Eraser (2 page)

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Authors: Megan Keith

BOOK: Eraser
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“Are you sure about that?” 
The blond man spoke and Mackenzie’s eyes met his as she straightened.  She could feel his attraction to her through those eyes.  It only angered her more.  His hand reached out and grabbed hold of her wrist.  “You look a little…

His voice was laced with intent.
  She stared daggers at him. 
What about his wife?  She was probably waiting for him at home. How dare he make a play for me!

His hand let go of her wrist and his fingers trailed slowly upwards.  She couldn’t deny it felt nice to be touched, she was attracted to him.  She closed her eyes at
the feel but then the hackles on her back rose again.  Blinking slowly she again reminded herself he was a married man and also not the man in the corner of the room, the one she

“I’m fine, thank you sir,” she said mov
ing her arm from under his touch.  Turning away, her eyes caught on the brooding man seated in the corner, and she halted her steps.  She had felt his eyes on her that whole time.  He had watched the entire exchange, but his expression gave nothing away.  His face remained stoic, void of emotion, and she couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking.

She pulled her eyes off him and turned her attentions back to the bar, focus
ing on her destination, careful not to glance at anyone, neither the men at the table, the intense one in the corner, or Alex’s concerned stare from behind the bar.

“Are you okay?” Alex asked as she took her position back be
side him.  “I saw that guy’s hands on you.  Did he upset you?”

, not at all,” she reassured her friend. 
It’s not him I’m worried about.
  Her eyes again moved to the man in the corner.  His eyes had finally left her and were now concentrating on getting a cigarette out of a packet.  This was one of the few remaining places in the city that still allowed smoking indoors.  It was one rule that she didn’t see changing anytime soon.  There were many smokers that frequented here for that reason.

She watched as the man pushed the cigarette between his lips and she watched as he lit it.  Taking a long drag as he flicked the silver case of the lighter shut
with a loud clink that could be heard across the quiet room.  His eyes again made their way to hers.  This time she didn’t look away.  There was something different about the way he was looking at her tonight.  She didn’t believe he had ever taken so much notice of her at any time prior. It intrigued her. 

intrigued her.  He always had.  Every Friday night at half past nine, he would come into the bar and sit in that same lounge chair.  He would order the same drink, scotch on the rocks, with a lift of a single finger.  Alex had been the one to actually tell her what his order was on that very first Friday,
had never actually ordered the drink from her with words.  She would serve him his beverage then he would sit back and observe.  Quietly he would people watch.  Every week from the same spot.  Occasionally lifting his finger to order another drink.

Then someone would catch his eye.  An attractive blond with impeccable clothes, a leggy brunette in a tailored suit, he didn’t seem to have a particular type.  The women would smile and flutter th
eir eyes at him, he would give them the once over and eventually he would motion them towards him.  And they always went.  Mackenzie had never seen a woman ignore his gaze or deny his motion, the crook of his finger or a slight nod of his head, even on a couple of occasions a snap of his fingers, that would be all that it took before they would move to him and take a seat at his table.

They would never stay long after that.  He didn’t
buy her a drink, he would barely speak to her, before he would lean over to touch her in some small way.  A hand on her thigh, a finger under her chin, maybe he would tuck her hair behind her ear, he would speak to her in a low and sexy voice.  Mackenzie was never close enough to hear what was said, what was exchanged between the two, but whatever it was, it worked.  Moments later they would stand, he would throw cash on the table and guide the woman out the front door by the small of her back.  Every time.

Mackenzie couldn’t deny that she had watched him.  She tried to do it discreetly but week after week, month after month, it had gotten harder to do.  She knew that he knew she was watching his exchanges with
these women.  She couldn’t help but openly watch once he beckoned them over.  It was too hard to look away any more.

She also couldn’t deny that she wished it was her.  Nearly every week she had felt that pang of jealousy.  Not just at the fact the women he left with were going with
, but also at the fact she wasn’t good enough.  She wasn’t even close to being in the same league as those women were.  Classic beauties, with expensive clothes, perfect bodies, women that possessed a composure that Mackenzie didn’t.  She was both jealous of the women they were and the man they were obviously going to share a bed with when they left.

Glancing around the room she wondered who he would go with tonight.  She smirked when she realised
his pickings were slim.  His choices were limited to one of two women.  They were seated together, talking quietly to one another.  Either one would do him, he didn’t seem to have a preference, as long as they were beautiful and these two both were.  She watched as the blonde one looked over at him, her brunette friend’s eyes soon followed.  Mackenzie too looked in the man’s direction.  She swallowed when she saw that he wasn’t paying the women any attention.  No, his eyes were solely trained on her.

She watched as he took another drag of his cigarette, his dark, almost black, eyes fixated on her.  A chill went through her body when one side of his mouth curled into a sinister smile.  He lifted his glass of scotch with his other hand and saluted her with it. 
Oh yes, this mysterious man was dangerous, and for some reason I was his next target.
  She didn’t know why, but she knew it were true.

She nervously looked away from him and she thought maybe she heard him chuckle. 
Chuckle?  The guy doesn’t chuckle.  I couldn’t have heard him from here anyway.  I must have imagined it.
  Just the thought of the possibility of hearing him laugh made her smile. 
Oh, what a sight that would be!  I bet he has a deep and beautiful laugh.

Mackenzie returned her attentions to her job.  She grabbed a heavy rack of empty and dirty glasses and carried them out to the small kitchen behind the bar.  Alex followed her with a rack of his own.  Heaving them to the table she turned towards him.

“What are you smirking at?” he asked.

“Oh nothing,” she hummed, turning away.

She left Alex in the kitchen stacking the dishwasher and returned to her post behind the bar.  The blond flirty man from earlier was waiting on her.  With a smile still playing on her lips it brightened when he gave her a flashy one back.  Even though the smile she held was not intended for him, and he didn’t need encouraging, she couldn’t help but feel pleased that a man was attracted to her and even more pleased that she knew
was watching this exchange.  She wondered if perhaps
felt even a smidgen of the jealousy she did when
made a play for the women he took home. 
Probably not, but it’s nice to imagine anyway.

“So,” the blond man started, leaning on his arms against the bar, his eyes dropped lower, “Mackenzie,” he said reading her name tag.  Looking back to her eyes he continued, “When does your shift end?”

“Oh, not for hours yet,” she replied, turning up the flirty voice and smile for
benefit and not the man in front of her.  She wanted the blond man to leave, she didn’t want to encourage him but at the same time she couldn’t stop herself from attempting to rile the man in the corner up.  The man that was watching her every move tonight.

“Well, my friend and I are leaving now, but we will still be in the city for a few more hours.  What time can I pick you up?”

Mackenzie came to her senses at his words, she blinked rapidly in his direction.  She hadn’t agreed to anything. 
How dare he!

“You can’t.  I don’t
think your wife would like that.  Do you?” she snapped, her eyes blazing.

“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” he replied smugly.  He
tossed some cash on top of the bar and when Mackenzie went to grab it he took hold of her hand.  She gasped at the unexpected contact.  He slid his business card into her palm.  “Call me later,” he said with a wink, letting her hand go.

“Not likely,” she mumbled under her breath when he walked away.  She tossed the card in the bin and started counting the cash to put it in the till.  There was a one hundred dollar tip.  It made her feel ill, like he was expecting something from her for the payment.  She placed it in the tip jar to be divided between her and Alex at home time.  She knew Alex would be pleased at such a high amount.  She was about to tell Alex about it as he came from the kitchen
behind her, but her eyes were again drawn to a set of dark ones.  This time they were closer to her than they had been before.  She gasped at
nearness, he was standing directly in front of her, with only the bar separating them.  She hadn’t even realised he’d left his chair.

e never leaves his chair.

Chapter Two



“Can I help you sir?” Alex asked coming to Mackenzie’s side.

“No you can’t.
  But she can.”  His deep voice sent a thrill through Mackenzie.  She hadn’t heard it nearly often enough.  It was sexy, the timbre just perfect to get her aroused.  “I’d like to borrow your colleague for a moment,” he said in a voice that commanded attention, his eyes trained on hers.  “Come sit with me.”  It wasn’t a question.  It sent a tremble through Mackenzie’s body.

“It’s relatively quiet, I don’t suppose that will be a problem,” Alex replied to the man looking to Mackenzie, he watched her swallow, her eyes remained on the man in front of them.  “Mackenzie?” he questioned

“Hmm?”  She turned to Alex who nodded his head at her.  “Right.  Okay.  Sure.”  She responded in a daze, blinking rapidly at her friend.  She found focus when
Alex smiled at her. 
He’s encouraging me to go with this man?  Why?

“Two more glasses of scotch,” he said to Alex before turning away and taking a couple of steps in the direction of his seat.  He paused then looked over his shoulder at Mackenzie.  “Come.”

“Yes sir.”  Mackenzie voice stuttered as she spoke, the nervous energy running through her. 
What could he want with me?  Maybe flirting with that blond man wasn’t such a bright idea.

“Sit.”  She watched as he sat back in his chair.  He stretched his legs out in front of him, crossing them at
the ankles.  He looked more relaxed than usual.  His stance, his demeanour still commanded obedience though, and when he nodded his head to the chair beside her she quickly moved to sit in it.

He steepled his hands in front of his face, his index fingers touching his delectable lips, his eyes trained on her
s.  Silently he watched her as she swallowed nervously.  Heat pooled in between her thighs at his intense stare.  Alex came up beside them, placing two glasses on the table.  She caught his eye and his eyes voiced his concern, there was a question in them as surely as there was in hers.  She nodded slightly, letting him know it was okay, she was okay.  Alex walked away. 
No, I’m not okay.  What does
want with me?

“Drink,” he commanded, his eyes locked intently
on hers.

She looked down to the glasses of amber liquid on the table.  She was about to taste that expensive scotch that she had often wondered about.  She was sitting in the position she had often fantasized about, with the man that featured in those fantasies.  Suddenly her nerves left her. 
He bought me a drink - he never buys
a drink.
  That thought filled her with a sense of power.  A confident feeling came over her as she reached for the glass of liquid that cost more than she made in a night working here.  She lifted it to her lips, her eyes flicking back to his.  He was still watching her.  She kept her eyes trained to him as she tilted the glass, the liquid flowed into her mouth.  It was smooth, it burnt, yet it was cold, it tasted unlike anything she had ever drank before.  It was delicious.  She savoured the feel of it in her mouth, closing her eyes as she swallowed.  She let out a small moan and then licked her lips.  Lifting her lids a moment later she found he was still watching her, and if possible, his eyes were even darker than before.

She forgot that she was meant to be working.  She forgot that this was unusual, that she would never sit with a client and have a drink
, not during working hours anyway.  Nothing about this situation was normal.  She didn’t want those thoughts, she pushed them aside, focusing on the man in front of her.  His hands moved from his chin and he rested his forearms on the arms of the chair.  The side of his mouth lifted ever so slightly, a half-smile, more than he had ever offered her before.  It was genuine.  It was surprisingly warm.

d you enjoy that?” he asked huskily.

“Oh yes,” she replied after a moment of wondering what he was referring to, she was feeling a little dazed, not from the alcohol, but from his presence.  “I’ve never tasted scotch quite like it.”

“I should think not.”  It was a condescending tone.  He was pointing out that she couldn’t afford such an extravagant drink.  He watched her as her anger flared, he seemed to take pleasure in it.  “Keep drinking,” he said with a smirk that oozed sex and was unlike his previous genuine one.

She wanted to tell him to go to hell
, she wanted to tell him he was an arrogant pig for pointing out their obvious difference in wealth.  But there was something about the way that he spoke, the demand of his voice that stopped her.  She wanted to please him and so she again lifted the glass to her lips.

An “ahh” came from her lips after she swallowed.  His eyes flicked to her mouth and she couldn’t help herself, she licked her lips
to tease him.  She saw his pupils dilate and it pleased her.

“Come home with me,” he said.  It wasn’t a question.


“Don’t do that.  You’re a smart woman, you know what I’m asking.”

“You didn’t ask me anything,” she replied haughtily, taking another sip of scotch.

“See?  I knew you were smart.”

He smiled then.  A full megawatt, genuine smile, unlike she had ever seen him do before.  It was the kind of smile that had her panties melting, the apex between her thighs dampening with desire.  She had watched him before, but she’d never seen this. 
How had I missed this?
Perhaps that is what he had flashed at all those other women.

“Will you come home with me
?” he asked, his voice full of mischief.

He didn’t really need to say much else, he’d found his manners and together with that smile she could see exactly why all those women agreed to leave with him so readily.

“I don’t think so,” she replied shakily, even though her mind was screaming at her to say yes.
  God, why in the hell am I trying to play hard to get?

She took another sip of her drink and was surprised to find the taste of water, the alcohol was gone and only melting ice remained. 
It must be getting hot in here, it’s not just me.
  The man leaned forward and nudged the other glass of scotch in her direction.  She glanced at it, her eyes focusing on his hand instead, and she began to imagine what it would be like for him to touch her.

“Oh no, I couldn’t,” she answered his unspoken question, her eyes meeting his.  “I’m working.” 
Plus these drinks are expensive as hell.
  He continued to push the glass closer.

.”  He stood then and removed his cell from his jacket pocket.  “Excuse me one moment.”

He held his finger up at her and then turned away.  She
craned her neck to watch as he walked across the room.  She hadn’t heard his phone ring, maybe it was on silent.  She turned back in her seat and her eyes drifted to the glass of scotch on the table. 
Should I?  I’m working, I could get into trouble if the boss found out.  But damn, it tastes so good, my mouth is watering at the thought of it.  It’s so expensive though!

“I said drink.”  His voice commanded from behind her, it slid down inside her and made her bo
dy go all gooey. 
What is it about this man that makes me feel this way?

Mackenzie watched as he moved around her chair then sat back on his.  Taking the same relaxed pose as before
, with his arms against the arm rests, he again watched her.  His eyes pointedly motioned to the glass of scotch and she reluctantly moved her hand to it.  Picking up the glass she hesitated, her eyes focusing back on his.

“You are no longer working tonight, I just spoke to your boss.”

You what?
” she practically shrieked at him.

“Don’t worry
, you’ll still get paid until the end of the shift.”

“I think you have me mistaken for someone else.  I don’t take kindly to be
ing told what to do.  And I’m not concerned about the money,” she spoke angrily.  She worried she may spill the expensive drink in her hand so she returned it to the table before continuing.  “You have no right!  How dare-”

“Let me stop you there.”  He interrupted her, leaning forward and
raising an open palm in front of her face.  “We both know you are attracted to me.  And I
think you like being told what to do, you just don’t know it yet.”  He stared at her, his hand moving to her knee.  “You want this.”  His words sent a thrill through her body, the smoothness of his tone and the confidence in his words calmed her.  But his hand touching her knee, well that set her on fire.  “I know the owner of this establishment, I called, it’s sorted.  You have the rest of the night off, full pay.”

“I told you I don’t care about the money,”
she mumbled, her eyes watching his hand that remained still on her knee.  The warmth of it making her wish it were elsewhere on her body.

“Okay.”  He leaned back against the chair again
, removing his hand.  “So what is your concern?  Let’s address it now.”

Not knowing what to say to such a direct question, Mackenzie leant forward and grabbed the
second glass of expensive scotch from the table.  She took a large gulp avoiding his watchful stare.  She felt the warmth from his hand still on her leg even though it was no longer there.

“Go ahead, ask all your questions now.  I won’t be taking requests for information later.”

Not sure if it was the alcohol that was making her brave or just the strange confidence that had overcome her in his presence she asked, “What makes you think I want to go anywhere with you?”

“Come on, you’re an intelligent woman, you don’t need me to answer that.”  He relaxed his body further into the chair, seemingly bored with the conversation already.

“Why me?  Why now?” she asked.

“Why not?” he countered.

She contemplated his response, taking another hit of scotch.  The alcohol was starting to go to her head now. 
Why not?
.  This is what I’ve wanted, this man, for the longest time.

Why should I go with you?  What have you got to offer me?” she asked anyway, feeling cheeky, a grin appearing on her lips.

He smiled that flashy genuine smile and her heart kicked up a notch.  Leaning forward he rested his elbows on his knees, his face closed in on hers.  His voice was low and husky when he spoke, his words flowed over her body, warming her, arousing her.

“I can offer you pleasure like you’ve never known before.”  The grin left Mackenzie’s face.  “I will make you change your perspective on what good sex feels like.  Once you’ve been with me, you will compare every man you are with afterwards
me.  I will
every memory of every man you have ever been with, good and bad.”

“How can you be so sure?”
she asked, her voice small and quiet.

“Because I know you.”

Losing herself momentarily in his dark eyes she could see that he did.  She felt that somehow this man
know her.  It didn’t make any sense.

She finished off the rest of the drink.  She had to lean forward slightly to reach the table, as he was still leaning forward
too, doing so caused her arm to brush his pant leg.  A shiver ran through her at the small contact.

God what is wrong with me?  It’s just material. 
She inhaled and his cologne invaded her nostrils. 
Hmm, he smells so good.

“Your name
?” he asked.

She was surprised by his question, she wa
s wearing a name tag and she knew he had read it, and she knew he had just heard Alex use it.  Plus how could he have spoken to her boss and requested she take the night off otherwise?


“Masculine,” he said, cutting her off.  She stared at him with confusion.  “Mackenzie,” he purred and she realised that it was the first time she had ever heard her name from his lips.  She liked it.  “It’s too masculine.  It won’t do.”

“What do you mean?” she asked, disappointment evident in her voice.  She loved the way it sounded coming from his mouth, in fact she didn’t think she’d liked her name more than she did when he said it.

“I don’t like it.”  His response shot through her.  It pained her. 
He doesn’t like my name?  Why does that upset me?  He obviously likes me, it’s just a label.  It doesn’t matter.  Does it?

“You don’t like my name?” she asked
on a whisper, knowing the answer and also knowing that it hurt that he didn’t.

“No.  I’m going to call you…” his eyes wandered over her body as he thought of a name
.  Being under his scrutiny she felt self-conscious, but she liked that too.  “Papillon.”

  You’ve got to be kidding me!” she sniggered.

“What, you don’t like it?”  His eyes danced with mischief, and his lips curled, he liked her reaction.

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