Drunk Girl's Fantasies Bundle: 3 Short Story Collection (Restless, Reckless & Rowdy) (The Intoxicating Trio) (7 page)

BOOK: Drunk Girl's Fantasies Bundle: 3 Short Story Collection (Restless, Reckless & Rowdy) (The Intoxicating Trio)
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“Don’t you think I should be asking you that question?”  He clenches his jaw as if he’s in pain.  I know I’m in pain, so I understand the feeling.  My skin hurts it’s so sensitive.  The mere touch of our cl
othing, his body, his hands on that sensitive organ is almost painful as he covers my quivering body.

I only have to tilt my head back a fraction to look him square in the eye.  Big mistake.

Why does he have to be so hot?  Okay, stupid thought.  Would I even be in this predicament if he wasn’t hot?  Nah, probably not.

I keep staring, but I’m not stupid.  I keep my mouth firmly closed.  Let me amend that.  I keep my mouth closed for approximately three seconds until my tongue peeks out again to wet my suddenly dry lips and my teeth start to worry my bottom lip nervously.

“Stop that,” he growls.

My eyes flash, and not a good way flash.  Well maybe just a tad in a good way; the rest of the way is pure unadulterated anger at his high-handedness and manhandling.

“Let me go, Jake,” I murmur softly because that’s about all I can manage at this point.

happenin’, sweetheart.”  His voice deepens to an even more masculine growl, his lips quirk up on one side.  “I hear you’re doing well.”

His change of topic confuses me for a moment, so it takes another moment for my brain to process what he just said.  “Who have you heard that from?” I ask, even though I know the answer.

“My parents.”  He shrugs.  “Your Parents.  I told you we have dinner sometimes when I’m in town.”

“Oh.”  My brow furrows.  “I know you’re doing well.  See you on TV all the time.”

“I’ve been kept informed of your life, Georgie Porgy.”  I watch his eyes smile.

“Please stop calling me that.”  I close my eyes and sigh as waves of pleasure wash over my body.  I remember that smile.  I remember what it means.  I know I’m in big, big, super-duper big trouble.  With a capital S-D-B-T and for good measure a dollop of whipped cream and a
glistening shiny cherry on top with a stem long enough to actually tie in a knot with your tongue. 

I take that moment to count to ten and crack open one eye only to find that sexy, cocky grin still plastered on his face.  “What now?”  My words come out husky and once again I want to kick some sense into myself.

He shakes his head and kisses my jaw, nibbling and licking down my neck.  My pulse beats madly against his lips as he cups my breasts.  I shudder and go soft all at the same time.  His mouth and hands pure bliss and just what the doctor ordered. 

…now I remember why I’m here. 
Operation Jake Mitchell Fuck Fest.

My nipples are so tight they
’re poking out through the thin material of my dress.  As he begins playing with them I let out a soft moan and strain against him.  He rubs his cock against me as his hand begins skimming down my body making its way to the hem of my obscenely short dress.   

“Where’d they go?” 

I groan when I hear Ashley’s loud voice just when we’re getting to the good stuff.  I know what she’s trying to do.  She’s trying to warn me that they’re on their way to our hiding place.

Jake lets out a strangled groan. 

“Why are you asking me, I was in the restroom with you, duh?” Hailie retorts sarcastically.

Their good-natured arguing makes me smile and once again I try to jerk away from him.  “Step back, Jake.”  I place my palms flat against his chest and push once again but it does no good.  “Come on Jake.” 

He shakes his head in amusement, his arms tighten around me and he’s silent for a beat.  “We’re not done.” 

“Oh, there you are,”
Hailie yells stumbling to a stop as her and Ashley round the corner.  “Ooh…”

My back stiffens as they round the corner.  “Move,” I grit out close to Jakes ear.  Fuck, why does he have to smell so damn good?  When did race car fumes, oil, and gasoline become an aphrodisiac?  Unfortunately I know the answer to that.  The minute Jake Mitchell sat behind the wheel of one of those damn cars and pushed down on the gas pedal.  I draw in a deep fortifying breath.  “Jake please,” I say quietly, almost begging. 

He stares down at me; his eyes deepen to a brilliant emerald. 

“We’re not interrupting anything, are we?”  Ashley’s hand is over her mouth stifling a  giggle.

Thank God. 
I let out a deep exhalation of relief at their interruption.

Jake takes one step back, dropping his hands from bracketing my head against the wall and takes one more step back pivoting to the girls with one of his devastatingly sexy smiles that has always made anyone caught in its path forget what they’re doing or where they’re going.

“Ladies.”  He nods his head like guys do in that cocky manner like ‘hey’.

stares at Jake then makes a swiping motion with her hand near her mouth with raised brows.

My hands rest on my hips and watch the whole exchange with the hint of a smile on my lips as Jake rolls his eyes and swipes at his mouth with his forearm removing some of my red lipstick from his lips. 

Oh well, time to move on, unfortunately Jake has other plans. 

Twisting around, he leans over and brushes a hard kiss to my lips.  Lifting his eyes that are glittering in a mysterious way he says in a low voice, “Not done by a long shot
.”  His deep voice pulls at me and I stare at him, our eyes locked.

He winks, turns, and saunters away in a loose jointed, sexy walk with three sets of eyes glued raptly to his hard ass.

Ashley sighs.


I let out a groan. “Fuck,” I mutter under my breath.

“Damn right, chica,” Hailie throws in for good measure and Ashley seconds.





“He hasn’t called,” I reply into the phone that I have propped between my ear and my shoulder as I make a sandwich for my lunch the very next day. 

“It’s a lost cause.”  I listen to her rant and rave rolling my eyes all the while.  “So he kissed me.” 
Blah, blah, blah. 
“He didn’t want anything else.  He was just fuckin’ with me.”

“I just know.”  It’s
kinda pissing me off, because I want more. 

“I don’t want to talk to you anymore,

“No I’m not going anywhere; I have a date with my TV and my ham sandwich and chips.”

“No I didn’t forget the pickle.” 

“If you would find your own man, you wouldn’t need to try and live vicariously through me.”

“No I didn’t mean that I have a man, I only meant…”  I hate it when she interrupts me.  “I’m hanging up now,” I drag out in a sing-songy voice.

“I’m really hanging up now.”  I pause when I hear a knock on my door.  “Someone’s at the door, I really am hanging up now,
Hailie.  Kisses.”   After disconnecting the call, I immediately sit my plate down on the counter and walk to the front door.

Peeking out the peep hole to see who is on the other side I stop dead in my tracks and stop breathing.  Not a figure of speech.  I mean literally for about ten seconds I stop breathing. 
I close my eyes finally taking a deep breath and count to ten.  As I open them, I peek out again and my shoulders immediately droop.  This is real.  Of course it can’t be a dream and every butterfly in the world decides at that moment to migrate to my belly, their wings fluttering uncontrollably in my stomach at this very moment.

Glancing down at my gray, baggy as hell, sweatpants, white ribbed tank top, braless boobs, and bare feet. 
I mutter, my eyes lift up staring at the ceiling.  Can I get a fuckin’ break here!

After opening the door, I cross my arms over my chest but not before Jake gets an eyeful of puckered nipples.

He raises his eyes and I notice the all too obvious shit-eating grin.  “Nice to see you too, Georgie.”  He doesn’t even wait for me to invite him in, he just steps forward and walks me backwards until he’s able to kick back with his booted foot and close the door.  The next thing I hear is the sound of the lock twisting.


His brow lifts.  “Now we’re gonna talk, darlin’.” 

“No need,” I huff.

“Oh there’s a need.”

“No there’s not,” I state.  “Because I’ve changed my mind.  Big waste of my time going to the track yesterday.”  I turn and stomp back into the living room throwing myself onto my thick walnut leather chair and slam my heels down on the matching ottoman.  My arms cross over my chest as a deep frown etches across my face.

He doesn’t waste any time, he prowls, sits down near my leg and pushes me over until he can scoot back against the back and pulls me into his lap in well-orchestrated movements, like he’s done this a million times and wraps his arms around me.  “No sense in wasting any more time, sweetheart.”

My body freezes and an excited buzz runs up my back at the feel of his hardness against my softness.  I stay silent, stiff in his arms waiting to see what he does next.  I don’t want him to realize that I’m about to lose control and jump his bones.  I really don’t.  It will make me appear
weak, and I definitely can’t show weakness to Jake.  He’ll pounce on that like a woman on a diet on a giant piece of chocolate.  Can’t happen.  Won’t let it. 

Jake’s arm snakes even further around my waist and pulls me back even tighter against his body.  I move cautiously trying to extricate myself from his arms but they just get tighter which I’m not even for sure how that’s even possible.  I can barely breathe as it is now. 

“Sit still and enjoy, Georgie.”  He buries his face in the crook of my neck.  “Come on, Georgie, can’t I sit here and just take it all in for a minute?”

I don’t know what he means, so it freaks me out so I struggle even more, but only manage to lodge myself deeper into his intriguing nooks and crannies.  “Jake, please.”  Why does my voice have to sound desperate and breathy? 

“Please what?” He leans in and nuzzles my neck and I jerk at the touch of his lips behind my ears knowing with one hundred percent accuracy that had I been standing, I would have fallen to the ground in a giant heap. 

“You’re not being very nice.”  I purse my lips in annoyance sitting stiff as a board; my hipbone presses hard into his thigh which I know has to be very uncomfortable for him.  Of course he’s got hard things pressing into me, and I’m not complaining.

His eyes fall to my lips again.  “Maybe I’m not in a very nice mood.”

“Go to hell.”  He just grins, which only manages to piss me off at a higher level and why at this time do I have to find a man who is extremely observant?  What a bunch of shit.

“What were you doing at the race track, sweetheart?”

“Nothing.”  I let out a heavy sigh which is a total accident.

His arm tenses.  “Bullshit.”  His gaze drops to my mouth and I can’t help but smile which irritates me and my body stiffens. 

“I was visiting my dad.” 
Lie.  Lie.  Lie.
  My nose should be a mile long by now.

“Right,” he scoffs, the corners of his lips turn up.  “Dressed like a million bucks?”

“It was just a dress and high heel shoes.” 

“It was a fuck-me dress and fifteen hundred dollar fuck-me high heel shoes.”

I turn and stare at him.  “How do you know my shoes cost fifteen hundred dollars?” I breathe out the question.

He looks me in the eyes and says, “I just know.”   He smiles at me. 

I keep staring at him starting to feel even warmer all over.  He has such a fabulous smile. 

“I know you’re a buyer for a huge department store.”  His mouth goes to my neck and tingles skitter down my spine.  “I know you have dinner with your parents twice a month.”  His tongue snakes out and licks behind my ear and I let out a soft moan.  “I know you’ve never been married.”  He nips at my earlobe and I go all
melty inside.  “I know you don’t currently have a boyfriend.”

It takes every ounce of strength I possess to lean forward pulling away from his hot, distracting mouth and ask, “Have you been interrogating my parents?”

“No.”  I feel his shrug.  “We talk like normal people do.  We have conversations when we have dinner.”

My eyes narrow.

“They keep me informed.”  His green eyes crinkle at the corners.


“Georgia, I’m a very patient man.  I’m in no hurry here,” he says quietly.  His arm wraps around me and he turns me to him.  I have to lift my left leg and bend my knee to face him comfortably.  “I know everything about you and I’m not going to pretend I don’t like what I know.”

What he says astonishes me, stuns me.  I try to move, to stand up, but he won’t allow it.  His arm tightens around my waist and he won’t let go.  “You do?” 

“If I could kick the shit out of myself I would.”

“You would?”  I ask on a rush of air.

“Yep.”  He pushes back a wisp of my hair that’s escaped from my ponytail.  “I was an idiot.  A fucking horny idiot who needed someone to stick his dick in and who he really wanted wasn’t there so I had to improvise.”

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