Facing Me (11 page)

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Authors: Cat Mason

BOOK: Facing Me
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“Aiden?” Camaron
whispers softly. “Are you okay?”

Taking one more
deep breath, I pull back meeting my blue fire.  Cam’s eyes are a
stunningly blue.  They are like a fire that is burning too hot, scorching
me with every look.

‘Blue flames
ignite me…

I want to burn…’

The unfinished
lyrics I’ve written echo on endless repeat in my head; but I manage to nod and
walk out of the hotel holding her hand in mine.  I don’t watch the roads,
highway exits, or the street signs on the way out of town.  The entire
ride to the studio Abby has on her farm, I’m drowning in Cam.  What I do
notice is every swipe of my thumb over the pulse point on her wrist, and the
way she melts against me when I wrap my arm around her.  I haven’t prayed
since I was a kid hiding in a fucking closet, begging God and anyone who could
hear me to make him leave and never come back.  Eventually I gave up, just
stopped asking, but right now I send up a prayer promising whoever is listening
anything they want if I never have to give this up.




Aiden’s fingers
absentmindedly thump against my arm the entire ride out of town.  I soak
up his rhythm, an erotic song on my skin, while everyone around us chatters
excitedly about recording in a studio.  When he walked up and dove into my
neck without a word, I was shocked.  Aiden never exposes himself, but in
that moment I felt his vulnerability, his need for me.  Only me.  I
don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see someone so exposed in my life. 
He gave me a piece of himself in the lobby, and is giving me more and more
now.  Something is changing in him, knowing what he has done in my absence
hurts, but I remind myself that this is something one of those bitches could
never give him.  He takes comfort from me, solace, allowing me to be a
soft place for him to fall.  I want to know what happened in the half hour
we were apart; however, I’ll wait.  Right now, this just feels too right
to ruin with uncomfortable conversation. 

The atmosphere
in the S.U.V. changes the minute Henry turns off the engine.  It’s no
longer calm and casual, it’s anxious and adrenaline filled.  The guys are
itching to get in there and do their stuff.  Aiden only releases me long
enough to step out of the vehicle then pulls me against him again.  Abby
and Jameson come walking out of the house, meeting us in the yard. 
Jameson is holding a little girl to his chest, and a little girl is running
along behind them, dragging a wagon full of stuff behind her.

“You guys ready
to lay some track?” Abby asks, rubbing her hands together.

“Hell yeah!”
Hunter shouts, walking up behind us with his bass. “We were born ready.”

“Good.” She says
with a grin. “No more bullshit, check it at the door.  It’s time to get to
work, recording as much as we can before you go back on the road Monday.”

“Hi, I’m
Izzy.  Aunt Tuesday says we can play outside.” The little girl says,
looking up at me.  At the mention of Tuesday’s name, Hunter shudders a
bit, making me wonder what happened between them to make him so nervous. 
He clutches his guitar case protectively in front of his body when a woman, who
I assume is Tuesday, walks outside, making me stifle a giggle.  I’ve never
seen Hunter so nervous around a woman before. “Do you want to play with us?”

I glance over at
Daisy, desperate for help, because the adorable blonde in front of me wants an
answer, but she is staring all dreamy-eyed at the little girl in Jameson’s
arms.  The pregnant bitch has totally caught baby fever. 
Earth to
Daisy?  I don’t know how to handle the little people!
  The little
girl just stares up at me waiting for my answer. “Yes, Camaron will play
anything you want.” Aiden answers for me before pressing a kiss to my forehead.
“She’s all yours until we’re done in the studio.”

She takes my
hand and pulls me with her.  Abby shakes her head with a little laugh,
then they all walk down to the studio.  My free hand reaches back yanking
Daisy along with me. “Come on Preggers, you’re coming too.”

Izzy sits us at
an outdoor table, handing us each a handful of Barbie clothes, shoes, and
accessories that I don’t even own in real life. “Seriously, why does she need
headbands?  I mean, they don’t even stay in.” I grumble at the naked doll,
making Daisy laugh.

pretending, Camaron; she can go shopping and buy them.” Izzy says, as if I am a
complete moron.  How the hell are kids so damn smart?  I mean,
seriously, little three foot geniuses who absorb everything like a freaking

“Yeah, Cam, use
your imagination.” Daisy huffs playfully.

I pin Daisy with
a glare, since cussing her out in front of Izzy wouldn’t be the best idea.
“Izzy, can I have the green shoes?  They match this outfit better.”

She looks up
with wide blue eyes and smiles bright, “Nope.”  

Daisy just laughs,
those are green Cam.” She teases, when Tuesday flops into
the chair next to us with the baby in her arms. 

“They’ll be at
it most of the day.  Here you go, Sophia, play with the toys.” She says,
steadying the baby onto her feet, next to the wagon.  Sophia looks up at
with a scattered tooth grin, making Daisy’s eyes go misty. 

“Aren’t you the
most adorable little lady?” Daisy coos to her, handing her a doll from the

ladies and lawn gnomes, she’s got baby fever.  Please keep that crap away
from me, I’ve been vaccinated.” I tease.  Daisy rolls her eyes, but
Tuesday chuckles.   

“Where is Luke
and Chase today, Cam?” Daisy asks, from her spot on the ground where Sophia has
now plopped into her lap.

“Seeing the sights
of Nashville, or something, I guess.  I told them we would be busy all
day; that I would see them tonight.” I answer, trying not to remember my talk
with Luke when I went to change after staying the night with Aiden.  He
was far from happy and let me know how concerned he is about Aiden’s behavior
last night. “We had a disagreement this morning when I came in to change.” I
say, before clapping a hand over my mouth. 
Shit!  Too late to
take that back now Cam.

Daisy eyes
brighten; her smile spreading to fucking vivid HD MAX. 
Smug Bitch.
“Oh, I knew it!  I’m so happy Cam!”  She claps her hands together
making Sophia mimic her. “Everything’s back as it should be.”

“No, it isn’t.”
I snap out, carefully. “I don’t wanna go back to that, Daisy, neither does
Aiden.  There’s a lot for us to talk about without everyone’s two cents,
Sweets.  You and Gray went off and got married without anyone’s help or
opinions, didn’t you?   I think, at the very least, Aiden and I can
figure out whatever this is while you focus on baking that baby.”

“I know
that.  Jeez, Gray and I will never live down not telling you guys first,
will we?” She asks, rolling her eyes.

“Probably not,
but feel free to try.  I do like shoes.” I say, turning to Tuesday. “So,
what happened with Hunter?  He seems scared of you.  I like that, a
lot.” I tease, leaning my hands on the table.

The next few
hours consist of baby crazy Daisy playing with Sophia and Izzy, while Tuesday
lets me in on the details of her multiple attacks to Hunter’s crotch while he
was in full-blown Cunter mode.  I hear about all the drama with Jackson
and Aiden beating him stupid in the hallway before the show in front of
everyone. “I mean he totally deserved it.” Tuesday explains, “
damn if he would’ve kept going…” She shudders. “It
wouldn’t have been pretty, that’s for sure.  Does he go all ‘loose cannon’
like that a lot?”

“No.  Aiden
is the most controlled person I’ve ever known.  Honestly, Hunter is the
most trouble.” I answer, shocked that Aiden is who she is concerned with. 
I mean she has met Hunter right?

“Well, they’re
our problem.   If they pull any shit, it’s up to us to deal with it.”
She says, gesturing between us. “That’s why I ask.  We have to keep them
in line, but I’m sure you’ll do just fine with that.”  I nod, just as the
guys all head toward us.

“I say we could
totally be a boy band.” Hunter suggests, “I mean, other than the fact that I’m
the only pretty one, and, well, I am the only one that can dance…” He shrugs,
looking at Abby. “Cam already made me a costume, plus I already have a kick ass
name.” Hunter jumps up on top of a bench and throws out his hands. “We could be
the Shaft Street Boys.” He sings out, shaking his ass on the bench.

Aiden yanks Hunter’s
knee, making him fall to his back on the grass. “Stupid ass, what would our
first hit be?  ‘
As Long As You Suck Me’
?” Walking over, Aiden leans
down and kisses the top of my head. “Besides, I don’t wear skinny jeans
asshole.  That’s like wrappin’ an anaconda in saran wrap; my snake needs
plenty of room to breathe.”

Hunter fumbles
up from the ground, waggling his brows, “So, Cam’s a snake charmer?  I’d
love to watch her blow on

Cunter, I may have to enforce a bacon ban while on the bus.” I say, standing up
from my seat. 

Hunter leaps
over the bench, walking over to me calmly with an enormous smirk. “I’d inform
you how good eating the
meat is for your well-being, sweetheart,
but I’d like to keep my screw attached to the driver, if you catch my drift.”
He chuckles. “Don’t fuck with my bacon, and I won’t be a problem.  It’s a
great compromise.” Turning to Abby, he blows her a kiss, “It’s been real,
Red.  Catch ya tomorrow.” He tosses out, then heads for the front of the house.

“Come on Daisy.”
Gray says when Jameson lifts a sleeping Sophia off of her lap. “I think you’ve
had enough practice today.”

“She was wrapped
up in baby fever all day long Grayson.  You’re so screwed.” Tuesday
teases.  Gray smiles and rolls his eyes, grabbing Daisy’s hand he lifts
her to her feet.

“Oh, that’s
right, you’re pregnant.” Abby says looking at Daisy. “We can get the schedule
tacked out so that you’ll have free time around you’re due date.  We’ll
have you record new stuff for another album then.” Looking at Aiden she grins,
“That means that jumbled shit in your head better make sense by then.”

“Won’t be a
problem,” Aiden replies.  Grabbing my hand he starts in the direction
Hunter went. “We’ll see ya.”

Taking two steps
for every one of his, I try to keep up with Aiden’s pace. “Is something wrong
with your counts?  You’re rhythm doesn’t get jumbled up.” The words come
out in a rush, his brown eyes snapping to mine in shock.

“There’s nothing
wrong with the percussion, Cam.” He says climbing into the backseat. “It’s the

“Lyrics,” I ask
curiously. “That’s Grayson’s thing isn’t it, honey?” 

isn’t that what we said too?” Hunter shouts, kicking his feet up on the

Aiden flips the
bird with one hand, while grabbing mine with the other. “There’s a lot you
don’t know about me, baby.  Time we fixed that.” He says, kissing my cheek
just as everyone climbs in, anxious to get back to the hotel.

Walking through
the lobby, I hear a man tell ‘Mr. Chesterfield’ his guest is expecting him as
requested.  After texting Chase, she informed me they were going to catch
a show somewhere before meeting us for dinner later. Leaving me free to have my
talk with Aiden before letting Luke know I won’t be coming back to Vegas with
them.  Henry and Hunter disappear into their room across the hall, leaving
Aiden and I alone.  Taking my hand, he kisses me sweetly. “Come on in, we
can talk.”

Aiden swipes the
card leading us into the room, and my heart stops dead in my chest.  On
the couch is a redhead, wearing nothing but a smile.  Aiden’s hand
tightens around mine, obviously sensing my shock, but not her.  She just
stands and moves towards us.  Suddenly, I can’t breathe.  Rage
absorbing my vision, my head is spinning and all I see is her touching Aiden in
my mind.  Visions of them in bed together flood my mind, making me
crazy.  The words from the man downstairs hitting me in the face with a
slap, ‘
Mr. Chesterfield, your guest is expecting you, just as requested
Son of a bitch!  Yanking my hand from Aiden’s, my fist collides with her
jaw, sending her clattering to the floor.  Choking on sobs, she mumbles
something about Henry, which has to be a lie.  Why would Henry call for a
pussy delivery for Aiden?  Ignoring her, I grab a handful of red hair and
jerk her to her feet so that our eyes meet. “You groupie whore, did think you
can just walk in and take what isn’t
?” My hand slaps across her
face hard making her whimper, “Get the fuck out!”

“Cam, stop it!”
Aiden yells, suddenly reminding me that he was standing there.  Running
over, he scoops up her clothes from the floor, handing them to her.  My
anger turns full force on him, I’m about to beat the shit out of both of them
and walk the hell out.  Why the hell is he protecting her?  How dare
he be worried about this bitch when he says how much he fucking needs
“She’s telling the truth.  Katheryn, this is the
wrong room.  Henry stays with Hunter; they’re across the hall.” He
explains, helping steady her feet.  

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