Dying by the Hour (A Jesse Sullivan Novel Book 2) (21 page)

BOOK: Dying by the Hour (A Jesse Sullivan Novel Book 2)
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Then I hang up on “my friend.”

“What will you have?” The barista has a little hook ring in his nose, enough to make me think of Ally. What would Ally do to convince this Liza girl to talk to me?

“A small mocha, please,” I say. And then he asks for my name. Je—anna.”


“Anna,” I say. “Just Anna.”

He scribbles my name on the side of a cup in black sharpie. As the machines whirl and click I try to think of the best way to approach Liza. But when the barista puts the coffee in my hand, I still don’t have a solid plan.

Well, now or never.

I plop into the seat opposite her. “Hey, Liza. I’m Jesse.”

The first look of panic crosses her face and I realize I’ve already killed Anna. What a short and sweet life she had. A car ride to tiny town in Ohio and a mocha. The End. But what will become of her brother and that crazy wife of his? Who knows?

I barrel on. “I’m not here to hurt you. I’ve got NRD too. And I know Caldwell is looking for you and you aren’t safe. My AMP friend drew you dead—”

She bolts at the word

“Awww, shit,” I say, scrambling after her. “But I’m here to prevent that from happening!”

I drop my mocha, for which the barista yells at me, and run after her.

It’s coming. The panic, the fear that if I don’t stop her, she’ll end up dead for sure. Not that I can replace her or anything if Caldwell showed up now, but I’m hoping I can still help. She’s Caldwell’s number 1 threat after all. And I know exactly how Caldwell handles his threats.

And then it happens. The electric fire rolls over my skin and
out from me in a wave.

The shopping center stops. One moment it is alive and the next,
, like someone threw the switch, just like when I killed my house and everything went still and silent in a heartbeat.

A few people climb out of their cars, confused. The light at the intersection is dark and I’m pretty sure the reason the electronics guys have come out is because I’ve zapped them too.

I’ve never covered this much distance before. I’m not sure if I should be impressed or terrified. It has to be at least fifty feet. One man lifts his car hood to check something and a few others climb out of their cars, looking back at them with puzzled expressions.

The only good thing that happens is Liza slows down to a jog and then stops completely.

Only a heartbeat later she turns and runs at me. For a second I just watch her come. Just a simple
oh good, I won’t have to run that far
crosses my mind. Then I realize she is trying to catch me.

I turn and run away.

“No wait. Wait!” she says.

I don’t because my instinct is to run when being chased by someone with a crazy gleam in their eyes. Of course she catches me because I can’t run to save my life.

She keeps pace beside me but doesn’t try to grab me or anything. “Did you do this?”

She’s gesturing at the remains of the parking lots, the stalled cars clotting the pavement, and the colorless streetlight waving ahead at the intersection.

“Yeah, sometimes I—It just happens.”

She cuts me off. “You’re one of the partis.”

“Excuse me?”

But Liza doesn’t care what I’m saying. She looks away from me and speaks to herself. The way I do sometimes when I am thinking. “If you’re one of the partis then you aren’t lying. He wouldn’t work with you.”

“Part piss?”

She isn’t happy with my pronunciation. “The Par-

I arch an eyebrow. “What?”

“Like, I can see through anything.” She stands beside me with no fear now. Her cheeks are still a little flushed and her chest heaved with her elevated breathing.

“My clothes?”

“And your skin.”

I strike a pose. “How are my bones? Am I getting enough calcium?”

“You’ve broken a lot.”

“I’m a death replacement agent,” I say. “So I die a lot.”

Sirens wail in the distance and she turns toward the sound. “We can’t stay here.”

She’s right of course. And I know that if the others can’t get their car to work, neither will I. Well, Anna is dead anyway. Might as well abandon her car.

“My hotel is close,” I say. “We won’t have to walk far.”




Liza asks me
a lot
of questions as we walk A lot of questions about
: when did I first die? How? When did my powers show up? Why did they show up?

By the time we finally see Gloria’s face, I’m foot sore and exhausted. My thighs are already starting to stiffen from chasing Liza. Our room is warm compared to the chill of the September afternoon. My bed in particular is soft and inviting in the lamp’s soft glow, as Gloria has the shades pulled tight.

I quickly catch Gloria up on our meeting at the coffeehouse and the subsequent parking lot fiasco while Liza looks around our room. She is particularly interested in Gloria’s sketches, the few she’d taped to the wall above the desk while I was gone. The second Gloria sees her looking, she takes them down and stuffs them back into her sketchbook protectively.

“Aren’t you worried about housekeeping?” Liza asks. She’s completely unfazed by the fact that some of those pictures were of

“We keep the Do Not Disturb sign on the door,” I say.

“Smart,” she says and takes a seat on the end of my bed, bouncing.

“Liza thinks I’m part piss.”

Liza’s ears turn red. “Par

“A part of what?” Gloria asks. When I raise an eyebrow at her recognition of the word she adds. “
is latin for ‘a part of’.” She turns back to Liza. “What is she ‘a part of’?”

Liza shrugs, eyeing that sketchbook again. But Gloria has no intention of letting the girl have it. Liza looks away as if to prove she doesn’t care about the sketches.

“Do you think that’s why we’re on Caldwell’s list?” I ask. “Because of our abilities?”

She leans forward. “Caldwell has a list that you’ve
? How did you manage that?”

I don’t want to mention Brinkley just yet. “Yeah, it’s his death list, apparently. And you’re number 1 and I’m number 2. We figured you saw something in Philadelphia and that’s why you ran. We know about your handler.”

She reddens in the cheeks to match her ears. “They found the body in the river.”


“I kept moving,” she says. “I was taking my time, trying to throw them off my trail, you know?”


“The ones that killed my handler,” she says.

"The ones" is pretty vague. “Yeah, but did you get a good look at them? Anything that can help us identify them?”

“It was dark.”

Vague again.

“Why do you want to go to St. Louis?” Gloria asks. I don’t point out that Liza never said St. Louis.

She pauses. “There’s someone there that I want to meet.”

Gloria’s eyes narrow. “So you believe only certain NRD-positives are

“Yep.” She turns to me. “Do you know of any others with gifts?”

Gloria is the first to speak. “2% of the population has NRD. You’re looking at 140 million potential

“But there’s not really that many people with NRD,” I chime in. “The international branches of the Church have done a good job of implementing upon death head severance to prevent NRD in most developing countries. And with all the murders here—”

“And it doesn’t matter if there are a billion potential people,” Liza says with an elated grin. “The few partis will gravitate toward each other like planets in a star’s pull. We are meant to come together.” She turns and flashes me a sugary smile. “Just like Jesse and me.”

I open my mouth to tell Liza about Cindy and Rachel and Gloria grabs my wrist. Something she’s never done. It scares me, jolting my heart.

“We can’t escape Caldwell,” Liza says. She looks crazy—her tone and wide eyes not helping. “None of the partis can escape each other. We’ll all come together sooner or later.”

“How do you know Caldwell is partis? Have you seen him do something?”

Gloria shoves me back. My elbow connects with the side of the TV and shivers with the electric shock of hitting one’s funny bone on anything.

I yell in surprise.

Liza speaks to Gloria. “You see it, don’t you?”

“What—?” I start. Not only does my arm hurt, but now I am being left out of the conversation.

“I’d hoped we’d get more time to talk,” Liza says.

“We have plenty of time to talk,” I say. “Everyone just needs to calm down.”

Her grin is the kind of grin you’d give an idiot. She raises her fingers and Gloria jumps forward as if to grab the girl. But before Gloria can touch her, the snap comes.

Gloria stumbles, falls to her hands and knees. I scream, terrified.

“What did you do?” I scream. “What did you do?”

“This,” she says. She brings her fingers together again.



Like someone turned off the whole wide world.





When I wake up, I feel fine, which is better than the last few times I’d fallen into the hands of deranged nutbags. Better yet, I can see again.

“You’ve had an interesting life,” Liza says. She sits on the edge of the bed, flipping through Gloria’s sketchbook. Gloria is tied to the desk chair to my left. Liza pulls a page from the back of Gloria’s sketchbook and unfolds it for me to see. “Did this hurt?”

“Like hell,” I say, barely glancing at the image of Eve straddling my chest, grotesquely sawing off my neck. I’m less concerned with an attack that happened a year ago, and more concerned about this attack. I’m tied with my arms pulled behind my back and knotted with something I can’t quite recognize. A bed sheet maybe? It’s uncomfortable, but doesn’t bite my wrists like a rope or handcuffs would.

you survived,” she says. She squats in front of me and pulls at the T-shirt around my collar. “And I don’t even see a scar.” The moment her fingertips brush my throat, I yank my leg up between her legs and connected with her vag. She yelps and falls back against the opposite double bed laughing and groaning in turn.

“I should have known you’d fight. It’s how the

“I thought you just saw through things,” I say. “What’s with the snapping?”

Liza is holding her belly and laughing at me. “Did you think you were the only one?”

Did I? Well, no. I had suspicions about Rachel and Cindy. I’ve thought I was a freak ever since the shocky stuff started happening. And once it evolved into the pulse, I felt even weirder. Then this girl shows up and says she can see through stuff. That isn’t weird. That’s like Gloria. But the snap thing. The snap thing—

“You killed Jake,” Gloria says. She never took her eyes off of Liza. I might be freaking out, but Gloria is still focused. Glad one of us is.

“Who?” I ask. And
did we switch topics?

“She’s talking about my boyfriend,” Liza says before Gloria can speak again. “Ex, actually.”

“Why would you kill your boyfriend?”

“You have no idea what you are, do you?” she asks. “If you did, you wouldn’t ask me such a stupid question.”

“What am I?” I ask. I see small movements to my left and know Gloria is working on her restraint. The second she gets it free, we’ll be in
better shape.

And she turns completely toward Gloria. Gloria quits moving. “I can see everything,” Liza explains. “Not the future, like you. For me, everything is in real time.”

Gloria watches her. Since I know Gloria was a badass squad leader with the military before she’d volunteered for NRD testing, I know she’s probably thinking of a plan. And so I do my part to help.

I try for Liza’s attention. “Jake was
, wasn’t he?”

Liza smiles slowly. Something is happening. She holds up her finger and I think she’s about to snap again but it isn’t a snap. It’s
wait for it.

“Do you feel that?” she asks.

When I don’t immediately answer, the rumble grows. The whole hotel vibrates and a few pictures rattle then clink off the wall.

“You’re doing that?” I ask.

“All of the partis are unique. Though from what I saw, you’re a bit behind the rest of us. Your gift is pathetically underdeveloped. It’s almost not worth killing you for.”

“I’m a slow learner,” I say, offended. Kill me, she wants to

BOOK: Dying by the Hour (A Jesse Sullivan Novel Book 2)
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