrow afternoon, and the next day, and the next, I can picture your naked body sprawled across the top and smell your scent.” 

Wow.  Wasn’t expecting that
.  My breathing speeds up, but I try my best to mask the excitement skittering down my spine.  “I never said you could fuck me,” I inform him haughtily.

“You did, sweetheart.”  His lips twitch in amusement which raises my ire and I don’t know why. 

I want him to fuck me.  I don’t know why I’m fighting it so hard.  I should just get naked so we can do the nasty on his desk and give him a sweet memory, but no, I have to be rowdy.  Starting fights and shit.  I mentally shrug.  That’s what I do, start fights and shit.  I figure why change bad habits this late in the game. 

“In about a million different ways,” he adds with laughter lacing his words.

“No I didn’t.”  I barely manage, growing dizzy as the blood rushes to my head because I’m too turned on to take in a big enough breath to ease the pain in my lungs from the lack of oxygen.

“Now I know what the Bible meant when it mentions contentious women,” I hear him muttering this like he’s talking to himself which I find rather amusing.  

, now you’re talking about Bible scriptures in the same breath as telling me you’re gonna fuck me on your desk?”  I roll my eyes, but inside I’m chuckling.  “I’ve heard it all.”  But if I’m honest with myself, I can’t wait for him to thrust what I know is going to be a glorious cock inside me.  I’m getting all moist and hot and moist just with the thought.

“There’s no way in hell you’re
gonna scare me off with this tough girl act.”  He laughs openly, loud and hearty.  “In fact I find it a major turn-on.”

“You do?”  An exasperated groan clears my throat.

He moves his hand, his fingers sliding between my thighs and he growls.  “Oh yeah.”  He smacks my ass again and then rubs soothing circles over my heated flesh.  “Gonna like this a lot.”

I make a frustrated noise in the back of my throat.  “Ooh…Foster.”  I growl, even though secretly anticipation sizzles to my core.

He chuckles.  “Reserve your energy, Hailie.”  I can feel the heat in his voice as goose bumps pop up all down my arms.  I figure the only good thing besides being carried to his office for a good fucking is the fact that I get to watch his sexy ass move as he carries me there.  “I’ve got better things for you to expend it on.”

“I just bet you do,” I mutter.

He swats my ass again and my eyes fly open very wide.  This one actually stings a little bit more, I wriggle my belly against his shoulder and it zings.  Heat blossoms in its wake.  I wonder if he’ll do that again.

He chuckles and I hit his back again.  “Don’t worry,
Hailie, I like it rough.”

I growl again.

We make it to his office and I wait, rather impatiently for him to open the door and walk through, shut and lock the door.  Releasing my thighs he tugs me over his shoulder and lets me slide down his hard body until my feet hit the floor.  I want to say,
do it again!  Do it again! 
He’s so hard and hot and I could feel all of the bulges and ridges of his muscles as I slid down his body, including the thick steel rod between his legs.

“My little rock star’s impatient.”  He bends to kiss me, his arms wrap around my waist lifting me completely off the ground.  His lips grind almost painfully against mine, rough, deep, and wet.  One hand rises and slides around my nape holding my mouth exactly where he wants it. 

I let out a deep moan in my throat inadvertently giving him the go ahead.

His lips quirk and heat pools low in my belly as he once again allows me, yes, I said allows me to slide down his hard body, past his even harder cock and settle on my feet.  My eyes close as I take deep breaths and work at warding off the dizziness from lack of oxygen. 
Boy, this man can kiss.

“Take your panties off,
Hailie,” he orders in a rough voice, his breathing now shallow

His eyes are merciless as he gazes at me clearly used to issuing orders.  “Leave the fuck-me shoes on.”  That deep stare and his low, raspy voice transforms his simple words into something wicked and sinful that has my nipples throbbing and heat pooling between my legs.  I know he knows I’m not gonna fight it, so why fight it?

Honestly, I don’t want to protest.  Argue.  Scream.  I am not even putting up anything that even resembles a fight.  Reaching beneath my dress, the air brushes cool against my hot skin, and tugging my sopping wet panties from my pussy, I slide them over my hips, shimmying them down my legs and as they reach my knees, Foster squats down in front of me and finishes the task.  He holds the thin scraps of silk to his nose and inhales. 

“Fuck yeah.”  His devastating grin flashes, halting every single protest.  “You’re ripe for me, Hailie.”  His nostrils flare.  Lust rages in his eyes and in his expression, sparking a burning flame in my womb and fanning it to an inferno, so fixed is his gaze at the pale flesh revealed.

He pushes my legs wider, leaning in and swipes his tongue along the crease of my thigh and my pussy.  He places his hands on either side, his fingers touching my swollen labia and I jerk.  He spreads them revealing the glistening bright pink skin.  “Pretty.”  His tongue whips out gliding over my slickness and my knees buckle a little.   Without much effort on his part, I can
already smell the musky scent of my arousal in the air.  He rubs his nose in the V of my thighs before giving my plump pussy a long lick and a deep shudder overtakes my body.

BOOK: Drunk Girl's Fantasies Bundle: 3 Short Story Collection (Restless, Reckless & Rowdy) (The Intoxicating Trio)
10.19Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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