Ever So Madly (8 page)

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Authors: J.R. Gray

BOOK: Ever So Madly
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Chapter Nineteen



She took my hand when I offered it, and I led her away from her brother. I felt him watching as we faded into the shadows.

“Where are we going?”

“That would be telling.” When we passed the turn off for the building I stayed in, she looked around.

“Madden.” She stopped.

“I thought you trusted me?” I tried to drag her forward by the hand, but she was surprisingly strong.

“I do trust you, but…”

“There can’t be a but in that sentence if you trust me.” I slid my arms around her waist.

“It’s ingrained in me not to go anywhere with a man alone, more so if I don’t know where I’m going.” She looked up at me, and I could tell she hated admitting it. “You know what I am, and I’m sure you can use your imagination to decipher what could be done to me to be used against my father.”

My brows knit together. “We don’t have to go.”

“You know I don’t think of you like that.” She blew out a breath. “I’m not good at trust, but I’m trying. I’m used to Trenton politics and everyone having an agenda.”

I gripped a hand in her noticeably new black cloak. “Then have a little faith I’m different.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry.”

It was going to take a lot to get past her walls, but I knew it would be worth it. “I’m taking you someplace I guarantee you’ve never been before.”

She scoffed. “You think you know Trenton better than I do? There isn’t a place within one hundred kilometers I haven’t been.”

When I’d been shown this place I was assured it was the best kept secret of the low life. Otherwise it would have been developed into another hotel or garden or palace bullshit. “Bet me then.” I let the smugness show on my face. I wanted to bait her.

“Bet you what?” I could see her mind spinning.

“If you’ve never been to this place then you will give me one item off your person, when I ask, no questions, no hesitation.” It was a low blow, but I couldn’t help the images in my mind.

She got an intense look about her and nodded. “And if I’ve been there what do I get?”

“What do you want?”

She looked up at the sky. “You will take one class of my choosing with me next term.”

I stepped back and stuck out my hand. “It’s a deal.”

She took it and shook, watching me.

“Now can we go?” I pulled her forward, my palm still in hers.

“Lead the way.”

I linked our arms back together and took the turn leading to the outskirts of the city. The bike I’d arranged was sitting right where they said it would be, and I couldn’t help but grin. Sometimes it’s nice to have friends with connections. She looked up at me as I swung a leg over the bike and gestured for her to get on behind me.

Taking the helmet I offered, she climbed on behind me. “Do you know how to drive one of these?” she said into my ear.

My skin prickled as her hot breath blew over the back of my neck. “It’s basically a requirement on Harden.” I needed this.

Everything here was so different. The familiar would keep my head in check. I gripped the throttle and pushed the starter. She enveloped me with her arms.

“I had no idea,” she said over the roar of the engine.

Her grip tightened around me, and I took off, not replying. She laid her head between my shoulder blades, and it felt like heaven. Now I understood why some of the men brought their women on trips through the mine roads on their speeders. The cool wind whipped at her cloak causing it to billow out behind us. But we drew warmth from each other, and I could feel her cheeks pulled up in a smile against my back. The ride wasn’t far, and I had to slow when we reached the caverns. The map was imprinted in my mind as I took the tight turns as fast as I could, whipping the back tire out.

I had to give it to her, she never screamed once. She seemed to have as little fear as I did. We started to climb, and the engine of the small bike strained at the degree in which I pushed it. I didn’t let up, forcing the bike to her max until we hit the peak of the climb. I let off the throttle, and we rocked down faster than top speed on a straight. The only reaction from J was for her to press her face between my shoulders.

A grin spread across my wind-burned lips. The bike jumped when we hit the flat, and I kicked out to the right. Using my toes to skim the ground, I kept us balanced. The next portion was up again, and we slowed, engine chugging.

“How have I lived my whole life without this?” she screamed against the wind.

“It’s freedom in its simplest form.” I called back, not sure if she would be able to hear me.

“How did you learn to ride like this?” she asked as we neared the peak.

“Maybe I’ll tell you sometime.” Chances were she’d disapprove if she knew.

We dipped down only for a few moments before circling back uphill. It wouldn’t be clear where we were going until we came out from between the peaks. I could see the moons already, and the stars above us started to brighten the further we got away from the city lights. We took another sharp turn and came out on the cliff ledge. I cut the engine and rolled to a stop on the expansive flat of the large rock.

The view was breathtaking. I’d been told nothing rivaled it, but I hadn’t believed anything could be this beautiful. I waited for her response as I drank it in. The city glowed warm with the hint of smoke rising from fireplaces. The twinkling lights created the illusion of a romantic backdrop. I felt her climb off, so I kicked out the stand on the bike and followed.

She walked right up to the edge. I stayed back a few feet, my stomach growing tight. Height was a whole different thing when I wasn’t on my bike. She turned back toward me and gestured for me to join her. Hesitantly, I stepped forward, taking her hand. I tried not to think about the ground crumbling beneath my feet or losing my balance. She squeezed my hand in hers, and I noticed mine was sweaty.

I glanced over, seeing the wonder and disbelief in her eyes.

“I was right, wasn’t I?” I whispered.

“You were.” She turned into me, resting her hands on my hips.

I turned, trying not to look over the edge as I brushed my lips over her forehead. “Do you like it?”

She nodded, gazing up at the sky. Then her eyes went past me up to the heavens. “The sky is even lovelier.”

I traced my fingers down her slender arms, then grabbed her under her arse, lifting her off her feet. She looked down at me, giggling, before resting our foreheads together.

“Thank you,” she said over my lips in a whisper.

“You should trust me more often.” I licked over her lips.

“I do, I really do.” She rubbed our lips together, still smiling.

“Come on, there is more.” I set her down on her feet and backed toward the bike, glad to get away from the cliff.

“More?” There was a skip in her step as she followed me, her eyes still scanning the stars.

I dug around in the packs and pulled out the blanket then the pre packed meal. “Much more.” I spread the blanket out over the ground and took a seat, beckoning her forward.

She lay back, placing her head in my lap. “What did you bring?”

I pushed my fingers into her hair. “A late dinner, if you’re hungry.”

“You’re so damn romantic.”

I lifted her head and moved it gently to the ground so I could lie out next to her. She shifted to lay her head on my chest. I covered us with the spare blanket, and we stayed quiet, looking up at the stars for a long time.

“Why me?”

“What do you mean?” she asked, her voice laced with sleep.

“I’m not so ignorant I don’t know you could have invited any guy to your bed, and they would have come.”

She glanced up at me. “Because you don’t treat me like they do.”

“Because I didn’t know who you were.” I laughed it off.

“No, even after. You’re intelligent but not superior. Kind but not soft and witty but not mean. The attitude of those born here is entitlement. You’re refreshing.” She paused. “Plus you don’t pander to me to stay on my good side. You say what you’re thinking.”

I winced a little. “You mean when I yelled at you?”

She chuckled.

“Why do you seem to love all the parts of me I hate?” I brushed my lips over her temple.

“Because you see them as weaknesses, and I see them as strengths.” She rolled half on top of me to set her chin on my chest.

I grew semihard, trying not to squirm too much under her when we were having a serious discussion. “Because I want to be seen as strong, not weak. I want to be respected. The qualities you like about me don’t bring that about.”

She shook her head. “You’re wrong. You can be kind and well respected.”

“It’s seen as feminine. I don’t want to project that.”

“You don’t have to be macho to be manly. I hate when men are like that.” Her stare was harsh.

“Well you must be the only one.” I slid my hand down her spine, painfully aware of how close we were and what we could be doing up here so far from both our realities.

“Do you care what anyone else thinks?” She raised both brows.

I wasn’t sure how to answer her. “I do care how people see me. But I don’t care if anyone else feels the way you do.”

“Good, but you should stop caring what everyone else thinks.” She pushed her knees between mine and slipped between them.

I parted my thighs, welcoming her there. My arousal grew hard against her stomach.

“You’re so easy.” She rocked over me softly.

“I’m not easy, you’re good.” I lifted my head to chase her mouth, demanding a kiss. She gave in, slipping her tongue into my mouth.

When she broke the kiss she looked down at me with heavily lidded eyes. “Let’s go back.”

My heart sank. “I’ll take you back, if you want.” She always pulled back when we got heated. I was starting to think she had no interest in more.

“You ask me to trust you. Have a little faith in return.”

I nodded and waited.

She blew out a breath. “I trust you, and I need to get back. Come to my chambers with me.” She looked right into my eyes as she said it, and it may have been the most alluring thing I’d ever heard.


Chapter Twenty



I could hardly breathe. My heart raced as I pushed open one of the side entrances to the palace. The door was the closest one to my suite of rooms, but it was still a long walk down a vacant hallway. I looked into his eyes. He was instantly calm. Jacob did this all the time. What did I have to worry about?

I slid my hand into his, and he squeezed my fingers. “Let’s go,” I said under my breath.

I took a step out into the hall, and he followed close at my back. I could feel the heat radiating off his body as we made our way through the dark. I had to fight the urge to sprint the length of the hall, knowing my boots would clatter against the stone. A creak sounded at the other side, and I froze. A shadow moved at the other end, but I couldn’t make out whether it was human or animal. I backed up, hitting Madden, who stood still. I pushed back into him wishing he would get the hint and back up with me. But he stayed where he was.

“Jacob?” he called out, entirely too loud.

“Yep.” My brother slipped out of the alcove he stood in, much closer than where I had seen the movement.

My heart was beating out of my chest, and I didn’t know how to caution them as Jacob stalked forward.

“Little late getting back.” My brother stopped before us and leaned against the wall.

Mad tightened his grip on my hand and wrapped his other around my chest. “We went a long way. What’s it to you?” The words sounded like a challenge.

I looked between them and to where I’d seen the movement. I wanted to say something, but I also didn’t want to give away I’d seen them. I cursed under my breath.

“It’s nothing to me, but you do know people pay attention to where she is. I am expected to fuck off, but when you have her missing meetings and events, notice is taken.” He shook his head. “That’s not normal for her. If you two were smart you would make sure to keep her as normal as possible.”

I felt the tension bleed out of Madden. “I’m sure you’re right.”

“He’s staying?” The question was directed at me.

I nodded.

“Don’t be stupid.” His eyes were hard, and I knew what he meant.

“I’m not ignorant.”

“Never said you were, but we don’t need more issues than we already have, do we?” he asked.

“What are you doing here slinking around in dark hallways anyway?” Madden added before Jacob could leave.

“I was making sure you brought her home.” Without another word he left in the same direction I’d heard the noise from. I wondered if he’d run into some eavesdropper.

“Let’s go,” Mad urged, pressing his groin into my back playfully.

“I see my brother hasn’t deterred you at all.” I didn’t need a second prodding. I was as anxious as he was.

“I compartmentalize, and I think it would take a lot to deter me from my need for you.” He kissed the back of my neck as I waved my communicator over the lock. The door clicked open as I felt his warm tongue.

It was barely closed before he had me pinned to the wall just inside. The weight of his much larger body was intoxicating, and I could feel his hard length against my stomach as he shamelessly rubbed it into me. He grabbed me by the throat, not harshly, forcing my chin up so he could claim my mouth. I gave into him. Need dripped from his every gesture. I pushed my hands under the edge of his cloak, forcing it off his shoulders, and he released me only to let the fabric fall to the floor. The room was warm because I’d left a fire burning, and it intensified my need to get out of the layers of clothes.

I teased my fingers under the hem of his shirt, tracing over the sculpted muscles there. I dragged my nails back down his skin as I elicited a deep moan from his mouth. Inch by inch, I eased up his shirt, and he happily lifted his arms to let me peel it from him before doing the same to mine. He didn’t resume the kiss. Instead he rested his forehead against mine while his fingers traced the lace pattern covering my chest.

“I almost want to leave this on you.” His voice came with heavy breaths.

I tilted my chin up, taking another demanding kiss. “You can.” My chest heaved under his touch.

“Another time.” He brushed his fingers down my throat. “I want to taste every inch of you.”

The thought sent a shiver down my spine, and I trembled against him. “Only if I get to do the same.”

He stepped back into the glow of the moonlight filtering through the hangings. The light aged him, and I could see lines of worry etched into his hard face. I followed, pulled by some unseen force. I didn’t want to be out of reach of him.

“Where do you want me?”

It was a large sitting room where I hosted guests. There were chairs and loveseats around the fire place, as well as a small table in an alcove and a writing desk in the far corner. It was in the same style of the rest of the house, reds and silvers.

I wasn’t sure what I wanted, but I didn’t want him to think I’d led him to a place that would restrict us. “Not here.”

I tucked my hair behind my ear and left his side to open the door which led to my bedchamber. He followed me inside. With a trembling hand I reached to turn on one of the lamps. He stopped me and shook his head before pulling open the hangings on the windows. It was something I seldom did as the window looked out into a large courtyard where anyone could peer in. At this hour it was deserted. My bed was positioned so the moonlight glistened over the sheets giving them a ghostly purple glow.

He stood there, bare-chested, waiting for me. My breath caught in my throat. I’d never needed to be possessed like I did with Madden. He unhooked his belt as I crossed the room to him, and the click made me flush. He watched me as he pulled it from the loops. The fabric of his jeans caused the leather to whistle slightly, building my anticipation. I caressed the skin beneath his open fly, tracing the soft patch of hair that led into his boxers.

“Take them off.”

He looked down at me, but I was focused on his hand gripping himself as I said the words.

“Going to order me around?” he asked as he hooked his thumbs in the waistline of his pants.

“I am, and you’re going to like it.” I was sure of myself. I didn’t have to second guess how he’d feel about it. We both knew which one of us would be in charge.

“I already like it, ma’am.” He shoved his jeans down and stepped out of them to stand before me in shorts barely covering his arousal.

I didn’t make another move to touch him as I stood there. “Those off, too.”

His eyes bored into me as he slowly lowered them, revealing himself to me. His length hung heavy between his thighs. As I reached out to touch him, he dropped to his knees at my feet, nuzzling into my stomach.

“I want to take yours off you.” His fingers crawled up the back of my corset until they found the ties. He undid them one by one, loosening the fabric around me. He cast it aside and looked up at me. The height difference between us was so great his face was level with my breasts as he knelt. He stared at them for a moment, and my cheeks started to pink. But then, slowly, he lifted a hand to cup the underside of one breast and touched his lips to my nipple. My skin prickled, and pleasure washed through me at the simple touch. He parted his lips to flick his tongue over the taut peak. I thrust my hands into his hair, wanting to keep him right where he was for the rest of the night.

His fingers skimmed down the center line of my stomach to trace around the hemline of my pants as he parted his lips around my pebbled nipple, sucking it into his mouth. I let loose a whimper as his teeth met my flesh. The room was void of air, and I couldn’t draw a deep breath. Before I knew it, he had undone the clasp to my leathers and drawn down the zipper. He gripped the waist and tugged, leaving me standing there in lace boy shorts. He dropped his head to my stomach, and I could feel his labored breath over my skin as he skimmed his nose over the thin fabric.

“I want you,” he said through a gasp as his fingers traced the curve of my arse.

“You have me.” I tugged on his hair, tilting his face up to look at me.

His eyes searched mine. “No, I want to be inside you.”

“What’s stopping you?”

He ran his fingers down the back of my thighs eliciting another soft moan from me. “I’m conflicted.”

Before I could ask, he went on. “I also want to stay down here and worship your body.” He flicked his tongue out to trace the delicate line of lace at the crease of my leg.

“We have time. Take me to bed.”

He didn’t hesitate, grabbing me under the ass as he got up, carrying me toward the bed. I kicked off my pants as he laid me out, before he crawled up to hover between my thighs. He was hard and leaking when he lowered his body to mine, leaving a warm trail of sticky fluid on my stomach. His lips parted for mine again as he rocked into me, pushing his thick head up my slit. I pushed at his chest and forced my hands between us so I could get rid of the last barrier we had.

He pulled back, frowning. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I just want these off.” I lifted up my ass to slide the lace down, but he grabbed my wrists and stopped me.

“I want to take them off you.”

I lay back and dropped my hands. He slid down so his face hovered over me as he gently removed them. I lifted up, giving him easier access. Once they were gone he brushed his fingers up the inside of my thighs causing heat to pool between my legs. I wanted him. He skimmed his nose over my lips, moaning softly.

“You are so beautiful.” He teased his tongue just past my folds.

I arched my back, pressing myself into his face, needing more. “Madden…”

But he didn’t give in right away, tracing a hot path over my lips with his flattened tongue. I gasped, needing so much more. He pushed his tongue deeper, finding my clit, and I shuddered with pleasure. It wouldn’t take him long to push me over the edge if he stayed there. But he didn’t. After the single taste he resumed his position over me. I could feel the heat coming off him in waves, and he was so close. I grabbed at his shoulders trying desperately to pull him down to me.

He tilted his head and rubbed the scruff on his jaw under my ear as he spoke. “Do we need protection?” He words stuttered, like it took every ounce of effort he had to hold off with me naked beneath him.

I shook my head, wrapping a leg around his ass so I could lift up into him, trying to feel every last inch of skin against me. “I want to feel you.”

He drew in a shaky breath and reached between us to grip himself. His tip brushed over my entrance, and I melted. Every touch was like a jolt of electric pleasure infused into my veins, and like an addict, it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. He nudged his hips forward trailing his tip over me. I clawed at him, needing more.

“You’re killing me, Madden,” I said as he teased another pass between my lips. This time he pressed hard, massaging his head over my clit. I tilted my hips, begging for more of him with my body.

He laid his forehead over mine. “Killing you? I don’t think so, but close to death will suit my purposes.” I could see the playful glint in his eyes.

“Do I have to order you around again?” I gasped and grabbed his ass as he circled himself over the tight knot of flesh.

He looked me in the eyes. “Your wish is my command, Mistress.”

I wasn’t sure if he was teasing, but the idea of telling him what to do to me struck a chord deep inside, and I was willing to try anything at this point to get what I needed.

“I want you to fuck me. Now.”

He groaned over my lips and lined himself up, pausing only for a second before he eased himself inside. He didn’t stop until he was fully sheathed, and he stilled for a long moment. His girth stretched me wide open, and I squeezed down around him, reveling in the feel of him filling me so fully.

“I want to live inside you and never leave.” He pulled back and drove forward seamlessly, finding a slow, punishing pace that tightened the knot in my stomach until it was intolerable.

“I might be okay with that.” I rocked up into him, meeting each of his thrusts as I pulled at his muscular arms.

He grabbed my thigh roughly, pulling my leg around him, changing the angle so he could force his length deeper. The new position caused his tip to hit all the right places making me writhe against him. He brought me to the brink but didn’t let me come, changing his strokes to short jabbing ones. He swelled inside me, and I dug my fingertips into his flesh, knowing they’d leave bruises. The action seemed to heighten his desire as he let out a low groan.

Madden pushed one hand between us, tracing his fingers around his base to coat his fingers before he spread my own silky lubricant over the outside of my lips. The light touch was torturous, leaving me whimpering. Working his way toward my center he found my clit, kneading his fingers around it in slow circles. He dragged his lips down my throat and found my breast. His teeth pinched and tugged my nipple before he soothed it with his warm tongue. Between his fingers and his mouth, I was hovering on the edge, completely under his control.

“I want to feel you come around me.” The tone in his voice almost did me in. Pleasure mounted deep in my stomach, and he pushed me over the edge with his fingers against my swelling clit. I exploded in ecstasy, and my muscles gripped him, pulsing with every wave of my orgasm. I threw my legs open, welcoming him deeper as I rode out the seemingly endless release. He gasped against my neck, and his strokes faltered telling me he was close.

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