Elemental Fear (24 page)

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Authors: Ada Frost

BOOK: Elemental Fear
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“Really? How? I’ve been going over this for days...I think if there was a solution, I would have already found it. Not you after spending five minutes reading the data sheets. It’s the samples that are temperamental
.” She snapped.

“Sorry...I...” I paused in pulling my coat over my shoulders.

“Is there a problem?” I spun around to see Alistair standing next to the spectrometer frowning at us both. “And did I not ask that you stay out of the lab whilst still wearing your cast Eve?”

I looked down at my pot and swallowed “Yes...sorry. I have it taken off tomorrow during my lunch hour, I just...”

“She thinks that she’s solved the problem we are having with the data Liam’s sending. She’s read

over the trend sheets and hasn’t even touched the sample. It’s just guess work, and wasting time we don’t have
.” She snapped.


“What did you think you found, because I assure you I’ve been down here the past few days looking over the readings myself and Liam is following protocol perfectly? Rebecca is right; it is the most temperamental product I think we have ever dealt with.” Alistair said holding out his hands in exasperation.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to presume...I just hypothesised...” I swallowed and my hands started shaking. The door to the lab opened and Johan walked in all his protective gear.

?” He asked looking from me to Alistair.

“Eve thinks she may have found the reason for our failed readings.” Alistair informed him.

“I don’t...I simply meant I may have found a starting point of where the problem may be...sorry that makes no sense. It’s...I don’t guarantee anything I just have a theory that I wanted to test” I looked at the floor as my cheeks heated. I had little confidence in nearly all things except my work ability.

“We’ve tried everything Eve...I doubt you will find –“

“Exactly we’ve tried everything we can think of, what harm will it do to give Eve the floor for a bit? If it fails it’s another added to the list of what not to try.” Johan looked up at the clock “I can help with the samples so she isn’t handling stuff with her cast,” he said speaking directly to Alistair.

“Fine, I agree it wouldn’t hurt, I suppose
.” He let out a loud sigh “This seriously has me stumped though. I’m baffled by it, truly I am.”

“Right well a fresh pair of eyes can’t harm. She’s fresh she hasn’t been staring at the same failed

results for the past week. Besides Dominic did say she’d be perfect one to sort it last week before he was sent back out there.” He nodded his head in my direction and my mouth gaped open.

“That’s true. Right well, get on with it then. The smallest change will help us out” Alistair said. I

offered a weak smile, and turned towards a work station. I didn’t miss the scowl Rebecca sent me. “Oh I need to go downstairs for something first, I won’t be long.” with that I quickly exited the

lab and practically ran down the hall.

After I had collected the things I needed I returned to the lab, Johan and Rebecca had their heads together in deep conversation, clearly over the most current results.

When I returned to the lab a few hours later, to check on the progress of my samples, both had finished their reaction so I put them into the extraction unit and configured the settings and left them to complete overnight.

Chapter 18


I opened the extractor to test the samples. My theory appeared to be correct as one sample had failed and one had worked perfectly. I had a failed and successful sample and that was exactly what I predicted because it was one step closer to proving my theory correct. I ran out of the lab and into Emily’s office to find the contact details of the apartment in Paris Dominic and Liam were staying at.

I dialed the number and waited.

“Hello?” answered a sexily gruff voice. I couldn’t hide my involuntary smile.


“Eve?” Dominic’s voice sounded worried.


“How are you? It’s so good to hear your voice

I ignored the giddy butterflies swarming around inside “I think I’ve figured out what’s been going wrong with the samples

?” He asked disbelieving.

“It’s not definite; I haven’t even asked Alistair permission to pass this information on. I prepared two test samples yesterday, ran the tests overnight and they came back exactly how I wanted. One failed one successful –“

“How does that help me? We know that the material can be prepared to specification in the UK, it’s here in Paris they keep fucking up...we just can’t –“

“Water...it’s the water
.” I interrupted.


“I was sitting reading the test sample results and watched the trends and the same thing occurred each time regardless of whether you changed the temperature or duration of the reaction time. The sample always came back unstable. Well I had this theory...I believe the calcium in the water is inhibiting the catalytic activity of the reaction process.” I announced proudly.

“But that makes no sense, we didn’t use de-mineralised water for the original test samples we

just used tap water – “

“Yes I know that, but I did a little research and the water in France has a slightly higher calcium and magnesium content than our water, depending on the region the calcium varies in content and some is much, much higher. So yesterday when I did my samples I made one with usual tap water and one with bottled water from a region of France. Guess which failed?”

The line was quiet for a while.

“Eve that’s brilliant,
Ealing-o’sinic is highly sensitive to Calcium, why the chuff did none of us think of this before.” He laughed.

I smiled and felt a great sense of achievement.

“Please...re-test the samples first before...don’t say anything just in case it doesn’t work. I’ve ruffled enough feathers as it is.” I said anxiously.

“I hope it does work, bloody hell I’m knackered.” I could hear the happiness in his voice I just hope it wasn’t going to be an epic fail.

“To run a sample to see if my theory is correct, tell Liam to drop some calgon into the water before he uses it, then run...” I paused when I heard a soft chuckle at the other end of the line. “What?”

“No...you carry on, you’re on a rol
l.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

.” I laughed “I just...I couldn’t believe it worked, I’m a little excited that I did it right.”

“You’re amazing. Right I’m going to go tell Liam to get started. I’ll –“

“Please don’t tell Alistair until the results are back, I know that’s wrong but I would just prefer –“ I asked.

“Not a problem. Listen I’m in meetings most of the day, so I’ll tell Liam to keep shtum about it. I forgot my charger for my phone so that died on me on the way over here, and Liam is worse than my bloody mother for gossiping so I’m not talking whilst he’s about. If you were wondering why I hadn’t text or anything...”

“Oh...okay no worries. Thank you.” I smiled.

“No thank you Eve
.” He was quiet for a while “How has everything else been?”

“Fine.” I said quietly.


“Will you tell Liam to let me know how the results go?”

“Yeah sure and thanks,” he said

“Bye Dominic

“Bye Eve



As planned I went to the hospital to have my cast removed. My metacarpal had healed perfectly, my hand felt a little weird without the heavy cast, when I had it on it didn’t feel heavy just bulky. But now my hand felt like it would float away. My skin was a little anemic looking from being covered up for numerous weeks. I would be happy to get back into the lab without upsetting Alistair.

I sat down at my desk checking the time. I opened my emails up to see if there was any

correspondence from Liam, nothing.

My desk phone rang.

“Good afternoon, Evelyn Beaumont

“Hi Eve, it’s Alistair. Can I see you in m office please?” I swallowed


“Yes, thanks
.” He hung up the phone leaving the dialing tone filling the silence.

I placed the receiver down and stood on shaky legs. Dominic had told him that I had performed some unauthorised testing and asked them to try it without Alistair’s authorisation. I smoothed my sweaty palms down my trousers and straightened my blouse.

I knocked on Alistair’s door.

“Come in
.” shouted a deep voice. I took a deep breath and opened the door. “Eve, excellent, please take a seat.” He motioned to the chair in front of his desk. He returned his attention back to his computer screen, tapped a few keys then let out a sigh. I knotted my fingers in my lap and waited for whatever he needed to speak to me about.



I threw my bag to the floor and flopped down on to the double bed. It almost swallowed me it was so soft. The covers were pure white cotton, crisp and fresh. I lay spread eagle on the large bed with my eyes closed feeling peace settle over me. I could hear a gentle hum of traffic from outside the window, people no doubt on their daily commutes, shopping trips or school runs. My meeting with Alistair couldn’t have ended more perfectly. Liam had needed to return to the UK because his wife had gone into premature labour, I’d admitted to my findings and that I’d asked Dominic to run tests to see if my theory was correct. Alistair was pleased with my use of initiative and asked me to
fly out immediately to replace Liam at the Paris branch, meaning I was now lying on a bed in a beautiful Parisian apartment waiting for Dominic. The trip here was kind of an adventure; I have never flown on my own before. But it was something I knew I had to do if I wanted to see Dominic again; it felt so long since I had seen him in person. He only called about products and samples, and even then it was only if he was unable to contact anyone else regarding the matter. The longest chat we had had was this morning about the samples. Dominic is the one thing in my life I will fight to keep. That’s why I’m here, in Paris, in the company’s Parisian apartment waiting for him to return and feeling ridiculously out of my depth.

I needed to make everything between Dominic and I safe again, I needed my friend back. Without
him, my life seemed pointless, dark and lonely. With him around dealing with Elliott had never been so hard, Dominic kept me in the light, he made me believe that my life could get better. I know it was my fault for staying with Elliott and that maybe I did deserve what he did to me, but I couldn’t abandon him, I couldn’t place my sister at risk of his retaliation. I feel responsible for what he does, I know if I could love him the way he wished he wouldn’t be the man I had created, but how do you love a monster? When I left Alistair’s office I practically floated with elation then the reality of admitting to Elliott where I was going and who I would be staying with made my euphoria evaporate. I started panicking that in my absence Elliott would target Lou and she would be left vulnerable without me there, mid panic attack Johan stumbled across me and I begged him to persuade Alistair it was a bad idea me going to Paris, but Johan adamantly stood by Alistair’s decision and said that I needed this, and that it would be great time for Dominic and I.

Johan said that his flat had flooded and he needed a place to stay for a few weeks so asked if he could be a house guest until his was repaired and he promised to be home every night to protect Louise, I’m not entirely convinced he was telling the truth about the flood, but I admit it was a convenient excuse for me. So I phoned Lou at school and presented her with the plan of him staying whilst I was away, she reluctantly agreed, grumbling about him keeping his mouth shut and avoiding her.

So here I am, miles away from home with a pulse ready to pound out of my chest. I couldn’t waste my time with Dominic worrying about Elliott, and what awaited me upon my return, I wanted to make things right with Dominic, I needed him back in my life, I’ve missed him so much.

I sat up and looked around the room, it was a quaint room. The walls were a soft mocha with high ceilings; I assume with the original ornate cornicing, a stunning chandelier light twinkled with the sun, creating a beautiful speckled rainbow effect on the ceiling and walls. The balcony doors were almost floor to ceiling, with long heavy drapes in a stunning gold. The effect created was amazingly elegant. Through the double mirrored doors into the lounge was a long gallery type living area with grey sofas and chairs arranged almost artistically around, a long bar area with a black granite work top. At the far end of the room opposite the bedrooms was a dining area set up for four people. There were four large windows overlooking the city, the view was breathtaking. There was so much light the space seemed even larger, but yet intimate in its decoration. There were two bedrooms and a bathroom joining them. Mr Ealing had informed me that I would be sharing the apartment  with Dominic, for a few nights I would be living, all alone with him. I couldn’t deny the giddy feeling that elicited.

I heard the front door close with a bang, a few seconds before footsteps on the marble floor of the hall, but then muffled by the plush carpets of the lounge. My heart leapt into my throat, he’s here. I gripped at the sheets beneath my hands. I couldn’t let nerves get the better of me now. What to do...do I run out and jump into his arms? Shall I walk out all sophisticate as if I own the place? Yeah like you could pull that off.

I jumped up from the bed, glanced in the mirror, grimacing at my reflection. I looked like I’d been
dragged through a hedge backwards.

“Is anybody here? Mike? Alistair said that...” I walked out of the room, sheepishly.

“Hi.” I said quietly to his back as he gulped at a glass of orange juice. He coughed as a gulp clearly went down the wrong way.

.” Dominic choked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

.” I repeated like an idiot. He stood staring at me for a while as if not believing what he was seeing. He placed his glass onto the counter top.


“Weren’t expecting me?” I said finishing his sentence adding a nervous chuckle at the end. He shook his head “Alistair said Mike was coming through
.” He looked confused

I laughed “Alistair pulled me into his office this afternoon, I assumed to reprimand me for asking you to run samples without his clearance –”

“Eve I have the same clearance level as him.”

“I know that now
.” I huffed “But I didn’t so when he said he wanted me to cover for Liam I felt like I needed to confess my phone call to you and my theories about the water, so he thought that I was the perfect person to come over to try the new test samples.”

Dominic just stood staring at me like I had two heads. “I agree with him. I just...can’t believe you’re here
,” he said almost in a whisper.

“I wanted to see you. I’ve missed you Dominic
.” I said, shocking myself and by the look on his face, him too.

He swallowed “I’ve missed you too

We stood staring at one another for what felt like
an age before he stepped forward smiling “come here.” He held out his arms and I ran straight into them. It was heaven; I loved the feel of his warmth, the safety, my Dominic.


“I’m starved, what about you? We can go out or I have some baguettes and some really addictive brie and ham I bought. But I will warn you once you start with the brie it’s highly addictive, I’m sure I've put a stone on since I’ve been here.” He patted his flat stomach making me smile. “It’s really good. I’ve got quite accustomed to it whilst I’ve been here.”

“Oh, I hadn’t thought about what to do. I am hungry though.” I was ravenous; I hadn’t eaten

anything since I left the office over six hours ago. I didn’t really want to go anywhere I just wanted to be here with Dominic, but I wasn’t going to say that. I shifted uncomfortably looking at the floor.

“Great, but..
.” He paused, frowning slightly.

“What?” I asked

“It’s just...I’m knackered after today’s conference and can’t really be arsed to go out, the negotiations are taking longer than I thought, both parties are making sure they get their money’s worth.” He looked at me with a guilty expression, as if he thought he was spoiling the evening. My smile spread clear across my face. “What?” He asked suspiciously.

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