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Authors: John L. Locke

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Pitjantjatjara people 66–7

Semai people 67–8

Adams, Samuel & Adams, Sarah 175

Addison, Joseph 151, 155

address, necessity in open-plan

communities 64

adultery 118–22

accusations of 137–8

in literature 195–6

testimony of 9–13

witnessed by servants 165–9, 179, 183–4

Adultery in the Novel
(Tanner) 195–6

alarm calls, animals listening for 42–3

Albergati Capacelli, Marquis Francesco 172

Alford, Violet 144

Allen, Anita 94, 101, 211

American Quarterly Review

L’amour à l’épreuve

analysis of others’ behavior 206

Anatomy of a Woman’s Tongue
(Harper) 139

animals 39

communications network 41–4

deception in 60

eavesdropping in 16, 45–6

entering their

group behavior 52–4, 59

interception of signals 40

mating rituals 43, 47, 48, 50

sex differences 54–7

sleeping places 62

stealth 48–9, 51

anthropology 21

Arbus, Diane 220

arcades in Paris 149–53,
, 159–60

Archea, John 71

Arendt, Hannah 94

arguments, open air 131

Ariès, Philippe 103



sleeping human as exhibit 32–3

and the temperament of the artist 214

Art of Keeping Wives Faithful, The

Asmodeus 13–14,

Athens, surveillance of others 111

attention and rank (and status) 20

Aubrey, John 200

Aurora Floyd
(Braddon) 176, 186

autobiographies 201–3

Autobiography; a Collection of the Most

Instructive and Amusing Lives Ever Published

(The Other) (Delahaye) 219

Babb, Mary 119–21


Bagehot, Walter 104

Balzac, H. de 148, 198–9

Barth, Frederik 62

Bashkirtseff, Marie 202

Bateson, Melissa 112

Baudelaire, Charles 9, 16, 21, 151

Baudouin, Pierre-Antoine

Baudrillard, Jean 215

Baumeister, Roy 105

Bearman, Peter 24

Benjamin, Walter 150, 155, 157, 159

Benn, Stanley 26

Biben, Maxeen 57

Billaud, J.

biographies 200–3

Bird-David, Nurit 68, 73


quiet song

theft 50–1

Blacklock, F. Gainsford 140

blackmail 113–16

Blackstone, Sir William 135, 172

Blind Woman

(Strand) 216–17,

blocking flow of information 21

blogging 190–1, 203

Bloustein, Edward 100, 102

Blumenthal, Danielle 199

Bok, Sissela 96

Bon Marché (department store) 160–1

Bosse, Abraham

Boswell, James 187

“botanizing” of people in Paris 156–7

Bott, Elizabeth 125

Boucicaut, Aristide 160

Braddon, Mary 176, 186

brain size

and deception 51–2

and monogamy 59

Brandeis, Louis 208–9

Brauer, Juliane 51

Breton, André 26

bridle, as a punishment for scolding 140–2,

Brief Anatomie of Women, A

Brief Lives
(Aubrey) 200

Briggs, Jean 64–6, 73–4

Brown, Mary Ellen 12, 199

Browne, Margaret 9–13

Brushfield, T. N. 141

Buford, Bill 16

buildings and ease of eavesdropping 130–2

burglary and invasion of intimate space 213

Caillebotte, Gustave 156

Calvino, Italo 216

Campbell, J. K. 93

Carpenter, Edmund 81

Cartier-Bresson, Henri 218

Casper, Scott 201

Castan, Nicole 124, 125

“charivaris” 143–7


church, encouraging surveillance of others 116–17

“civil inattention” 32

closed-circuit cameras 24

Collins, Billy 218

Commentaries on English Law
(Blackstone) 135


in newly domesticated settlements 90–1

network in the animal kingdom 41–4

Complete Servant, The
(Adams & Adams) 175

compulsion to eavesdrop 37

concealed eavesdropping 36

Controlling Misbehavior in England
(McIntosh) 129, 131

Cooley, Thomas 209

copulation cry 46, 49–50

Corbin, Alain 103

Corfield, Penelope 162

Cranz, Galen 162

Crawford, Patricia 134

crime, witnessing

La Croisée

cuckoldry, punishments for 146

Culley, Margo 201–2

curiosity and gender differences 124–5


(de Blaas)

Dabelsteen, Torben 49

Davis, Lennard 195

Davis, Natalie 144

Dawkins, Richard 189

Day at a Time, A
(Culley) 201–2

de Blaas, Eugene

de Blois, Robert 22–3

Debucourt, Philibert-Louis

deception in animals 60

Decety, Jean 60

Delahaye, Luc 219

Delany, Paul 95

Delaunay, Nicolas

Delvau, Alfred 148

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