Drunk Girl's Fantasies Bundle: 3 Short Story Collection (Restless, Reckless & Rowdy) (The Intoxicating Trio) (10 page)

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“Is that what they call it these days?”  Georgia laughs and looks around me to raise her eyebrows at Ashley and they fist bump each other.  They actually fist bump like it’s cool.

Ashley looks back at Foster and then drags her gaze back to me like it’s a hard thing to do.  “I think Georgia had the right idea when she came up with her fantasy.  Fuck fest.”

“Whatever.  You are not having
with Foster.”

They look at each other again which is starting to get my blood boiling. 
I repeat loudly.  “So quit drooling.”

Georgia raises her brow and Ashley smirks. 
Honest to God, their weirdness is bizarre
and is starting to make me nervous.

Rolling my eyes at them both, I turn back to the door and right into his line of sight.  His mouth lifts in a
fuckin’ hot grin making my insides flip around and tie into little knots as my body begins to leak like I’m broken and need a good tune-up.  “I want more than a fuck fest.”

“That’s good.”   Ashley grins at me.  “I think he might want a fuck fest with you.”

“He’s never said a word.”  I shake my head.

“So,” Ashley retorts.  “It’s not as if we’re living in the middle ages
Hailie, you say the word.”  She wriggles her eyebrows.  “I bet he’d find it sexy if you made the first move.”

“Yeah, I’ll get right onto that.”  Rolling my eyes, I let out a little sigh.

“Next she’ll be saying he’s cute.”  Georgia laughs as she looks at me in an almost challenging glare.

cute,” I argue.

“Are we in junior high?”  Georgia asks.

I turn to her.  “You don’t think he’s cute?”

“Honey, I’ve got a lot of adjectives running around in my mind right now that describe him and cute
ain’t one of ‘em.”  Georgia fans herself with a cocktail napkin.

“Or she’ll be saying he’s as
sweet as pie
,” Ashley adds.

“He is sweet,” I quickly retort.

“She’s got it bad,” Ashley adds.

“Yep,” Georgia agrees.

“Bartender,” Ashley calls.  “Another Amaretto sour and make it a double this time.” 

Turning back to the bar, I drag my gaze away from his.  For some reason it feels like it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.

I do have it bad for him but they don’t have to hark on it so much and be super obvious about the whole thing.

“Don’t look now,” Georgia whispers really close to my ear.  As I begin to turn my head she hisses,
“I said don’t look!”

Almost instantly I feel a sudden heat surrounding me and a voice that is both gruff and sexy.  Almost rough like he doesn’t use it very often.  I like it.  Shivers skate down my spine and head straight to my clit making me squirm a bit.  I want to rub myself and let it take its natural course spinning out of control right here on my bar stool, no I think that’s a
fuckin’ lie.  If I lose control I want it to be with his mouth on me and/or his cock deep inside as his thick, sweaty, hotter than hell body pumps above me as my fingers trace the picture that covers his body and tells a story that I’m dying to read.  The pictures will let me know who he really is.

Sucking in a breath I can’t help but know that he feels it, that’s how close he is.  His thick muscled
pecs are pressing against my back and the only material between us is the thin cotton of his tight-fitting black T-shirt.

How did I miss that?  His nipples are pierced and with that notion, I release more fragrant cream, soaking the thin, transparent silk of my panties that swath my pussy.  No way in hell I’m not squirming now.

“Easy babe,” his breath is so hot.  Obviously, I’m not hiding how he’s affecting me very well.

I melt.

His big hand slides beneath the side of my dress, skims my midriff and barely touches the underside of my braless breast before lying flat against my belly and presses even more snugly against my back.  Finding and playing with the dangling ring decorating my flesh, he flicks it with his callused fingertip before pressing his finger deep into my navel, swirling it in small and lazy circling motions.  The part that’s making me stiffen is how the tip of his little finger keeps knocking at the lace at the band of my panties.

His touch is a complete surprise but there’s no way in hell I’m gonna fight it.  I love the roughness of his hands, abrasive, delicious, but I don’t know what to really think.  He’s never touched me before tonight.  Not even a quick tap, handshake, or even put his arm around my shoulder in a joking or friendly manner.  Nothing.  Now I think I know why.  I would have gone up in flames if he had!  I can’t help but make a little sound in my throat, one of immense desperation and arousal.  This can’t be good.

My head drops back and as I look up into his face, my knees grow wobbly at the smoldering look he’s giving me. 
Good Lord
.  His eyes are warm, smiling in their own way and hot.  Thank goodness I’m sitting or I’d probably be flat on my ass right now.  “Foster,” I greet him like this is an everyday occurrence, like he puts his hands inside my clothing all the time.  Casual.  Nonchalant.  But I feel anything but.  I can’t stop myself from pressing into him.  He just smiles before incredibly touching his lips to mine. 
That’s a first.
Oh my God, he tastes so delicious and yummy.  I grin moaning into his mouth.

Hailie,” he replies before gesturing to the bartender and my heart begins to beat a bit faster. 

“These are my friends, Ashley and Georgia.”  My voice comes out all breathy which is quite embarrassing and to top it off, I can hear Ashley and Georgia’s whispers of praise, which means I know he can too. 

“Ladies,” he tosses his greeting out smoothly.

“Foster,” they both say at the same time.  Ashley
claps her hand over her mouth in a not-so-very-successful effort to stifle a fit of laughter and Georgia mouths,
He’s so fuckin’ hot!

He leans back against the bar facing me.  One elbow flat
his feet crossed at the ankles and his eyes on me.  Ignoring all the shit spewing from Ashley and Georgia, I can see a hint of laughter in his eyes. 

wanna drink, Foster?”  I lift my mixed drink high in the air.

He touches his mouth to mine again and my stomach jumps.  It’s an,
I just won an Olympic gold
, tingly thing.   “Got one babe.”  He reaches around my body with his right hand and snags the bottle of water that magically appears in front of me on the bar.

“You don’t drink?”

“Not on duty.”

Gotta be alert to crack some skulls?” I tease, taking a sip of my Amaretto sour through my little cocktail straw.

g like that.”  His blue eyes crinkle at the corners in a manner I find beguiling.  I really love that word.  It draws a smile from me.  His eyes focus on my mouth again, then lower.

Looking down I notice my nipples jutting hard against the soft jersey material. 
Just great!

He bends, his mouth brushing my ear, his breath hot against my skin making my toes curl.  “Nice.”  All the air empties my body. 

He straightens and turns towards Ashley and Georgia.  “Ladies.”  His left hand slides out of my dress and he saunters away.  I mean like really fuckin’ saunters like he just got some and it was the best he’s ever had instead of just coping a feel. 

“Are you
fuckin’ kiddin’ me!” Georgia explodes excitedly.

Ashley slides off the barstool and dances around
, swiveling her hips and all while wearing her five-inch stilettos. 
“Go girl.  Go girl.  Go girl.” 

Georgia turns me to face her by grabbing my knee.  “I thought you hadn’t talked to him?”

“I haven’t.  Not really.”  Sounding slightly put out.

Ashley leans in close with her back to the room.  “That sure looked like more than talk.”

“Oh my God, you lied to us,” Georgia hisses.  “You’ve totally fucked him.”

Warmth floods my face.  “No I haven’t.” 

Suddenly a shadow crosses us and my heart stops. 

“She hasn’t,” Foster assures.  

My head shoots up and I glare at him before I close my eyes tight and wish myself anywhere but here.  Unfortunately, I left my ruby slippers at home and
, this shit never works the way it does in the movies.

“Not yet,” he adds, his voice deep, gravelly, and ultra-sexy.  “And believe you me; I would remember if I had a piece of that fine ass.”

“Foster!”  My eyes open wide, shooting daggers his direction, but they aren’t doing their job.  He’s still standing instead of lying in a pool of blood at my feet.  Figuratively speaking, of course.

Georgia claps her hands over
her mouth, her eyes wide and dancing and Ashley snorts, nearly choking on her drink.

“All the guys feel the same way.”

I glance over Foster’s shoulder to see Graham, one of the other bouncers, standing just a little behind me to my left.  “What are you guys talking about?”  He’s always hung around when my friends were at the bar.  Who could blame him, they’re gorgeous.

fuckin’ hot, Hailie.”  Graham rolls his eyes as if there’s something wrong with me.

fuckin’ true,” Georgia cuts in.

I throw up my arms.  “Fine.  I’m
fucking hot!”  Although on the inside I’m fucking cussing up a storm. 

Ashley leans in with a shit-eating grin.  “So you think you’re hot?”  She teases me.

“I’m gonna kill you,” I growl and she busts out laughing.  “I’ve got to go.”  I blurt out, my impatience palpable.  I slide off my stool onto my six inch heels, two inch hidden platform leopard print pony hair booties.  Fierce.  They give me a slight boost of confidence that I need at this moment.  “I’ve gotta get outta here.”  I point to the stage.  “The band is back.  I need to rock before I get nauseous with all this testosterone getting thrown around willy-nilly.”

“Willy-nilly?”  Foster’s eyes crinkle at the corners again. 
Fuckity fuck fuck.

I push at his chest.  “Yeah, willy-nilly.”  I turn and walk away.

My wrist’s tagged before I make it very far and I’m twisted around and thrown up against a rock-hard chest and flat, sexy abs making my nipples begin to tingle at the touch of his body through my clinging jersey knit dress.  My head falls back as I glare up at him with my eyebrows pulled together somewhat confused and aroused.

One arm snakes around my waist sneaking his fingertips into the side of my dress again while his other hand slides slowly up my arm until laying his palm flat against my jaw.  His thumb skims over my bottom lip.  His lips hover less than an inch from mine and I stop breathing.  “I really have no desire to beat one out on my own tonight,
Hailie.”  The intensity of his gaze sends a shudder down my spine.

Heat is roaring through me and not in a bad way.  “Did you just say that to me?” I hiss.

His mouth turns up in a lopsided grin that makes my belly do flippy-floppy things and heat flares in his beautiful blue eyes.  “I said it loud and clear, sweetheart.”  He covers my mouth with his, it’s hot, deep, and demanding.  My lips part and his tongue sweeps in.  My nipples bunch hard, crafting an ache of the likes I’ve never felt before.  And it’s sweet. 

He takes a step back sliding his hand from my dress. 
His eyes now focus between my thighs where the hem of my dress has ridden even higher on the top of my legs.  Jerking his gaze back to mine, his blue eyes burn with a hidden flame, giving him a sensual, warrior like appearance and spins me around on my spikey heels.  “Go get ‘em, tiger.”  I hear a grin in his voice as he swats the left cheek of my ass hard making me do a little hop stopping on my toes before my heels touch the floor again.  The pleasurable pain generates additional liquid at the juncture of my thighs as he nudges me forward with the flat of his hand at the base of my spine.

I stop abruptly, not turning; my voice comes out sounding as if he’s strangled me instead of kissed me.  “Leopard.”  I glance over my shoulder to see him leaning negligently against the bar on one elbow with his black biker booted feet crossed with the silver chains glinting in the low club lights.  With one arm bent, he takes a large swallow from a new water bottle. 

I can’t look away from him and his eyes haven’t strayed from me in the slightest. 

Looking at him intently, I see the curve of his cheek lift as one corner of his mouth quirks.  My tongue peeps out to wet my suddenly dry lips as his Adam’s apple bobs with each
pull of the bottle.  Slowly, he lowers the bottle and replaces the cap sitting it back on the bar.  “Break a leg, babe.”

Fuck.  Fuck.  Fuck
.  Fantasy be damned.  He’s an arrogant
sonofabitch.  A sexy as hell, arrogant, cocky as a motherfucker sonofabitch.

His chuckle low and dark. 

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