Ever So Madly (12 page)

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Authors: J.R. Gray

BOOK: Ever So Madly
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Chapter Twenty-Seven



Two days had passed. Two days. I felt hollow. I hadn’t left my room in over a day, feigning illness. I’d avoided Jacob, clutching my communicator as I stared at the walls. I couldn’t eat or sleep, and one question haunted my mind. Was he dead? At first I’d wondered what I’d done. But his room was empty. I’d had Jacob check. He could be dead because of me. I wouldn’t put it past the Baron. I had to get my revenge. It was just a matter of biding my time.

A fist struck my door, causing me to jump. I looked up and then said, “Go away. I’m ill.”

They tried my knob, and it was still locked, which made me breathe easier. A low growl came from behind the door, telling me it was my brother there. I ignored it. Jacob barged into my room a moment later holding up a pick.

I scowled. “That is a brand new biometric lock. How the hell did you get past it?”

“Anything which can be locked, can be unlocked by hacking.”

I wanted to smack the smug expression off his face.

“I needed to make sure you were still alive.” He took a seat on the edge of my bed.

“You see I’m alive. I could have the plague. Leave.” I pulled my knees into my chest and pressed my face into them, hiding in my blankets.

He grabbed one end of my cover and yanked it away, leaving me exposed. “Well now that I see you’re alive and clearly not ill in the slightest, I am to tell you to make haste. You have a visitor.”

“There is no one I will see.”

“This you have no choice. You’re lucky the Baron isn’t here holding you down to paint your face.”

I looked up at him. “It can’t be. He was here not four days ago.”

“He has returned and has asked for you.”

I closed my eyes. My chest ached. To anyone else, the handsome son of the Emperor might be a good replacement for a man the Baron banished, but for me it made things worse. I knew he was a consolation prize.

“I guess I have no choice.” I had to put on a face. If they suspected my motives it would ruin my chance of finding him again.

“None, but if it makes you feel any better I wish he would bend me over.” He winked and climbed off my bed to grip himself.

I had to put on the mask I’d worn my whole life and fake it. I could do this. I would search for Madden to the ends of the known worlds and bring him back. Jacob had his secrets, and I would have mine. I just had to figure out how.

I wrinkled my nose as I stuck my tongue out. “You can have him.” I followed him out of the bedroom and went to my large wardrobe. “Tell me what to wear. I can’t be arsed with it.”

He pushed me aside and scavenged through, picking a shocking combination. They were my usual leather pants which the Baron hated and a light purple t-shirt, boasting an all lace back.

“Really?” I took them behind the screen before he could answer.

“You don’t want him to be attracted to you, so why do you care?” I could see his shadow through the divide, and he leaned against the wall looking entirely too smug.

I chose my words carefully. The Emperor’s son’s favor would afford me many more ways to find Madden than even my own rank. “Because maybe I should just get on with it. Better match than I’ll find anywhere else, and at least he’s funny.” I blew out my cheeks as I stepped out. “Do my hair?”

“What would you do without me?” Before I could respond he went on. “Be a ragged mess, that’s what.”

“At least I show up to my meetings and pay attention to state affairs,” I shot back. It was easy to fake things with my brother. To return to our banter, like my entire world hadn’t changed.

“But no one would pay you any attention if you went like you want to half the time.”

I growled at him, and he smirked.

Thirty minutes later, I stood at the private landing strip we reserved for dignitaries coming in secret. My brother flanked me on my left as we disembarked. The Baron and his full guard would have drawn too much attention to the arrival, not to mention he would be missed from his usual meetings, so it was just us. Phillip stalked down the gangplank, and his lips turned up into a foxy grin when his gaze landed on the pair of us. He was striking with blond hair that fell to his chin and violet eyes, a trait only still existing in the royal blood. Most of the rulers over the last two centuries had them, and Phillip was no different. It made me wonder if at birth the firstborn was rejected if it looked different.

He was tall, even taller than my brother, and thin. He had some muscle tone, but not the rugged look Madden had from hard labor. Phillip was soft from his lifestyle. When he approached he inclined his head at me, bending his knees to sink lower.

“You are all kindness.” I offered my hand as was customary and curtsied. “Why ever would you bow to me?”

“I will always bend a knee or be on them for you, my lady.” He met my eyes, and his smile had turned flirty.

I smiled in spite of myself, and he brought my hand to his lips to kiss it. “I must say, I do prefer men on their knees.”

His lips spread open to show off his gleaming white smile. “Men?” He placed a hand over his heart. “You crush me with words, lady. But I will not give up. I will have to revamp my advances and plan a trip to your winter castle.”

My mouth almost fell open. There would be no way to hide from his advances if he came to Gavin 9 with my family. “Determined are you?”

“Very.” He turned to my brother and extended a hand, which Jacob took. Phillip pulled him close and clapped him on the back. They lingered there a moment longer than necessary, and Phillip turned to speak into Jacob’s ear.

They broke apart, and Jacob laughed. “Who said I’m willing to help you?”

Phillip scoffed, “Is everyone against me?”

“Our father’s not,” Jacob shot back.

Phillip shuddered. “Thank you, no.”

I broke out laughing as he linked his arm through mine. We walked back inside and through the tunnels to the suite of rooms he would occupy while he was here.

“Now, what boring thing shall we do so I am seen all over Trenton with the two of you?” Phillip flashed a smile, and my mouth dropped open.

Jacob pushed his tongue into his cheek, reappraising him. “You weren’t kidding last trip, were you?”

Phillip shook his head slowly. “Not at all.”

I looked between them. “What did I miss?”

Jacob looked at me harshly. “While you were absent at the ball Phillip and I had a discussion about how tedious duty can be.”

“We share similar views on fucking off, as you call it,” Phillip cut in.

“I am all astonishment.” I looked at my brother. “I see you two had a lengthy talk.”

Phillip went on. “We had hours, and we agreed you took the brunt of it from your brother, but mine cannot do that. How lucky birth order and a matter of minutes can make you.”

“Indeed.” I didn’t know what else to say.

“Across all the great houses, and half the galaxy you two are the only pair I’ve found who don’t buy into the crap. Sure you put on faces, don’t we all, but more women who meet me are interested in my title than what comes out of my mouth.” His gaze bored into mine, and I thought I saw a hint of weariness behind them. “In fact, you’re the first lady who snuck off on me.”

I blushed a little. “My apology.”

He waved me off. “Don’t be. I’ve been thinking of it for days. I enjoy your company, but I’ve had too much bad company forced on me to understand the desire. So, I have a proposal. Give me another chance, my lady, and if I disappoint or you have no interest, I will take no offense to you fucking off as you will.”

For the second time in so many minutes he made me really smile. “Is this an offer of sorts?” I paused to choose my words. “I do not wish to soil our position in the eyes of the royal house.” I thought my words were candid enough, but I waited to see if my meaning came through.

He didn’t reply right away, turning to look out the window as he folded his hands behind his back. “I think I can speak for your brother when I say we will be a strong alliance.”

I looked to Jacob, and he nodded.

“You two did have a productive night.” He hadn’t answered my question, and since he seemed to be on good terms I decided to push it. “And the offer?”

He turned back around and took a step closer to me. There was a something in his expression I couldn’t read. “I think it’s up to you. If you’ll have me.” He took my hands in his. “Now, tell me what you wish of me, and we will get the visual part of today done, then we can find some fuckery with your brother.”

I kept my hands in his, even though it felt like a betrayal. He was charming, regal in all the right ways, and he had a personality not wholly off-putting thus far. It was the best I could expect, and maybe I should take the offer standing right in front of me.

“What do you think, Jacob? What will please the Baron?”

“Shall we take a stroll through the ornate gardens? They will be packed with lovers at this hour since the weather is reasonable.” Jacob grinned. “Then I do think we need to play a drinking game.”

Phillip laced his fingers through mine and looked over at my brother. “Why does this sound like an utter disaster?”

“Because it usually is,” I laughed.

“Oh it will be. I am thinking blasters and swords. Losers drink.”

We were fully intoxicated by the time we returned to Phillip’s suite. I collapsed on the sofa, kicking my feet up. All of us were laughing and had been since my brother had downed more liquor and still outshot us both. Phillip discarded his suit coat and cufflinks on a table, then undid a few buttons on his shirt before rolling his sleeves.

“Much better.” He turned on me, cheeks rosy from the spirits, and he had a foxy look in his eyes. “I feel like a monkey done up as such.” He stalked forward and took a seat, then lay back resting his head in my lap. “Now, this is the view I’ve been waiting for all night.” He grinned ruefully.

I gasped and smacked his shoulder, uneasy with his position. “You are cut off.”

He rubbed the back of his head over my thighs. “Has anyone ever asked the two of you for a threesome?”

Jacob and I burst out laughing, and he said, “Is that why you’re after my sister?” He licked his lips. “Trying to get at me, eh?”

I laughed. “You two.”

My communicator vibrated on my wrist, and I jumped. I placed my other hand over it to silence it. I begged the universe for it to be him.

“Don’t deny my nasty charm is endearing me to you.”

I didn’t move to check the message. “It is one of the reasons I agreed to your proposal.”

“Shy to check your messages in front of me?”

Jacob leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees. I could tell he knew who I hoped the message was from.

“Not at all.” I brought up my wrist and clicked the screen.

M: Jocelynn, I am so sorry.

Phillip sat up, but Jacob shoved him out of the way, a gesture I would have found exceedingly funny had I not been gasping for air.

I pushed them both away and dropped my head to my knees to take a few deep breaths. I could feel them hovering so I looked up. “I am fine.”

“Can I get a healer?” Phillip looked truly concerned.

“No, it was the news. I found out a friend who had been injured is pulling through.” I plastered on a fake smile, which came easily from years of practice.

I found my brother’s gaze like we always did in times like these. I was sure he could tell by the glance what it meant.

He took his seat next to me again but didn’t lie back down. “Well that is pleasant news.”

I struggled through the rest of the night, and the ease with which the evening had been going was lost. As I walked back to my room, arm in arm with Jacob, I hoped I hadn’t ruined things with Phillip. Even if my heart wasn’t in it, he was the best possible match I could find, and I did like his company.

“Was it him?” Jacob asked when we slipped into my room and the door was closed between us and any spies.

I nodded, placing my hand over my communicator, wanting desperately for him to go so I could talk to Madden.

“I’ll go so you can return it. For the record, I’m glad he’s okay, but I’m guessing he’s light years away.” He turned to go but added, “Give Phillip a chance.”

“I already decided to.”

“Good.” He turned back and crossed the room before taking a seat on the sofa. “I’m too curious to go find a bed to sleep in. Get on with it.”

My fingers flew over the controls, and I sent back, Are you okay?

I took a seat next to him as we waited. I tried to calculate the time difference between our planets, but I’d never been any good at those problems.

M: I am fine, back on Harden but unharmed.

I showed Jacob the message, and he nodded.

J: Were you taken? What happened?

Sometime later he sent me a long explanation, and my heart sank. I knew who was behind it all.

J: I have no words… I’m sorry.

M: Don’t be, it was as much my fault as yours. I started to type out another message but got another from him. What if I have a way for us to see each other again? Would you?

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