Exit the Colonel (63 page)

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Authors: Ethan Chorin

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as rebel leader
resignation of
Abdullah (Saudi Crown Prince)
plot to murder
Abid, Abdullah bin (Black Prince)
Abraham, Spencer
Abrahams, Fred
Abrams, Elliot
Abu Selim prison
Abu Sofiyan bin Qummu in
emptying of
massacre at
Abusha'ala, Ali
Adams, John
Adam Smith International
Adler, Jerry
North, early piracy by
open-door policy
Saudi mediation in
slave trade in
South Africa-Saudi-Libya deals
unification, Gaddafi and
Africa Fund
African immigrants, execution of, postrevolution
African National Congress (ANC)
African Titanics
African Union (AU)
African Union Peacekeeping forces, Darfur, Sudan
Airport, rebel control of
Ajdabia, oil and
Akhbar Libya
al Assad, Bashar
Al Aybbar, Abdelrahman
Al Badri, Mohammed
al Banna, Hassan
Al Beida
Albright, Madeline
al Chalawi, Taqi al Din
Alcohol, in Libya
Al-Fagih, Ahmed Ibrahim
Al Fajr,
short-range missile
Al Fateh,
short-range missile
Al Fateh revolution
Al Fateh University
al Ferjany, Mohammad
Al Fitouri, Asma
al Gaddafi, Salma Al Gaeer
civil war
France in
Gaddafi family sanctuary
Islamic rule in
Libya relations and
al Gerwy, Muktar Abdullah, RCC
al Ghazaal, Saleh
al Ghazal, Daif
Al Ghoud, Abdelmajid
Al Hajji, Jamal
Al Haqiqa
The Truth
, Benghazi newspaper)
Al Hasadi, Abdel Hakim
Al Hashan, nuclear facility
al-Hassi, Mohamed
Al Houni, Mohammed
Al Hurra TV
Ali Mahmoudi, Baghdadi
Al Islam, Saif.
Gaddafi, Saif Al Islam
Al Jahmi, Fathi, dissident
Al Jahmy, Mohammed
Al Jamahiriyya
Al Jazeera
Libyan coverage
Qatar media
uprising coverage
Al Jelloud, Adbelsalam
Al-Kasim, Farouk
Al Keeb, Abdelrahim
Al Kekhia, Mansour
Al Kekhia, Najat
Al Khalifa dynasty of Bahrain
Allen, Mark
Alliance of National Forces
al Libi, Abu Layth
al Libi, Ibn al-Shaykh
Al Libi
Al Libii
Al Mayhoub, Abdalla, NTC and
al Matouk, Matouk
al Megrahi, Abdelbasset
death of
Lockerbie bombing
release of
return to Libya
al Mismari, Abdel Salam, uprising and
Al Mismari, Nouri defection
Al Mokhtar, Omar
Al Mufti, Mohammed
Al Mujarib, Mohammed
al Nahyan, Abdullah bin Zayed
Al Obeidi, Abdulati
Al Qaeda
Al Qasibi, Rahman
al Raghie, Nazih Abdul Hamid
Al Saadi, Sami
Al Senussi, Ahmed Al-Zubeir
Al Senussi, Sayyid Mohammed ibn Ali
Al Tayef, Amaar
al Thani, Emir Hamad bin Khalifa
al Thani, Hamad bin Jasim
al Warfelli, Akram
Al Wasat (Libyan television)
Al Wasat
(Saudi newspaper)
Al Zahf al Ahdhar
Al Zahrani, Maria
al Zuway, Faraj
Ambassadors, Libyan withdrawal of
Amerada Hess
American Enterprise Institute
Amnesty International
Anatomy of a Tyrant
Anderson, Lisa
Angel, Luna
Annan, Kofi
Ansar Sharia
Anti-terror campaigns
Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act
A. Q. Kahn, nuclear supply network
Arab League
bans Libya
boycott of Israel
intervention in Libya and
NATO action in Libya, balking at
Arab Socialist Union (ASU)
Arab Spring
US dilemmas with
See also
Aref, Abdel Jalil
Arendt, Hannah
Arms exports, to Libya
destruction of culture
Arus Al Bahr
Asharq Al Awsat
(pan Arab newspaper)
Assayih, Khalid
Atatürk, Kemal
Atlantic, The
August “youth” speeches, Saif Al Islam
“Awdat Caesar” (Genaw)
Axis of Evil speech, Bush
Ayatollah Khameini
Ayatollah Khomeini
Aziz, Mohamed Ould Abdel
Bab Al Azziziya compound
Bachmann, Michele
Bahrain, uprising in
Baja, Fathi
Bani Walid tribe, Libya
Bank of Commerce and Development, of Libya
Banyan coalition
Barber, Benjamin
Barlinnie prison, Glasgow
Barlow, Joel
Bartlett, Dan
Basic People's Congress (BPC)
Basic People's Council
Baylor College of Medicine
Beit li sakinihi, policy
Belarus, arms deal with Libya
Belhaj, Abdelhakim
Ben Ali, Zinedine
al Haqiqa
Bulgarian medics and Palestinian case
destruction of, in WWII
elections in
as fashion center
federalism argument and
freedom of speech in, postrevolution
population of
riots, of 2006
threats to
UN Resolution 1973
uprising, first five days
Benghazi Center for Infectious Diseases
Benghazi Commune
Benghazi Medical Center
Benghazi Rubicon
Ben Halim, Mustafa
Benhalim, Omar
Imazighen Congress
reform and
repression of
trans-Saharan trade and
Berber Spring
Berger, Samuel
Berlusconi, Silvio
Berry, Greg
Bevin-Sforza Plan
Bey, Husni
Biden, Joseph
Bilnour, Jamal
bin Abdulaziz, Khalid (King, Saudi Arabia)
bin Laden, Osama
bin Lamin, Mohammed
bin Nayef, Mohammed
bin Qummu, Abu Sofiyan
Black, Cofer
Black, Robert
Black Dog Parable (Neihoum)
Black Hawk Down
Blair, Cherie
Blair, Tony
Boehner, John
Bolton, John
Bombings, postrevolution
Bouazizi, Mohamed, immolation of
Bourguiba, Habib
Bouri, Wahbi
Bouri oil fields
Bourwaq, Abdel Fattah
Bouteflika, Abdelaziz
Bowen, Wyn
Boycott, of Israel, Arab League and
Brega, oil and
Brennan, John
British Gas, contract irregularities and
British Petroleum
Brookings Institute
Browne, John
Bu Attifel, oil fields in
Bugaighis, Laila
Bukhres, Omran
Bulgarian medics, arrest and imprisonment
Bunker Hunt (oil)
Buraq Air
Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR)
Burke, Edmund
Burns, William J.
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Business, difficulties of foreign in Libya
Byzantine invasions of Libya
Cain, Herman
Calderoli, Roberto
Calderón, Felipe, on Gaddafi
Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA)
Cameron, David
Carnegie Endowment
Carter, Jimmy
Case for Democracy, The
Cease-fires, attempted
Cecil, Charles
Center for Democratic Studies
Center for Global Studies of the Green Book
Center for North African Studies
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Central African Republic
Central Bank
Centralization, difficulties of
Aouzou strip and
Libyan action against
Charif, Khaled
Charles, Sandra
Chávez, Hugo
Cheney, Dick
Cheney, Liz
Chervenyashka, Valya
Chess, challenge to Gaddafi
Chevron Oil
Chevron Texaco
stance on Libya
support for Syria
Chorin, Ethan
Abdelhakim Belhaj and
in rendition
torture and
Citi Group, Commodity Research
Civil war
attacks on
protection of.
See also
Responsibility to Protect doctrine
snipers firing on
Clarks, Ken
Clinton, Bill, African mediation and
Clinton, Hillary
Coca-Cola wars, Gaddafi family and
Coleman, Norm
Collective punishment
Colonialism, in Libya
Commerce, reform through
Commercial activists
Commercial reform
Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
Community of Sahelo-Saharan States (SEN-SAD)
Conoco Oil
Constitution, new, reform and
Constitutional assembly, preparing for
Constitutional Declaration
Constitutional Monarchy, of Libya
Continental Oil
Control Risk Group
Coordination Committee of the Families of the Victims (Abu Selim)
Corporate lobbying
Corporations, role in US foreign policy
Corruption, in oil exploration
Counter coup
Counterterrorism rendition and
counter coup
against Gaddafi, 1975
Gaddafi's 1969
Libyan-backed, Nigerian president Seyni Kountché
Crete, Greeks in
Cretz, Gene
Wikileaks scandal and
Crime, postliberation
Crimes against humanity
Cultural Revolution
Cultural rights, Berbers
destruction of structures of
Tripoli International Fair and
Curtailment rate, of USLO diplomats
Cyberpropaganda campaigns
Cyrenaica, Libyan province
Cyrene, Greek outpost
Daley, Bill
Dao, Mansour
Davies, Howard
Day of Rage
Deauville Partnership
Decentralization strategy
Declaration of the Establishment of the Authority of the People
Defections, initial
Democratic Republic of Congo
Demonstrations, 1975, anti-Gaddafi
Department of Defense, human rights, Libya and
Development, exploration, and production-sharing agreements
Diplomacy, failed mediations
Diplomatic notes
Diplomatic strategies
Direct Democracy
Djaziri, Moncef
Djerejian, Edward
Dorda, Buzaid
Dorril, Stephen
Dow Chemical
(French military journal)
Eagleton, William
Eaton, William
Economic reconstruction, conference
Economist, The
Economy, Libya
foreign business in Libya
Education, Libyan intellectuals
Great Britain in
Muslim Brotherhood in, post uprising
population of
rendition policies of
US hesitation in support
Ehrman, William
Eisenhower Doctrine
El Baradei, Mohammed, IAEA (quotes)
El Dib, Kama
Libyan intervention as issue
National Assembly
postrevolutionary, Libya
el Hamidi, Khouildi
el Hariri, Omar, NTC and
el Harroubi, Mustapha, RCC
El Houni, Abdelmonem, RCC
el Libi, Anas
el Muhayshi, Omar
el Nimeri, Jafar
EU against Libya
UN arms, 1992-2003
US against Libya, 1982
See also
Employment, postrevolution in Libya
Enemy combatants
Environment General Authority, of Libya

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