Read Enough Online

Authors: Briana Pacheco

Enough (12 page)

BOOK: Enough
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“No, he has just been–

leaned in and whispered, “Good.” He brushed his lips against mine and lingered there for a few more seconds. I could only think about how it didn’t feel like it did with Alex.

There was a knock on the door.

“Yeah?” I asked with a shaky breath.

“Alex came back
. He brought food for everyone. Are you coming down or–came we come in?” Tiffany asked.

I mouthed
to Bryan. Alex and Tiffany came in.

“Do you want some help downstairs?” Alex asked.

“I got it.” Bryan blurted. Tiffany looked at me. Her eyes were all I needed to see to know that she knows what’s going on. Bryan helped me out of bed. I walked to my closet and looked for a sweater. I was getting tired of wearing the robe all the time.

“Tiffany come here, I need your help.”
I said.

She followed me in my closet.

“Em, is there something going on between the three of you? I mean, you have this huge crush on Alex but when I walked in, you and Bryan seemed a little cozy.” She said wagging her brows.

“I don’t know. Tiff I kissed him. Alex. Like thirty minutes ago. B
ut at Bryans house, after the Zach incident we…we made out and I was about to have sex with him. Like clothes came off. I’m confused.” I couldn’t find a sweater with a zipper and Tiffany didn’t have one on. I popped my head out and saw Alex had one. “Alex, can I borrow your sweater?”

“You can have mine, it’s pretty soft.”
Bryan said. Um…

“Bryan, Alex’s has a zipper. Yours is going to be hard for me to put on.”
I said. Alex took his off in the smoothest way. I can’t put a shirt on. That would be hard for me.

I grabbed the sweater
and went back to the closet. “Tiffany, what are you doing down there? That’s the summer clothes. I need your help.” I snapped. She walked down the aisle to me. She slid my left arm through the hole. “Ouch, jeez go slower. Ow. Go away.” I put my right arm through and zippered it. “Gosh, Tiffany. That is so not funny.” I walked into the room.

okay?” Alex and Bryan asked.

“Yeah, Tiffany doesn’t
understand that I can’t move too much yet she makes me put the sweater on.” Tiffany nudged my left shoulder into my side. I winced.

mygod… I’m sorry. I forgot.” She said wide-eyed.

I walked to the top of th
e stairs and Bryan slipped an arm around me. “Lean on me, I can bring you.” He said. I tried swinging my arm around him but he’s too tall. This isn’t good…

“I can’t…
you’re too tall. It’s not going to work out.” I said. “Do you mind?” I asked Alex.

t at all.” He said sliding me into his arms.

My family was waiting in the kitchen
with a buffet of food. Alex really brought enough food for everyone. There’s so much we could probably feed another household.

You didn’t have to…” I said as he sat me down.

we ate, no one said anything. I could literately hear a pin drop.

“Can you guys say something? Jeez, it feels so awkward.”
I said.

om said a few things here and there but nobody really said anything else while we ate. Tiffany had to go home soon after so Bryan offered her a ride. Bryan waited until we were alone and pulled me into a private corner.

“Do you want me to come back after I drop her off?”
He asked.

I d
on’t want to hurt his feelings but he really doesn’t have to. “No, it’s fine. Declan can help me if I need anything.” I said.

nodded unsure and then left.

Alex helped me upstairs when everyone finished cleaning the kitchen.
It has to be around five or six o’clock. Alex should go home and do whatever he does instead of babysit me.

I unzippe
d the sweater when I reached my bed. Alex knew what to do before I asked. He slid the sweater down my arm slowly. His hand brushed against my back and my body melted. He sat me on the bed and laid me down.

“Thank you. F
or everything. I was mad about what you did but I understand now.” I said. His hands are still on me and his face is so close to mine…I stared at him for a few seconds.

His lips look
perfect. Then I was lost again.

I lifted my head and pressed my lips against his.
They’re so soft. I don’t want to pull away. But I have to. I want him to leave. I want him to–

shut me up when he kissed me back. His kiss sent chills down my spine and I couldn’t get enough of it. I pulled him into me and deepened the kiss.

pressed into my bandage and I winced. Fuck. He moved off me and I sank into my bed. That was amazing and then the cut had to ruin everything.

“I’m sorry.”
He said.

“Don’t be.
” I said blushing.

He got up and went to the other side of the bed.
“Do you mind if I crash here for another night? It’s late and dark outside.” He said, joking about the last part.
You can stay all the nights you want, you sexy bastard

“That’s the first time I do
n’t have to tell you to get on the bed.” I said turning to face him. It hurt to do it but I didn’t show it. “Why don’t you go out tonight? It’s only like five something. You promised the next time you visited you would bring the car. I don’t think you made that promise yet.”

“How do you think I got the food? Yo
ur brother drove me to my place. I got the car and picked up the food.” He said. I must look happy because he looked me over. “That’s why I didn’t tell you.”

“What did I do?”
I asked.

“You’re thinking about how your dream
car is outside and you’re stuck in bed. I promise when you are better you can drive him.”

I must be really easy to read. I sighed.

“Okay, but just so you know I get well fast. Let’s see… before my birthday, I promise I’ll be good enough to drive.” He moved his hand to my face and pushed a stray hair behind my ear. Then his finger brushed my lips and my breath caught. Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me. Touch me!

“I can say that I can’t wait for that to happen.
” He said. I smiled.

It’s kind of dark in my room but I know what he’s thinking about just by looking at him. I’m thinking about the same thing. “Do it.” I whispered.

His eyes held mine for a long time. “Do what?”

I rolled my eyes. He’s goin
g to make me say it. He’s being nice.

So much for being a school skipping bad boy.

“Kiss me.” I said.

Alex smiled as he leaned into me. His lips found mine and
I was brought back to my happy place. I want him to stay on me. I want him to devour me. I want him to do whatever he wants to me.

pulled back and leaned into the bed.

“Goodnight, Emily.”
He said.

I closed my eyes and smiled. Of course he knows I’m going to sleep right now.
I’m too boring to do anything else.

“Goodnight, Alex.”
I said.

. Healing


I woke up to the sight of Alex sleeping beside me. I don’t know how it’s possible but he looks magical. Fake. How is this beautiful man in my bed?

I tried getting
up because I’m not going to give up. I want to drive that car. I tried again even though it hurt like hell but I did it. I walked over to the bathroom at a snails pace but I did it.

The cut i
s looking better. I grabbed some shorts, panties and bra from my dresser, locked myself in my bathroom and started the shower. It was difficult taking off my bra but I was determined.

I took
a fast shower and got dressed.

I do
n’t want to risk it with a shirt so I looked for Alex’s sweater. Hopefully he doesn’t mind. I found it at the foot of my bed and slipped it on.

I took a painkiller and sat on the chair
by the window looking out.

hat are you doing up?” Alex asked me through the covers. I love his morning voice. I wouldn’t mind waking up to it every day.

Don’t get ahead of yourself, Em.

“I’m determined to drive that car.” I said. He ran his fingers through his hair and I held back a moan. Whoa. What the hell.

“What time is it?”
He asked. I looked at my clock.

“Six in the morning. Are you going to school today?
It’s Tuesday.” He glanced outside as if the answer was out there. He needs to go.

“I don’t know.”
He said with a shrug.

“I want
to see what I missed. No one has heard from Mrs. Diaz yet.” I said. That’s just weird. She’s never like this.

“Emily, you have to take i
t easy. The stitches are fresh. They can open again.” Alex said. I know. I rolled up the sleeves of his sweater and caught a glimpse of my wrists. They’re looking better.

“I know.
I didn’t want to go to school and do work. I just wanted to pass by and see if any other teachers heard from her then I’ll skip. It’s not too hard to do.” I said standing up and looking out of the window. “I need some fresh air too.”

still didn’t get out of bed and then it hit me. Shit…I’ve spent the night with someone before. Guys need some time.

“I’ll be back.” I said.

“All right but if I see that you can’t handle it, you’re coming back home.” He said. I nodded and let him go to the bathroom. I peeked out into the hallway, found it empty then I walked down a few stairs. It hurt like a bitch but I can handle it.

I walked to the kitchen a
nd saw a few blueberry muffins in the cake display. A smile slowly appeared on my lips. I grabbed one and ate it.
This is Declan’s doing.

As I walked to the front door
, Alex appeared.

“I have to go home and change.
” He said. “But like I said if I–”

“I know. I know.” I
said waving him off. I made sure the zipper was up and slipped into sandals. I opened the front door and there he was. “Oh, I missed you.” He’s not even mine but I feel like we know each other on a personal level at this point.

I slowly walked down the stairs and touched the
car door. I opened the passenger door and got in. Alex bent down toward me. I thought he was going to kiss me but he put the seatbelt on instead.

“I thought you were going to drive?” He
asked with a smile.

I took a painkiller. It can affect my driving abilities.”

“Are you in pain?”
He asked in a heartbeat.

“No, just being precautious. I don’t want to be in pain and not have the pills with me.”
I said. Alex lifted up his arm and I found my purse. Jeez, how did I not see that?

“You forgot this
and the pills are in there.” He said getting in the car.

We pulled up
to Alex’s driveway fifteen minutes later. I got out of the car and leaned against it. The weather’s nice so why not wait out here. I sure as hell am not climbing those stairs to go into his house. That’s a challenge for another day.

you want to come inside?” Alex asked.

“No, I’m just going to enj
oy this. It’s been a while. And you’re just changing. I don’t think you need me.” I said smirking at him.

“I don’t
like leaving you here alone.” He said looking around. Yeah and I don’t leaving you alone to change but I’m going to deal with it.

“I’ll be fine. Go and hurry up. I don’t have all day.” He laughed
as he walked up to his front door. He turned around to look at me and I waved my hand for him to go in. Alex Payne is worried about me.

I absentmindedly brought my hand up to my l
ips and thought about that kiss last night. The butterflies in my stomach are going crazy. So are my other lady parts.

I looked across the street and saw
a playground with a few kids playing on the swings. I remember when Declan brought me to the park and swung me high on the swings. I loved those days. When our dad left, he stopped playing with me then felt bad soon after. Every weekend he would try to bring me to new parks and places. He wanted me to have a fresh start.

“Prom queen?”

I turned my head and saw Liam standing there with a little girl that looks exactly like him. She has to be his sister and around 4 or 5 years old.

I said. I guess I was going to have to deal with him calling me prom queen. “What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Had to bring this little bugger to the park. She’s an early bird
. Haven’t seen you around school for a while. What’s up?” He has that cocky attitude around school but I guess around family he’s genuine.

“Liam…who is she
?” The little girl asked.

. I’m Emily. What’s your name?” I asked trying bending down without causing pain. Too late. It hurts.

“You’re pretty.” She
said smiling wider. “I’m Kaylie.”

I put my hand to the cut. I shouldn’t have gone down like that.

“Are you okay?” Liam asked. I looked up at him and nodded.

“Kaylie, that’s a beautiful name.
” I said.

She smiled at me and turned to Liam.

“Liam, can she come to the park with us?” Kaylie asked.

I love that kid voice of hers. It’s so innocent. I remember those times.

“I’m sure Emily has other things to do.” Liam said.

She twirled around and grabbed my han
d. “Emily, can you come to the park with us?” I don’t want to sound like a bitch but I can’t. I can barely walk. I looked up at Liam and he mouthed

“I would love to
but I can’t today. How about next time?” I said.

he pouted her lips and looked at me.

“Okay. You promise?”
She asked.

“I promise.”
I said then she stared jumping on her toes.

“Come on
, Kaylie.” Liam said grabbing her hand and leaning into me. “You sure you’re okay?” He asked. I nodded. His eyes held mine for a bit before they drifted off behind me. “Is that yours? You were driving it at Quinn’s.” I turned my head and smiled. He’s talking about the car.

“I wish. It’s
Alex’s.” I said.

“And he let you drive it?” He asked with a cocked eyebrow. I nodded. I know, I don’t believe it either.
“It’s nice.” He said nodding. “So are you going to Roxanne’s party this weekend?” This is the first time someone ran a party by me. Maybe Bryan and Tiffany didn’t know about it.

“No, I have something this weekend.”
I said.

“That’s suc–
” He looked at his sister. “That’s too bad. I forgot to tell you that what happened with Zach at school was pretty awesome. He’s making something up about how someone threw a football to hard and his face intercepted it. Remind me not to mess with you.” He said smiling as Kaylie tugged at his arm.

“Liam, hurry up.”
She whined. I smiled back at him.

“Don’t wo
rry and you should go, she’s eyeing the slide.” I said.

Okay then, I’ll be seeing you around, prom queen.” He glanced at me again and then finally gave in to his sister.

walked down the stairs and smiled at me. He looks good in his dark jeans and sweater. He looks good in anything.

He opened the
door for me and helped me inside.

We drove to school
making small talk. The kiss did not make an appearance nor was it tried out again. It was 6:45 am when we got there so only the teacher’s should be there. We walked to the front office and I saw Mrs. Bond doing paperwork.

“Miss Vasquez…
Mr. Payne. Nice to see you so early. What can I do for you two?” She asked.

“I wanted to know if Mrs. Dia
z said where she went. Mom has been trying to contact her for days now but no one knows anything.” I said.

“You’re lucky. S
he called yesterday. She said her husband took her out for a surprise vacation and he didn’t want them to be interrupted so they left the phones at home. She’ll be back on Thursday.” Finally.

“That’s good.
” I said nodding. At least she called. “Thanks. If you hear from her again, can you tell her to call me or Mom?” I asked.

“Sure thing.”
Mrs. Bond said. That was easy. I was worrying for nothing. They always take surprise vacations. I should have remembered.

We walked out of
the office and headed back to the car.

drove a little more and when we passed by a Shaw’s parking lot, Alex glanced at me and pulled over into an empty spot. “Do you want to go anywhere?” He asked. “I think you’re in good shape to drive him. Unless you think otherwise?”

“I didn’t think you’
d say those words to me all day.” I said. He got out of the driver’s side and helped me in. Aside from the pressure on sitting and standing, I think I can drive. I drove slowly at first but once we were on the highway, I went faster. “I know the perfect place to go.” I said.

I drove ten more minutes and took an exit.
There’s this place my dad use to take us when we were little. It has benches everywhere, an ocean view and a trail for walking. I always liked it. As much as I hate my dad, this was the one place I always felt safe.

I pul
led into an empty parking space and smiled when I noticed that the park was empty, nobody was walking or playing. It was probably too early in the morning.

I found a bench close to the water
and we sat down.

“My dad use to take
us here when we were little.” I said.

We sat there
and talked for a few minutes. Alex told me about the times his family went out for picnics. I noticed he doesn’t like to say much. It must be hard. I know it would be for me. He lost his whole family. He’s alone.

Everything was fine until
I started feeling dizzy. “Alex…” Why is this happening? I put my hand to my head. A migraine is coming.

It is coming back?” Alex asked. I nodded. He lifted me up from the bench and we walked to car. “I shouldn’t have let you drive. It was too much for you to handle.” He said.

“It wasn’
t.” I said. When I looked at him, he was smiling. He’s teasing me. “Very funny.” I leaned against the passenger door and shut my eyes. The coolness of the car helped. My body’s getting too hot.

“I really hope you
’re better when your birthday comes around.” Alex said. I opened my eyes and caught him staring at my lips.

God, December 20
needs to hurry up.

“Why?” I asked.

Our eyes met. “Because I’m dying to kiss you but you’re in pain and it doesn’t feel right.” Oh, thank you lord. He finally says something. I was starting to think he was turned off or something.

I smiled and looked sideways. Yes, I am blushing. “If it wasn’t for the headache, I’d probably let you.” I said. No. That’s not true. “Actually I want you to kiss me.” I looked at him. “Right now.” Fuck me, that look in his eyes are intense.

“If I start, I won’t stop.” He said.

“I don
’t want you to.” I said.

Alex smiled and opened the car do
or for me.

t’s only 7:30 so he can make it for school. He shouldn’t have to stay with me. I really am a bad influence. “You should go to school. I’m feeling better. I just need an Advil and I’ll be fine.” I lied. An Advil won’t help me.

“I can skip it.
I have to go to a meeting later today so I’ll be back tomorrow. Let me make sure you’re okay so I can don’t have to worry too much there.” He said.

BOOK: Enough
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