Ever So Madly (9 page)

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Authors: J.R. Gray

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I knew it wouldn’t take much to throw him over the edge, so I turned and nibbled at his ear as I whispered, “Come for me.”

He shuddered in silence, giving a final thrust before his own orgasm seemed to wreck his whole body. He collapsed on top of me, our hearts pounding together in sync.

“Jocelynn.” He exhaled slowly and kissed up my neck until he found my lips.

I cupped his face with my hands, keeping him there. We kissed with him still inside me, throbbing with the last of his release.

“I don’t want to move,” he said into my lips.

I tightened my legs around him, holding him there. “Then don’t.”

He maneuvered us around a little until I was half draped over him, and his tip was still nestled half hard inside me. I reached for the blanket and pulled it over us, giving in to sleep.

The next voice I heard was not the one I wanted to wake up to.

“It’s like I have to give you pointers on how to sneak about.”

When I peeled my eyes open Madden was bare-arsed and face down sprawled between me and where my brother sat eating a bowl of fruit. I threw a blanket over Madden, smiling to myself as he snored lightly, then pulled a sheet up over myself before I climbed out of bed.

“I wasn’t expecting my nosy brother to pick my lock.” I took a seat across from him and dug into the extra bowl waiting for me.

“You left it unlocked.”

“Shit. But why are you here?” A third bowl sat in front of the empty seat. As simple a gesture as it was, it told me Jacob had accepted Madden.

“I had to make sure you made lecture this morning. I don’t want to have to deal with you sobbing for days over that one. Better to head it off at the pass and keep you in line.”

“I don’t sob.” I stood, leaning over the table to kiss his cheek. “I love you, brother mine.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Eat, then wake him up so I can sneak him out of here then meet you.” He shoved another spoonful into his mouth.

“Can I wake him up with my lips?” I batted my eyelashes like all the women Jacob hated.

“Only if you’re putting on a show for me, and even I can’t handle the idea of us getting that close.” He made a face.

I burst out laughing. “God, no. You already know too much about me.”

“If you want to have morning fun, which is the best way to start the day—I should know.” He winked, and I gagged on my food. “Then you need to train him to get up an hour early.”

“I am not taking notes on this from my brother.” I shuddered.

“Taking notes on what?” Mad had one eye open and was staring at us both.

“Notes on how best to go about getting laid in the morning. Believe me you don’t want to know.” I grinned, loving the way he looked all sleepy.

He pulled the blanket over his head and muttered into the pillow. “Did your brother come in here and…”

“I can see why she likes you. You have a great arse,” Jacob said before I could reply.

Mad groaned. “They always tell you families are the worst part of being in a relationship, and I am getting screwed from every angle.”

“You’ve not been screwed yet, but if you want to see how good it feels up the arse I could help you out.” Jacob gave a toothy grin, and I reached over and smacked him.

“You say that like I haven’t.”

I looked between them for a moment, then hit my brother. “You have enough conquests. Stay away from the one I like.”

He rolled his eyes and huffed. “If you insist, dear sister.” He turned to Mad seamlessly. “Come eat, and then I am getting your arse out of here before we all get in trouble, and if you sleep here you need to be out of here before first bell. It’s so much easier to sneak out before the servants are about.”

It was my turn to groan. “I have to walk him out of here so early?”

Jacob dug in the pocket of his tunic and pulled out a ring of keys. “No, but if he wants to spend the night in your bed he will drag his arse home that early.” He tossed the keys at Madden. “These should open all the necessary doors.”

“You trust me that much?” He looked from the keys to Jacob.

“No, but she does, and it’s good enough for me.”

Mad pulled the sheet around himself and sat up. “Bathroom?”

I nodded toward the other door in the room, and he collected his clothes and disappeared inside.

“You’re turning into a softy. Keys?”

“I called in a favor to get an extra set. You owe me.” He tipped his bowl to his lips, drinking the remaining nectar.

Mad reappeared a moment later and inhaled the contents of his bowl. Jacob wiped his mouth and watched with one eyebrow raised. I glared at him, knowing what he was thinking.

“Let’s go. I’m going to have to take you a rather roundabout way, but it has to be done.” Jacob led the way out to my sitting room, and when Madden headed for the door he grabbed him by the arm. “Not that way.” Jacob instead pushed one of the bricks on the fireplace. For a long moment nothing happened, but then the stones started to rumble, and the back side parted opening, revealing a dark passage.

“Really?” Madden glanced back at me. “And you didn’t show me last night?”

“Over what we did?” I raised a brow.

He looked a little sheepish. “You act like the two are mutually exclusive.”

“It leads to his room. It’s rather boring.”

Jacob sighed. “You had to give away the intrigue.”

The fire had burned low enough so it could be easily stepped over. When they were in the passage I called out hastily. “Let me know when you get out, okay?”

“I’ll be fine, don’t worry,” he called back.


Chapter Twenty-One



I was playing with fire. I knew I was, and yet I had to know more. The meeting place was different. Another long hike through the city to a seemingly abandoned part and then we went underground. You’d never know by looking at it, but the city was built over the shell of a much older city. Underneath, there were passages, abandoned buildings, and the lessers. Those not even fit in the eyes of the Akillies to be servants, and the people who wanted to live outside the law. Or perhaps those who rejected the government like the Red Stars did.

I suspected this was a lot closer to home than the first building I’d gone to. Every step I took in the two inches of water echoed off the curved walls and made me tenser. The note I’d received told me two rights then to walk past thirteen turn-offs before taking a left. I checked my comm. I was going to be late for the ball tonight. I’d promised Jocelynn I’d be there, even if she couldn’t spend the night with me.

Sweat started to bead on my forehead. It was a lot hotter down here than on the surface. At this rate I was going to have to shower before I went out again. I took the turn once I found the right passage and walked right into two men standing there. Both had red badges on their jackets. I straightened up and tried to look them in the eyes, but they both also wore silver polarized glasses.

I waited for them to speak, but they seemed content with silence.

“I was told to come here?” I was also sure I sounded like an idiot.

“Wait,” one of them said and pressed his fingers to his ear. “Are you ready for him?”

I slid my hands into my pockets and did as I was told. No sense in stressing since I would already be late.

“All right,” the guy spoke into something. His wrist maybe. Then he looked down at me. “You’re going to press this into the back of your neck. It’s a way for you to get in touch with some of our leaders, without risking them coming onto planet.”

My mind started to whirl as he spoke. Speaking to people off planet? Couldn’t I have used a comm for this?

“There is no risk for you, but it will take you into an altered sense of reality. It’s normal to feel slightly nauseated the first time.”

No risk for me? Who was there a risk for? I really didn’t like this. I swallowed past the lump in my throat and tried to listen to the rest of what he had to say.

“Don’t ask. It’s tech we don’t share. If we find you trying to steal, duplicate, or even suspect you’ve spoken about it to another living soul we’ll eliminate the risk.”

“Eliminate the risk?” I asked.

“By any means necessary.” He held out the device, and I took it.

“Just press it to the back of my neck?”

He nodded.

“Where am I doing this?”

They stepped aside to reveal a tiny lounge area. “We’ll protect your body while you’re in.”

“Protect my body?” Panic rose up in my throat like bile. This wasn’t a good idea. I could feel it in my gut. I never let anyone have control over me. Not again, not since what I withstood as a child. I had a hard time even sleeping without one eye open. “And if I refuse?”

“I’m sure now that you’ve come this far refusing to talk will be seen as hostile and a threat to our safety.”

“I thought so.” I stepped through the space they’d made, and dropped to a seat on the sofa. I pressed the tiny device to the back of my neck before I could decide how bad of an idea this really was.

When I opened my eyes I was in a lounge. It looked like one of those expensive smoking lounges the elite on Harden liked to frequent. A place where someone like me would be turned out just for looking like I did. I wanted to explore the room. The floor under my feet felt as real as everything looked, but it wasn’t possible. Tech like this didn’t exist. They couldn’t have transported me all this way, could they?

The guards had said something about watching my body so I couldn’t have been transported. I did a slow turn spotting the only three occupants of the room. They sat, relaxing on the posh sofas. While two looked perfectly at home, the third looked—winded—strained maybe. Something wasn’t quite right.

I knelt to brush my fingers over the ornate floor. Stone under my fingertips, even the texture was perfect. “How is this possible?”

“Whereas it may feel real, none of it actually is. We are currently residing in a program built inside the mind.”

I looked at the men again. “His?” I nodded at the sickly looking one. “It’s a strain?”

“I told you he was quick,” the sickly looking man said.

“So, your mind is supporting this world?” I took a step forward, still barely believing this was a program.

“Yes, but you have used up your questions. Take a seat. We’ve been watching you for some time, and we have an offer.”


I tugged on my knee high boots before I straightened up to tuck in my shirt. My mind was still reeling from the meeting, and she had sent me one message today. One. I opened my comm and looked at the message again.

J: I’ll be at the ball until late, but I want to see you after. Please don’t make a scene, whatever you see. I’m still going home with you.

It hadn’t sat right. What would she be doing tonight that would upset me? Between the stress of the Reds and J’s sudden coldness I wanted to crawl into a hole. I scrubbed a hand down my face. I wouldn’t get answers unless I finished getting dressed and went to the ball. It looked like it was going to be an uncomfortable night all around, since I wasn’t happy about the attire. Not that I hated dressing up, but I knew I didn’t pull it off as well as others did.

Next I put on the vest, then the waistcoat, and all were topped with a cravat pinned into place with a tiny black star. Under the right kind of light, it would shine red, or so I was told. I hadn’t tested it, and I wore it for the perks more than anything. It was also an easy way to spot friends. A top hat was the final touch, and it was the most fun. A hand-me-down from my grandfather who had been given it when he worked as a manservant to one the lords on Harden.

It was a short walk to where the Akillie ball was hosted, welcoming everyone to the start of the fair. I was starting to wonder if the Worlds’ Fair was more a show in strength and power than what it masqueraded as. I was greeted at the door and handed a plain black mask, which I strapped on. More cloak and dagger shit to let the nobles have their fun. The Red Stars told me this procedure allowed the Baron to invite prestigious guests like the Emperor’s son, who was rumored to be here tonight, without forcing the Emperor to show favoritism over Jok.

My eyes scanned the room for her before I even knew what I was doing. She was easy to find, her golden hair wrapped up in a twist on top of her head and a floor length black dress. The dress was stunning even from afar. It was two layers, the top being hand-woven lace which sat over a thin shimmery sheer fabric of the same color. Every time the light caught her dress it gave a tease of her porcelain skin hiding beneath. A long slit ran from mid-thigh to the floor, giving a tease of her every time she moved. She glowed with radiance, and I looked down at myself, knowing I didn’t deserve her.

She didn’t wear one of the masks handed out at the door. Instead, hers was molded to her face and accented with jewels, silver, and her house red. Jacob stood next to her in the only red mask in the room. I wondered if he’d done it on purpose to stand out. Between his roguish smile and the way he stood I figured he had.

A man taller than me approached her and offered one of the two drinks he held. A grin curled over her lips as she gave a slight bow and accepted it. He seemed to wave off her bow, leaning in to whisper in her ear. As he pulled back, his lips touched the place under her jaw.

I saw red. Everything else in the room vanished as she placed a hand on his shoulder. They laughed, hers ringing out across the room. I needed a drink. I stalked toward the bar and ordered a Dragon blood. The alcohol would either make my mood volatile or it would calm me. I shot a look back over my shoulder. He had his hand on her hip, and their bodies were even closer than before. My chest tightened, and my hand shook as I picked up my drink, throwing it back. A hand touched my shoulder, and I spun around to confront who ever dared touched me.

I softened a little when the red mask was staring back at me.

“You need to calm down.”

“I’m calm,” I snapped.

“That is Phillip, and I’m sure you’re not so daft as you don’t know the name. She has to do this.” His voice was low, barely more than a snarl.

I knew she did. I knew the name. It was the Emperor’s eldest son. A marriage like that would immortalize the Akillie House. But there was a catch. The younger sons of the Emperor could be married for treaty, and usually were, but by law the heir could not be. The law made it so the Emperor had no way to show bias toward one of the houses. It kept the peace. The Empress usually ended up some lesser noble from the imperial city. That was the worst part. He was here of his own accord, and Jocelynn was beautiful. If she’d caught his eye it was for good reason, and I knew she had to act like this. I knew she had to put on a good face, but yet here I was letting it get to me. I blew out a breath through my nostrils.

“I know who it is.” I looked at J again.

She was giggling. Giggling! He had his arm around her waist now.

“You know this is never going to work out between you two, right?”

I looked back at him with my jaw set. “I know.”

And I did. I hated the fact, but I knew we couldn’t have the happily ever after I wanted so badly.

“She’s going to end up with him or some other Baron’s son, and I’m going to end up with Aubrey, or even worse her seven-year-old sister.” He paused setting his glass down on the bar. “It may be the most horrible injustice we have to suffer to live a life of leisure, but we feel it. We made a pact to never fall in love, years ago, she and I, and she’s never broken it for a handsome face. Then you came along. She wouldn’t be doing this, knowing how it has to end, if she didn’t really have feelings for you.”

I knew everything he said was the truth. “Why are you telling me all this?”

“Because he,” he gestured to her and Phillip, “is work. If she stays in the Baron and Emperor’s good graces she can have the time with you she does. If she’s lucky it will be years before she has to marry anyone. That is all time for you two.”

The bartender refilled his drink, and Jacob brought it to his lips before going on. “We all do what we have to, to survive. Don’t doubt her feelings.”

“I don’t.” He was right. I’d needed the wakeup call. It didn’t make it any easier to watch, but at least I’d calmed enough to not make a scene.

Something apparently caught Jacob’s eye because he was up and moving across the crowded room chasing a young man serving drinks. As there were plenty of these servers I figured he liked the way that one looked. He did have a nice ass.

I shook it off, returning my attention to Phillip. He certainly acted the part of the interested party. He stayed at her side, always with his hand on her arm, kept her drinks refilled, and he was enthralled by everything that came out of her mouth. It didn’t surprise me. I knew she was amazing. It was stupid of me to think no one else would see it. She’d have a good life if she married him. I started to wonder if Jacob would get control of Akillie. Could she maintain her duties as Empress and still keep the Akillie House? I was sure the Baron would find a way to make it best suited to him.

Hours passed, and I’d had too much to drink. I sat at the bar, glass in hand, staring at her out there. She danced, and laughed, and chatted with the other dignitaries like she hadn’t a care in the world, or a thought of me for that matter. It was my own demons talking, and I should have ignored them. I knew who she was going back to her room with tonight, and I hated playing the part of the jealous bastard, but it ate at me. How long could we keep this up? I wasn’t a part of her world.

She took her leave of Phillip, and he watched her walk over to the bar. She took a seat next to me and without looking said, “I’m famished.”

My heart rate picked up. “Decided to take a break from your fun?”

“You mean a break from my job?” She snuck a glance at me.

“It didn’t look like work from here.” I snapped, and then kicked myself. She didn’t deserve the way I was acting.

“I’m at fault for being a good actress? I’ve been doing it for years, Madden.” Fire burned in her eyes.

“You’re right, I’m sorry. I don’t want to fight with you.” I brushed my fingers over her arm. “How long do you think you have?”

She looked back at him. He’d chosen another dance partner. “I told him I was feeling faint and that I was going to sit for a while.”

“So I have you for at least a few minutes.”

She nodded. I got to my feet.

“Let’s go sit in the shadows.”

She followed me to the far end of the bar where a few stools sat completely in the shadows. There were better spots for what I had in mind, alcoves that were shaded and balconies, but I knew she wouldn’t want to disappear. She took her seat against the wall, and I scooted the other stool closer to her so our knees touched when I sat.

“Tell me why you didn’t find your own partner to flirt with.” She laid her hand on my thigh.

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